Post made up magic items that are
-really makes you think
Post made up magic items that are
-really makes you think
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Personal favorites
>helm of teleportation
Teleports to the head of a nearby creature every morning
>cloak of imperfect levitation
Wearing this item allows you to levitate 40% of your mass 1ft above ground
>ring of the sea
Water is pouring out of the eye of the ring until you put it on your fingef
A magical reagent that converts jam to fire
Perfect for ye olde napalme
A book that closes after opening
A blueberry that tastes like and actually is a tomato
So its greek fire/ alchemists fire?
Too useful, not funny enough
>amulet of feather fall
when put arround your neck it turns into a feather, that slowly falls to the ground
>Mask of Brando
It is a stone mask that turns you into a vampire, but also turns you into Marlon Brando.
Ring of Floating
It just floats up whenever not worn
How do you guys design items for your game? I know I can basically come up with an infinite amount of shit but I'm always worried about me accidentallying the game balance. Revoking the item afterwards is just asking for player complainging.
Slippery boots
They are indistructible and the wearer will slip if he has not at least one foot on the ground.
A player once whined that there's never magic halberds in the game so I made one that had +2 and acid damage but was infused with the soul of a common man-at-arms who hated nobles so it compelled the wielder to charge at anybody with land and titles. Made negotiations hard unless it was tucked away somewhere.
holy damn this is awesome
Ring of the Sea seems pretty bloody useful.
>is salt water
how ?
My process is as follows:
I think of something that would be an interesting of fun magic effect. Specifically, not a game-mechanic. I want something that would be fun in a fantasy-novel, not something that'll give +3 to whatever.
>2. I imagine some lore about it, I crunch what this effect would do, game-mechanically.
>3. I write it out as a magic item, and I start imagining how it is exploitable, in game-mechanics, I curtail it's exploitability if I can.
>4. At this point I decide how many uses it has.
Is this a once pr. day ? Is it a one-off? Is it every encounter? What is the terrible price to be paid, when it is used too much?
And that is pretty much my process. I almost always have a backlog of ~50 items I have yet to chisel out enough to actually bring into a campaign.
sling it into a monsters mouth
>monster is a giant fish
oh snap !
>The sword of truths
Whoever has the sword either on his hand or on his waist will speak only truth.
The sword is faulted for causation of multiple divorces, several party breakups and at least one war.
I also steal fun ideas uncritically from threads like this, and chisel out the details and chip away the problems at later dates.
Here is a viewable link to my current list of "Finished / nearly finished" items that will probably pop up in my campaign sooner or later.
I handed out nipple rings that stimulated lactation and caused slight nipple growth so that the rings would fit.
They were used to flood a room.
why is the mouth of a fish above the surface?
>Dragonfang Spear
A tribal spear. The fang is imbued with ancient, powerful magic. When it pierces a living being, it will transform it into a dragon, and kill them 3d20 minutes later.
That sounds pretty useful for sending stuff upwards, depending on how much weight it can lift.
Hey, sometimes it's okay to go "sorry guys, I fucked up and now I have to nerf this item". I usually give my players something nice as a compensation, like some gold.
Then again it helps that my players are pretty mature and cool with me making mistakes.
>LG fish came to say hi, but you tossed a ring in his mouth
nice going dude..
old or young?
Attaching anything to the ring counts as if the thing was wearing it
Party will still spend 20 minutes trying to get the ring from the cavern celling
>Attaching anything to the ring counts as if the thing was wearing it
Say I wrap the ring in string and tie the string to something, thus attaching something to the ring
Say I wrap the ring in paper and attach something to the ball of paper
Now, say I "wrap" the ring into a hot air balloon, thus attaching the basket to the ring
Finally, say I "wrap" the ring into a cavern, thus "attaching" the earth itself to the ring
At what point does it consider itself not to be attached?
Well then you can just tie a little string around the ring and never have to worry about it floating away.
Or is that intended?
If anything non gaseous is going through the ring hole, it counts as being worn, so it stops floating
If anything is tied around, the ring will slip out of confinement
Welding shit to it makes it lose it's properties
a ring that makes the wearer somehow intuitively aware that their shit suddenly became the most delicious thing in the universe, as well as gives them a one way psychic link with all conscious beings in all universes they are aware of.
>ring of fairy summoning
the effect is also permanent.
i swear this isnt my fetish, but its totally my fetish
make a ghost wear the ring, problem solved.
>I love freedom
That woman knows her target audience.
make a tube that can fit the ring inside it. now you can attach string and what not to the tube and have it float around.
>Put a sack around it
>Sew it shut
>Attach a hook into it
>Attach whatever you want to the hook
But i wouldn't expect it to be able to lift much weight, it's a floating ring, not a flying ring
>the fish is a girl and thinks you're trying to propose
>w-waah! user! this is so sudden, my father would never approve!
One of my players is a guy with pretty severe autism, great player but kinda disruptive.
In one campaign he was getting out of control with his jokes that he kept botching so I gave him a magic item that was some sort of music box. I told him he wasn't allowed to make jokes anymore but he could send me a YouTube video or sound bite of a few jokes or movie scenes and I set up a drops board for him on my computer. I gave the item like 3 or 4 charges per session but I let it slide most times if he went over.
It had varying degrees of success as far as when the jokes were actually funny but it stopped the disruptions for the most part.
It was a shitload of work though and we have since retired that idea because it got too distracting over time.
Some of the most fun I've had playing though.
So is that like, jump and then slip on landing??
Wand of Summon Wand of Summon
It's a wand of summoning you can use to summon a wand of summoning, it has one charge.
Ring of Extraordinary Luck
Gives the wearer extraordinary bad luck and a vague sense of acomplishment.
>whenever not worn
Can I hold it in my hand and float long?
Yes, but they are indistructible.
You can make the player take them and let the players discover the effects on their own.
But what if 2 differente people wear the boots? Or only one of them? I'll let you guess
Captcha was:9956 mozzarella
Google found out I'm italian
So when the GM rips of Elder Scrolls IV and we need to find the emperor's lost son we can just walk around the town where we think the guy is and wait for the halberdier to attack him?
The wand of create wand wand.
Single use. Every wand created is also single use.
Seed of Change
A seemingly normal peach pit. If planted it grows into a random fruit tree. The seeds of this tree are also Seeds of Change.
Should one eat the fruit of a Tree of Change, they will find themselves changed in a random way.
Never eat a Seed of Change. Ever.
clip of binding.
anything clipped onto is held in its precise space in worldspace relative to the ground the user is standing on when used, or to the world at large if flatworld.
with engineering skills, can be used to turn an ordinary chain into a grappling hook[something holding the clip open around one of the chain links, which will fall off if it gets jostled around, binding that single chain link in space.
anything bound can not be moved, at all, meaning it becomes impervious to all damage, healing attempts, and manipulation of any sort.
entering a portable hole or a bag of holding count as movement.
effect can be studied, and replicated, any form of application may be used as the internal canon as long as it is interesting enough[to the wizard]
my personal favourite is theres an insectoid hivemind monster that exists beyond the aether and in fact causes magic to exist, being the force that allows energy to flow through the universe; and it has claws
this is also my explanation for how wormholes work in scifi, and how teleporters actually work.
and how liches bind their soul to their skeleton
A compass that always pointsto the thing you dislike the most
A key that opens any lock that is guarding nothing of value.
You're at the bottom of a chasm/cave and you need to go up. Rise on the tide.
Stand at the entrance to a dungeon. Get your fellow PCs to stand at the exit. Fill with salt water, drown/wash everything out.
Box of the Eternal Servant
Can be used to summon a spirit servant who will perform any task to the best of its ability and promptly banish itself when the task is completed. They cannot be used in combat, but will become unstable and hostile to the summoner if the task takes too long to complete or is impossible.
I love this one because its actually rather useful. Infinite firewood
For a sci-fi game I'm making a reworked bag of holding that deconstructs items, stores them digitally, and then reconstructs them on command. Instead of a hard weight limit, every pound stored past 500 pounds means that a pound of data has to be deleted from some existing item, which means every time they use it there's a chance to get a glitched out, useless, or catastrophically damaged item.
The scratching glove
This equipment can't get burnt or incenerate, has long and hard nails always on fire, yet provides a great grip. But the wearer head is always itchy
The nasty wig
This changes the hairstyle of the wearer into the one of the wig permanently, the wig then becomes the stolen hairstyle. It doesn't work on balds