Have you ever played a character that got shat on by genetics?
Have you ever played a character that got shat on by genetics?
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post ugly alien sex sim characters on /v/ or whatever
There's no way this is in-game footage.
My love for EA has dried up since DA:I user. Nice bait tho.
Answering your question, I played a horrifying hive mutant once in Dark Heresy, because I love mutation.
He didnĀ“t slur his speech like Igor did, but he came close. He died in the same session he was introduced, eaten by nurglings.
Nah, I don't run games for tumblrinas that will bitch about "unrealistic beauty standards" or "objectifying women" if the females in my games are hot.
so what I'm supposed to be seeing here?
Half of my players got shat on by genetics.
They still have almost a week to fix it.
ha, fuckin /thread
>Have you ever played a character that got shat on by genetics?
All my life.
Only half? I'd count as that pretty fortunate.
The worse part doesn't make it to player status.
>TFW all the female players I've ever had make their characters even sexier than the guys do.
>TFW when women want to be sexy.
>TFW when this is somehow considered a bad thing by game developers/writers.
because insanely jealous, ugly women are telling game devs and writers that making women sexy is a sin against feminism
Imagine if guys did that.
>"I didn't get on the football team! Fit athletic guys are a crime against mens-rights!"
And then I remembered fedora-fags are a thing that actually exists...
It is a bad thing, when it is mixed with a beautiful personality that is liked by everyone.
Having a group of sexy women with all the same personality is boring and bland.
In contrast with the male power fantasy, which is often not a personality, but just raw power.
Anti-female hallucinations aside, the actual problem is that highly sexualized women in revealing outfits are so pervasive that they're seen as a "default" to which women are expected to aspire, whereas male characters are permitted to have a much wider variety of body types.
HAHAhaha.... ow wait, your serious. Maybe underaged girls have a low self esteem that they are affected by these "aspirations". But who gives a crap about them, they have always something to whine about.
I have a major bone deformity and don't particularly life up to the male aspiration, but you don't hear me bitching about all the male superhero movies.
I give a crap
>TFW when literally none of the women in my group seem bothered by this "default" and willingly portray their characters as attractive and sexualized instead of "realistic".
It's almost like fantasy is about wish-fufillment and not real-world social-justice "fairness" bullshit.
I wonder if I can make my Ryder look like Kate Micucci...
Personality has nothing to do with a player or a character wanting to be "sexy". If you think the two are the same thing, that's a fault of your own inability to write with any depth.
Wtf is this? Another nu-male "rpg"-"""video"""game"""""?
Then you're subhuman and worthless. Humans and their emotions are worth less than nothing, except for people who feel entitled to sex appeal, whose feelings are worth more than anyone or anything else.
Mass Effect Andromeda, yes.
If you're behind on the memes, basically the voice actress for the female lead is a 10/10 bombshell and Bioware claims to have based the default female player on her... but the default female player's face looks like someone added a good deal of inbreeding and Bioware's "defense" is a bunch of bullshit about "unrealistic beauty standards" and stuff.
To be fair, it's gotten better since the really early trailers, but seeing the face in motion still has a weird uncanny-valley vibe to it, and claiming she's based on a real person when she looks nothing like that person is kind of insulting. It's almost like attractive women exist in the real world or something.
To really drive in the point, the male character's face model looks exactly like the real-world actor and has the body of a comic-book hero, but since even ugly guys generally don't bitch about other guys being hotter than them, nobody cares.
The newest Mass Effect, I think.
So basically, yeah.
>male characters are permitted to have a much wider variety of body types
nobody i know wants to look like an olympic weightlifter or sumo wrestler
Male example, for comparison's sake.
Also the female face model has gotten a bit better since the first example, but the photography here really makes it look better than it looks in motion.
Well, Shill Effect was never good to begin with , so i`m not that surprised.
I want to see her face model make this face.
Yeah, like I mentioned in both posts, it looks HORRIBLE in-motion.
That's very simplified. The latter two, the last one especially, can still be sexist if either gender is shown is shown to consistently be nothing more than sexual objects for characters of the other to do as they wish with.
>Fully clothed/armored is sexists
>Skimpily clothed/armored is sexist
At that point it really has nothing to do with the art direction and is a no-win situation for the designer, sooo....
>Don't highly sexualize one gender significantly moreso than the other
>Also don't treat either gender like simple sex objects instead of characters
It takes remarkably little for some people to just ragequit and say "welp, this standard is impossible for me to achieve, whoever's asking must be an evil unpleasable monster who doesn't actually have preferences and is just faking them to be an asshole".
It's odd that people leap to that conclusion when it's easy to understand what their critics actually want.
>Drawing the characters exactly the same sexualizes one but not the other somehow.
>"I didn't get on the football team! Fit athletic guys are a crime against mens-rights!"
That's the mindset adopted by an enormous amount of nerds who, while they mind not phrase it in terms of social justice, possess an unreasonably intense hatred of good looking and ESPECIALLY athletic guys, manifestations thereof can range from constructing a personal narrative by which said guys are shallow and dumb (the equivalent of the ugly girl who tells herself pretty girls are inevitably bimbos) to cultivating a superiority complex based around telling themselves that said guys will surely "burn out" and become useless once they're too old for football while THEY'LL go on to become successful businessman/web-designers/artists/whatever else the nerd believes themselves to be excellent at due to the skills gained from years of watching anime and rote memorizing D&D rulebooks.
What's it like knowing that your toxic movement has already peaked and will be utterly irrelevant within a decade?
The heretek in my campaign has gotten extremely unlucky with mutations and enemy fire. He's consistently stuck around single-digit to low teens infamy, and he's got ~70 corruption. He's permanently stuck inside out, has robot tracks instead of legs, and, including mechandrites, has like five arms.
>Drawing the characters exactly the same sexualizes one but not the other somehow.
Where did you manage to read that from user?
Missed the part that was spoiler'd, huh?
I've played with my fair share of girls and one funny thing I noticed is that the smaller are a girl's breasts in real life the more concerned (sometimes to the point of seeming obsession) they'd be with emphasizing just how big their character's are. The real insecure flatties won't go for 15 minutes without inserting a jiggle or two into their descriptions while the girls who need to special order their bras for hundreds of dollars won't even comment about it or make a point of creating a flat character.
That's a whole lot of projecting and baseless assumption you got there, friend.
I get what you're saying, but the debate was originally about about appearance, you're off on some other rant about narrative context and such now.
Head over to /r9k/, see how you like it.
Maybe because the picture we were talking about was literally an example of different art styles being compared and contrasted and you hated all of them over some made-up sexism you seem to think exists in every example, even the ones where the characters are EXACTLY THE SAME?
/r9k/ is hardly an "enormous" amount of people, especially not relative to the intellectual poison of social justice.
Hell, /r9k/ as a whole is more critical of "normies" than they are sexually attractive men, and they sure as shit don't have a widespread belief that they're superior.
>arguing with the people that had to make-up a non-issue like microaggressions in order to justify their antics in light of all the real issues being settled decades ago by the previous generation
I'm fine with plainer looking characters, and hot characters are really context-specific - for instance I was rather put out that the comparatively plain femshep from ME1 and 2 suddenly went all smoky-eyed and shit. I kind of doubt that female soldiers on active combat duty would bother with makeup, though I could see it making some kind of sense where you're on shore leave or otherwise not expecting a firefight.
FemRyder just looks like she's badly bloated and decided to take a selfie with dreadful lens distortion.
>Where did you manage to read that from user?
Presumably the part where I said that, even if both sexes are given skimpy clothing, their portrayal might still be sexist if one gender is treated like fully developed characters while the other is portrayed mostly as eye candy and sex objects. Costume design is one aspect of character portrayal, but not the only one.
Half my players count as village idiots, the other half should have been drowned in the river
Classic blunder?
Sorry, I'm an ignorant hick who doesn't speak Pretentious. Was a good conversation while it lasted, I suppose, but I'm not smart enough to understand what you're even trying to say anymore.
Ah, "projecting", the adult version of the "no, you're stupid!" argument.
Why can't Bioware into facial animations?
How can this game be so much worse visuals/animation-wise than the previous ones? Its not as if its a budget title
Because anybody with any talent left Bioware long ago.
Stupid assertions beget stupid responses.
Nothing in that statement is difficult to understand, and the sentence structure is pretty straight-forward.
Why cant Bioware into anything?
>it's actually plot to turn gamers gay
Nobody have problem with playing someone like that.
Se Heavy from TF2 for example
I've never had any player, male or female, emphasize how sexy their character was. Closest ever was a girl who once made a male sorcerer descended from a family member whose ancestor had made a deal with demons, and was something of a sex addict.
What fucking world do you people live in that people awkwardly describe the attractiveness of their characters to one another?
The world of sexually secure adults who actually play in the real world and don't find sexuality awkward like a bunch of teenagers playing online?
In ways Only Oblivions character create would allow.
>To really drive in the point, the male character's face model looks exactly like the real-world actor and has the body of a comic-book hero
Seriously? He looks like the fucking enchanter dwarf from Origins.
Oooh, implying I'm underaged, eh? Classic.
There's simply no reason to describe the size of your character's tits and ass outside of one-off jokes about successful persuasion attempts. One can simply say "my character is conventionally attractive," and that suffices. I've literally never seen anyone go farther than that without it being ERP, and I don't know what you people are doing that makes it otherwise.
Thank God we have a face customization tool
So was but that didn't stop you from reading instead.
One might call this a remarkable level of willful ignorance, but that's not really how willful ignorance works. No matter how easy something is to understand, it's easier to deliberately misunderstand.
Sexism =/= Sexualization
Sexism is when you discriminate one gender over other
Sexualization is to make something sexual in character or quality
Third option lacks former but has later
God, I hate microaggressions so much. It's literally a term to justify overreacting to perceived slights that a sane person wouldn't notice. Because if the slight is real then it's not a microaggression, it's a real aggression.
But people are so eager to eat that shit up so they look woke. I was in a book club of about 15 people and literally everyone else was white. We were reading a book on microaggressions and I was the only one who could say that they were bullshit because if a white person were to speak out against it they would be accused of being racist.
Fortunately the white people who did buy into the idea of microaggressions realized that they shouldn't try to tell me about how hurt I am by them.
>My experience applies to all RPing groups in the world ever.
You're doing all the implying yourself. But it's funny you that you think adults never talk about sexual topics in casual conversation.
I have never even heard the word "microagressions" used before today. What kind of secret tumblrspeak is this?
It's Druidic, isn't it?
You forgot the part where the male model's proportions are so off he looks like a literal dwarf.
... though that might be their character models in general. ME:A is a shitshow because it's EA's attempt at monetizing the shambling corpse that is Bioware. Just like every other IP and production studio they get their hands on after enough time.
>Sorry, I'm an ignorant hick who doesn't speak Pretentious.
Please allow me to translate:
>Seems a might foolish ta get up to arguin' wit folks what gotta make up a bullshit mountain outta a molehill, like them whatchacallit "microaggressions", I reckon just ta put wind in their sails on account o' all the real problems been sorted out years back by their elders.
I also speak jive:
>Fool be arguin' wid de sucka's dat had t'make-waaay down some noise likes microaggressions in o'da' t'justify deir antics in light uh all de real shit bein' settled decades ago by de previous generashun.
Is a word used for femnist around the world, I heard it for the first time in the news like 2 years ago about a feminist manifestation
Shill Effect 1 was actually pretty good, not a master piece but really an interesting game, it went all down hill from that
Where's the "Who gives a shit" option in that lovely chart?
The first example of this is when they went from 'nigh-infinite ammo' with a cooldown from the gun's heatsink being an in-universe thing with its own lore entry and being something that set it apart from other sci-fi settings... to the sequel forcing the player to use limited 'ammo' like any other shooter for no real reason, what were the people who decided on adding that gameplay limitation thinking?
It actually makes no fucking sense, they changed in the span of 1 year (in game) all fucking weapons in the galaxy? fuck this shit.
That's what the person I originally replied to did, as well.
But this isn't casual conversation. This is tabletop.
Casual games are best games, if your games aren't casual then you're trying too hard.
That or you're one of those people who doesn't actually have a game but swears up and down that they play all the time.
yeah I played a black guy once.
It basically refers to tiny, everyday slights that marginalized people's feel. The theory is that individually they don't mean much. But a lifetime of these slights weighs on the victims' souls. The keyword is micro, because generally speaking these microaggressions are so minor and unimportant that anyone else wouldn't notice them (even when they're looking out for them).
One example of a microaggression is the phrase "black magic". This teaches black people that they are inherently evil and destructive. One example from the book that my book club read was when a friend asked the author (who is black) what classes she was teaching this semester. The author says that she's on sabbatical and the friend says, "oh. It always seems like you're on sabbatical. We should get lunch then." Or something to that effect. Another example was when one of the Williams sisters did the crip walk as a victory dance and a newspaper article referred to it as a crip walk. That was apparently a microaggression even though Williams (I don't remember which sister) had called that dance a cripwalk on TV. Or when some black teens were sentenced to 6 months in jail for beating a white classmate into a coma for being white (that was the reason that they gave). Or when a white woman accidentally cut in front of her at Starbucks. The woman immediately apologized and went to the back of the line, but I guess it was a microaggression or something.
SJWs are so enamored with the term that they'll use it when it's actually a straight up aggression. In the book that I've been ranting about she calls it a microaggression when a man starts ranting about "niggers".
>what were the people who decided on adding that gameplay limitation thinking?
There is a mode of thought (or lack thereof) I see pop up now and then.
It amounts to:
"Well this is x, so it needs y because other x have y."
>"Well this is fantasy, so it needs fading elves because other fantasy have fading elves."
>"Well this is a superhero movie, so it needs campy acting because other superhero movies have campy acting."
>"Well this is game with shooting, so it needs ammo because other games with shooting have ammo."
>be ugly
>have nothing to measure your worth by
>be jelly
it's not a new concept.
Being a black guy can be advantageous, it depends on the setting
>"A suit is the equivalent of male lingerie"
Women like well put-together men, regardless of skin shown. Men like a lot of skin. There's no difference
>Being a black guy can be advantageous, it depends on the setting
Your mom's bed doesn't count, user.
I have no idea. I've never heard it outside of furious spasm sprees from people who violently hate it and anyone who's mentally capable of even considering any idea vaguely like it. I don't know what it actually means, but "not what they want it to mean" is a safe bet.
No, it doesn't need to be serious all the time - we regularly joke around at our table. We just don't feel the need to gratuitously describe the tit and ass size of our characters, women in our group included.
Like... even if they wanted to switch over to the
>removable heat sink
model, why doesn't the player just keep their last heat sink when they run out of extras and use it like the old system?
You keep repeating that like it's the only way to describe a character as sexy. Seems awfully high-school to me.
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