I need the fa/tg/uys opinions on this

Ive been playing dark heresy as a tech-priest and ive encountered a paradox that is master crafted. Me and my team are in the heart of a hive city and we found an Stc! But theres a catch it's controled by ai. I have no idea what to do.

Pull out the hard drive housing the ai?

Get to it and initiate some sort of hard reset / rollback?

give mars a call, they might send an extermination fleet, but at least you all parish for the glory of the omnisiah

Ive considered it

But theres stc patterns on it!

whats there to consider it's the most logical option.
For the glory of the Machine God

Sacrifices must be made

Take the whole area with a loader and sell it as is to the admech for favors.

Hard reset might restore it to good working order, DAOT tech might have something like that in case something went wrong.

>106 million lightyears.

Man you navigator must have been stoned to hell.

The blue bit is the galaxy, the green dot is where you're going.

You're at the red dot.

Anyway, an STC is just a database, it's information. In itself it coantains no manufacturing capacity whatsoever, and that's the point. It exists to tell people who don't have a nanoassembler handy how to go and make the shit they need to survive (guns, combine harvesters, fusion reactor, spaceships) form whatever resources are available to them.

So you just have to make sure the AI can't wipe it or something as you sever the physical connections between the STC data storage and the AI. Then spend the next few decades carefully analysing the STC data to make sure the AI hasn't tampered with it (it has) and to make sure there's no other corruption.

Thanks this will be a major help (unless the dm pulls something out of his ass)

Also that three eyed inbread fuck cant tell his ass from his mouth. Much less comprehend colors half the time, THAT IS WHEN HE IS SOBER he sucked so much warp dust through that vacuum cleaner disused as a nose that its a mericle he is alive

Give the AI a logical paradox.

Steal STC after it bluescreens and work shit out later.

implying AI isn't enough to have a boredom rutine that makes it cancel any activity that consumes to much time.

Or paradox shock absorbers like Robot Santa.

In fact, how would one hypothetically work him into 40k as a rogue AI that survived the Men of Iron age?

Catch (logicParadoxEception) {
System.err.println("Your mom's a paradox");
warpRiftGeneratorControl(all, full)

Some of the last guys who found an Intact STC we know about was for an army knife and a heating pad they got set up for life as rulers of systems for finding it.

Give it up for clout and let it be someone elses problem.

Is this a fully functioning STC? because if so, pull out all the stops, it must be acquired, the quest for Knowledge demands it. if it's just a collection of various printouts or sub-designs from an STC, You might just have to kill the AI and leave.

>"They can't catch us, we're on the quest for knowledge."

What would a Blues Brothers RPG look like?

Silly user, it's merely a machine spirit! Now quit your bitching and obtain it.

An advanced AI would have a much better line than your mom's a parodox, something like "by treating me like a child your entire race is fucked good bye."

The Tech Priests hate AI about as much as Grey Knights hate daemons. A Tech-Priest who is very to-the-rules would destroy the AI, no matter the cost.

This. Chalk it up to an overactive machine spirit like they do with titans and get that stc. Honestly it's a good paradox since there's lots of ways you could play it.

Failed driving checks, massive pile ups and Nazis being dead rather than just forced to jump in the river.

With which faction or belief system does your priest belong to? As I'm aware there are quite a few fringe and radical groups in the Cult that are not banned, but are very much so looked down upon. If I'm not mistaken, the mainstream cult bans the use and research on AI as the Emperor decreed. It is an stc however, so thistry the best you can to cleanse it