Why didn't they make Emperor in to a dreadnought?

Why didn't they make Emperor in to a dreadnought?

Idk I don't really know the lore or play the game but I image it has something to do with him looking way more badass sitting in his throne.

Also the energy required to keep him from truly dying is way more than a Dreadnaught could contain, presumably.

The same reason as was given the last 170 times this thread was made.

What is it?

fuck off, frogposter.

you fuck off, retarded fucker

Why didn't they though?

What is it?

I'm curious now too. Someone please inform us.

No Emperor on the Throne means no Astronomican, which means no more (relatively) safe and fast Warp travel, which means Mankind is 8 flavors of fucked.

Also keep in mind that the Emperor is on a constant diet of psyker souls. I don't think the Imperium would be capable of building a soul-drainer that can eat a 1000 souls a day into a small enough package to put on a dreadnought.

6/10 to the OP though, I helped answer a question that could be answered by reading the first 10 pages of the basic fluff section of the MRB.

He's too big.

That doesn't answer SHIT.

Do you need to be a rotting corpse to keep up the Astronomican? If they made him in to a dreadnought he could still sit on the throne with his huge mecha ass AND lead the space marines around the galaxy.

Fuck off, frogposter.

>he could sit on the throne
>and he could also leave the throne
Those things are mutually exclusive.

Who said he needed to leave the throne? If even half of what is said about him in the lore is true, he can take over the galaxy by just messaging orders from the rusty chair.

They let him die for nothing.

>Do you need to be a rotting corpse to keep up the Astronomican?
Yes, he's literally the only one capable of doing it while remaining a somewhat living being. The next most capable psychic died within a few hours.

In essence he's acting as a psychic prism.

>Yes, he's literally the only one capable of doing it while remaining a somewhat living being. The next most capable psychic died within a few hours.
Well Magnus would have been the next most capable psyker, but....

Magnus is a dicknob


Me good sir, whatever his name is that created the government, was believed to be more powerful.


>Magnus would have been
Magnus THINKS he would have been

he ain't tho

he too precious to fight in battle an erybody is too afraid to touch him in case he die

The Emperor thought he would've been too, there's absolutely no suggestion that Malcador was even remotely as powerful in terms of raw psychic might than Magnus, though chances are he was more psychically skilled at the time.

I'm assuming this thread wasn't made by a troll, so i'll try to explain it the best way i can.
Namely because of A) The wounds he got while fighting Horus are far too grievous. Keep in mind it has been confirmed that his skeletal state is how he actually looked after his fight with Horus, and time didn't have that much of an effect on his physical body,

B) He and Magnus are the only ones able to power the Astronomican without turning into dust like good ol Malcador, and i'm pretty fucking sure Magnus wouldn't do it the way things are now.

C)Not only is he powering the Astronomican, he is also keeping the warp rift Magnus created with his fuckup back when he was still loyal from becoming a second Eye of Terror in the middle of the fucking Imperium. Should the Emperor leave Terra or die then BAM, FUCKING DAEMONS EVERYWHERE.

And that's without counting the massive depression dude got after his work of a lifetime (which to be fair lasted several millions of years) went fuck itself during the Heresy.

The Emperor sounds a lot like a Chaos God or C'tan.

Heresy! *Blam!*

The better question is, why didn't they make the Golden Throne into a dreadnought?

No, a bestest question is why didn't they make the Imperial Palace into a Titan, with Emps as it's brain?