Hey, Veeky Forums
Me and two of my friends are looking for someone to guide us through our first tabletop rpg adventure. Normally I would look for a gameshop in my area and ask around there but the only one we had closed down in 2013
Hey, Veeky Forums
Me and two of my friends are looking for someone to guide us through our first tabletop rpg adventure. Normally I would look for a gameshop in my area and ask around there but the only one we had closed down in 2013
A bit more details.
We want to play D&D 5e to see If we like it, gain some experience and move to something more complex like Pathfinder or earlier D&D editions. We are from Europe so time zone difference is going to be very apparent.
Bumping once again
I can't help but notice that you completely failed to mention anything that isn't D&D. Why is that?
Let me know if i need to post more details
Because that's the only thing we are familiar with plus the only thing we have a rulebook for. If there is anything easy to access that is similar to D&D please let me know.
Similar in what way?
A fantasy RPG?
A fantasy RPG where wizards run the show?
A combat-focused RPG?
A poorly designed RPG?
Btw, stop bumping. Veeky Forums is not a fast board.
Similar in the core: a fantasy RPG with elements of roleplay and storytelling
So any fantasy RPG.
Ryuutama is designed as an RPG tutorial and contains two scenarios that ease both the GM and players into the rules and style of play.
Well, okay. Let's say we play that, but there are still only 3 of us, I have asked all of my acquaintances to join and there is nobody else. As I said the only game shop is long closed because the community is dead. All that's left is a small group of Pokemon TCG players
I don't think you're gonna have much luck recruiting a DM. It's the wrong way around. (You can put up a flier inviting strangers over to your house for a kegger, but putting up a flier looking for somebody you don't know to hold your kegger at their house isn't likely to yield results.) You've gotta find a game that somebody's running and sign up to that. I'm not saying it's easy to find a good one of those, but at least there you're not chasing a unicorn.
I'll do it; talk more here.
Yeah, I figured just that. Didn't hurt to try and ask
>there are still only 3 of us
The sweet spot for a typical RPG campaign is probably 4 players plus a GM, but you can play with fewer or more. My longest campaign ever had 2 players most of the time.
Anyway, I started role-gaming when I was in 4th grade. With no prior play experience, I started running Basic D&D for the neighborhood kids. Granted, I had little idea what I was doing and fudged most of the shit (just making up shit based on how good the rolls worked), but we still had fun, and over the years I actually learned what I was doing. Role-gaming is really just playing pretend with dice and more sophisticated rules, but in the end, it's still make-believe. And it's making up stories together that makes it special, and the rules are just a tool in support of that (and one that can be done without when it comes right down to it). You might want to try running a simple game with your friends--something without a lot of rules to trip you up and slow you down, so you can have a chance to focus on mastering the other, more important aspects of role-gaming (group management, adventure planning, actual role-playing, etc.). Pic is the sort of thing you could start with, for instance.
A wild unicorn appears?
Why would you move from 5e to pathfinder? Jesus christ.
You can get 99% of books online for free, or buying the PDFs which is cheaper than the hardback books.
2 players is a bit low but it can be done. 3-4 players is ideal. 5-6 is usually tolerable. Anything above is usually not very fun.
A bored unicorn with a night free.
Thanks for the ruleset, I'll definitely use it!
Why not? If you have other suggestions please list them here
The full rules of Savage Worlds gets relatively involved, making it a rules-medium game by RPG standards (and RPGs are pretty complicated things, when you get right down to it), but the basic "test drive" rules are a lot more approachable, and might be a decent place to start too.
There's also Risus, if you want something dirt simple and you don't mind things getting a bit silly.
I'll look into in thanks. I am open to pretty much anything. But this doesn't solve the issue we have - 3 people in a group only
On the other hand, if you want a minimalist approach to rules, but in a full-size game, (and like the idea of Conan-style high-adventure) you might want to check out Barbarians of Lemuria.
>Barbarians of Lemuria,Mythic Edition (current edition) -- mediafire.com
>Barbarians of Lemuria, Legendary Edition (earlier edition, shorter but not as refined) --mediafire.com
>Barbarians of Lemuria, House Rules / Patches for Legendary Edition (if you want minimalism of Legendary, but with the rules tightened up) -- mega.co.nz
>But this doesn't solve the issue we have - 3 people in a group only
The main advantage of having 3 or 4 players is that there is more back-and-forth between the players, themselves, which makes it easier to keep the energy up (and maybe takes a bit of the burden off the GM). The fewer people involved, the more constantly engaged the GM is in everything. On the other hand, the more people there are, the more the GM has to wrangle people and keep them focused. So it's a trade-off. But as I said further up the thread, a GM with 2 players is quite doable. You just cater to the characters involved (if you've got no thief-types in the party, you don't plan an adventure that requires thieves). You don't more than two heroes in a story.
I guess that's what I will have to do
Well, seems to be offering to run a game, but if that doesn't work out, or you want to do something in addition, don't be afraid to fuck around with your friends. You won't know what you're doing at first, and your first few sessions will probably be a mess, objectively speaking, but that doesn't mean you can't have fun at the same time, and like anything else, it's a learning experience. Play around. Screw shit up. You can always make new characters, say that any deaths are just comas, or rewrite what happened (with the consent and understanding of the rest of your group). Just make sure everybody understands that you all will be learning the ropes and so to accept some stumbles, and you should be good.
Basically, don't feel intimidated by the fact that you might do a bad job starting out. You're supposed to be bad. When you first learn to ride a bike, you're expected to get some skinned knees, and you certainly aren't ready to start poppin' wheelies until you get some more experience under your belt.
That's really motivational. I think I will run my own adventures in the end anyway, but thanks!