How it's your superhero campaing going?
What stories should one read if you are interested in making a cool setting or character?
What is your main inspiration?
What system do you use?
Superhero General
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Posting art
The bride?
Shame they got rid of her beautiful back muscles
Everything answered with one photo.
That art is offputting
I feel like doing a campaign as a GM where people are fed up with cape fags so the PC's are tasked with making wana be judge Dredds and their duty is to bring justice to every single cape faggot.
It's Valiant. It has fun stories, cool characters, and a nice canon.
You should check out Harbinger or Bloodshot.
Sounds cool. Try to encourage your players to be creative luring the capefaggots instead of just "go to the batcave and punch batman"
>making wana be judge Dredds and their duty is to bring justice to every single cape faggot.
So basically, most of the plot of X-Men... Very original.
My campaing is going well. My group was
No, not at all FAG
Well the whole idea is to make (even though I hate the morality system it's a good explanation) lawful good, lawful neutral and maybe chaotic good characters that have a reason to go after the cape fags that isn't just "I hate them", "I want to rule the world." and if they manage that they would probably figure out some creativity on dealing with them.
user? You ok?
My group was totally tired of playing dungeons or Dread/Chtulhu/Fiasco/VtM one shots. The reward system based on the level of success of the missions accomplished instead of the number of enemies murdered actually makes them think outside the box.
Check out The Boys by Garth Ennis.
Yeah, I forgot I left the autoposting on
What I'm saying is that you can encourage players to actually outsmart the heroes.
>Posts the idea behind X-Men/Sentinels
>Claims it isn't X-Men, it is totally original
Whatever you say, Autist.
I like capeshit but in the future, so high tech brings an equalizer factor for the bad guys
Yet another example of the same story being played out in comics.
The idea behind X-men is muties running out and doing mutie shit.
What the other user presents is focused on the hunters
>make a superhero campaign
Suck a dick, dumbshits
I'm not totally opposed to animeshit
No, the story behind the X-Men has always been the acceptance of meta-humans in our society. That is always the subtext. What makes a person human? How would race relations break down when their is an actual genetically superior race?
X-Men was pretty damn deep most of the time, that's why people love it so much.
My character has a shotgun. He likes to shoot guns. That's his schtick.
Shame Marvel is burying them under movie shit. Fuck Marvel
My character is a villain called Fagblade. It's a vampire.
When I was 12 I designed something like this for my OC and I thought it was the coolest shit ever.
Currently GMing an M&M 3e game and I think it's going pretty well.
Due to one particularly bad decision, the group got captured and sent to a Nazi prison/science facility. They managed to break out, but the facility self-destructed and the group's teleporter made a blind emergency jump the fuck out of there.
They ended up in a Celtic/Arthurian myth-inspired medieval fantasy dimension, three weeks in the future. It's been a fun trip home. They met the (old and dying) King of the Cats and one of the players found out she's next in line for the throne. In a few sessions they'll be facing off against an army of Fomorians and the final boss of the adventure.
That's actually not Marvel, that is Fox. Marvel sold movie rights for the X-Men to fox, which is why we get the same stuff recycled all the time, and why X-men is outside of the marvel cinematic universe.
Who has the screen cap of the /k/ thread where they have been plotting to slay flying fish with those.
I was talking about the comics. Since they are not part of their movie cash cow, they have no problem burying them and pushing shit like Carol ol Inhumans
>How it's your superhero campaing going?
It's okay...still on hiatus but hopefully that's breaking on Monday. The way the game's oriented, it's primarily very small groups, but with one "big" group heading up per arc.
I have a lot of plans for them...hehehe.
>What stories should one read if you are interested in making a cool setting or character?
I couldn't tell you. It's completely up to you! The game is based off the Worm setting however, and Worm itself is pretty damn fun.
>What is your main inspiration?
Just reading all of the other campaigns going on...This is my second ever campaign I'm GMing and I hope I do well.
>What system do you use?
Weaverdice, from Worm. The fun part is that the sessions are all recorded, so one can look back and read them whenever. I'm worried that my flaws are showing since I'm still very new >_>
If anyone could give me any tips, that would be fantastic!
Every single time I play supers with Veeky Forums, bar none, the players always, always make low powered, notBatmans and try to subvert tropes.
Every fucking time.
I love me some Batman, but I just can't understand the appeal of playing a low-powered character in a superhero game unless you're going for some kind of Iron Man type or a super-tech gadgeteer. It's like going to fancy diner and asking for a plain old grilled cheese sandwich. Yeah, grilled cheese is fine, but you can have that any day of the week.
>SJW trash
Randall pls go
Next time just make sure each of those skill monkeys have different skills. They can't all be motorcycle riding, investigating, boomerang throwers. If you get an action scientist, an action doctor, an action pilot, and the usual action detective you'll have a BlackHawk Squadron or Hong Kong Cavaliers style team.
I suppose some people want to play Solid Snake and want their opponents to have all the superpowers.
I have a couple of superhero greentexts.
>How it's your superhero campaing going?
Fizzled out after a while, but hella fun
>What stories should one read if you are interested in making a cool setting or character?
Our Dm liked marvel, so the campaign was inspired by the Secret Wars arc. it went well. We also did an 'Underbolts' campaign Based on being the shitty villains in prison (i play BRUTO THE STRONGMAN, as an example)
>What is your main inspiration?
For the make your own hero campaign, i made a soldier dude who could speak to tech and make stuff turn into other stuff. It boiled down to him modifying various implants of raw material in his body to perform specific functions. Life support, structural integrity, super strength, guns. You name it, he could do it. Inspired by Iron man (That's actually related to how he died) and /b/, he was named Phile. After he died i made a guy named stunt, inspired by Gunsmith's Cats Bean Bandit.
>What system do you use?
Heavy modified/rules not used Abberant. Fun times.
What do you guys recommend for a pulp heroes adventure?
with some setting/scenarios similar to Spirit of the Century
Are you asking for scenario ideas or system recommendations?
my bad, i meant system recommendations
between savage worlds and the Pulp heroes HERO system? which one is newb friendly?
I also haven't tried Mutants and Masterminds, does it have a pulp hero system or theme?
BESM and Aberrant do super heroes well enough.
BESM being accessible and easy(ish) to understand, while Aberrant... is a white wolf system. Both are fun.
Of those I would definitely recommend Savage Worlds. It's specifically designed for pulp shenanigans and mechanically fairly simple. Hero is mechanically medium-heavy crunch-wise and not all that newbie friendly in my opinion. M&M is lighter then Hero and very solid, although still heavier than SW, especially as far as character creation goes. It has a sliding scale of power levels and can do pulp just fine.
I can also recommend Supers! (revised) and Bash!, two superhero rpgs that also have fairly simple mechanics and do pulp levels well. I personally prefer Supers! but they're both quite good.
Finally, for really simple, narrative-based rules I would recommend something like Wushu (a personal favorite and one I've found myself recommending several times recently just because it works so well for my style of GMing).
>SJW trash
You weren't even alive when Valiant Comics was popular, you dumb shit.
Aberrant's single source super-powers and focus on superHUMAN drama as opposed to superHERO drama and its 90s crypto-thriller setting/metaplot makes it a poor choice for a generic superhero system, if you're not going to use the conceits of the setting. That's not to say it's a bad game, just you probably can't kitchen sink it like most superhero RPGs without a lot of home-brewing a system that's already kind of broken.
BESM, especially the other tri-stat super RPGs (Silver Age Sentinels, the Authority), and Mutants & Masterminds are great choices for a crunchy superhero game, they'll do almost anything you could want.