Since when was Vader an over the top villain? Maybe it's just the Rogue One ending scene, but he's never felt particularly hammy.
The prequels don't count on account of being garbage.
Since when was Vader an over the top villain? Maybe it's just the Rogue One ending scene, but he's never felt particularly hammy.
The prequels don't count on account of being garbage.
A fortune-teller assembled them to help get revenge!
Ain't Falafel basically elf Dio?
Yori's face, combat, stealth, scouting, that sort of stuff.
Dude vader was always pretty cheesy and hammy
Who are the over the top villainous times at the moment?
Sir Nefarious and Demibaron Talathel Thulintham seem to be that type, at least from where I'm sitting.
Maybe I am a false flag, or maybe I'm the GM trying to counter the faggot who said "choices are made, don't apply :^)", or maybe I'm a false flag trying to counter that guy. You decide, bruh.
this is autism.
How would you roleplay an actual autist? inb4 "be yourself"
Have a tiger shooting gems to draw your attention
Mostly I don't think you're the GM because you don't type like the GM does in their posts. Unless you're the GM specifically changing their text vernacular to go into hyper false-flagging mode.