New subtitle for 8th edition.
Is this the beginning of the end? For me it already was in about 6th when the meta became a mess of big plastic kits and DLC-type formations, campaign books and datasheets.
New subtitle for 8th edition.
Is this the beginning of the end? For me it already was in about 6th when the meta became a mess of big plastic kits and DLC-type formations, campaign books and datasheets.
Source of bullshit.
I am now fully convinced that Warhammer 40,000 is going to have big chances in 8th edition and a lot of the existing fan base will not be happy.
Less dystopian.
Massively simplified rules.
More huge mega-kits and a much brighter look to models, more in line with AoS.
Age of Sigmar is now outselling WHFB. Out with the old, in with the new.
Which is understandable when from about 6th onward they didn't really give Fantasy that much love, until it came to 8th which was basically just was poor fanfic teeing up for the End Times and AoS.
Good for Games Workshop.
I don't care though, I want Warhammer to remain true to its roots.
Going after the normies will get GW more money but that will not be a game myself, or a large part of the existing fan-base, will enjoy.
>remain true to its roots.
If the game had remained true to it's roots, you wouldn't even recognize it, you enormous faggot.
It's roots is the over the top schlock from RT and 2e which still managed to be more grimdark and awful than the koolaid people like you drank from 3e and 4e.
5th edition tried to resurrect some of the roots of 40k and people like you hated it precisely because you don't know what 40k was supposed to be.
While there is a difference between Fantasy 1st edition and 8th edition, I think we can agree AoS was a massive break.
This massive break will be what 8th edition will be.
40K is different things to different people, just like Fantasy was. But we all agreed AoS was a huge break in terms of aesthetics, lore and rules. This is what 8th edition is going to be.
Maybe you should leave Games Workshop's finance department every now and then and smell the roses.
You're talking bollocks mate. They threw in a few little throwbacks in to 2nd ed mechanics, but 5th was barely different from 4th. However on the army building side of things, GW had a clear plan to make most basic units cannon fodder that has only got worse with each edition since.
There's a difference between the "over the top schlock" of virus grenades and silly stuff from RT/2nd and the big kit wankathon we have now.
>It makes money therefore it's good
>Twilight made tons of money
>Therefore it's the good literature.
It's like watching history repeat itself.
All the problems Fantasy 8th edition had are being forced into 40K. They're making basic troops worthless (as you said), releasing these huge kits and blatantly releasing pay to win formations.
I can only assume Kirby plans to get out soon and wants to boost sales short term and then get his shares worth.
unfortunately for the long terms health of the game it will be fatal and we'll seen players falling more and more.
user, I think you've misinterpreted me.
Look at who I was replying to.
I was trying to say that I don't care if 8th is more successful, it will not be 40K to me.
Ah my apologies.
>They're making basic troops worthless
>what are Windriders
>what are Horrors
>what are Renegades
>blatantly releasing pay to win formations
>when the most powerful formations in the game are in-codex or free
They are all new troop kits.
A basic Space Marine has never been so worthless. For the first time in the game they are seen as a tax and 5 man squads are common because people just want to fill the two mandatory Troop requirements.
In regards to formations, they pieces of paper may be free, but the bonuses require you to buy X of this model and Y of this and oh yes you need one of these not so well selling kits.
>More money
They're a PLC, they will always do what makes them more money. Regardless of what the fans think.
>troops useless
>what are necron warriors
>They are all new troop kits.
Except they literally aren't. Jetbikes are old as fuck, and even the new model didn't drop until after the codex that made them broken. Horrors are old as fuck too, and Split broke them before Blue and Brims even had models outside of Silver Tower. Renegades do not even have models.
>For the first time in the game they are seen as a tax
Far from the first time Tactical Marines have been a tax, newfag.
>5 man squads are common because people just want to fill the two mandatory Troop requirements
Or get a free Rhino in Gladius. Gladius Tactical Squads are excellent for their price.
>In regards to formations, they pieces of paper may be free, but the bonuses require you to buy X of this model and Y of this and oh yes you need one of these not so well selling kits.
>oh no I have to buy models how horrifying
>Astroturfing this hard
They will, even Priestly said they wanted to make money.
However, even he admitted it had gone to far. They wanted to pay everyone's cheques at the end of the day, current GW is screwing the fuck out of the player base at the detriment of the game. What they don't realise is that they're killing the game long term.
Jesus Christ... are you genuinely this retarded?
Do you not think when GW release a codex they know that said unit will be coming out down the pipeline? They knew Horrors and Jetbikes would be getting shiny new kits and so made them great. They probably purposefully didn't limit the number of Scatter lasers you could take in the hope some moron would go buy more kits to have one on every bike.
> Hey user it's fine all you have to do is use this formation where you get free transports and have to buy 5 Rhino kits...
Oh, you're one of the "all the new shit is broken" autists. Well then... Mutilators, Warp Talons, Orkanauts, and the entirety of the Thousand Sons codex bar Magnus. There. This will be my last (You) for you, friend.
>Hey user it's fine all you have to do is use this formation where you get free transports and have to buy 5 Rhino kits...
It's like GW are trying to sell models or something. Really noodles your noggin.
Besides, the most broken formations (Riptide Wing) are broken because they have no tax units.
Good, please see yourself out of this thread if you're just going to furiously slurp GW semen.
Not all the new stuff is broken, it varies a great deal (sometimes to the extent that I think they don't know what they're doing).
Yeah they want to sell models.
Lets compare this to Flames of War V4, I know you GW cock suckers don't play any other game if it isn't approved by your master but bear with me.
They release new plastic kits for the Stuart, Crusader and Grant tanks. They were the only tanks in the book and obviously Battlefront wanted to sell them. However, they were balanced with older models and when the later books come out, the older tank models will be perfectly usable with the newer kits. In fact, the game is designed to need a balance like 40K used to be, before GW just thew their arms in the air and tried to force all this 'unbound' shit down our throats.
Could you try this again with a game that isn't shit?
Well this is a 40K thread so we'll be talking a lot about shit games in here my friend.
Mama fucking Mia.
Cast with fucking irresistible force.
I played 2nd through 4th, from my observations down the club it seems like this.
>Where's your formation from mate? Oh, book 3 of 5 of the Shield of Baal series at £30 each and it lets me take 300 points of free units that deep strike turn 1 and can assault
It's only a minor gripe but the weapons don't have the internal consistency any more either. Back then, it was maybe a little boring but a new tank variant would come with Lascannons or Plasma Cannons instead of the original Heavy Bolters or whatever, you knew roughly what it would perform as. Now, to sell new kits they come with "Nemesis Plasmablasters", "Lasbolt Thunderstrikers" or whatever they've pulled out of their arse and given a dafter statline to sell a few more.
Figures that Septs would be in a 40k thread.
At least he speaks truth.
Faggot from before here, just replying to let you know I'm going out to find the biggest, meanest GW cock to suck until I die of either asphyxiation or drowning by semen. I wasn't going to come back here but my resolute opinion has been decisively overturned, as I can and will never be able to argue with septs. Praise kek.
formations ruined 40k. you have to have read each thing they relase, book or ereader release, just to know what your army or others can do. remember when it was just a rulebook and a codex?
Warhammer is basically THE game for wargaming normies. Stop complaining.
>the most broken formations (Riptide Wing)
except the riptide wing forces you to buy 3 big models whereas most sensible people would get 1 and then not buy a second until they get to the "i'm just painting and collecting tau for the heck of it stage"
same thing with the baneblade formation, sure i can field 3 baneblade variants in a 1500 point game now, but unless i'm someone with 30k+ points of guard at home i'm unlikely to actually own 3 of the bastards already
Aw nostalgia. I was also a 40k Player in 2nd then came back in... 5th? This new formation stuff is super weird and confusing to me, and buying terrain.
>wargaming normies
The wargaming part there is a pretty significant caveat with regards to the whole normies thing.
formations are cancer it completely ignores the balancing effect that a CAD has to
hopefully gw will make the formations cost points like in aos
They did but it didn't have to be this way.
If they build the game around them and tried to balance them then they could work well like they do in a lot of games.
Currently they're bolted on to a game that was never designed for them and they're just using them as an excuse to buy 3 of this new kit rather than the 1 any sensible person would.
The Baneblade formattion is utter shit and exists only for faggots who already owned that many tanks. It would be wiped by a well-made 1500 list in that points bracket.
>implying earlier editions of 40k were balanced
>implying 40k has ever been balanced
i havent looked at aos, but this would be a perfect solution, making formations cost points to get the benefiets
Did you guys know that the metal Imperial Guard range was released in 1994, the plastic Cadians were released in 2003. Vostroyans in 2006.
It has been over a decade since the Imperial Guard got infantry, if they got new models they would sell, why does GW only make Space Marine kits, i know they sell, but pouring all their money into one range always seemed crazy.
>if they got new models they would sell
Hello, Sisters player.
Because they only care about shot term gain. New kits for Orks and Guard classic units would help the long term help but they only care about their position on the stock exchange.
Only in theory, I have 2 squads from the old days...
Guard players have some of the hugest armies i've seen online, and the fact that companies like Victoria miniatures purely on guard knock offs shows the market is there... GW have been fucking themselves for a long time, though i have to admit that since the CEO change and the relaunched WD they are doing some things right.
Shit I will probably even buy my first GW product since.. 2010? If that Armageddon/Necromunda game is as advertised.
I wish they would take Orks back to having a bit of character. Plus get rid of the ape like bodies and gargantuan heads.
Why the fuck doesn't GW have the balls to streamline 40k and update the system.
I have left for quite some time now, but it seems that rules keep getting tacked on, and on, and on. Streamline the lot of them, diversify were needed and for fuck sakes get rid of the You-Go-I-Go system.
>Outselling WHFB
>AoS Fans think this is impressive
You know thats a pretty low bar seeing as how they did not need to sell much to do that. Its not that impressive.
No, AoS fans KNOW it isn't impressive, it is the diehard WHFB fans that are surprised by it, because they refuse to accept that WHFB barely sold anything near the end of its life.
>balancing effect that a CAD
Because CAD Eldar are completely balanced and it's only because dirty formations that the poor Scatbikes become broken.
No, no WHFB fans know it did not sell much toward the end because it was like a 600 price tag to get into the hobbies.
Free formations and the Ally matrix need to die in a fire
Say hello to MTG. 600 is nothing.
>t. Eldar player
Fuck off, formations are a great concept, they just need to remove the bullshit taxless formations and slap points costs on what remains. Allies are also fine and fluffy as long as superfriends is nerfed.
yeah but you don't need to put together and paint anything in mtg, 600 for 60 models for a single unit that costs only 300 pts in a game that was normally played at 2000
>Yeah they want to sell models.
I know I fucking hate how GW makes all their new kits OP as shit to push them.
I was seeing so many unstoppable Nobz in 'Nauts when the Orkanauts came out that just tabled entire armies.
Then came Thousand Sons, I can't wait until Rubrics and Scarab Occult Terminators are OP as FUCK
And now with Gathering Storm 3? That book's OP as shit formations made Fallen and Grey Knights top tier. GG Kit pushing GW.
Thats....thats litereally what i said, free formations are stupid, they can keep them but not for free. Who ever made 7th had a massive boner for apoc games and said LETS MAKE THIS THE TEMPLATE! and then removed the points from the formations. In the way long ago, you had to pay for the 3 vindicators then like another 100 points for the formation.
This, problem was in WHFB you needed like shit 60 zombies for a single unit which took forever to build and paint and that was like one small unit out of how many more you needed?
Wish they went back to 6e Allied Tree where Imperium subfactions wasn't BFFs with everyone.
>supported game outselling almost-not-supported game
>breaking news
Time to spice things up.
I said guard, not some glory boy twats with warhammer fantasy breastplates.
>glory boy twats with warhammer fantasy breastplates.
You should be careful. You want new IG infantry, you should expect something like this. GW isn't going to release plastic WW2 knock offs.
Well maybe so, why did they make them so sigmarine though, what ever happened to blanche style grimdark.
Even a redesigned Cadian kit would do, the old ones are so lacking detail and blocky.
Only turboautists enjoy Age of Sigmar.
Flawless victory.
Just play infinity f you want good models, fuck off I like blocky goofiness.
why though? GW has competent sculptors they could make something good.
>cheesecake: the miniatures range
Reminder that Fantasy as a whole was outsold by just the Tactical marine box at one point.
>the good literature
Alright, I laughed.
Mein Gott.
GW has competent sculptors.
Their design is shit though.
checked and kek'd
The indisputable truth of septs.
Hasn't been good since they shackled the Perry's to the fucking LOTR wagon.
Always despised the proportions on the default Space Marine, they looked so out of whack, that weird hourglass shape with the huge shoulders and tiny waists... The people who do true scale marines are my heros I would actually buy normal Marines if they looked like them.
Infinity fags should have their balls ripped off so they cannot contaminate the rest of the world.
Those outfits look great, but man, those guns look awful. Every time I see a DKoK army the guns are skinny and warped and bent.
it's the problem with resin, that's why we need new plastic guard, avoid that problem.
You know what I love about this pic, the illustrator understands that Heroic Scale miniatures should not be drawn 1:1 when your drawing a human, this guys equipment and rifle are actually the size a human being could manage. Some plastic guard like this would get me to spend money at GW again. Regardless of their crazy ass price.
>Age of Sigmar is now outselling WHFB 8th edition
Fair fix
I for one am just glad that against all odds and recent precedent, Gathering Storm's fluff turned out overall to be okay. And then the rumor mill has now turned decisively towards the new marines being a new mark of powered armor, instead of Ultra Sigmarines shit.
Maybe, just maybe, there's hope for 40k.
Tau Sept R'kt
>Gathering Storm's fluff turned out overall to be okay
There is still couod be the next Storm-event.
>Kirby plans to get out soon
You do know he is out, right?
He's still there, just not CO anymore.
>Lets compare this to Flames of War V4, I know you GW cock suckers don't play any other game if it isn't approved by your master but bear with me.
> However, they were balanced with older models and when the later books come out, the older tank models will be perfectly usable with the newer kits. In fact, the game is designed to need a balance like 40K used to be
Why should I care about Battlefront models when WWII miniatures have been available practically since the war ended?
Who's sucking whose cock?
>all these chapters with interesting fluff soon will be wiped out by nee Ultramarines
But they are advancing the narrative! Don't worry about it. It will improve 40K just like how AoS improved Fantasy.
Most recent rumors say it's just a new mark of powered armor, thank God.
Rumor also said the fluff would have justification for why new chapters would have the new mark, which is something I don't get. Wouldn't new chapters have access to the new mark because it's new? Usually when old chapters have something new ones don't it's because it's lost technology.
>renegades have no models
What is, Forgeworld? Or chaos cultists ?
>paying for formations like in AoS
Why does everyone credit AoS with this? This was a thing back in Apoc, when GW still had some sense of caring about balance in their games.
AoS does it in the actual game, not the bonus mode 10,000 point disasters of hilarious fun times that Apoc was. So it's built right into the main-line instead of being an extra supplement that not all of the peple involved would have used, in other words.
>600 for 60 models
Wtf what would you buy that would cost that much? Unless someone is making an all greatswords army or something.
I think that's more a problem with you being used to GWs retardedly massive "small arms".
Them being warped is just forgeworld being shit.
This was back before it was encouraged to just play Apoc without points, and there was no unbound in regular 40k. What I mean is at the time GW still tried to balance their game. And while yes, Apoc wasn't meant to be balanced, I would argue that Apoc from that time is more balanced than regular 40k today. As formations were toned down, superheavies were a rare thing, as not many had them, unlike today where everyone and their friend had either a Knight or a Wraith Knight. Idk user, just I think people shouldn't credit AoS as if it had this ground breaking idea of adding points to formations, since that was already a thing.
It's not the size, it's the fact that the middle is not filled in enough. They look stupid.
>glory boy twats with warhammer fantasy breastplates.
t. man of shit taste
Scions look badass and the design fits the Gothic aesthetic, unlike the cool looking but generic-scifi Kasrkin models.
Thoughts on multi-melta?
I really like the way it looks.
Is it useless on tacticals?
Short ranged heavy weapon on a none relentless platform, kinda disappointing