>BBEG sends them after your party
Could you survive?
BBEG sends them after your party
Other urls found in this thread:
What a faggot.
I fucking hate this meme.
Nice cinematography, what's it from?
As long as it bumps the thread :^)
New Samurai Jack season
McFucking Kill Yourself.
Wait, do we hate BBEG now?
When did that happen? I know anything related to tvtropes is pretty shit, but I swear people here have been using BBEG
Yes easily. Dispite the show being freaking awesome. Mr. Jack isn`t that impressive compared to your average D&D character. This would almost be a standard encounter past level 11.
No it's just one angry autist, and faggots forcing a meme.
It's just the same couple of cunts complaining every time it's mentioned.
Veeky Forums has been using the term "BBEG" for years, but some troll or sperg came along and decided that since Reddit and Tvtropes uses the term, it's unacceptable to use now because of muh website rivalry and casuals.
>website rivalry
Nothing is more autistic than feeling superior to others because you're posting on an uzbekistani jaywalking forum
>website rivalries
thats... thats fucking stupid
It dates back to late-00s warring against ebaumsworld and other content thieves, but degenerated into spergfests around the time that Reddit showed up and the term "normie" started to be used completely unironically
Using BBEG unironically is like running like naruto in real life
take this assbackwards contrantian shit think back to v
>is like running like naruto in real life
Seriously a mid level properly equipped DnD party would wreck them so hard.
>uzbekistani jaywalking forum
Alright, that's one of the better ones I've heard.
"Mongolian Charcoal Painting forum" is the other really memorable one.
People have been complaining about "Big Bad Evil Guy" for years. The early complaints seemed to be mostly about the concept itself, with many people disagreeing that a plot needed a character as a central antagonist.
Now, it seems that some of the complaints are about the language. "Big Bad Evil Guy" was coined to sound corny, and is more of an in-joke than a designation like "Central Antagonist." It's also grown to be somewhat vague, with some people using it as the central antagonist, others using it as the final antagonist, and still others using it as simply any antagonist, which can get confusing when trying to communicate about one of these specific ideas.
As far as the shitstorm, I think that comes in part because it takes very little effort to say "BBEG sounds dumb", which is enough to trigger some people who use that phrase. These people then go to say things like "you need to respect this acronym, it's Veeky Forums's acronym, every true fa/tg/uy uses BBEG exclusively," and that gets even people who had no real interest in the matter upset, because it starts to sound like there's people who are actually actively trying to push BBEG.
BBEG is a meme, and like most memes it doesn't have much of a shelf life. The old joke has faded, and now it seems like people are just finding it weird for people to be so fervent in holding onto it.
I think the person trying to force a meme is the guy trying to pretend only one person ever would have a problem with a phrase most of Veeky Forums doesn't use.
"Big Bad Evil Guy" is pretty lame. Even you two have to admit that. Even if you want to try different ways of protecting the term from criticism, like arguing that it's all about website rivalries or to falsely play argumentum ad numerum, you really can't avoid that "BBEG" induces a fair amount of cringe, especially if you've ever been unfortunate enough to hear someone try to use it in real life.
Well fuck those guys. BBEG! BBEG! BBEG!
I'll use the goddamn word all I want. I've been using it for years and I'm not gonna let some sperg tell me what words I do and don't get to use.
>most of Veeky Forums doesn't use.
>muh website rivalry
Is that a thing? I mean, loads of people on Reddit use Veeky Forums, it's not as if any company that filters their browsing is going to allow Veeky Forums so Reddit is a good backup.
Most use "villain" or some other variant, like antagonist or boss.
This is true not just on Veeky Forums, but everywhere else. "BBEG" has always only been used by a small minority, but more importantly, that's hardly worth bringing up since even if most people did use it, that wouldn't change it from being originally coined to sound awkward and silly.
Holy shit you have your own copy-pasta. I saw this exact fucking bullshit in a bunch of other threads with spergs like you complaining about BBEG as a term.
It has evolved to a word used in common parlance. Quoth the Eagles, get over it.
It's just a phrase fags use to sound as queer as possible.
Dammit, now we're going to need to find a new passphrase to let all the other gay guys on Veeky Forums know we're into men, because apparently that's an important thing that requires muh secret code word.
Probably, they're physically incredible and tactically sound, but lack ranged options and probably can't win on open ground.
There's one sperg that spergs about it and everyone else pretends a bit as a meme.
Nah, most use BBEG because don't put on airs. You can have multiple villains or antagonists too, but typically only one bbeg.
You can tell because there is either 0 posts whinying or more than three.
Anyone that can wound Jack is pretty much able to solo a lvl 1-10 D&D party.
Only groups from shit like Exalted or Mage should be living though this, by playing a wholly different game on a wholly different scale.
>"le only one person disagrees with me"
>combined with "I'm such a newfag I think that people haven't always disliked BBEG"
This is part of what encourages people to come out and say "No, it's a dumb phrase and you sound dumb using it." The more you try to erect all these veils and illusions around the central issue, the more people are encouraged to chime in and tell you that no, it's still a dumb phrase and you sound dumb using it, regardless of how hard you try to pretend that anything will ever change that.
Stop shitposting.
Stop getting triggered by people calling your favorite phrase dumb. You could have ignored the people calling it dumb, but instead you felt the need to try and defend it in a way that just makes it clear that you're really upset.
Stop shitposting.
You first.
user, please.
>Could the party beat up a handful of little girls
You're autistic as shit. It's just an acronym to shorthandedly refer to a concept. You're not cool or smart for being against it, you are merely mentally deficient. There is zero logical reasoning to hate the term besides fedora tipping
> - 4 STR
Yeah. Easy.
Do you hate the term BBEG? Vote now.
>Nigh omniscience
>Large numbers
>Scantily clad but their AC is boosted to the 30's because of literal Plot Armor
If the GM sent these against us at this level it's because he wants to end the game.
7-0 for-against right now.
>>Nigh omniscience
I'd argue against that but they DID just teleport behind Jack after he sprinted from cover in a torrential downpour within 1.5 seconds of him moving.
>4E Avenger
Has sword, probably better in a straight fight, but not while outnumbered. They could strip him of his weapons, but not AC.
>Supers hot blooded android
Fast, tough, energy punches that cause collateral damage in a 5 yard radius centered on himself, laser beams, but no real skills or flexibility outside of fighting. It's possible.
Arguing that someone uses a certain term or phrase is the most inane bullshit and is the actual problem here. And yeah, it's kind of a stupid term, but people been saying it for years here. Either use the term or don't, and let it be.
>started out as an actual thread
>Derailed by one autist
This is what he fucking wants you fucking sperglords
Don't forget to report him.
How's about "I hate BBEG and will shit up any thread that uses it, instead of contributing like a normal person"
Was meant for
Nobody cares, m8. Go somewhere else if you're going to screech about how much you hate it EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. that it's mentioned.
> A group of 10 years-old boys with carefully selected, bred and trained biological superweapons in a wide variety of elements, including Steel and Dragon
Yeah. But we stay grouped, and I produce a lot of ether / revives / potions, just to be safe.
Don't use the fucking term then, asshole. You don't get to police other people's use of it unless you want to be called a faggot and have people use BBEG purely to spite you, faggot.
You are the BBEG of this thread.
The problem is that we're really no better.
Pathfinder/3.5 argument threads
Female Space Marines
Steven Universe
Meta threads as a whole (we are technically allowed to have one, according to hiro, in the same way that the mentally institutionalized still have the right to bear arms, and for much the same reasons)
>Legend of the Five Rings party
>BBEG is a shadow corrupted Shosuro Kachiko
>She can send seven ninja chicks against the party any time
This is a legit scenario for me, and I think the party would be more than capable to handle them. Maybe even my shugenja-sohei alone could beat them up because his combat spec is unarmed fighting and he has some crazy kiho fuckery up in his sleeve.
No one's policing anything, except for perhaps you trying to get people to stop telling you that they think the weird jargon you choose to use sounds dumb.
And, since it's always going to sound dumb, expect people to tell you that forever.
Really, the only reason that this seems to be escalating the way it does is that you really, really seem to like the phrase, to the point where you've derailed this thread all just because three or four people made ignorable posts about a phrase.
>Huge and fairly powerful Mage: The Awakening party
Yeah, the Daughters are fucked. They're skilled, for sure, but there's only so much you can do against reality warpers who can do shit like stopping time.
>Term "BBEG" is used, not even necessarily in the OP
Sure, buddy.
I'm one of the people who's tired of all this shitposting, largely because you BBEG-defenders do all the dumbest shit to try and protect the phrase.
>someone says "ugh"
So, please, do us all a favor, and stop getting so upset whenever someone says they don't like your favorite phrase. They're not going to stop just because you pretend they're all one person or that they don't have any reason to think a term designed to sound stupid sounds stupid.
Magical girl campaigns don't count.
Pokemon are kinda OP if you think about it.
>someone says "ugh"
>Every fucking time the word is used
>Tries to derail the thread by continuing to cry about how much he hates it and anyone who uses it is a stupid poopy-face who'll never kiss a girl
No. You're wrong, and I refuse to provide a rational or reasonable explanation, because it would be a waste, but I still want to win the argument, so instead of sperging massive walls of argumentative text, I'm just going to browbeat you into submission by replying to every one of your posts with various types of Lorem Ipsum. Just assume that it's a relentless autistic argument and we're good.
Respect your fucking craft. Creativity is a fucking work-ethic. While having drinks with Tibor Kalman one night, he told me, “When you make something no one hates, no one fucking loves it.” If you’re not being fucking honest with yourself how could you ever hope to communicate something meaningful to someone else? Fuck. The details are not the details. They make the fucking design. Don’t fucking lie to yourself. Someday is not a fucking day of the week. Nothing of value comes to you without fucking working at it. Never, never assume that what you have achieved is fucking good enough. Learn from fucking criticism. What’s important is the fucking drive to see a project through no matter what. To go partway is easy, but mastering anything requires hard fucking work. Think about all the fucking possibilities. Make your work consistent but not fucking predictable. Intuition is fucking important. Dedicate yourself to lifelong fucking learning. Must-do is a good fucking master. Paul Rand once said, “The public is more familiar with bad fucking design than good design. It is, in effect, conditioned to prefer bad design, because that is what it lives with. The new becomes threatening, the old reassuring.”
>An entire thread dedicated to people regurgitating and fucking jumping to take the same old tired bait
I don't know why I'm even surprised anymore. Hey guys do you try to make your vidya Toons look like your tabletop PCs? :^)
No. Anything powerful enough to send things that can harm FUCKING JACK HIMSELF, is not something any party, bar some ridiculous shit from Exalted or Mage, should be fighting under any circumstances.
If you hadn't noticed, no one's said anything about people using BBEG for about fifty posts now. It's literally just the BBEG defense force replying to the same five posts, while other people are telling them to just shut up and stop going to so much effort to try and pretend BBEG is above all criticism.
It's a silly-sounding phrase. What probably makes it such easy troll bait is just how feverish the BBEG defense force gets trying to persuade people to not think it's silly, by acting even sillier.
>If you hadn't noticed, no one's said anything about people using BBEG for about fifty posts now
You're a pretty bad liar.
>It's a silly-sounding phrase
Then don't use it.
No one's said anything about people using BBEG for quite a number of posts, only about people defending its use or complaining about using it.
The issue is that the people defending it are doing so in the worst possible manner, largely by doing everything they can to avoid discussing that yes, it does sound silly, and hoping that reaction images, exaggerated exclamations of how upset they are, and unwarranted demands of respect can somehow do more than just ignoring the posts that offend them so much.
It's these particular people that have managed to escalate this whole debacle into what it is now, and their efforts to blow out this fire only serve to fan the flames.
I'm bored. You're boring me. Stop being boring.
>Curse of Strahd party
No way.
>Party I DM for in a not!Japan campaign
At least one party member will die.
>Monk, Bard, Ranger party
The monk kicks considerable ass. The Ranger may or may not die.
This post style is EXTREMELY familiar.
Was killing /bdsmg/ not enough? Now you gotta come to Veeky Forums to troll up other threads?
Now for back on thread, 7 Slaanesh cultists with that level of power? My poor acolytes wouldn't stand a chance.
>while other people
samefagging doesn't make you a group
Easy. Peasy.
Have you heard of our lord and savior, Thunderhawk tubro-cannon shots from thousands of feet above them (they can't fly-I'm not even sure if they can jump good)
It's even more hilarious now that Veeky Forums has basically become Anonymous-Reddit.
I only come to this forgotten shithole for Veeky Forums anyway. You guys are okay, don't come to school tomorrow.
On a serious note, Veeky Forums isn't that bad. I filter out all the "ME AM ROLLPLAY PROBLEM WHAT DO!" and "ME AM /pol/ SHILL WHAT DO!" threads so it's almost like nothing changed since Veeky Forums's inception.
Some people just can't get through the day without ruining someone else's.
>stop getting so upset whenever someone says they don't like your favorite phrase
>You could have ignored the people calling it dumb
>instead you felt the need to try and defend it
>in a way that just makes it clear that you're really upset
I can't be the only one seeing the irony here.
What's with this meme? It makes me angry!
No, the irony is intentional, it's part of the bait