Are sneks the best party members? They can serve as mages, scouts, and thieves.
Are sneks the best party members? They can serve as mages, scouts, and thieves
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They don't have fucking arms!
They could, with a little ingenuity.
Don't forget maids.
Stop posting scalie threads.
Fuck off cat, your kind are only able to hiss because they evolved to mimic the sound of snakes to ward away threats.
So I guess we're supposed to use this thread as a thin excuse to post snakes?
You know, I've seen a lot of weird classes for fantasy games. Duck, Mule, Android, Fairy, Tanuki, and probably more besides, but I've never seen a talking snake, like a Naga or something.
I'm pretty sure D&D has some reptile races that can be used by PCs.
But I can understand why most games restict themselves to mammals. Adding cld blooded animals will onl result in additional rules.
as you can see, sneks can provide a multitude of roles for any adventure party
>Scrungo beepis
Yes! At last, my three fetishes combined!
Is that like a Captain Planet thing? "By these fetishes combined.." something?
What about bard sneks?
>her upper body does a 360 twist
>her lower body stays where it is
>she does this over and over
Damn that lazy artist for not wanting to animate the rest of her flipping over. Her long, sinuous tail rolling and writhing back into position, exposing her belly scales with each rotation...
fuck snakes
heartless, soulless, eating machines. Art is the only way people can give these devils any kind of personality
Why no love for flying sneks?
Too much to love
Nah, a lot of snakes are cute in real life, too.
Snek has more important things to do than go on your gay adventure. Now get the fuck off my property.
It's the heat sensor pits, I think. Makes them look like they have adorable dimpled cheeks.
They even flatten their ears to look more sneky.
>/ss/nake approaching prey
tiny snek, lil cobra, long boy, snekkerino, und snake seem like a solid team. warrior seems like a loose cannon, and mage looks shifty.
>mage snek
>cobra mcgee
>warrior snek
>solid snek
Don't forget to support the warmbloods in your party.
>my sides are literally splitting
>as I shed my skin
That is a dragon, sir.
This is a good and wholesome thread, and Veeky Forums should have more like it
Feathered serpent, actually
Whatever happened to that snake?
Who the fuck keeps making these snake threads? This is like the 4th one I've seen this week.
i think its cute to see Veeky Forums's love of cute shit
Huh. I had assumed that OP made the one yesterday and was just unhappy with the derailment of that thread, and decided to make a new one in hopes of a better outcome.
But if he's been making them regularly then he might just be your garden-variety obsessive weirdo.
Is it wrong to want to hug and fug snayyk?
Yes, but when has that ever stopped humanity?
>good speller
It was born that way.
I fucking hate snakes
magic user
lawful evil
I think he's asking if it died.
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Do snakes people have as pets actually like being petted / physical contact with their owners?
I would imagine they enjoy the body heat, at minimum.
Maybe not one snake, but if you have at least five snakes working in tandem, then the swarm can act as a single party member!
The question is, how would one recruit the snakes in order to form the party member? What do snakes want other than food and sitting in the same place for extended periods of time?
As long as you promise to never procreate and hang yourself afterwords, it's all good
Lamia, Poo in Loo, and loli?
sneks love puppet shows
sneks love kisses
sneks love your bathroom remodel
sneks love hugs
Thread themesong.
your song is shit
>new thread song
I have no idea how to respond to this.
you mute it
This is your snek ninja for the day
That's even less a snake than the "dragon" maid getting spammed everywhere is a dragon.
She's called medusa, she was sold for $50,000 to the Venice Beach Freakshow in 2015 where she lives to this day.
Apparently she's difficult to take care of, because even though both heads are fully formed and completely symmetrical they are still snakes and snakes are dumb, so they don't understand that they're both the same animal and will try and steal food from each other, so both heads have to be fed at the same time.
Also after being fed one of her heads will try and eat the other because they smell the food on each other. So she has to be washed every time shes fed.
Upon looking through my snek folder I realized, this is literally the only snek I can post that won't get me banned for doing so.
>one of her heads will try and eat the other
Is this something that snakes regularly do?
The ones with multiple heads, yes.
No. They have no concept of enjoyment since their brains lack the complexity necessary for such emotions. The best you can expect is tolerance of handling because the animal realizes that you're not a threat and are full of delicious heat.
Yes, it's exactly why owners are encouraged not to feed multiple snakes together in the same enclosure. im honestly surprised that the heads aren't constantly trying to eat eachother given the fact that milks naturally prey on other snakes even outside of feeding accidents.
Don't bully the semen demon!
Well, it's sunday, so it is not that bad.
You know, for a hayride, they should be sitting a lot closer.
fuck you and your semen demon
Is that a suggestion?
> climbing snake
Goddamn, it's like watching someone play 2D Snake on a wall.
> Last man left in insurgency
> Have an IED and no fucks to give
Been there.
no, I mean your taste is awful and you're a retard for posting bullshit in a thread about snakes. I don't care for your line of logic that thinks its ok to post your waifu so spare me the explanation or cutesy fuckhead retort/quip.
Are feathered serpents not snakes?
there are no feathered serpents IRL outside of mexican mythology. So no. And that is not a serpent, its blatant fetish bullshit.
what the fuck happened to the blatant fetish quest threads to contain all these fucking fucks?
i am snek, hiss
They moved to /pfg/
You should too.
they are snakes, but they have feathers too.