Tl;wr Tips for a beginner

tl;wr Tips for a beginner

Hey guys so I am a newfag to Veeky Forums and Tabletop in general. My girlfriend used to be big into it but stopped a few years back, after a severe injury, I'm not able to do much physically, so I've decided to look into it. I'm really dedicated to learning the systems, and the game and i know getting started is considered the hardest part. I watched some counter-monkey and talked to some people who do it, as well as torrented all known materials of GURPS; D&D5E, 4E; Cyberpunk 2020, etc. I'm willing to throw money at it, but fuck Warhammer40K, it looks dope but way too pricey if im unsure.

>inb4 newfaggotry
>inb4 Veeky Forums

>Does Veeky Forums have any tips for a beginner?

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How limiting is your injury? Are you planning on doing this kind of thing IRL at all? Are you restricted to the home, or can you get out and about relatively easily?

The classic way to start is to look for local groups who are interested in this kind of thing, but if that isn't an option online games are also extremely prolific- Although they have their own downsides and finding reliable, enjoyable games can take a while.


thnx user, my injury limits me to anything short of rolling dice in one arm, and anything short of driving with the other. Can't stay out for more than 6-8 hours before i need to lay down or pass out.

I plan on it being three times weekly at most.

Well for starters, you're going to need a group (for RPGs like D&D or GURPS or for boardgames) or a community (for competitive games like wargames or TCGs). If you have some friends that're down for playing, bam, you've got a group; similarly, a busy gaming store in your area will give you a community (plus a pool to draw from to make/expand your group or a way to join an existing group).

If you end up joining an existing group or your FLGS has one really strong non-toxic community, bully for you, you're playing what they're playing


its just me and my girl as far as that goes. I assume 4 people is the standard for most tabletops?

>3 times weekly
Most games are weekly or monthly. That'd be 3 campaigns. Remember you're expected to play for a few hours consecutively so that may be a bit much

If having to physically go somewhere is an inconvenience you can just look for a group on roll20. There's a lot of horror stories but the really bad campaigns usually scream awfulness long before you even apply

Goddamn, that sucks user. My sympathy, and I hope things improve as much and as swiftly as they can.

I'd say look around for local groups, but also do some searching for online games.

The trick to online games is not getting too invested in the ones you initially find- Pick up games online tend to not last long, have flakey GMs/players and attract the sort of people who can't retain a long term roleplaying group.

However, don't lose hope. You're not approaching pick up games for the game itself (although you can get lucky and find a good one), it's all about networking.

Making friends, getting to know people, finding people who share your preferences and such is the key to establishing a network of people who you can reliably enjoy good times with. It can take a while, multiple months in some cases, but as someone whose been gaming with the same online circle for... God, over a decade now, it's worth it.

checkd, and yeah it blows, I OD'd on some drugs and it got me messed up.

There is a local place that does it, I just wasn't sure about like, how any of it worked, I guessed. Appreciate it

Yeah I figured they'd be once a week.

You can play "solo" with one player and one person running the game, if you need to. I actually like solo games a lot personally.

You could even use the Mythic GM Emulator and both be players in the game, with the GM emulator (combimed with input from you and your SO) filling the role of the game master.

Is online inferior compared to in-person?

I'll look into Solo games, definitely

There's more opportunities for socialization if you're all in person. You can share snacks, bring props and stuff. It generally creates a more intimate atmosphere.

Also: Really bad players tend to be bad at socializing in general, so the slightly higher barrier of entry for a physical game tends to weed out a lot of the really bad players. Don't expect miracles, though

Makes sense, this board is as nice as /po/

Don't believe anything you read here, get a beginner box of something that looks cool, and do it.

Also, lurk moar.

They're very different experiences.

I actually have come to prefer online games. It's a bit slower, but that means you can choose your words and write dialogue and descriptions in more detail (although not too much, you don't want to keep people waiting.)

And the best thing about online games? Logs. Holy crap having logs of everything is the most amazing resource for both players and GMs.

>Makes sense, this board is as nice as /po/

That's why we both get to post PDFs

As says, you can absolutely play a one-on-one campaign. Some of the best times I've had role-gaming has been one-on-one. But you have to really click for it to work. Having a good, close personal relationship with the other person helps, but a lot hinges upon your role-playing dynamic. You have to have the right sort of energy and play off of each other. The player needs to be very committed and active, since there's not anybody else to play off of. And the GM needs to be able to be more in-depth and personal. That comes naturally to me, but some GMs are more about setting things up and standing back while the players' interactions fill up the game, which obviously doesn't work very well.

So most of my experiences with one-on-one play end up being somewhat lackluster. There's no pizzazz, and the games just fizzle out. The personalities of the people involved in a game always matter, but when you have a more typical group with 3 or 4 players and a GM, there's a bit more leeway.

>Tips for a beginner
Obviously, you need other people to play with, which can limit your options, but as much as possible start out light. This is a bit less important as a player than a GM, but it still applies. You don't need a hugely sophisticated game with a ton of options when you're still trying to learn the basics of how to role-play.

This is great, saved

About your condition and having to rest, as long as you're with good friends it won't be a problem. I have a friend in one of my games that usually comes late because of his job and sometimes is sick or tired af, but he still comes to see his friends and sometimes takes a short rest on the couch. It's the time with friends that make a RL game worth it. As long as you're all having fun, it doesn't matter if it's D&D or GURPS or Vampire.

Depends on who you're playing with.

A table with good friends is usually more fun in-person, because it's basically a hangout with dice. If playing with strangers or people you're not close to, it's kinda the same, plus if you're timid you won't have to look people in the eye while roleplaying, which is an easier way to get used to roleplaying.