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Games #522
What really is most important for a wizard: wisdom, worldliness and cunning, or raw power...
Just a test to ask mods, can we make a hunger games thread here? getting spammed on /b/ so we need a new board...
EDH/Commander General
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1402: A Jumper to Surpass Metal Gear Edition
Monster art thread
What would a Russian-inspired fantasy setting be like?
/l5r/ - Legends of the 5 Rings General
Low fantasy
Post hot knights
Tell us about your first group user
Ctrl F
Wisdom and intelligence are different stats
Pathfinder General /pfg/
/5eg/ Fifth Edition General: "Stop making bland threads" edition
How do I make a STAND in 5e?
Handler Game
Why are dragons so overpowered? how are you even supposed to fight one?
What is garunteed more replies than -4 str?
SJW Convergence Games Workshop
Post your favorite space marine chapters and judge other people based on their's
Duardin Thunderhammer's Fortress of Ethnic Cleansing
/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
/btg/ Battletech General!
Which fantasy setting has the strongest undead? Please no ''good'' undead I want good old fashioned monsters
Veeky Forums, can we talk about vampires?
Female Inquisitor in Terminator Armour
ITT: Post about times your players called you out
Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/
Continuing from >>52293248
Mornington Crescent
Alternatives to Paper for Maps at IRL RPG Sessions?
I know this might seem like a weird request, but unsell me on Eclipse Phase's setting
We all like to laugh at the silly and cringey stories we see on this board...
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Common People Art
I'll be playing a chaotic neutral character
Princess Thread the IV
/swg/ Star Wars General
Age of Sigmar General /aosg/
Player asks you to play his character's theme song if he does something awesome
Since the last thread was good, i thought i should storytime another Elric comic
Uh oh, some punk-ass adventurers are trying to break into your castle! Quick...
/5eg/ - Fifth Edition General
In memorium of list threads edition
Oops/ouch: If a student feels hurt or offended by another student’s comment, the hurt
What's a good way to use monsters that have been memed to death, without them looking dumb/unscary?
Pauper magic / mtg pauper thread
Do you agree with this, Veeky Forums?
The king's royal guard are posing fiercely at you
Disregarding trolls, romance, sexuality, bullshit, etc. how would you run a Sburb game? What system would you use?
Rifles are the most blatant power creep this game has ever seen
Post Plants
ITT: Share how you differentiate your generic fantasy species from other interpretations of them...
Pathfinder General /pfg/
The most revered part of each suit of armour is the Crux Terminatus...
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1401: 1401 Dalmations Edition
Horus Heresy General /HHG/
First time in Veeky Forums. How are you guys?
Have you ever played a traditional roleplaying game that actually was fun for combat alone?
How to get guns out of a setting
Vampire lord VS Lich Lord
MTG Modern General: Blood Moon is Good vs Tron and Other Folklore Edition
Dark Souls RPG
/gurpsgen/ GURPS general thread
The last video game universe you played in will be the setting for your next game with your group/friends...
This is a
What are Veeky Forumss thoughts on Stars Without Number...
Warhammer 40,000 /40kg/
/5eg/ - Fifth Edition General
Gunpowder and cannons completely rendered castles and other high-wall fortifications useless...
EDH/Commander General /edhg/
Question of the day
No modern work of fiction has handled the vampire mythos better than Vampire the masquerade. Prove me wrong Veeky Forums
ITT: "What were the writers thinking?" moments from roleplaying games
/osrg/ OSR General - Adventurers New and Old Edition
What's your favorite primer, Veeky Forums?
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Im starting to think /r/yoyhammer is a joke
The villain has captured a PC's love interest
/wbg/ - Worldbuilding General
What is the most bullshit/powergamey character that could be created in 5e?
Alternative Wargames General - /awg/
Why is Tolkien so fucking genetic...
CYOA Throb
Hero Forge/Miniatures
Why do some people choose to play less optimal characters for 'roleplay reasons' when you can just refluff the optimal...
So, your party have finally defeated the BBEG
Would you agree with the statement "you can't claim to be strong if you don't save the weak?"
First letter. Your turn
Villains Association of Nefarious Evilness
I'm going to keep making Spartan Games the pic until someone else makes the thread because y'all are too lazy to do it...
Counterfeit MTG Cards
Warhammer 40,000 General
Post worst yugioh cards
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1400: My God, Fourteen Hundred Edition
/5eg/ Fifth Edition General:
Lenore the table-toppening?
Horrifying races
WIP - Work In Progress General
Why do female casters always dress so skimpy?
Post your nationality and where you're from but as character stats
The orcs have been united by a napoleon tier leader and are about to go to town on the elves
Non fapbait female character art thread
How does one defeat a Tarrasque?
This is how I elf
Pathfinder General /pfg/
This man summons you to fight against the tide of chaos. Do you answer his call?
Hey there, Veeky Forums, I'm setting up a Digimon game using Digimon Digital Adventures, and I need some help
That one special touch that you spent a week planning and thought everyone at the table would love but nobody...
Kindly no End Times or Age of Sigmar. If that is your cup of tea, please go elsewhere...
GM or DM?
Drawthread: Fat Weasel edition
Age of Sigmar General /aosg/
What should I call my Chinese-themed Iron Hands descended 22nd founding Space Marine chapter?
Making a Villain a compelling character
More interesting Amour
/STG/ - Star Trek General
I was thinking Veeky Forums. In the real world there are wars fought over oil and other resources...
Traveller General: Gambling with ship shares edition
How viable are these half shoe things? Where basically your foot is still exposed but your arch is covered...
/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
Job interview at Gee Dubs this week
A friend and I have been discussing the Elemental Plane of Water, which is supposed to consist of only (or mostly...
What's the mindset of a man who dates orc women?
/hhg/ aka Horus Heresy General
How open are you to suggestions and advice from your players?
Pathfinder General /pfg/
/srg/ - Shadowrun General
Dwarf Fortress Dwarves in 5e
So guys, what do you think of Diplomacy?
Music thread
What were they thinking?
/5eg/ Fifth Edition General: "We don't call ourselves Sorcerers of the Coast" edition
Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/
Neighbors, don't forget that it's the birthday of the man who taught us it's okay to make believe
24th century
Duel Decks: Mind vs. Might
Warmachine/Hordes General - /wmhg/
What is your libation of choice and why?
Board Game General /bgg/
/40krpg/ 40k Roleplay General
I hear you like maps Veeky Forums
Penal Regiment Veeky Forums: Into the Spider's Lair Edition
I promised I would share a storytime, but then I lost my motivation...
I'm not sure what's worse - that someone actually painted their Warlord this way, or that I recognized the color scheme
The elves respond to the pope's call
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1399: Headpats Edition
How many ongoing campaigns are you involved in right now, Veeky Forums?
POST 'EM edition
MTG Modern General: Sequencing Cantrips and Rituals Is The Hard Edition
MTG Magic The Gathering Ask A Judge - 「 B L U E M O N D A Y 」
Scion - What If It Wasn't Bad?
So is Magnus basically a Saturday morning villain now?
Looking for DM
/5eg/ Fifth Edition General: "Halfling rogue" edition
Savage Werewolves are replaced by savage Werebats
A small demon arrives at a village
Game Finder Thread
Have you ever gotten "creative" with transformation magic in an RPG?
Modern Character Art Thread
His love of murder was so great that Khârn actually had an ancient death-counter installed in his helmet which...
Pathfinder General /pfg/
/bbg/ Blood Bowl General - Apparently It Is My Turn to Make the Thread Edition
Creating encounters
What setting has the best Hell?
Have you ever played a character who had autism and/or mental retardation?
CYOA General
So I know that all beholder consider themselves to be the perfect/ideal beholder which is why they kill all other...
Did you ever have any women in your group?
Magic items
Exalted General - /exg/
Looking for a system that is not D&D. Really anything which will fit in my high fantasy medieval campaign setting...
Infinity General: I'd plug her suit if you know what I mean huehuehuehue Edition
So Veeky Forums im going to make a bolt pistol
Who's the better small, gnomes or halflings?
Dark lord antagonist has the power to personally wipe out the heroes with complete ease
An ancient evil awakens
Interesting armour
Shadow War Armageddon (Necromunda 40k)
Stat him
What are legitimate reasons to worship an evil god/goddess?
There is talk of prosthetic limbs abound...
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Hours Heresy General /hhg/
JumpChain CYOA Thread #1398: Tragic Reminder Edition
Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg
Veeky Forums manga
What is the best Fallout PnP? Which system does it utilize...
Do clones have souls?
Dragon Ball Z TCG
ITT: Magic cards where you don't know what the fuck is happening in the art
Song of Swords: Glory, Amen!
Why the hate on the term BBEG?
Character art thread
/5eg/ Fifth Edition General: "Stat me, Veeky Forums" edition
/btg/ Battletech General!
Hail the new Queen of the Imperium of man edition
Is there such a thing as too much homebrew Veeky Forums?
Age of Sigmar General /aosg/
Why in the seven hells was Lord of the Rings the template for Dungeons and Dragons, and not Conan?
Veeky Forums confessional
Nobledark 40k Part XXI: Return of the Roman Numerals
Dungeons and Dragons help
Pathfinder General /pfg/
I'm not experienced enough with 5e to know better...
Filename thread
How do you punish players who don't take your campaign seriously?
Evil counterparts
If you don't want women marines in Warhammer 40k, you're a fucking bigot. This hobby belongs to everyone. Not just men
Dawn of Worlds
Which ship has the most bodacious babes onboard?
Classical Fantasty Paintings
CYOA Throg
Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/
Best thing GW ever came up with
Samurai Cowboy Inventions
/5eg/ Fifth Edition General
What's the best Veeky Forums video game and why is it Baldur's Gate II?
/WIP/ - Work In Progress General
Let's do this one fast
WW1 Era War Games
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Post some Veeky Forums-related comics, webcomics, etc
Kingdom Death General /KDM/
Is FF8 the worst FF of Square's golden age?
MTG Modern General - Chinamen Edition
JumpChain CYOA Thread #1397: Pupper Power Edition
Superhero General
Where have all the AD&D players gone?
MTG Modern General
Welcome to the OSR General thread! Sadly, the MEGA Trove is (still) down right now
Anyone mind giving me some advice? I'm trying to be creative instead of derivative...
Yugioh Thread: Link summoning is gonna ruin the game edition
Shitty Attempts at Subverting Tropes
Tessagog and the Ou/tg/rounds Thread VIII: Tula the Sky Pirate Edition
Villain is weak, not extremely intelligent, pathetic, unlikable, and prone to being mocked
What's your idea of a happy ending?
*blocks your path*
Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/
I require pictures
Dungeon art pics
Matt ward is god
Alright Veeky Forums you're johnny on the spot
So something really awkward happened in last night's game and I'm having a hard time whether or not it's my fault
Could a blind man take on a Gorgon/Medusa?
Stat them
Flames of War General: Muh Asiatic Hordes Edition
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Times Your Veeky Forums obsessions turned out useful
ITT: Settings that would make fantastic TTRPGs
/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
ITT: present your original fantasy races
Age of Sigmar General /aosg/
/5eg/ D&D Fifth Edition General: Dear God Save Us Edition
Hours Heresy General /hhg/
Earlier today there was a thread about post-apocalyptic tanks, which is a very cool idea. However...
Character Art
Six deadly alien races all suddenly appear on an unoccupied but pristine world an equal distance from each other...
CYOA General
Tell me about the latest character concept you've been working on just to file away, forever DMs and game-seekers
BBEG sends them after your party
Puzzle Doors
Proper Orcs, Goblins, Hobgoblins
Okay, Veeky Forums. I'm getting weak...
What would be this persons story?
How would a game like D&D be if it was set in the hood?
Let's do a thought experiment elegen/tg/entlemen
Whats the difference between psychics and mages in your games?
JumpChain CYOA Thread #1396: Heaven or Hell, Let's Rock Edition
/5eg/ D&D Fifth Edition General
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Warhammer 40,000 General
How do mermaids have metallurgy if they can't use fire...
What's the most you've seen a player outsmart a DM? What about the reverse?
/ysg/ - Yog-Sothothery General
How accurate is this?
More or less gets a bunch of Fallen arrested and jailed in the Imperial Palace...
Imperial Knight
/swg/ Star Wars General
ITT: Create the most overpowered fucker you can think of
What's the best way to find an online D&D group?
/hwg/ - Historical Wargames General
Character Art Thread
EDH/Commander General /edhg/
Looking for a good, simple d20 system
The side character npc turns out to be better at doing the pc's job than the pc
Was there ever a time when your GM took you into his magical realm and you liked it?
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Hey Veeky Forums!
>/ccg/ Custom Card General /cct/
You're a proponent of common sense magic-control laws, aren't you user...
Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/
/5eg/ Fifth Edition General: Non-bland edition
Veeky Forums anime
I have a coworker who's really into 40K stuff and I'm trying to make them be my friend...
Why is D&D 5e losing the cuteness war to Pathfinder? Seriously, who'd want to play a game without cute girls...
/twgg/ TowerGirls CYOA General
Stat him
What would be a good RPG to run a Fire Emblem-based game? I considered Song of Swords...
Why have you stolen from the giant's garden...
Are sneks the best party members? They can serve as mages, scouts, and thieves
Dual Bosses
I require wizards, in any shape and form!
Traveller General: Who's an Ithklur gotta kill to get a drink around here? Edition
I was just going along, living my life, when you fucked reminded me of this series...
What's the best system for horror?
Why do you guys hate Eldar so much?
I have a idea Veeky Forums, lets do worldbuilding battles...
Your party is looting an ancient tomb, when suddenly
Your party stumbles upon a strange ruin
Is this too much?
Why don't most games start off at level 1?
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Warhammer 40k General - /40kg/
Veeky Forums creates a mythology
What should the racial stats for deer people be?
/gurpsgen/ GURPS general thread
Age of Sigmar General /aosg/
1. e4
JumpChain CYOA Thread #1395: THIS ONE'S FOR YOU JUMPER! Edition
Chaotic evil = Demons
Stat yourself
This is your party for tonight
Can I draw your monster/environment?
Work In Progress (WIP) General: I'm making a lightbox edition
How do you feel about a player's modern values clashing with the setting's?
Your party is called before the King
What their second colours will be? Maybe Azorius and Orzhov?
Eternal Crusade thread
To show his eternal gratitude the King offers one of your party the hand of his daughter...
Is MTG back to trying to appease to an audience that don't buy their product either way...
World-building Myths
/STG/ - Star Trek General
ITT: Art of robots, androids etc
Which Chaos Deity Would You Serve?
What are some Veeky Forums games will Excellent Fluff, but awful crunch?
Warhammer 40k General - /40kg/
CYOA General
Fall of Cadia
Filename thread - Jesus Is Magic edition
/srg/ Shadowrun General
Why can't space marines have girlfriends or boyfriends?
Can demons fall in love with humans, Veeky Forums?
/5eg/ D&D 5e General
ITT: Interesting characters we've thought up in our heads, but never rolled or put into a game
That guy/That GM thread
Hey Veeky Forums i made some bolts from 40k
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Anons I need your help
Are there any lorefags here?
What are the essential elements of a cool spaceship?
/btg/ Battletech General!
Weapons of all kinds!
Your party discovers a robe of the archmage
MTG Modern General
Who wants to play sum hunger games
Do online games with strangers ever last longer than 0 to 9 sessions?
What is the boxed wine of fantasy RPGs?
/hhg/ aka Horus Heresy General
Possible Amonkhet Leak
ITT: we come up with soft comfy and cute ideas for our campaigns
JumpChain CYOA Thread #1394: Maximum Smug Edition
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Song of Swords: The Last Redoubt
Warhammer 40k General - /40kg/
3d printing is going to be the death of Games Workshop. How can they compete with this sort of quality?
Pathfinder General /pfg/
CYOA General
Hey Veeky Forums, how does cosmology work in your setting?
What is the longest distance a D&D character can run in one round...
/5eg/ Fifth Edition General
Racial Slurs
Landscapes and setpieces
Age of Sigmar General /aosg/
Naval Wargames General
Demon/monster art
Tome of Battle
At 12:00pm GMT, frequenters of Veeky Forums living in that time zone...
EDH/Commander General /edhg/
Be me
What's your favorite obscure 40k character, who may not exist in the current edition, but had rules?
What's the best game for a modern fantasy investigation into the occult type thing? Want to stay far away from CoC...
I'm bored, so let's play a worldbuilding game Veeky Forums
/epg/ - Eclipse Phase General
Stat her, Veeky Forums
What tabletop game do you think had the most potential during devolopment...
How about a nice science fantasy picture thread, for games like Numenera, Prophet and Gamma World?
Does GMing experience actually matter past the first year or two of GMing? It seems that after those one or two years...
MTG Modern General
GM railroads your party into a safari
Are transgender people considered heretics in Warhammer 40k
Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Post-post-apocalyptic roleplaying game where you play as a mercenary crew driving a tank across a severely depopulated...
Which alignment do you prefer to play?
How come pathfinder just a bunch of fucking weebs and 5e has some fucking class?
Drawthread: Self Explanatory Edition
If you cook and eat a polymorphed person, does it still count as cannibalism?
On a scale of 1 to 10, how boring is Elemental magic?
Warhammer 40,000: The Age of the Emperor
/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
I'm hoping I don't regret this, but I'm in need of some advice from from you smar/tg/uys. Also...
/tgesg/ - Weekend Elder Scrolls General
What is your purpose here, Arisen?
Satisfying PC deaths
Warhammer 40,000 General
MTG nigs
Hello guys, after a lot of years playing pathfinder me avd my grouo wants to try the 5e...
Alternatives to turns or "initiative" based combat resolution
CYOA General
What pagan religion would make for the best campaign setting?
Horus Heresy General /HHG/
JumpChain CYOA Thread #1393: How Did My Life Come to This Edition
Have you ever played a campaign where NATURE was the main villain?
How exactly are you supposed to beat pic related without magic?
Which system has the best barbarians?
/5eg/ Fifth Edition General
Acquisitions Incorporated
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Can you turn a bad player into a good player or is it almost always a lost cause?
Board Game General /bgg/
You're at your LGS playing 5E when the oldest grognard you've ever seen slaps your rulebook. What do you do...
Why didn't they make Emperor in to a dreadnought?
Hey Veeky Forums, /k/ here
Immunity to fast-moving object/magic damage
Princess Thread III
Your last character you've played has made a great journey and has faced numerous trials to get to the McGuffin...
Stat me, Veeky Forums
MTG No Real Scotsman
My group has this problem where players will barge into each others conversations even if it is within a language they...
Realistic Character Art Thread
Not sure how to feel about this
Well, Veeky Forums?
/5eg/ Fifth Edition General: Artificer edition
PLOT TWIST: The elves/dwarves are just genetically refined humans
Warhammer 40k General - /40kg/
Pet Thread
Age of Gunpowder
/osrg/ - Old School Renaissance General
Which one Veeky Forums?
Age of Sigmar General /aosg/
EDH/Commander General
MTG Modern general
Making Alien a little alien without being too alien
/swg/ Star Wars Games General
Pathfinder General /pfg/
How do you find the right system to run?
/5eg/ 5th Edition D&D General
Dead Card Game - General v2
Work In Progress (WIP) General
Are boob-plates a necessity after all?
What's something that Veeky Forums has taught you?
Meanwhile on dragon Veeky Forums
The kingdom your campaign is set in has two distinct human ethnic groups and cultural castes, who split apart long ago...
Meanwhile, on /martial/
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/
Filename Thread
Character art thread
JumpChain CYOA Thread #1392: Big Stronk Mammaries Edition
/5eg/ - Fifth Edition General
/dcg/ Dropzone/Dropfleet Commander General
Traveller General: Late for the grav-bike races edition
The Witch is Dead Edition
What's the most boring outer plane in D&D and how can it be made more interesting?
Why does Veeky Forums love Warhammer so much?
PDF Share Thread # 59
Infinity General - "You walked into the Wong Neighborhood" edition
Stat Thread
Foreign RPG Thread
Inspiration Art - Shadow
What should the racial stats of sheep people be?
Warhammer 40,000 General
Pathfinder Staff-Sling
What are your setting's giants' origin?
The bard's player actually brings a guitar to the table and is going to sing songs about our adventures
/btg/ Battletech General!
What's the verdict on tanks, Veeky Forums?
Turns out the love interest your PC has been dating was wearing one of these
/hhg/ - Horus Heresy General
Tell me
The Truth
/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
Age of Sigmar General /aosg/
This is how I Dark Elf
CYOA General
Have you ever played a character that got shat on by genetics?
White Wolf
Hackmaster General
I need the fa/tg/uys opinions on this
Can we all just agree that social skill checks were a mistake?
Flames of War General: Soviets: Pretty good this Edition
/srg/ Shadowrun General
I don't think I was able to find a thread for the new OotS, not in the Catalog, nor the Archive, so here we go
Warhammer 40,000 General
/5eg/ - Fifth Edition General
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Map Thread
Homebrew/Game Deisgn General /hbg/ /gdg/
JumpChain CYOA Thread #1391: I Believe I Can Fly Edition
Who is the best, most unique BBEG you've ever encountered/created in a campaign?
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games