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>How to Jumpchain
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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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did you woo anyone in a gundam jump /jc/?
Most girls in gundam are taken, prostitutes, dead, or some combination of the three.
I reenacted a hentai doujin I liked. [/slutjumper]
Does that count?
hell yeah
Domon Kasshu and George De Sand (Well, kinda. More like he woo'd me.)
WIP User and Drop-in need 2 perks
I just used my powers to mind control them, then had them form a naked dance line in the cafeteria of the ship.
Which Doujin?
Some mind control one. I forget the name. It opened with a bitchy supervisor i think?
"woo" might be the wrong word.
Tonya & Enil (Both seperate and simultaneously) in Gundam X (Via Mobile Jump Gundam)
Nobody piqued my interest in AGE
Juri Wu Nien and Lacus Clyne (Seperately) in SEED
Lady Une and Relena in Wing (Seperate, then Simultaneously)
Sumeragi in 00
Rinko in Build Fighters
I turned UC into 00 by going through the Laplace's Victory scenario and re-creating Celestial Being, so the place and cast really wasn't recognizable.
And if we ever get an IBO jump, I've got my sights on Lafter Frankland.
So, when/if Samurai Jack is updated, how will it handle the new season? Will there be a continuity/time extension drawback, or are there plans for another jump entirely?
is there a good way to get time to go by even faster in SCP-2400? Like putting the door on the outside into a bubble that decelerates time?
Also: Is there a good perk/ability/ect to design an ecosystem inside of SCP-2400? It would be really useful to have a place to grow supplies.
Just make your own.
Then you can be certain they nest or whatever.
shit, accelerate time. Not decelerate
Clock of Ages from Narnia
Literally, there are dozens of magic systems which allow for custom spells that can put SCP-2400 to shame. There's also Anartist, which could probably allow you to make something with a larger time compression ratio.
So far, IMO, it doesn't seem like there's enough stuff to warrant a whole new jump. Especially since the whole 50 year time skip can be solved with jumper intervention.
So depending on what else happens I may add some more items and abilities.
For wizard jumpers, what did you choose for Master of the Arcane in Skyrim?
However if someone wants to make a jump set during season 5 I wouldn't be opposed to it.
like? literally the only option that I know of is Genesis out of D&D, and that is too small for what I want to do
If you resurrect someone you've killed, can you still call upon them with Summon?
No. It's unfortunate, but she already has a husbando.
how powerful are the gods in smite? are they at mythic levels or just game levels?
conjuration since I used it a lot in game
Stick it in a hyperbolic time chamber, and while inside open up an instant dungeon with as high a time multiplier as you can use.
How much later in time is the new season?
Is there a time skip, or does it fit in the ten year window?
>Like putting the door on the outside into a bubble that decelerates time?
That is one way to do it. Another is to speed up time in an area within the SCP. Like build a structure inside, and enchant it or several rooms inside with Haste from D&D so with the door closed, twice as fast relative to the rest of the plane translates to 280 time as fast as the setting world.
>Is there a good perk/ability/ect to design an ecosystem inside of SCP-2400?
There are many many ways. If you have the tech skills make recycling Bio domes. A little magic really lets oyu cheat here.
Or just choose SCP-2400 as your Dimension with Dimension Lord from DC Occult, and magic up a living world by thinking about it. (The green from the same jump could also do a lot of this.)
None. I prefer not to purchase skills up-front. However, if I did, it would be either Mysticism or Alteration.
The ability to force people into games.
>Or just choose SCP-2400 as your Dimension with Dimension Lord from DC Occult
wait, you can choose that? I didn't think that it would count, for some reason
Alteration, because choosing something other than Alteration or Conjuration is objectively wrong and there are perks specifically for Conjuration in the Morroblivion jump.
Well, no. Summon works by trapping your victims souls/essence and resurrection would negate that.
...Is remiu a good waifu?
That is a fan wank thing. Do you think you are literally summoning them, bringing them back to life (only to kill them again when dismissed) or are you just using their death to make a summoning template your magic takes advantage of. I assume the latter.
Especially since I have been assuming it works on stuff like Killer Robots and stuff.
It reads like a really large (possibly infinite on some of the axis since the survey team could not find an end) pocket dimension.
The time skip is fifty years in the future.
Not him but shit, that ruins my plans to have someone fight themselves.
Can you use the souls for other things then, if you have something that can interact with souls?
Skip the middle man and make yourself a hyperbolic time pocket dimension with D&D magic.
Genesis is a very strong for this since planar traits can get really stupid. If you have the patience to set it up right first you can get results of years inside to seconds outside. It's full Narnia mode.
Of course actually casting genesis repeatedly to get it at a usable size is tedious and draining. However Simalcrums or Spellclocks can do all the busy work for you and save you the trouble.
Jumpers, have you ever been the final boss?
>Summon works by trapping your victims souls/essence and resurrection would negate that.
Was the mechanism ever detailed in the show?
Yes. But going by the show, this statement should be false.
...So I played this game again, and ended up not being able to get it out of my head.
Progress on DM - The Heroes will hopefully continue once this is done.
Is Disu around?
She's a lazy irresponsible slob who likes to violently attack anyone that bothers her. She also utterly despises the idea of humans bettering themselves and achieving any kind of power to protect themselves from youkai, and slaughters those who try. Does this sound like your type?
So, can you eventually summon more than one per day, or does it only have some canon properties?
I don't try to die.
Sounds like me really.
Why settle for something less than bonus boss territory?
Make people have to work for the chance to fight you so it's never a waste of time beating some scrub into the dirt.
Yeah, I'm here
Obligatory response.
>She's a lazy irresponsible slob who likes to violently attack anyone that bothers her
A little bit, yeah. Not so much the violence though.
>She also utterly despises the idea of humans bettering themselves and achieving any kind of power to protect themselves from youkai, and slaughters those who try.
Why not? Because otherwise, it sounds like a massive trap option for anyone who takes something dealing with souls and kills someone, either on purpose or on accident.
>that last part
Humans who achieve powers inevitably become some kind of youkai. It's how it works. Reimu brutally enforces her view that this can't be allowed to happen, and so kills all humans who achieve it. Most of the formerly human youkai that are around achieved that status before Reimu was the shrine maiden.
What about Marisa? Isn't that what she did, and aren't they friends?
Huh. Okay then.
Secondary canon and or lots of bitchslaps? I want a shrine maiden type companion and she's the only one that comes to mind.
Depends on what you're looking for. This is kind of a hard question to answer. What made you consider?
The rabbit is infinitely superior, however.
Ssssort of. Recent events in the Touhou manga showed a man who had exploited a loophole to change himself into a youkai. He then said he planned to fuck off to the mountains and live in peace, and Reimu straight up murdered him. Reason being a human changing into a youkai and upsetting the status quo in any way was effectively a sin in Gensokyo.
I've given up on trying to rationalize morality in Gensokyo at this point, so judge this one for yourself. Its dependent on really fucked up metaphysics, anyhow.
I don't feel like I'm in a position to judge considering I throw celestial objects around like beachballs and use magic on random bystanders to sate my boredom, so I can't really comment.
Magicians aren't youkai per se. Marisa herself is human. Currently. She's hinted a few times she'd make a jump for immortality if given the chance, I think.
So is this canon or fanon?
Huh. Yeah, it looks like he can use the souls as sources of power and summon with them.
So you should be able to Hellsing a soul and still have it summoned.
No, but I'm only on Jump 20 and my goal is to take over the multiverse, so it's going to happen eventually.
Reimu kills the shit out of a man who became a youkai and just wanted to live his life afterwards. Sure the way he did it was dickish, but it was hardly necessary.
Trying to change the balance of gensokyo by working to improve yourself as a human inevitably ends up making them youkai. If Reimu didn't put people that tried down then Gensokyo would collapse under the weight of everyone doing it. If humans aren't around to do their thing then it doesn't function and everyone dies.
They are. For now. Marisa hasn't gone through with the being a magician(species) thing yet. This is probably one of the reasons why.
Try Pocky and Rocky. Sayo is actually nice.
Alternatively secondary canon away the parts of Gensokyo that suck or don't make sense. That's what a lot of people do for a reason. It's like they built the world out of jenga blocks.
Official Manga canon.
Will there be an origin for being a god, or will that be accomplished through some other means?
Yes. Talked down the heroes before they could fight me, however.
That sounds a lot more understandable then how user first put it, with her personally despising them. Sounds more like a particularly hideous but ultimately necessary duty for the good of the majority.
Something horrible has happened to
Duel Monsters - The Heroes WIP v0.5 - Imaged.pdf!
There are no Robots or Transformation Sequences at all!
Tecks Mecks is not even about Mechs a little bit!
>Killer7 jump
Oh boy. Well, at least I'll get the chance to stop some of the more stupid events. Seriously, why the fuck would you fire 200 missiles at Japan just to distance the relationship?
When she achieves it, Reimu will try to kill her. Not sure if Marisa could survive, they're roughly equal most of the time but if Reimu calls upon the true power of the Hakurei Shrine's god, then she gets supreme anti-youkai magic that would make her unbeatable.
Notably, there's no once-per-day limit, either.
Just ignore the music.
Reimu is getting a taste of her own medicine post-spark, regardless. Execution.
You could put it like that, but she was being a total edgelord about it.
I highly highly recommend using secondary canon to make the whole youkai piffing in a puff of logic thing go away so that such measures are no longer necessary.
Or change how believe/disbelief works because it's really fucking dumb.
Maybe both.
Only the villagers are prohibited from becoming youkai. Since Marisa lives in the forest, nothing would happen to her even if she did become a youkai magician.
Also, stop fanwanking.
It doesn't have to be enforced as viciously as she does. The human population didn't all flip to youkai before she got her position. She just leans on murder because making exceptions, giving warnings, and generally being fair would require effort on her part instead of spite.
I find it hard to believe that it'd suddenly be okay for a human to run off to another part of Gensokyo and transform into a youkai when it's a hard and fast rule otherwise.
Master Control Program (Grid Bound) 400cp background making it somewhat like gamer stuff using the fact you are Controling the system warping to your desires
Thoughts opinions?
Try any other 2hu first. Reimu only has quality armpits and that's just an old meme.
If you jsut want the shrine maiden aesthetic consider Sanae.
At least she's good at being smug.
I don't even understand what you are trying to say. What does this do?
you have enough backgrounds. Lose ISO, mix some of its perks into drop-in and program.
Add MCP as a capstone breaker or undiscounted perk
Do the skill learning rate standing stone perks in Skyrim have the same rates as in the game? IE Mage/Thief/Warrior 20% Lover 15%?
>no once-per-day limit
Yeah, but that is stated in the perk.
...aren't you constantly begging for perks for your current backgrounds? How are you going to handle another on top?
ISO are integral to the grid and the MCP came into my head when I was trying to think of dropin 2 missing perks
Is it the misspelling your name that ticks you off?
I so sorry Desu With an 'E' like is should be!
>Get Dimension Lord and warp the time in your Dimension
>Put SCP 2400 in it
>Put Clock of Ages in SCP-2400
Bam, all the training time you need.
He said capstone booster.
...Shit, really? I think that might be something worth including in the notes/perk description next time you update it, because messing with souls like that is a /huge/ deal for a lot of people, not really something that can't be mentioned. And apparently, you can't do anything with them once they'e acquired, so releasing them isn't possible?
And enter the creepypasta pocket realm and put in there a hiperbolic time chamber
So we should call you Desu instead desu~?
That could cause issues desu~
You know what can happen when people start using that word desu~
I usually end us constructing some sort of complex evil conspiracy in mundane settings to keep things interesting.
It doesn't actually tick me off, I just give an exaggerated reaction because it's part of the joke. I tried to have my name backwards once as a joke, but accidentally spelled DivelSurvivorAnon instead, and thus DiSu/Disu was born. The 'anger' is just me going along with it.
Yes, an E! For Excellent!
is anyone working on a Kemono Friends jump?
Doesn't the actual show suck major ass, it's just got cute designs?
Well fuck that place then, new plane for everyone except that bitch!
Well, after I follow her around and shit on her attempts to preserve balance.
Maybe watch it and form your own opinion of it instead of just shouting off random statements?
Desu or DeSu is actually what the game is usually shortened to as well, funnily enough.
Implying that that's an issue, desu~
Just kill her or something, not like she's a great person.She's just a dutyfag.
After a flurry of activity and deciding that a few of the perk ideas were a bit overkill...
Double Cross' first complete draft is ready for reading!
Apologies if the formatting's a bit fucked, I'm still experimenting with Microsoft word and how to make the jump look...actually presentable.
Who the fuck has the free time to watch things they're told are bad?
It has not been. What's it about?