Goddamn, that's a good one. Gnomes will probably feel its sting too.
Carson Myers
That pic hurts me.
Anyway, Shadowrun has a few good ones, albeit not universal for fantasy settings. "Halfer" for dwarves, "dandelion eater" and "keeb" (from Keebler) for elves, "trog" (from troglodyte) for orcs and trolls, etc..
Hunter Murphy
Just replying because that image fucking kills me on the inside.
Do people actually see this and go "yeah, this makes sense"?
David Ramirez
It was posted unironically in /x/, which is where I pulled it from. They're a special bunch over there.
Samuel Harris
Stupid people, yeah. Some people just can't handle the thought of a sphere.
Caleb Howard
That one is most likely an ebin trole pic, but there's people that believe that, yes. There's worse, too.
Jacob Clark
Shitlicker, cunty-stunty,mudboy, cave rat, rock-for-brains
Bentley Long
did those niggers not go through third grade science. what the fuck
Nathaniel Bennett
I can't believe the anthropomorphic abstraction of our board used to date the anthropomorphic abstraction of their board.
Sure hope the hypothetical sex was theoretically great.
Andrew Johnson
A lot of them are homeschooled, christian, or both. Special the whole lot. Check out armored skeptic's shit with flat earthers, it's pretty good.
If you can't tell that that picture is a joke, you shouldn't be the first to throw stones about stupidity.
Sebastian Clark
It's literally on the level of every other flat earth proof, there's no evidence present that it is a joke.
Flat Earthers really are that stupid.
Jason Wilson
A bunch of retards. If the earth is flat then how come I can fly in a straight line from Australia to South Africa?
Luis Smith
Flat/Cone Earthers on /x/ are just the "elf slave, wat do" equivalent over there. Think of both types of poster as a mutually shared communicative disease that manifests in different ways.
Dylan Hughes
>"go fuck yourself science" >not clearly an indicator of a facetious tone
Brayden Lopez
>implying there aren't people IRL that honestly, unironically believe this
Nathan Ramirez
The earth isn't flat. It's Planar. you should have already realized this by knowing Red shift, Evolution and the Big bang is horseshit.
On that note, by planar, I mean, flat, but dome shaped but weirder on the inside.
Lucas Sanders
It wouldn't be the first time I've heard that sentiment expressed without irony.
These are great. "Mushroom" by itself might work for dwarves, too.
Jack Cruz
Look at that hairless monkey thinking he can make up insults that would affect the fairfolk, thousands of years older, wiser, better in every single aspect of life.
Do you get insulted if a baby spits on you, or do you just laugh and ignore it?
Mason King
we were still lively at the time. Since then, /b/ colonized /x/, and most of our big sources of OC left as a result of the numerous times that the mods fucked things up.
Brody Murphy
never underestimate another person's ability for stupidity.
William Martin
>if the earth was round and gravity was in the centre walking in a straight line would result in the person floating off into space
Benjamin Adams
>mfw TES setting has the best fantasy insults N'wah, fetcher, swit, milk drinker.
>If the earth is flat then how come I can fly in a straight line from Australia to South Africa? I... even if the Earth were flat, you could still do that...
Connor Hughes
Dwarves: Antique mining equipment
Christian Evans
Not a racial slur, but "How's the view down there?" is a fun thing to ask dwarves and the like.