Warhammer Fantasy General

Fantasy General: John Blanche (our spiritual liege) Edition.

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Kindly no End Times or Age of Sigmar. If that is your cup of tea, please go elsewhere, especially if you're just going to shill or troll. For all intents and purposes, it's not the same universe.


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mediafire.com/download/i330182xo9b1hsi/Rulebook (Hardback).pdf

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Blanche is a really poor artist, in my opinion, but that picture isn't so bad.

How do I run WFRP2 to be more cheerful?

I need something like Ciaphas Cain, but for WFRP. Something that would turn all the bleak and danger into a little bit of blackish humour.

I love Blanche. I think if one man encapsulates the tone of Warhammer, it's him.

Sometimes another artist will reimagine one of his designs, and I'll prefer that, but Blanche always sets the right tone for them.

Wouldn't that fall onto your players? You set the bleak and dangerous world but they can try and play it off with a joke or an attitude that won't let the world get to them, at least on the surface.

I suppose you could use NPCs for the same job but I wouldn't recommend over doing it. Like a guy whose job it is to clear the gallows remarking that he wish it were him hanging from the rope so he could get away from his wife. Every once in a while so that the tone isn't completely dark or depressing, similar to how Law & Order: SVU injected its humour.

I think he's better at backgrounds, landscapes, etc, than people and monsters. Spoopy lands seems to agree with him better.

Blanche's style is very distinct, and has two modes:

1: Classic early fantasy airbrushed on the side of a van

2: Legitimately looks like something Albrecht Dürer or Hieronymus Bosch (his two greatest influences) would draw.

He helped make Warhammer unique.

Watch go watch the first two seasons of Black Adder.


Thats MacDeth!

> MacWizard now.

Looking at his influences, he's really carved his own path.

There is a documentary comming soon to Netflix called "Hieronymus Bosch, Touched by the Devil". If im not mistaken, this may be the one that has Blanche talking about him.

His little marginals along the edges and smattered around the 6thEd and mordheim rulebooks reall set it for me

This is more focusing on 40k and the inspiration for his art, rather than the art itself, but it's still interesting to hear tidbits about how he works.



Someone asked what a skaven city looks like.

Guys remember to join the fray! If we win, we get Vlad's Waifu for free!


>Kurt Wilhelm, loyal friend and henchman. Will be greatly missed...
>Count Gruber welcomes his new henchman Kurt Wilhelm to his retinue.

Not sure what the 'Your End is Upon You' is about. Who are the 'Lords?'

> Edwardian Drawing board.

That's a posh name for a school desk, I had one like that.

Sounds like it was an actual antique desk.


I'll have to reread the town cryer's, because they literally alluded to, and continued the in-world story from the "classifieds" in the next issue.

Back when GW gave a damn.

I feel like Blanche brings a fantastic classical look to the franchise. His distinct style and sometimes "off" perspectives of the battles gives it a feel similar to medieval art. And his hectic style also fits the 40k setti.g i just feel like his art is everything i like about 40k

Oh fuck I have been made useless.

You have not been made obsolete.

You have been given the means of your own ascension.

Go forth and spread the Word of Blanche in glorious PDF.


>all this blanche wanking

Who is this artist? Their style is neat.

Do you have any PDFs, interviews, or resources available on their own style of illustration or miniature design/painting that we might drink of their wisdom and become better hobbyists?



> T. Jes Goodwin


how many of you guys are moving to kings of war?

Depends what you mean by 'moving'. I have KoW and I play it now and again but I just move between systems like KoW, 8th, 9th and some skirmish games.

unless I'm mistaken it's adrian smith

he's gud


Fucking wew lads.

I like Blanche, but prefer Ackland.

Here's the trinity of primary Warhammer artists.

>John Blanche
Oldhammer covers and White Dwarf. Created the "feel" of the setting. Soft blending colors, emphasis on contrasts.
>Tony Ackland
Sketchy insanity. Literally designed, and still holds the rights to, almost all of the original Warhammer designs including all the original Daemons. The modern Daemons are GW changing his designs just enough to call it their own, similar to how proxy companies like Raging Heroes "Mantis Warriors" AKA not-Daemonettes work legally.
>Adrian Smith
Detail work intensive, created pieces inspired by the previous two but upping realism and adding in a Frank Frazetta feel.

Pic related is an example of a Blanche.

Here's an Ackland.

Finally here's a Smith.

Who's the guy who does these? There's usually a few in each of the 8th edition books. They always have this pastel wash to them. I quite like them.

Dave Gallagher.

Thank you for that. I do love the artists and try to emulate their styles or take inspiration from them for my own projects.

Of course, I work with AdMech in 40k rather than Fantasy, but I do love the artwork and especially love it when the artists work with the miniatures.


Dave Gallagher.

Basically the guy who just draws the models, not the one who inspires them to be made.

He didn't set the tone to anything, but he's pretty important since he's been there since fucking third edition Fantasy I think.

I love the look of those picks. I love how Warhammer was never afraid to overuse slightly stupid or niche weaponry.

Chaos worshippers paying for paper space to shitpost


I have wanted to get into fantasy for a long time but one sour experience ruined it for me.
>I was only about 11 or 12 and I went to an introductory fantasy event at a local game store with a friend since we were both interested in the game. There were about 12 people there and the event organizer (and owner of the store) said that it would be 2v2, 2 experienced players per team (some of whom seemed to live at the store) and 2 novices. The store had a few nicely painted armies to choose from and I chose the lizardmen and my friend chose chaos, we were pretty excited about being able to go head to head with these really well painted armies. Me and my friend got paired up with the owner and some other experienced guy who seemed to be a good friend of the owners. They said that the full painted armies were about 2500pts and we would only be playing 1000pts so we would have to make armies from the pieces. They gave us each a codex to use (the lizardman one was torn up with some sort of liquid stains all over it) and said "make your armies" without another word of advice. Me and my friend quickly realized that it would be me and him vs the owner and his friend, we didnt object (although we wanted to). Making the armies seemed fairly straight forward and we both came up with a little list, mine was lead by a skink priest (i like skinks) and my friends some sort of big demon (idk the name). We rolled some die and setup our pieces. "Dont worry we will go easy on you and teach you" the owner said before starting his first turn (i think they won priority or something, i think we also did channeling magic or something but it didnt matter). On the first turn the owner who was the Empire shot a cannon at my skink priest and killed him in one hit. "Thats why you have to put it in a squad and further away!" (i think I had the skink priest as a skirmisher).

Sigmarine's go way back, huh?

The game went on like that until they won without any real loses, each time they made a move killing a unit they would say "thats why you dont do X". Not once did they give us advice as we were doing something, even when we asked a basic question they would keep it vague (unless it was a"what do I need to roll" question), they only gave us advice about "what not to do" after they punished us for making those mistakes. Overall it was miserable and I never went back to that hobby store. Me and my friend never played fantasy again, although we did get into 40k later. So I still have this sour taste in my mouth when I think of this game but I still really like the look of the lizardmen, are they a good army? Is fantasy worth getting into if I have no friends that play? (I have 3 hobby shops near me though). Whats a good starter lizardman army?
Thanks in advance Veeky Forums

Yeah he tends to just take the designs and do a nice clean representation of them. Still he's a venerable old name in Warhammer.

Also we should have added Jes Goodwin. Didn't he design most of the Elven stuff?

Yep. I don't know enough about 40k to say for sure, but given that David only did art for existing models/characters and that piece long predates Blanche's Sigmarine concept art that Sigmarines are Oldhammer 40k.

I can't find a good list of Warhammer Fantasy artists, but there's a list of artists who have worked on 40k and basically everyone at GW pulls double duty.


Also, this DG art is fucking amazing.

> Wearing plate armour on a ship.

I also like the one with the Nurgle Captain on, I think it was part of Sea of Blood.

Goodwin had more direct design on models than the other GW artists, and worked on most factions in both Warhammers at one point. His actual art itself for supplements is pretty interchangeable with Blanche's and strangely enough tends to be of things that never got models at all. That may be why they avoid putting anything of his in anything.

Sounds like he was trying to push you into making your own decisions instead of telling you what to do. It's much more rewarding when you come to an answer on your own, even if you did have a bit of prodding. Unless he was talking like a stereotypical neckbeard berating the casuals for daring to contemplate entering his beloved hobby, but somehow I doubt that. I'm disappointed that you let it get to you, sometimes a little failure goes a long way. I'm sure you and your friend would have had a lot of fun anyway. It was the same with me when I first got into the hobby, I had no idea what I was doing and me and my brother would basically make things up as we went along. Later on when I found a real group we learned the rules together.

I wasn't serious, just saying that Sigmarines can't even pull off their own golden warrior shtick.

Dwarf and Elf ships are basically floating cities. Hell, its canon that the Elves of Cothique use cavalry charges aboard their ships and somehow use Silver Helms in boarding.

> Quitting a game after a loss.

I mean, not to be a dickhead but I think wargaming in general may not be for you.

I feel like we need a good GW artist comparison chart. Using 40k since its a bit easier to find.

Anyone important missing?

Paul Dainton, Karl Kopinski, Paul Bonner.

Me and my friend got into 40k after and we enjoyed it thoroughly.
It wasnt so much the loss, it was mostly the combination of not knowing the rules, them not explaining what any of the models do, them not pointing out if we could have done something additional/different, and the they seemed to be trying really hard, they both ganged up on the right side of the board (my side) first and swept our field.

Who else?

I think I like Ackland's art so much because its so damn grotesque. To me, THIS is Chaos. Not superhuge roidrage Darth Vaders, its insane and disturbing monsters that look like whatever mutated them is contagious and they'll be halfway through ripping you in half when you turn into one of them.

This is a Warrior Of Chaos, not a warrior who worships Chaos.



I know the artist made sculpts of these. I was on the kickstarter for them. Still waiting on the Malice daemon, though.

Geoff Taylor, Wayne England, Ian Miller.

Thats fucking neckbeardy bullshit. I am sorry user.

That was how it was done for thousands of years, and doesn't go away until the later 17thC IRL, when the proliferation of firearms phase it out in general.

Basically, warships had cannon and bows/guns to help clear the deck until the made contact, and then it was more conventional. Like two floating siege towers.


I remember trying to get into Warhammer and early on here on Veeky Forums an user posted a story about an epic That Guy that had a Nurgle army and smelled like a Plaguebearer who would cheat badly and leave an ungodly stink anywhere he went.

What about this artist who does Forge World stuff?

Give me a name and I'll add them, don't know the extended artist roster myself. I only knew the ones on the top.

Actually, name a bunch and I'll make a bigger chart in like 20 hours. Then maybe do a Fantasy version.

Gee, I even wonder where the name comes from.

That's Karl Kopinski, but he hasn't done any FW stuff in a while.

Who makes that digital garbage AoS art?

They've got quite a few freelancers handling all the AoS art. Can't remember any names, most of them are forgettable and interchangeable anyway.

I like Blanche's smear art better in black and white. It just looks like shit in colour.

No, that's some shitty goblin favela. Skaven cities look like Victorian slums.

Eldar stuff? Mate, he created the iconic Space Marine look. I'm not even mentioning his lesser creations like Skaven or Necrons.

I like all of them but Smith is my favorite.

Now THIS is Chaos.

It's not too obvious in that one, but has anyone noticed that Adrian has a habit of making his male characters look like Neanderthals? I think he sometimes over-renders the faces a bit, especially if they're meant to be barbarians or warriors.

He's kind of the opposite of David Gallagher in that regard. Dace's faces were getting over-simple to the point of cartoonishness in the mid-to-late 2000s.


I think Blanche is been better at ideas than execution, really. His properly rendered stuff had that 1970s-80s sword-and-sorcery style to it, but even then, he tended to have issues with perspective and proportions.

You could argue it's his thing, but it still doesn't change it.

Definitely. His modern pieces look cool in that out-there sort of way the first few times you see them in colour, and then you just start wishing he'd use colours other than red, yellow, brown, and reddy yellow-brown.

He sometimes does some surprisingly refined "splatter" pieces, but he's usually more oriented towards getting an idea across rather than presenting it in a polished way.

He sure doesn't try to make good looking faces. I remember some of his art in which human peasants or low-tier soldiers looked like zombies to me.

>Sea Monsters
>Flying machines
I have to play man o' war now.

>no Karl

Play Dreadfleet

>still no Warhammer Fantasy cRPG

>Basically the guy who just draws the models, not the one who inspires them to be made.
>He didn't set the tone to anything

That's not fair, dude has some creative ideas.


Why didn't they turn these sketches into Tzeentchian Blightkings? They had the perfect opportunity! WHY?

Excellent thread!

Who's the artist that used to draw those excellent old school orks? A little bit cartoony. That era where orks wore trenchcoats and officer's caps. Kinda humerus.

Paul Bonner and Mark Gibbons.
>big breasted elven heroes never

>>big breasted elven
That's a good thing, though.

>mfw seeing how some of the artists like Bonner and Smith have progressed rediculously while some just stagnated

>implying they don't have large chests

Looks like the WIP thread has gone, So here's my progress on my Stirland Greatswords

Freehanding is hard

As far as I can tell, no. It just seems to be a thing with this artist. Maybe Morathi, but I don't know if the description is compared to other elves or also to humans.