Have you ever played a campaign which resulted in a PC crying?

Have you ever played a campaign which resulted in a PC crying?

Yes. Among many bad things, her baby died.

I spread and sold nude pictures of a PC in public, destroying her honor. She then kills my character. worth it.


A few times. Had a few players cry too.

That's nothing. I've played in a camapign which resulted in the players crying.

I have run games that resulted in players crying for both good reasons and bad. Its actually a really satisfying thing, as a GM, when people cry happy tears about something that happened in game. Less so when the sad or frustrated tears come out.

I've had one. It was a standard fantasy game, but the PCs had to deal with an apocalyptic cult. The thing about the cult was that they raised most of their followers from birth, making them completely loyal.

What happened was that one of the PCs clashed a few times with this young Blackguard who was indoctrinated by the cult. His whole goal in life was to summon his dark masters, even though that would be of no real benefit to him - they'd all die, and probably in agony.

The thing was, the guy was just a kid. He was around 16. He just did whatever his masters told him to do. In the final confrontation, the PC talked him down from the summoning ritual, but he just sort of looked down at the artifact he was holding and went:

> "But what other purpose does my life serve?"

and made a half-hearted attempt to complete the ritual before he was killed by a well-placed Magic Missile.

He basically committed suicide by cop, because he didn't want to go on and couldn't imagine any other way to live.

For some reason, that made the girl break down in tears.

no copies survive. It was crude drawings comparable to that of something made by a pre-schooler.

Wow user, how epic. That totally makes up for her not sleeping with you :^)

My preteen tiefling rogue was blinded, deafened and sickened for a span of hours only 20 minutes into the first session she was apart of.

she curled up against a cave wall and quietly cried until the conditions let up. it was not her day

Ouch... dude....

That's top notch.

We once ran into some hallucinogenic spores in a forest and my cleric failed the save. He saw his god appear before him and sat with him. My cleric confessed that he was unsure if he was really having an impact and was scared that he was failing to live up to his station. His god placed a hand on his shoulder and said that my cleric was doing his best and that was admirable. My cleric broke down into tears, sitting there in that forest next to no one.

It would've been a really heavy scene if there wasn't an NPC, who also failed the save, going nuts in the background.

Yes. Hot angry tears shed in rage and despair after his brother died in a siege; he then went all God of War on the creatures that killed his brother, almost dying himself.
It was pretty damn cool, and a fun time. I was lucky to have such enthusiastic players.

If you meant player: not that I know of, but when roleplaying an NPC who was under the thumb of The Purple Man it got too raw for a player I didn't know had grown up in a reaaally bad household as a family (and I'll say no more about his situation).
We took a little break, he went for a short walk, and we were all good.

>as a family
I don't know where my head is at. I think I meant "as a kid" but that still doesn't make that make sense.

>Player's dragonborn PC finally encountered her draconic parents she'd been searching for. It turns out her birth was a cause of shame to them and they now openly despised her, which was why they orphaned her in the first place
>My oracle, who was normally a very quiet and slightly paranoid PC, had SERIOUS issues (and a lot of self-hatred) with being shamed for who she was in the past, proceeded to verbally tear the parents new assholes and swore the party would be a better family to the dragonborn than her family ever was.
>The entire party voiced agreement and the encounter devolved into a roasting session of the dragonborn's parents and what utter garbage they were until we finally left, swearing to never return
>The dragonborn's player was cry-smiling through all of this
>She admitted later that she didn't realize how invested she was emotionally in her character and was shocked at how supportive the party was
>Ended up hugging everyone after the session because of how much their RP had affected her

God I miss that fucking game

Yeah. I was running Exalted when the hard-bitten vigilante Night Caste wound up in Malfeas with the rest of the circle looking for her. Ligier yelled at her so hard that the player burst into tears.


>barbarian PC grew up without mother
>fantasized about mother being some incredible badass warrior who'd come back and personally train her
>realized she must have left PC to grow up alone and different from the others to make her tough, surely *now* she'll come back and train her
>realized mother was never coming back; hated her
>got over it
>eventually scabs over
>adventuring in foreign lands; get told she looks a lot like a native of this xenophobic, rabidly warring country a little over
>some bloodline magic suggests she's strongly related to a specific noble house
>grandmother turns out to be some legendary badass; mother turns out to be her disinherited daughter, a mere explorer and magician rather than conqueror and tyrant
>nobody knows of mother having any children
>find out that just because it's scarred over doesn't mean it doesn't hurt anymore, or that she doesn't care
>arrive in land, dick around, war starts
>reluctantly join [family]'s side because she'll be damned if anyone else gets to kill her family before she manages to extract an apology or one-up them
>[war], eventually arrive just in time to evacuate mother and her forces from a losing siege
>Mother gets a cabin on the party's ship, her servants are readily willing to obey the party but she hides in her room (and watches daughter)
>other PC forges a request for assistance from Daughter, sends it to mother
>Mother winds up saving other PC from shit; Daughter has to grudgingly and humiliatingly thank this woman she's hated for literal years
>continued avoidance, ignoring
>Mother's servants conspire with Daughter's servants to lock the two of them in the hold until they finally talk
>Mother and Daughter have fraught heart-to-heart eventually ending in tears and hugs for both of them

Unfortunately, the unhappy tears are a lot more common than the happy ones.

Thanks for reminding me, gotta watch it eventually.

One of my recent PCs did it a lot. Happy tears from finding true frindship, tears of pain, fear, despair and dreams being broken. And campaign isn't over yet.

If you count crocodile tears, yes.

>For some reason

Wait, the character or the player? What the fuck am I reading

I've cried at LARP a couple of times. Just got really into the character.

That's incredible.

Yes, she was raped to death by a sybian

The team pet sacrificed itself to save a PC, both the pet and the character where separated from the group

while he didn't die, it's condition was critical, and every once in a while he would stop breathing and needed to be woken up to make sure he didn't die

She cried when she couldn't hear the heartbeats, thinking he had passed away

apparently the experience was traumatic enough that she thinks it was just a nightmare when asked about it

My character flunked his rolls for the session so bad that the entire party snapped at him for being dead weight. Decided the best way out of that would to have a sniffling "Well, if that's how you really feel, I'll just leave then" exit.
Everything worked out in the end, at least until both GMs quit and we never had a solid game schedule again

>Character is the daughter of the village head
>Trained caster
>Character's first adventure ever
>Heading to a tomb to rekindle some fire or some shit for an important ritual of her town
>skeletons are in this tomb! Spooky!
>skeleton crits her
>GM pulls from the crit deck (I hate crit decks. This GM has killed 3 of my other characters with this goddamn deck bullshit)
>Her hand is fucking chopped off, preventing somatic components

After the rest of the party cleaned up the skeletons, the session ended with her crying a lot. She thought it would be all glory and honor, and she'd complete an important task for her village. Now she can't even cast. We were level 1, too, so no chance at having the money necessary for a restoration spell to reattach the hand. That campaign actually died after that, so it never became an issue, though. Fuck crit decks.

One of my players was playing a paladin, she had a pretty big emphasis on protecting children and the innocent (she was unable to bear children of her own). The party ended up finding a group of orphans in this city being ravaged by undead. She insists that they have to save them.

One of the orphans in particular was weaker than the others. Sort of a "Tiny Tim" kinda kid. Kept having to rely on the other orphans. There was a point where the party and the children were pinned down by undead and were forced into an alley. Tiny Tim tries to help the party defend the other orphans against the undead using his crutch.

A few rolls later, and surprisingly, Tim has succeeded. We were all pretty shocked, even me as the GM. Paladin asked me through notes if there was anything special about the zombie slaying cripple. I decide to roll with it. Tiny Tim, despite being lame, is blessed with minor holy powers. His crutch functions as a +2 Holy Club.

Fast Forward a few sessions later, after the party had saved the children. They notice something had been following them for the entirety of the day. At camp, Tiny Tim ends up making his way slowly towards the party from the darkness. He explains to the paladin that he'd never felt so right before doing something like helping them save the orphans. The Paladin is overjoyed as I let her take Tiny Tim as a squire.

Tears of joy are a nice thing.

The character. OP said PC.

Thank you.

There's more details- Grandmother was a legendary badass, ruler, etc. Real hardass. Mother grew up under her and wound up so traumatized and terrified of her mother that even though she's a pretty top-notch caster, she waned nothing to do with her mother and her disinheritance is due to her disowning her mother, not vice versa.

Grandma appeared first as a big scary presence, spoken of with fear and loathing by everyone, and an inevitable foe when Daughter finally met up with her mother and mended bridges- though now that it's come down to it, Grandmother is every bit the ridiculous hardass everyone thinks she is, but Daughter is kind of on her wavelength and actually GETS her to greater degree than almost anyone else- which is kind of weird and fun and is causing Daughter so much distress because the one thing she wants more than even beating the BBEG who's working to destroy the world, is for mother and grandmother to get to the point where they can be in the same room without the very air igniting.

Most of the other tears involve losing or recovering friends, or stays in dungeons.

Nah, we pretty murderhobo. We just don't give a fuck about anything but the gold and glory

I was really, really expecting the second spoiler to be a murder.

My PC stepped on a lego once.

>group decides to R&R at a flesh tavern
>one PC, and oldish man whose world-weary attitude made him pity the girls and guys working there, wasn't comfy with it
>but the other guys and girls in the party convince him
>he gets merry from ale and mead
>decides he wants to fuck
>asks for the best girl there
>gives over a wad of gold
>taken to the back while the party is cheering him on
>introduced to the girl
>she lays him on the bed
>the silk-lace curtain wafts a bit as some big guy walks past, and behind him another girl follows
>old man gets a glimpse of her and she of him
>old man recognises her from some old triggered memory long since blurred by the inexorable march of time
>throws the girl off him and gets up to investigate
>sees the pearly-blonde haired girl disappear round a corner and through a doorway that looks rather ornate
>big guy is standing guard
>"can I talk to that girl?" asks the old feller
>"Itsy is busy, if you want her you're gonna have to come back later. she has a queue of customers waiting."
>old fellow accepts
>doesn't fuck the other girl in the end, but pretends he did to the group
>the leader of the party leaves to go get him some skin, "I like shortstacks and they recommended me this nice girl!" he says excitedly
>old guy, realising who he was talking about, follows
>convices the guard (with a natural 20 the lucky fuck) that it's a threesome planned with a "robbery ambush" style fetish session
>guard parts the curtain
>sees his friend and group leader balls deep in this beautiful short stack
>pulls him off, realising the girl is his daughter who was taken from him years ago in a plot of revenge
>breaks down when he tries to hug her but she screams for help from the guard
>she doesn't remember him

Daughter was half-expecting it.
Since momma had gone around telling everyone she had no child, and suddenly here was Daughter giving lie to that, she was half convinced Momma might try to kill her to keep her lie from being discovered. (Of course half of it was her being a bitter spiteful child, but to be fair...)

In reality, Mother had denied ever having a child because she didn't want Grandma to be tempted to track her down and inflict on her Daughter the same tender mercies Grandma had inflicted on her.

Take your questfag memes back to .

I had the surviving members of the party mourning the death of one PC.

Especially the PC that killed him while berserking.

Is your GM retarded? You only need one free hand to do Somatic components. Unless this is some strange system where you need to do Naruto hand gestures.

My wizard once broke down in tears after an ally died after a horribly unlucky fight against an Ooze. It wasn't mind-breaking sad, but this was the cleric who
>His entire purpose for adventuring was to find a way to revive his dead wife so that his daughter wouldn't have to be raised without a mother, like him
Why is that relevant?
Immediately after the GM fiat revive, we ran into a batshit crazy knife wielding girl, and my wizard basically suggestion-s her into a harmless state. Then, the cleric kills the girl.
My character, normally the jovial face of the party, didn't speak a word for the rest of the session, and most of the beginning of the next session.
I'm keeping one of the knives and I'm going to work it into my ritual(s)for when my necromancer wizard hits level 6, but I'm not sure how

Cleric who saved him a few times**

I am really satisfied when the players cry because something emotionally devastating happened in a way that didn't break immersion, it's so fucking difficult to pull off right, it only happens to all the players at the same time once every dozen or so times I try to pull it off. But, man, is it gratifying and builds the story and gives the characters so much more life.

I gotta give a bit of backstory for this.

A friend of mine Reid had a PC called "The great Gnome Alchemist Boomwise" in a game i was running. To date i've never ran a better character.

Reid used to roll a D20 every single time that Boomwise talked to anybody really. Including other members of the party. The worse the roll, the more bizarre/aloof/surreal/meta Boomwise's words were.

>Final fight facing BBEG and the stakes are high
>shit's fucked underground and a lich is putting out all the stops
>PC's backed up by a dead king's ghost cavalry smashing into a fat group of skeleton phalanx
>most of the party want to retreat
>Boomwise rolls a 3 to speak. "don't pussy out"
>The fighters nod their heads, everybody rolls with Boomwise in a daring push for the top of the ziggurat
>intensity levels skyrocketing
>at the top of the ziggurat Boomwise is fucking with potions, rolling 1's for speech and autistically screaming.
>BBEG starts his "you cannot stop me, no bones" kinda spiel, ghost cavalry almost depleted and party almost dead.
>Boomwise turns to our Tiefling Paladin and rolls a 19 to speak.

"ashes to ashes, dust to dust, i'll go out with a boom, lookin' at that bust"

>Boomwise gate scrolls the party out to a dogshit town and pours a final potion into his brew, creating a perpetual nuclear reaction.
>a miniature sun.

I think everybody in the party took turns crying, even in meatspace.