Turns out the love interest your PC has been dating was wearing one of these

Turns out the love interest your PC has been dating was wearing one of these.

wat do

Other urls found in this thread:


Suck cock. Since you're already a faggot, you shouldn't have a problem with it.

kill yourself autogynephile trash

Today I learned a big word.

>today I saw some spam for the first time

I put on the belt.

kill yourself autogynephile trash

>famous autogynephiliacs include Monte Cook, designer of Numenera

>noted penis cannibal and designer of fetish-themed RPGs such as NuMenEra

For the first time? Is this your first time on Veeky Forums?
Hell, is it your first time on Veeky Forums in general?

>quit posting the truth about my disorder I almost had people believing that being buffalo bill was normal

close but literally no cigar :^)

Off with her head!

Let's add another question:
Previously male, now female, weaver of girdle gets pregnant. During the pregnancy friendly cleric cast "remove curse" on him/her.
What happens to the unborn child?

It becomes a character in a monte cook game

So much "Hitler ate sugar" in this picture.

So much "autogynephile trash" in that post

Did they change back? If not, no problem. As long as they've got the right bits I'm fine with it. If they did, we're probably going our separate ways.

>I can list two names, look at me and behold my power of anecdata
Lesbians are more likely to be rapists

Your rage fills me with amusement.

Oh really? Is that why you come into every single thread where autogynephiles are getting slammed and start doing desperate damage control? Because you're amused?

Either spontaneous abortion or he becomes pregnant (male). Same with putting the girdle on a pregnant woman, really.

>today I learned a big word being used completely out of context, and largely rejected as a concept by the specialists in the field except as a category of transvestic fetishism rather than gender dysphoria, both different things in the DSM

An autist of your caliber should also probably not throw rocks in glass houses.

Get a load of this autogynephile flipping the fuck out

top kek

>as in I personally believe I am being tracked by a single person
>on an anonymous image board
>it cannot be, my opinion is the only true one on this site that is rather infamous for trap threads

>If I use the big word often enough I might impress people
>I should keep samefagging my dumb shit as hard as I can
>maybe they won't notice my raging autism spectrum disorder
p.s.: autists like you are also statistically more likely to be rapists than trannies by multiple orders of magnitude

>I'm not obsessively flying into every thread on Veeky Forums critical of trannies, y-you're crazy!

You're my new favorite person on Veeky Forums honestly. Hurry up and make your next Numenera thread.

Take note that the girdle can also turn a woman into man. Would that be acceptable to you?

>as in only one person has been posting back at you
>it must be a conspiracy of one person using ten different IPs
>you pretending to be OP rather than an idiot who happened to have first post

He doesn't believe reverse traps exist, they're invisible like that.

Because he doesn't get triggered by accidentally finding out that cute girl was a trap


Remove curse doesn't reverse the gender, it merely allows the wearer of the girdle to take off the girdle.

>implying you know what science says
Is that why gender dysphoria is a studied condition with neurology papers backing the research and you're a spamming basement dweller with no future?

>Desperate autogynephile using the "doctors" who farm him for money as evidence that their reason to farm him for money exists

>hurrr you must be a tranny
>hurrrr let's pump them full of expensive antipsychotics when the alternative is literally peanuts
>hurrrr big phurmuhhhhhhhhh



This, ladies and gentlemen? This is projection.

>deal with my projection of how the world is

Crowbar a transsexual character into the game, of course.

Actually, what happens if you give this to them in EE?


As it's always been in BG, it just cancels the change if you remove it.

You need polymorph to make it permanent, and in some editions you need the 9th level version of it.

>in magic object thread

But EE added a literal, actual, factual, outspoken trans character. In a world where it exists.

I'm wondering if it gets them extra dialogue, like it does with Edwin?


Yeah. In world where the polymorph spell spell and potions exist. The girdle itself is considered more of a thing you trick people with.

Also I think only Shar-Teel is flagged to notice the girdle (she hates any character who has been male at any point, period)

>like it does with Edwin
Now I wonder if extra dialogue for Edwin(female) still exists in EE as if I remember it was mostly party making fun of now female Edwin.
I don't think you can't do in our tolerant and progressive times.

Yes it does.

>making fun
Jaheira's dialogue with Edwina is also "I don't feel anything is off-balance with you" which makes sense when you consider Edwin's ToB ending


Take it and put it on myself.

take it off him
put it on myself
fuck him

Not sure. My PCs tend to be straight despite me being a homo.

>(she hates any character who has been male at any point, period)

...what, like

>be a woman who'd had a male body for 5 minutes sometime in the past, until she could find the remove curse scroll for the random GoM/F she found
>"reeeee you patriarchal oppressor!"

She's CE, don't expect rationality from her.

>She's CE
So just like every other "progressive"?

>The BBEG just wants to transform everyone into sexy women

Girlfriend? My PC would probably prefer it if she took it off.

Though if it turned out it was the boyfriend, she'd probably prefer he didn't.

Yep, standard strawman. Did you expect nuance or depth from a video game?

can he still be viewed as "bad" or "evil"

Some of us LIKE penises on our men.

dude is it such a shocker that a forum about pretending to be other people might have a pro gender-swapping stance?

It's not as if anyone's going to take the time to spit on the back of your head and scream "Take it all you filthy little autogynephile whore!" while they're railing you in the boipuccy.

Why not just call 'em "trannies" and be done with it?

>not being paraphylic
I'm sorry for your lots

But was the result fertile? If not, then it is a waste of time.

Yes, it's a mental illness that can be medicated.
But instead we have chosen to glorify and support it.

ebin drolling, GM.
>flips table
Why am I playing a shitty game with such a shitty setting anyways?

Take the belt off

>This thread
What is Zagig's Gender shift?

Casual scum.

You can still have a penis.

You'd just be a girl with a penis.

>Neuroatypical people should be shunned, silenced, and medicated
>why do I have to learn to accept and stop being a dick to people who are not just like me, especially when they are attempting to reach the mental normalcy that I have naturally?

You sound like a right cunt, mate. Can't imagine you have to many friends if that's the way you think.

Why can't you just cut the belt off?

But I don't want to be a girl and I will fucking shoot you if you come near with that magic crap.

Because the GM's magic realm is more powerful than anything you can do in-game.

kill kill kill , go now and kill.


>Human with XY chromosomes are born with female external genetalia
>XY chromosomes without SRY gene means the body develops female
>XY chromosomes with an insensitivity to androgens develop female sex characteristics

chromosomes don't always assign sex, you ignorant goblin.

Also this is a magic item discussion thread, take your politics elsewhere.

I don't get the autism these threads bring out.

Alternate who wears the belt.

>born with penis
Take your politics elsewhere.

>a few rare disorders means every tranny is more than just a deluded faggot

blanchard, just get out

just leave

kek guess it makes trannies mad to be called autogynephiles, so that's what we're doing from now on

I think that's more a "very stupid technobabble" thing than a "lol sensitive trannies" thing.

I only corrected the user who postulated chromosomes assign sex with evidence to the contrary and asked for people to stay on the topic of the thread.

I seriously don't get why you people get so mad when stuff like this is brought up.

whatever you say autogynephile retard

I don't really care about the name-calling aspect of this discussion, but I'm not sure if you understand the concept of paraphilia.
The -philia suffix means it's related to sexual arousal.

If all transsexual people were autogynephiles, they'd be in a near constant state of sexual arousal. Is that what you're getting at?


>gender trender trying to justify his fetish and coming off like a desperate idiot


Hey assblasted retard janitor, way to reddit all the posts in this shitty troll thread but then leave the thread up you stupid fucking faggot!

You should kill yourself!

Well, that depends on why they were wearing it. If it was a plot to get close to him in an attempt to extort or harm him, they're getting something between an ass whooping or a stern lecture. If it just happened at some point and both they and my PC prefer things this way, it's fine.
If it needs to be on at all times to function, it'll be slightly annoying, especially if it's uncomfortable. But whatever, clothed sex is cool.

Make sure it never comes off. EVER.
Ignorance is bliss, after all...

Ask them if they want to switch off every once in a while.

>Ignorance is bliss, after all...


... Not bad. I like the way you think.

Demitri knows what he wants and how to get it

>love interest your PC has been dating
>love interest
I don't follow. I don't play female characters nor do I play faggots.

Turns out your PCs best bro has been wearing one of these all along. "He" was actually a cute girl.

What now

Keep drinking together, but make more sex jokes than before.

Also feel slightly awkward over fistbumping when we doubleteamed some hookers last night

>characters who have emotions and care about other people are lame and gay
Perhaps this isn't consistent with what you're getting at, but it roughly resembles this and is perturbing to me.

/pol/ comes in two flavors: 12 year old edgelord and oldfag who hasn't left his basement in a decade. Neither have a good grasp of human emotion.