Pathfinder General /pfg/

Pathfinder General /pfg/

Boundless Optimism Edition: What were your character's hopes and dreams before the endless dungeon crawling and muderhoboing ruined her?

Unified /pfg/ link repository:

Avowed Playtest 1:
Avowed Playtest 2:

Spheres of Might previews:
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Spheres of Might playtest:

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Am I the only one that thinks that the Vow of Chains is REALLY good for what it makes you give up, mechanically speaking? Just drop your attacks by a measly 1 to-hit and you get a ki every 3 levels? Sign me up, that's freaking awesome.

>where did their hopes and dreams go
They never left.

Is it possible to play a LN character without being autistic about laws?

I made a Grippli druid LN because I figured I could just adhere to Grippli cultural norms and have a vague notion of natural balance.

Lessee... one wanted to be a noble knight in service of his beloved goddess. One isn't sure due to his amnesia. One is-

... Why do I keep having characters who really really want to work for their goddess. Is that my Thing now.

It's beautiful for the Unchained monk, who has a Full BAB and can afford to lose that amount of attack bonus. A 3/4 BAB monk can't afford even -1 to hit.

You kinda need a code of SOME kind, even if it's not like, legalistic. You'd need to stick to Grippli TRADITION rather than just cultural norms, otherwise you're just TN.

Also my character is terrified of orcs, would it be dishonorable/antithematic to a LN char to run away from orcs?

My current LN character doesn't care about laws so much as loyalty. If someone pays you or saves you then you owe them, and their "laws" slot in above other laws. Your captain tells you to do something then you do it, even if it breaks local law.

Lawful alignments being related to adherence to the law of the land is a stupid meme that needs to die. Just give your druid a creed or code of conduct that he lives by.

What are some good 3rd party resources for antipaladins? Preferably not PoW.

Let's be fair, anyone who takes the original monk, unless it's to be an Arcane Archer, is failing themselves anyway.

Zen Archer, dummy.

I want to marry a woman who's Valeriya in the streets and the Vilderavn in the sheets.

I want to give Gloriana a hug!

L-look, if I was looking to get bullied I'd go to /v/ to post about what video games I actually liked.

Yeah, I am a druid after all, I'm thinking going full holy war against the orcs that are desecrating my swamp after killing my tribe.

Fun is a buzzword ya stupid.

I bet you're one of those people who actually bought Horizon: Zero Yawn.

I want Maice and Gloriana to be the bread in a Vier sandwich.

It's a good thing. Goddesses are for love and devotion.


No! But my roommate did and I've been watching him play it...

How do I build the memeiest of Unchained Rogues, assuming 1pp only? I'm talking lethal joke character tier here.

must contain a grand 7 Str/Int, 5 Wisdom.

I still can't believe you can make Kazuma as an Avowed (Celestial) who never uses the pulse.

Eris is the patron.

I recognize that manga.

Celestial, or Divine? There's a difference.

Did you at least jerk him off while he played?

There is? In that case I'd have to say Divine since it is literally a goddess, not just an angel.

Of course not, you can't afford to be distracted while fighting machines that size!

Ifrit Paladin 2/ UC Rogue X

Dump Str and Wis. Done.

Isn't "Steal" a Clause for one of the Pacts?

You... You're really bad at this, aren't you. I've seen men beat Smough and Ornstein while getting blowed, why can't you handle a handy against some robutts?

One level in Barbarian

Divine's a caster cheerleader, Celestial gets repeatedly punched in the face.

Question for people who post apps with themesongs.

What makes you choose one particular song over another for your char? Do you make a character, then select a song, or do you find a song, then design a character to fit its theme?

Tried last night, but honestly couldn't think of anything substantive to say.

I can try again if you really want me to, but I can't promise anything.

So for Weird Wild West game, how cool of a concept is the whole, Desperado Warlord VMC Bard whose guitar is also a shotgun? I want to be the most A E S T H E T I C character.

Take Nature Soul, Animal Ally, and Boon Companion, and have your dog fight for you

LOOK. I'm not going to be the one to get blamed and yelled at if SOMEbody dies while I'm doing my work, okay? I get enough hassle having to deal with everything else.

Ah, so Celestial is the right one for Kazuma.

Just know you'll never be as cool as Coma-Doof.

Oh please, if they die than they get to take it out on you, I'm sure you'd appreciate a firm tug on your choker.

A villain says the following line to your character, how do you react:
>Pitiable is the play thing of a god. Does one feel free in a cage where they can not see the bars?

I blast him with my crossbow while he's monolouging.

How much XP did I get?

>I guess so.
And then you kill him.

Something like:
And then yeah I stab him

Legendary Villains: Anti-paladins

>literally two sentences
Shit he could say that WHILE fighting.

>I-I-If relieving the suffering of others is a c-c-cage, then what good can come from freedom?

If you really want me to play along, I add
>Thanks for the puzzle, I'll think of you whenever I ponder it.

It's longer than a single word. It's a monologue.

Y'all are a bunch of plebs. The real answer is:

"The only one who is truly trapped in their cage is the one that thinks that the bars cannot be broken. You are a fool, and I'll be sure to never think of myself as limited as you after you're dead!"

THEN I charge and stab him.

>Yeah? Well at least I'm not Anthony Burch

This is the EXACT video that inspired me to make the character.

>villain says "sup faggot" before charging at you with a baseball bat
>tfw villain monologued at me

I'm not sure if I should think of that as a good thing or a bad thing. I'd appreciate it. Even if it's not the full review you normally give, just something would be nice.

Kiryu Kazama of the Yakuza franchise is a perfect version of an LN character who breaks the law.

Coincidentally, this also makes Goro Majima the perfect CN foil to Kiryu-chan

"I worship a dead god, dumbfuck. Do I sound like I give a shit?"

Thank you very much! I've actually read this one before but I couldn't remember the name of the actual book.

Who in Wrath of the Raunchy does /pfg/ ship?

I pie him.

Sweet Embrace of Death X Everyone

Honestly, that'd be a welcome change from /pfg/'s usual shit.

Don't forget to toot your bike horn a few times. He's gonna HATE that.

Aww, she looks so sad.

If only...

Lucius x Irina is the primary ship right now, I think.

Yes, people wanna set up the crossdressing vigilante up with their alter ego.

Lucius/Rath, but not Irina, who needs to go away in order for Lucius to achieve his true strength, getting all the Vigilante class features without breaking social identity.

How do I make a DoT build? I know it's probably weak as fucc but I want to watch people burn. Fire, poison/acid, bleed, whatever works best.

Then you gotta caper away.

end X my life

She just wanted to make her dad proud. Now she has to pal around with 3 murderhobos and a guy who is being payed to make sure she survives. She just wanted to heal people.

The problem with DoT builds is that nothing lives long enough for the DoT to even be noticeable, and if it is something that's seen on the scale of the "one hand" of rounds that Pathfinder combat usually comes down to, then it's just D, no oT.

>"... Oh, um. No- no, she was very clear about the bars. She apologized! I can do more now."
>"Look, I'm doing this job so that the OTHER dumbfucks that somehow ended up running this world don't ruin it. I work for her because she helps me help everyone else who lives here. Maybe being in a cage sucks, but at least it's a light enough cage I can hit all the other fuckers with it."
>"... no, I really don't. But- I don't have a choice, do I? I'm her only hope. If I don't carry her message, who will?"
>"He has no power over me. Not anymore."
>"I can see the bars perfectly. YOU are the one blind to the truth."
>"The gods are dead. Mortals are the only true power in this world, and we will NEVER bow before you or ANY other."
>"You see a cage, where I see a welcoming home. She asks my aid, and I give it. You offer nothing but despair."
>"... Wait, hang on, it's SENTIENT? Oh, wow. Uh- hang on, I need paper."
>"Beats freezing to death."

/pfg/ what is a good class if I want to make a one-armed character? Third party is cool, 'a wizard' is not.

A Sorceress.

Two handed fighter

ZS Warder, OD optional, Scarlet Throne Style, go into Landsknecht.

>Cogito ergo sum, muthafuckah. And your demiurge schlock is a load of bull.

Blind Samurai from the SoP Divination handbook.
Be blind and have one arm, and be the sickest badass

Empty Hand Fighter

I put on my cleric's Fedora and say, "I am no play thing of the god's, because there's no such thing as them."

I then cast Miracle and ask for more Miracles to kill this guy and get a lot of gold

Rolled 46 (1d100)

Don't mind me, just passing through...

Rolled 4, 6 + 2 = 12 (2d6 + 2)

Same here, nothing to see.


Everybody look! This user is rolling penis size.


>Vult on all the male apps to Pure Lewd Dudes

Anal circumference.

Penis size.

Are any of the dudes even pure lewd?

No. No traps either.

>tfw reviewanon konked out after drinking

Did not!

Gamze is proving more difficult than anticipated, she's small but feisty!

So is there something other than the Bodywrap of Mighty Strikes that I can give to my Unarmed guy to boost his attacks? Because WOW is that was too expensive for very little reward.

Amulet of Mighty Fists is way better. Just find another source of enhancement to Natural AC like Barkskin or something.

Can you review the Romance of the Righteous Kingdoms apps please?