Post you're bros.
MTG nigs
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this dude right here
Entered the game around RtR, and with the help of my more experienced friend, this card along with talrand became a centerpiece for my first ever deck.
Still Izzet at heart
Scourge of Valkas + Dragon Tempest is pretty DMG too m8.
Core of my first ally deck along with Hada Freeblade. Amazing art. I love keyword soup.
Dunno if it's weird for I'm bro to be a lady, but...
Got 'em in my first box of cards, always gonna be solid.
You're is a contraction of "You are"
As in "You're retarded for having grammar this bad"
Have yet to make a Black deck without him.
This has always been my boy. Standard gave me a lot of sucess running Jund Whip to whip this guy back and gain loads of life while clearing a board. Come rotation i ran Eldrazi Ramp running Atarka as a sweeper with a good body; less explosive but still effective.
My only sadness on the stack has been not finding a use for it since it left Standard.
That's a good job you did, I'm down to 11 lp. It would be a shame if something happened...
You never forget the first time you go infinite. Seething Song into a Fireball.
>having bros when you can steal everyone else's instead
you have to pay replicate before the seething song resolves, its on-cast. Sorry bruv.
You can't go infinite. The seething song needs to resolve to add RRRRR to your mana pool. By that time the spell is off the stack, in the graveyard, and impossible to go infinite.
This with Dark Ritual is hilarious.
I've been haveing lots of fun with my dude lately
>Veeky Forums
>good at magic
pick one
I'm not saying I go infinite. It just turns my 5 open black mana into 15 mana.
Oh well, Highschool magic. Im sure we had messed up rules worse than that. Good to know this was wrong though. Still a fun card.
Loved this gal in my old aggro decks.
i mean, he may be a faggot for getting so autistic over grammar, but he's not wrong.
That sword looks familiar...
I miss Kamigawa so much. I realize that it was pretty underpowered, and the lore turned a lot of normies off, but I had so much fun with it.
Atleast if they never return in a regular expansion the plane won't have to deal with the Jacetice League.
Same, plus we'd have to deal with pic related if they ever returned. I thought it was so interesting because of the fact it was so unique, not because of pop-culture cliches.
A pop-culture Japanese plane wouldn't necessarily be bad but it definitely wouldn't do justice to the original Kamigawa.
this bad boy and gary are the reason my group almost refused to play with me for a while
It's a meme, you dip.
Jittes are more like clubs or nightsticks than swords.
kill you are self
EDH my dude, put it in Xenagos or Old Atarka for some nice value
Ladies is bros, too
EDH is, currently, the best format of magic. It's got it's complaints, sure, but it's not broken, impossible to get into, solved, or a meme. I play an Atarka, World Render Commander deck and Dragonlord Atarka gets work done, son. Start playing commander and remember what having fun is like.
Oh he don't know?
This dude has been in some of my craziest combos.
Kool aid man op
This guy gets really stupid with confront the unknown in my clue deck.
Mah nigga
Favorite two drop in the game. Even if you only have a playset of these guys and no other allies you're still getting a 2/2 first strike/vigilance, and they all buff each other on drop. Plus the art is second to none
Speak English.
The card that got me into Magic when I bought my first deck, the INN event deck
Fuck you, everyone should be speaking Esperanto to thwart the Illuminati trying to keep us from unifying as a species and colonizing Mars. The language barrier is keeping us apart and the government is the angry god that struck down the tower of Babel to keep us from reaching the heavens and communicating as a singular species.
I was the first among my group of friends in high school to really start to understand how to design a good deck, and this bad boy right here was the face and soul of my school's first "The Deck."
I first started getting into Magic right as New Phyrexia was rolling into Innistrad. This guy was the staple of my W/G Humans deck. I still play it to this day and it stomps. I've updated it just a bit since with some of the new Shadows/Eldritch stuff
I guess actually, this card would be more accurate for me even more so than Champion of the Parish. I really love Innistrad's human tribal. I built the event deck into UW humans back then.
I always put her in my red aggro decks. Probably one of the most underrated red creatures.
This guy is awesome. Feels bad when Vish Kal eats him in EDH for the combo.
that's the same time that i reentered magic, and i played the same exact deck. unfortunately, i no longer have it put together, but it was extremely explosive, using champ, gather the townsfolk, mirran crusader and silverblade paladin, with some gavony townships.
That's funny considering I am a teacher and I have a student with a deck that makes use of these. He likes cheeky shit like shredding hands and playing low cost shit like that
ah, yes. The werewolf lord that isn't a lord and doesnt support werewolves. why oh why couldn't we just get a legendary huntmaster or anything else.
Still waiting on a gruul legendary that isn't terrible, boring, or overcosted.
Ugh, this is why kaladesh was such a shitty plane.
Huntmaster still wouldn't be a lord. They should have made a legendary Mayor of Avabruck. That would have been the shit in EDH.
And yet you're the only one shitposting here, faggot.
This guy right here. Ran a modern artifact aggro deck for the longest time and this guy netted me more wins combined than any other card in the whole deck.
I always liked this card but never found a place for it in any of my decks.
Last night it gave me almost a perfect strike at the MM draft taking me to first place. It was always strong and now I want to build a pauper deck to play it again.
This fella right 'ere.
"Oh, are you getting mana flooded o mana screwed, little fellah? Let this old dog fix it for you."
Nobody knows but, I value this guy more than my Gideons and Kirans.
Intro pack foil and first mythic pull when I started out. They set me on course to only be able to play disgusting, degenerate stuff that gets banned out of formats for being too fun. Happy that both take pride of place in my Dredge deck and allow the crazy turn 2 combo finishes with GGT pinging faces for 30.
Niggest of nigs
This one, great flavor
Hell yeah.
The reprint is alright as well.
>crazy turn 2 combo finishes
>Simian Spirit Guide intensifies
This expands dong, show list.
This thing taught me how to combo game.
You should set him up with a playset of these and a couple Hidden Strings then. Those plus Invisible Stalker and Dark Favor were the shit back in the day for me, it was almost too strong at times.
It's a pretty basic Manaless Dredge list. I basically just do this
Would love a reprint of this one.
It looks more like a Sai she's holding.
Jitte isn't a sword btw
Budget Baneslayer. Co-Bro is Kaleidostone, which enables shenanigans in an otherwise mono-colored deck.
Sure is a lot of kids in here.
Best and most iconic supertrampler coming through faggot.
I wanted to like it when the reprint came out, but it's been outclassed by like EVERYTHING by now.
As an 1W cost common first striker, not really.
Ainok Bond-Kin is the closest one that absolutely trumps Capashen in powerlevel but they're a bit different cards overall.
My boy in EDH. He goes in everything red because he makes a great nuclear deterrent.
>"I cast Cyclonic Rift and-"
>"Are you gonna overload?" I place my finger on Soldier of Fortune.
>The look in his eye as he looks to the field and then to his library
I don't understand
blue players have deck manipulation - this counters it
or thats what i understand anyways
He meant that it's a pain to shuffle a big EDH deck. Old as fuck sperg joke and probably never happened. Also if the deck is previously in a random state no reasonable person would demand an actual shuffling.
this nigga right here
drop a god damn Captain of the Watch and you established a huge board prescence
It gets really annoying having to shuffle a double-sleeved deck every turn. Even more so if you're already searching and shuffling on your own. It also fucks with topdeck manipulation combos.
And this It's an old joke that comes up every now and then in my group.
>Not posting the promo art
You mean the one on 7th ed? Gross.
>Go ahead punk, make my day.
The way he's drawing his dagger, it's like he's daring someone to attack,
>That's right bitch, sit your ass down. That's what I thought.
>tfw the closest we got to something like this was the gremlins
The other day I realized how great kamigawa was, lore-wise. I think it's great how heavily represented spirits were, considering how important youkai are to japan's culture. I would definitely want a Return to Kamigawa with more weird spirits.
This card convinced me I was destined to be Gruul for life and (a foil replacement copy) still has a home in my Xenagod Commander even though I know there's better tech. I still have my beat-up Guildpact copy over eleven years later safely tucked away. Because he's just that fucking sentimental to me.
I have many questions and no answers.
My favorite card from the first pack I ever opened.