Ok, first the existing party and their roles:
>Combat role: Offensive Melee Combatant
>Skills: Little bit of face skills, handful of knowledge skills, survival, spellcraft
>Combat Role: Offensive Caster/Melee (I think)
>Skills: Profession (Barrister) for face, Dex skills
>Combat Role: Offensive melee Combatant
>Skills: Bluff/Diplomacy/Sense Motive (nothing else is filled out)
Now the applicants:
>Combat: Support melee combatant/buffing
>Skills: Face Skills, Disguise, Sleight of Hand, Sense Motive, Perception, UMD
>Combat: Defensive Melee Combatant
>Skills: Acrobatics, Bluff, Intimidate, Stealth, 1 rank in every knowledge
>Combat: Defensive/Control Melee Combatant
>Skills: Perception, Diplomacy, Sense Motive, a lot of skills with 1 rank (intimidate, bluff, climb, survival, swim)
>Combat: Honestly have a hard time figuring this one out, pretty sure it is Offensive Melee Combatant/Ranged
>Skills: Ton here, every knowledge, face skills, dex skills
>Combat: Offensive Melee Combatant
>Skills: Craft Alchemy, Stealth, Acrobatics, Appraise, bunch of 1 ranks (knowledge skills, heal, sense motive, perception)
>Combat: Support/Buffing Caster/Support Melee
>Skills: All knowledge skills, face skills, spellcraft, appraise, linguistics (bunch of 1 rankers, mostly in knowledges)
>Combat: Ranged Combatant (that's a first)
>Skills: Craft Alchemy, Disable Device, Heal, Perception, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Planes, Religion, Nature
>Combat: Offensive Melee
>Skills: Intimidate, Bluff, Diplomacy, Perception, Stealth, Sense Motive, few 1 rank knowledges
>Combat: Summoner/Battlefield Control Caster
>Skills: Disguise, Arcana, Engineering, Nature, Alchemy, Handle Animal, Disable Device, Appraise, Linguistics, Spellcraft
>Combat: Melee Combatant
>Skills: Metric ton of skills, too many to list out, Int and Dex skills mostly