I'm getting the terrain for sure to use in 40k. Hopefully I can get more than one set, and for a good deal. If I can get the rules too to play Necromunda once in a while that'd be cool as well. Have no use for the models though which are no doubt packaged into the price.
Ayden Sanders
Yea shitty old ass Orks and Scouts are super uninteresting, I just want the rules. Hoping for a Necro supplement pretty hard and it would be fun to actually be able to go into a GW store again I think ill play a human or cult gang in the default box and use my old Necro minis
Dylan Jackson
Anthony Harris
cutlass not a choppa... promising.
Daniel Barnes
Why does the Heavy cost dramatically less points than the other two when it has basically the same stats and access to snazzier weapons?
Cooper Howard
I'm guessing thats a typo/preview copy or something, doenst make any sense otherwise.
Nathaniel Howard
Typo or they might be forced to buy a heavy weapon which could up their cost (so its 10+whatever the gun costs are).
Elijah Robinson
Heavy weapons cost a lot.
Jason Morris
There should be a clause in the GW CEO job that they cannot squat games, killing off all their games just to resurrect them all again is the most pointless thing ive ever seen.
Joshua Baker
I have collected a few of the 2nd ediiton Orks in anticipation that I would be able to use them one day. I'm glad this game is coming out now time to get painting.
Asher Flores
> current > necromunda Nigga how long was you stuck in that iceberg
Anyway, if there's a clause that they cannot squat "current" games then how dafuq they ever gonna stop printing games nobody plays?
Mason Ross
It's like you don't even know how businesses work. Who would be stupid enough to write a clause into a business contract that says you cannot terminate divisions and products that hemorrhage money? Oh, that's right, morons like you. But that's the reason you're not on a board of directors.
Liam Davis
You literally have no idea what you are talking about. Kys. Fuck me some fething stupid posters on nu/tg/
Jonathan Ortiz
Necromunda was still being supported up to relatively recently via their specialist games you gronk.
Nathan Green
So you think axing their entire specialist range just to bring it all back isn't an indicator they made a bad business decision? Put it this way you smartass they withdrew support for all their popular games and now are bringing back everyone BB, Mordheim, Necromunda, Epic, BFG etc. its a complete 180. All they managed to do is alienate millions of fans and turn away customers.
Gavin Young
would have been ok if they had told us that was their plan (it wasn't at the time presumably though) then they wouldn't have annoyed fans.
They axed all the specialist models what? 5 years ago? They stopped producing them before that I guess and were just selling all their stock off.
Evan Thompson
>relatively recently Nigga that shit has been gone for what now, half a decade?
Not that user, but being unable to end pet projects would kill a company. If you're not buying more models to support it then they're probably going to stop spending money on it
This user has a point however. They've realized that there was in fact money to be made.
Cooper Adams
Yeah but thats not what happened they wound down support of their other games but left them up on the site. It wasn't costing them a fucking thing. Then they decided to just terminate it all indefinately, not supported and deleted evidence of its existance. Imagine a car company deleting evidence of its previous car models. Squating their game lines was an over reaction. Thats why clauses in management exist ie don't fuck this up or you lose your job.
Henry Long
On top of that its just strange for a company to do. Companies are proud to show off popular past products. Every company does this but GW hired some real snowflakes fucking lol. It just expresses unconfidence in your business hiding past products.
Zachary Smith
>Plus maybe we will get a Necromunda actual if this is popular or FW might do something. Fingers crossed Given how close to original necromunda rules i doubt it actually. This is the new necromunda, if yiu want the gangs again limit yourselves to IG/cultists
Cooper Taylor
They probably sold off the majority of the old figures and so just deleted it.
GW has since the mid-2000's been dementedly after the new players and shitting on the old ones.
The new releases are calling back to all the old players, it's smart and maybe it 's not too late, I was a 90's GW fanboy and now they are slowly winning me back
At least in principle... I can't afford their mad shit prices.
Joseph Adams
Well if the rules are updated and still Necro then Yaktribe will happily release a Necro/Gang list community edition too.
Lincoln Sanders
They weren't hiding anything, a product with poor sales was just dropped. Like every company does.
Bentley Myers
>Dropped >poor sales >wasn't hiding Where to start on all this wrong. They did hide them they literally scrubbed their site of them. Poor sales is attributed to them not bringing out releases. You don't need to delete evidence of a products existance if you are not selling them anymore and provide the rules.
Logan Gutierrez
>It wasn't costing them a fucking thing.
Like I said, you don't even know how businesses work. I actually have an education and career experience in business and even manufacturing. Which makes your sperging even more hilarious and ironic.
>Kys. Fuck me some fething stupid posters on nu/tg/
What's doubly hilarious is I'm probably the one you're copying by using the phrase "nu-Veeky Forums".
Do you know what EPS is? Do you know wht overhead is? Do you know how GW's expenses are distributed throughout each product range?
Look up Dunning-Kruger and take some classes before you talk shit, you mouthbreather.
Christian Reed
>Poor sales is attributed to them not bringing out releases.
If a product doesn't sell, you axe it. You don't waste more money on it. What if you spend more money on it and it STILL doesn't sell? You should be spending your money bringing out releases for things that ARE selling or that you KNOW will sell.
Stay ignorant, Armchair CEO who has never taken a business class in his life.
Carson Lee
>They did hide them they literally scrubbed their site of them. Thats not hiding them, thats removing something you don't sell from the catalogue. Basic good buisness here. Same for dropping the rules, you don't have a product you don't support anymore still on your webstore, that's just dumb and no one does that.
Evan Williams
no some minis were available the rulebook? terrain? rapidfire dice?
Sebastian King
So, what are the factions?
Ian Green
There were new releases.
Blake Hall
While the minis were on sale the rules were a free download. Regular 40k terrain nworked pretty well if you had to buy GW terrain for your table for some reason. The rules include a chart for using a regular D6 as a rapid fire die.
The game was fully supported, until it wasn't suported at all.
Jaxon Myers
>trolling All that projecting.
Aaron Russell
Unknown exaclty, but its been stated to be 12. And they had a list of some compatible kits that included all the factions. So everyone is in in some form.
Elijah James
>waste money. If you are not producing anything how are you wasting money autist?
Christopher Turner
Are these singular troops squads, or can you take a balance of units like Kill Team?
Nathaniel Davis
People who profess to being economic business experts while sounding like a 14 year old and using the term Dunning-Kruger are always suffering from it. If you were so brilliant you wouldn't be typing long stupid autistic posts on Veeky Forums.
Jace Reed
I can smell your stomach rolls from your post. Fucking nu/tg/obbler
Nathan Brooks
Unknown for certain, though by the rules leak in OP it looks like you build your gang on a per model basis rather than having to get whole units like in kill team.
Connor Reed
Well no, but its really poor form for a company to advertise a product they won't sell you. Its better and makes more sense to only show things that you can sell a customer.
Kevin Robinson
>GW advertise You don't know what you are talking about holy shit. What the fuck do you think they are doing with Mordheim and the Warhammer video games?! Advertising a product they don't sell.
Leaving up rules for past products is not selling.
Tyler Reed
>licence a WFB game link to buying the models >already axed WFB GW cutting edge business strategies. Explain this GW fanbois.
Josiah Hughes
I have a squad of Arbites and a squad of steel legion waiting on the rules to drop. I paid way to much for them way to long ago, and its a great excuse to do them up.
>I'll take carapace and shotguns and run count as, but if steel legion gets any sort of fluff I might just do them, just because GW remembered to.
Blake Jenkins
Be cool if you could have a mixed faction within some limits. Not silly allies like in 40k, but like a Chaos Space Marine leading chaos cultists, a few pureblood genestealers in a genestealer cult. Imperial Guard and hive militia.
Noah Sullivan
Weird and gay that Cadian infantry squad is mentioned and not Armageddon steel legion... On armageddon, but i guess GW will never produce a new plastic guard infantry set.
David Ward
They all sound like they'll be possible.
Easton Brown
you don't have to tell me about spending silly money on old models.
Adrian Taylor
What are we looking at here second hand cleaned, second hand new or mint and you opemed them?
Jaxon Brown
Jaxon Ross
Bah! are their leaks of the guard units or fluff?
I keep telling my self, simple green and they resale just as much as I paid for them.
Connor Watson
The videogames are their own product not an advertisement.
Having an entry in the online catalogue (all the GW website was at the time) is effectively advertising it.
Josiah Kelly
*inhales* Wrong. Besides being wrong, they are advertising the discontinued models via the games.
Matthew Bell
Cadian squad is just mentioed because it's the generic guardsmen kit.
I'm late to the news - is this something set on Armageddon? Are they going to revamp the Wars for Armageddon instead of letting it hang on in the background?
Andrew Martin
Looks like they are using Armageddon to launch a generic hive skirmish game.
Anthony Gray
These are almost all second hand stripped and cleaned, plus I grabbed a couple boxes of the new stuff (2002ish?) before GW fucked it off.
A few blisters new had to be bought to complete the set. Not all opened yet. About 50 Necro models painted, maybe 80? Mostly they are prepped at least and undercoated.
What gave it away?
Ryder Garcia
The box.
Luke Harris
>What gave it away? Not him, but i recognized that postal box.
Blake Phillips
Auspost is quite distinctive. Now guess the state
John Martin
Is there a chance they'll include Steel Legion models?
Samuel Walker
I think had to rework the specialist games at some point because the sales were too low. But they also were shifting to full plastic and reworking their whole fantasy part. So squatting the specialists was understandable, since even a company like GW doesn't have the resources to do that. Also they simply weren't interested un skirmishes and thought they wouldn't make them money and focused on ugly space marine aircraft and retarded giant robots in 28mm. ALSO now they can ride the nostalgia train and keep releasing subpar rules with ancient models, just because they slapped an old name on the product. That said, to answer OPs question: I sure as hell will get into this game, since I live skirmishes.
Jace Baker
Spacemarine scouts vs ork boys in the box. Rest is 40k line minis.
Jackson James
Fuck. Could have at least repackaged some Catachans and called them Ork Hunters.
Jackson King
>Kill your diverse specialist line >Competitors start making substitutes and big profits >oh fuck oh fuck what have we done turn it back on!
Samuel Morgan
Wish they would learn that lesson about the guard
Chase Ross
Your girlfriend has super funky ankles at that angle.
Grayson Watson
Holy fuck, you fucking fuck.
I've been picking up old Necromunda models for several years when I've been able to, and the top layer alone of that box contains dozens of models that ... by extrapolating my timeline, would take me another 30 years to collect.
Matthew Butler
I jelly.
Levi Robinson
She is slav squatting in the soft carpet lol
Kayden Brooks
This is also my stuff.. Hehe. Sorry to make you jelly but it was the one good thing about an office job. Money and no time. Now I drive a truck and can paint this stuff !
Jordan Garcia
One would expect DW vets to be good at fighting all xenos.
Owen Adams
Orks and Tyranids, probably. Eldar would be too uncommon of an enemy to develop a specialty against, even for the Deathwatch. The Tau already suck in melee anyway so a bonus against them is pretty benign. Though I suppose it might help defeat Crisis suits.
Sebastian Murphy
>2nd ed kommandos
Exceptional taste user. Those were the models that got me into playing Orks when I was a kid.
Colton Roberts
I'm real salty that the box set is going to cost £80/$130. I like the terrain, but not THAT much. Hopefully the rules will be available digitally.
Jeremiah Rogers
Thanks user they were the 3rd models I ever purchased and one of only 2 units I ever finished painting before my wargame Renaissance during university.
Mason Moore
I'm hoping lots of people buy it for the terrain So can pick up a book cheap .
Easton Rodriguez
Does Not! Necromunda have SoB, slaanesh or Inquisition? Fucking marines are now in and with no gangs in hive world setting.
Parker Myers
It probably will. The units listed in the news post were examples of what can be used, not the definitive list.
Joshua Peterson
>I3 Orks even more of a melee race now!
Aaron Ross
How are those things even remotely fair?
Maybe if the box came with 20 Orks and 5 marines. But 10vs10 with those stat line is just sad (assuming old Necromunda copy pasted rules )
Nathan Hughes
Scouts are better at shooting, orks are better at melee.
Alternatively: GW don't care, they just want to shift old sprues.
Charles Wright
The box comes with Scouts and Orks not Deathwatch and Flash Gits though.
Ryan Evans
I was like you.
Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment
Mason Stewart
I'd fucking stomp on a baby for a new Ork boyz and new ARMAGEDDON STEEL LEGION set for the Armageddon game... sigh.
Colton Sanchez
Get in line. I'm waiting for plastic SoB for over a decade. The bulk of the models sold today are from 1997. Let that sink.
Anything that doesn't have marines in it is good in my book. This having marines makes it automatically shit.
Is not that I hate marines. I just got bored by oversaturation. My fucking grandmother had marines. They are so bland today that it is totally boner kill.
Lincoln Butler
Don't worry i'm aware, I too have sisters.
Wyatt Howard
I'm just tired.
I've been playing this bloody thing for decades. The only thing I want to see is a single edition with everyone having decent rules and updated models for at least thier bulk
Dylan Ross
I got some Chaos Bikers recently and they too are 20 years old now. I kitbashed them with some Raptors I was also assembling and the difference in detail (and the amount of bits they can cram into each sprue) is astounding.
Charles Brooks
At least they are plastic. It makes easier to work with.
Metal is not a problem for like 10 models, but with 40keks when you need 20+ minimum converting metal sucks the fun out of the hobby.
Samuel Reed
Orks, Sisters and Guard need plastic infantry updates, so much new marines every godamn 6 months or whatever makes me sick when we haven't had new infantry for Sisters (97) Orks (99) and Guard (03)
But shit, I guess we need Space Marines with slightly different armor.
Daniel Robinson
>converting metal
Never again.
I'm guessing that they figure that serious guard players are big enough grogs that they'll spring for the old metal and forge world stuff. Sisters are neglected forever, aside from the tease that was Celestine & Co. Orks....maybe we'll see new ones? I think in general GW is loathe to replace any multi-part plastic kit that isn't marines since it wouldn't guarantee solid short term returns.
Adam Jones
Well I'm one of them, from Vostroyans to old Cadians I have a bit of every old metal guard there is.
It's hard to fathom that they don't update core units though since you are required to take basic infantry in almost every army. Seeing things like the blood bowl orcs makes me wonder what a new 40k ork would look like too, no more broken back apes...
So sad for people who love sisters though why are they kept around but in such a sad state. I have a soft spot for them ever since the battlereport which introduced necrons attacking the included in WD cardboard chapel.
Carter Morris
The odd thing is, GW has axed entire games and for some reason SoB have never been axed.
I play marines and I'm tired of the constant update while my opponents have the same shit for decades
Colton Cooper
Ugh fucking GW. I swore off them nearly a decade ago and escaped into the blessed land of 15mm. Then recently I thought "Oh new Blood Bowl? You loved that game as a kid" and bought a box (or two). And then it was "Oh the limited edition Space Hulk, that was another awesome game you should buy a box before it goes out of stock again". Now I'm already fucking buying GW city terrain and Skitarri for a game that isn't even out yet.
Curse you GW! Why must you bring back all the games I couldn't afford as a kid!
Matthew Cook
Because you're a slut for grimdark bullshit, and they know it.
Benjamin Fisher
Yes, how dare they produce fun stuff.
Logan Scott
I'm not even sure GW knows why people buy their non marine stuff.
Just look at the "leaked" email about Vyridian over selling so hard.
Carter Williams
I.. I thought I could just pirate the books and get my fix that way. But then a few Commissar Cain books later and I was furiously scouring eBay for Epic. I thought "I'll just buy some Orks and Imperial Guard". Then I wanted Tyranids. Then Eldar. Then Space Marines. And just getting the regular troops wasn't enough. I had to search for the rare models, and then I found fan models that were massive improvements over the originals...