Veeky Forums confessional

Come now user, say what's on your mind. Don't worry, this is a SAFE SPACE.
I'll start.
I get retarded levels of triggered that where I game, I am the only one with a fully painted and based army. It's not that fucking hard to do. Budget your time! All their shit painted/ unpainted crap ruins it for me

I like painting. I hate the results, so I "scrape it off" and end with a bunch of unpainted minis anyway.

I don't do campaigns. I just roleplay because I don't go on Roll20 to much.I sometimes make disguise threads about my characters to get ideas.

I don't even play anything I just like reading your stories

I'm building a rogue-like mud because I enjoy world building more than actually running a game.

I make more multi-setting bbegs than I do one setting bbegs because I'm slightly autistic. Remember that telekentic weirdo you fought in the JoJo campaign? He was half furon. That's my campaigns in a nutshell.

I'm a complete glory hog even though I try to give others a chance because I don't want to wait 10 fucking minutes for someone to say they push a button

I tend to get down on myself when I end up useless in combat and can't have fun with the session anymore even when others have it worse

I don't improve as a GM because I'm afraid of changing and making my OK sessions even worse.

I find myself wanting to cancel campaigns in the middle of a session because I am bored with my players.

My name is John, and I hate every single one of you.

I hate planning and it's the death of any interest in a campaign for me because every time it devolves into 15 hours over the course of 3 weeks of 'OKAY- BUT WAIT, GUYS WHAT IF THIS CONTINGENCY HAPPENS.' and me just alt-tabbing to find something more interesting while everyone wants to think they're fucking Creed or something. No matter how many times I take group leader to just tell people we'll deal with things as they come, I always get out-numbered by other player's paranoia. It's also really stifled my range of characters because I always play direct action idiots just so I can force some progress in the fucking story. No one can make any quick or dirty plans or shoot from the hip and I just wish I could find a GM who would give a hard time limit for wanking about imaginary unforeseen situations.

I don't even play tabletop games. I would love to but iv'e got a crippling fear of the outside.

I also don't know how to do spoiler tags

I am the designated forever DM, and yet I have never actually ran a campaign because my players either flake out or want to change systems.

I'm pretty sure my group hates my campaigns and shitty plot twists. I never feel liek my stories have ever left an impact. Characters, for sure, but the plots themselves just seem to be devices to move them from one colourful side character to the next.

Also, if that one guy could please play a different personality type,that'd be fucking nice.

My name is Nick and I love you

My name is Daniel and I'll be here with some hot cocoa for when you need to talk

Hello friend. My name is Fred.

[.spoiler] Text goes here [./spoiler]
Without the dots

[spoller]llke thls?[/spoller]

I game with two fierce anti-weebs. To amuse myself, I smuggle anime characters into every game I play. They're all lifted directly from anime, sometimes as a combination of a few characters, but I do it subtly so the h8ers don't notice. I avoid obvious shit like katanas, heterochromia, using Japanese names (though I will often translate the Japanese names into English more or less literally, e.g Nakamura Takeshi would become Tallman Middlewick), etc. My most recent was a SR Gunslinging Mage named Christopher Littlerose who I portrayed as a modern day Christian monk and exorcist. He had a bound spirit called Chronos. The anti-weebs never suspected a thing, and I had a good private laugh at their expense.

Just do ctrl+s


While it wasn't optimal for out-of-combat stuff, I actually enjoyed the way 4th edition D&D levelled the playing field between martials and magic-users

Select your text, then Ctrl+S

I'm building only fluffy and lore-related decks in MtG. I just can't talk myself into playing competitive. I have money for this, friends playing tournaments etc. but I prefer to build a shitty tribe decks for 10$

The real problem here though is that you're in the wrong game. You are That Guy for the group. Find someone running a dungeon crawler, or even just find a wargame with a campaign system. Sounds like that'll give you the fix you're after much more than putting yourself through a game you don't like (and are actively trying to sabotage with a murderhobo character)

[ctrl+s]like this?[/ctrl+s]

Nice. What's the general idea, and name if it ever gets released?

What could I do to improve as a player?

I hate you too, faggot

If you want a text game, type fast.

Think about your action before it's your turn.

Say anything at all during dialogue sequences.

Have a personal character goal in mind.

If you are having trouble RPing, go full cliche or just steal a character from something. It's easier than trying to force yourself to role play as a completely new, underdeveloped person.

Don't be so fucking scared of making mistakes that you vote against doing anything at all.

I feel for you

I invest into miniature wargames way more than I should despite having no one around to play with, but at the same time I never try to get the game noticed since I end up having some excuse not to try

Maybe try and do character focused stories then.

But everyone is John.

I try, but then I feel like the campaign isn't progressing and/or I'm jsut jerkign myself off in front of them. It's hard to balance character focus with the actual "Adventuring" part sometimes.

Just make that the focus then.

You devious, brilliant, glorious bastard.

I think steampunk, and just about every other -punk genre, is fucking embarrassing.

Thanks. I also tend to do something that I perhaps shouldn't, I try to notice if the DM is trying to make me do something or go somewhere, see behind his intention of saying something and do it to make it easier for him. Is that generally good or bad?

I don't know your DM, so there's no telling if that is needed on their part and cannot comment one way or the other.

80% of my rp characters (and i had a shit ton over the years) are my self inserts with twists because im not interested in rping characters that are really different from me.

the general idea behind my characters is a "fight kill die" attitude

I've ghosted every Play-by-Post campaign I've ever joined after a few dozen posts. I'm so sorry.

I'm done catering to one of my players because he's being an asshole and I want him and his bitchy girlfriend to drop from the group
Does that make me a bad guy?

If their antics are ruining the game for everyone else, then no.

Why not online?

Isn't that a common sentiment? For steampunk anyway. Cyberpunk is alright, but becoming increasingly overplayed.

I don't really know what *punk means.

Being DM forced by necessity within the group who loves playing and building the setting carefully into characters or the setting around implications of the characters I make, I thought the rest of the group who write characters and do other roleplays would love to help me build a setting, and one who wanted to co-DM would give a grand chance to get to play in something I'm invested in
Now I'm just drowning in suffering trying to build something coherent when I'm the only one studying how to worldbuild well and the other DM not caring to put time or effort into the "joint" world

Same as punk music I think; an anti-establishment vibe or theme. In Cyberpunk, this is usually in the whole "fuck the corporations" mentality.

What I tended to see in older steampunk works was the nobility of the poor and working class as they scraped a life from the junk the rich tossed out.

Otherwise the only punk that I find works is cyber.

No user.
your the hero we need

Whenever I fade to black in any of the campaigns I'm playing or GMing in, I write smut about the encounter in my spare time.

The players don't know about it.

Can't say that shit an not post a link.

My brother

I can't stand the sterile moneygrubbing nature of the official formats, I'll just be over here trying to make my jank-ass Viashino tribal deck work.

C-can we hear more in a smutty storytime thread?

I like to samefag, because I'm a sad, lonely person, who can only get attention from himself.

You monster.

banning quests was a mistake. making tg the dumping ground for them was also a mistake. people should learn to filter

I see a lot of people here talking about steampunk, and I've met a fair amount of people that liked it, so I figured I was in the minority in hating it.

Ok. Thanks, anons. The gist of it is that I'm super stoked to run a specific game and this dude wants to run something else. The party wants to play mine, and he's stomping his feet and being petty.

I guess the specific question is "Is it wrong for me to tell him 'if you don't like it get out' when he starts detracting from the others' experience?"

I hate the campaign that I'm currently in. I just want to go back to GMing so I can be free of all the crap that I hate about this campaign, but I've never played a game for this long and I play a character who is important to the plot.

Every game I've dropped out has been my fault. I do blame my job and my job does switch it's hours, but because of the specific hours worked I could usually work around it. But I choose not to because I lose interest.

I really want to run a game but I'm paralyzed with lethargy; I don't want to start a game because I haven't had anything planned, and I don't want to plan because I'm not in a game.

I really want to create a strong, set piece of worldbuilding to set my campaigns in but I can't decide on even the aesthetics of the magic system, much less the races, factions, world, history, cosmology and so on. I might mumble here and there about coins made of porcelain and charm-caster street performers but I never actually get anything done.

I like to think I'm a good player GM but I secretly also think I'm shit, and I avoid games to avoid being that guy and ruining it for other people.

I only want to run homebrew campaigns because it gives me the most creative control but letting loose and just playing with someone else's ruleset would be totally find and actually make it easier to find players, but I choose not to because I'm a stubborn fucker.

I'm extremely picky about other people's characters they make for my games or other games. I think they are bad and poorly written characters even if they are probably fine, I'm just a massive picky faggot.

I don't do black bar spoiler shit.

I'm just most of the hate comes from people just sticking gears and brass bits on everything. I'm personally tired of the "steam power armour" and other scifi shit that pops up.

I honestly don't know if I even like Veeky Forums stuff other than TCGs.

I've played several campaigns and I've either dropped due to my own lack of interest or more commonly, everyone else drops due to lack of interest or ability to play. Most have been play by post, but my current in-person session sucks as well. I find it hard to RP even though I love making characters with interesting personalities so I end up playing them completely different from what I intended at the beginning.

I feel like I'm just not playing the right stuff. I hate DnD.

I don't play anything too close to human because I don't feel I can reasonably mimic human interaction.

That said, it's super fun trying to wrap my brain around things that have wildly different values and cultural takes on things.

If you don't appreciate suffering, you won't enjoy my campaigns.
I drink emotional conflict like I drink soda.

I do the same thing, get big grandiose ideas of solo play, buy a bunch of shit, and get interested in something new so nothing ever happens.

Current working name is Patron Estate. Likely to change in the future because it sounds like some faggy shojo manga.

Card based semi-random number generation. Class-less character progression, instead long term growth takes the form of "Estates" and "Patrons"

Patrons are individuals or groups that have an interest in supporting your character. They provide passive benefits of various kinds, but can also be called upon in specific scenarios to engage in more demanding tasks.

Estates are a summary of your characters assets. Titles, deeds, grants, funds, accounts, and so on. When a character dies, their Estate is divided among their Patrons. You may also list your next character in their will. You may choose for them to inherit their predecessor's Patrons or pursue their own.

The core attributes are Strength, Agility, Intellect, and Conviction. They range from zero to thirty, and determine the value of their associated Traits and provide a proportional bonus to a characters associated Skills.

The Traits are Vitality, Stamina, Sanity, Favor, and Renown.

The Skills are things like Athletics, Shooting, Arcana, Larceny, and so on. The higher the rank in each skill the more expensive it is to improve them, but the easier it is to succeed on a check.

Depending on your characters Skills, Attributes, and Traits you may also acquire Advantages, which is where the majority of character customization lies.

Would you like to know more . . ?
[Y/N] . . .

I know for a fact that four of my players browse Veeky Forums and have recognised my writing style before, so absolutely not and I sincerely apologise for that

I feel you senpai.

Why did you think I asked, John?


I really want to GM, but I'm intimidated at the thought of running a game. I've tried twice before many years ago with premade adventures, but both times it went pretty horribly

I often find ways to insert DM's into my games and I think my party is starting to notice, since they always seem to be working with an equally powerful and competent "NPC" or "guide"

Like come one people, at least fucking prime your dudes!

I prime them, and then if they do well I give them paint. They gotta earn the paint. As for basing? Same thing, gotta earn it.

Fred durst, is that you?

I want to play in your campaign

Erotic Fiction General, go.

The others think the character is a waifu and laugh at/tease me, and her in character much to her apparent chagrin
They don't realize this is my power fantasy insert character

I keep telling my group, which has a forever DM, that I want to run a game and will get one together at some point, but I never work on getting material together at all.

My name is also John and i'm a fairly amicable fellow.

I love running games, but I'm horrible at putting my ideas into the game. I try and my players tell me their having a good time, but I never feel good enough...

[Spoiler]I really want my Players to Win and have awesome Adventures, but one of them is so fucking stupid in and out of Charaktere the whole time that it ruins my Fun at Gm'ing.
The last thing that happend was that i gave my 3 players Gestalt classes and called it a "Spirit" because fluff reasons. Now this 1 Player didn't stop crying for 2 weeks because he didn't like the Idea and that's it stupid and waaaah.

The constant crying really wants me to stop DM'ing for my group even if the other 2 are Great Players. [/spoiler]

I have intentionally made waifubait characters and characters that cater to my players or fellow players fetishes/desires only to coldly snub them and cockblock them.

I can't improvise for shit. Every time my players inevitably do something I didn't plan for, I get stuck, lose confidence, and start making excuses to not run anything.

I use genre pieces from various -punk genres but I just rename the aesthetic instead. Dieselpunk adventures into the lost world becomes "Pulp Comic Adventure," so on and so forth.

Just DM for them, and if they really keep killing the mood, tell them. If they're being an asshole and ruining the fun, find someone else to fill the hole they'll leave when they're gone.

>Would you like to know more . . ?
Damn right I would. This is a really neat idea and I think it could definitely turn into something great.

>Card based semi-random number generation
Whaddya mean by card based? Might be cool if it is what I think, but do elaborate.

>Patrons are individuals or groups that have an interest in supporting your character. They provide passive benefits of various kinds, but can also be called upon in specific scenarios to engage in more demanding tasks.
Would the patrons have some wants from you? I'm thinking something like the gods in stone soup, where they demand that you do something for them in exchange. I mean sure you mentioned them getting the character's assets when they die, but I think having them want something from you would make the selection even more interesting. Especially if some of their desires contradicted those of other patrons.

>The core attributes are Strength, Agility, Intellect, and Conviction
The first three are pretty self-explanatory. What is conviction though?

>The Traits are Vitality, Stamina, Sanity, Favor, and Renown
pretty interesting selection, but some of them are not immediately obvious. What would sanity do in-game for example.

>Depending on your characters Skills, Attributes, and Traits you may also acquire Advantages, which is where the majority of character customization lies.
Please do elaborate on what advantages are.

Overall I think it sounds like a great concept. Pretty damn unique from what I know.

We're here to help broseidon. Just give the word.

>Whaddya mean by card based?
Each player/character has a deck of fifty-two playing cards. Unless you are at some kind of disadvantage, you play with a hand of five. Ace is low, Court/Face cards are valueless. When a card is used to resolve a Skill Check or an Attribute Save, the card is discarded. You may discard a Court/Face card at any time to draw a new card. Court/Face cards are also used to invoke the appropriate benefits from your Patron. You recover two random cards from your discard pile for every one hour of rest.

The idea behind Checks/Saves is to "play low" so an ace would be your most valuable card, while a ten is only useful if the sum of your Skill Rank, Attribute Modifier, and other modifiers is 10 or higher. Also, the suite of the card matters as well. A Two of Spades is worth more than a Two of Hearts, then Two of Diamonds, with Two of Clubs being worth the least, etc.

You do not play with Jokers unless you have an Advantage that uses them.

>Would the patrons...
Every character begins play with one Patron. Each Patron requires regular upkeep in the form of Contracts. The type and intensity of the Contract is proportional to the reward, the grade of your relationship with your Patron, and various other factors. Rewards vary from improved relations with a Patron, a new Estate, or access to services.

In order to gain the attention of a new Patron you need higher Renown. Each rank of Renown greater than one allows you to pursue the benefits of one more Patron. Your Renown may never be higher than your highest Skill or Attribute Bonus.

If you complete a Contract with a Patron that has negative consequences with another Patron you risk damaging your relationship or invoking a response from them.

A Patron's nature can vary from a guild, a noble house, a family of commoners, a dedicated friend, a pet, all the way up to fiends, spirits, and gods. Other players may also become your Patron and vice-versa.


>What is conviction though?
Conviction is your characters spiritual and mental fortitude. The higher your Conviction the better you resist loss of Sanity, and the higher your Stamina is. Is also makes it harder for you to be moved in social or intellectual challenges, and it's easier for you to resist mind/perception abilities.

>What would sanity do in-game for example.
Sanity is a reflection of your characters mental health. Like Vitality, loss of Sanity can result in a death-spiral, where it's impact on your Intellect and Conviction based skills often result in further loss of Sanity. Spells gone wrong, physical and psychological torture, social manipulation, and even severe loss in physical combat can all result in loss of Sanity. If your Sanity reaches zero, you're effectively insane and you suffer a permanent loss in max Sanity, and must spend time recovering. If your max Sanity permanently drops to one there's no coming back.

Favor is likely going to be relocated from the main page of the character sheet to the Patron tab, since it's supposed to be a reflection of each Patrons disposition to you. The higher your Favor, the greater benefits you get from that Patron. If your Favor with a Patron drops to zero you loss them as a benefactor.

Renown is essentially Kleos. It's a numerical reflection of your characters glory. It is used when trying to obtain a new Patron. Some Advantages are also dependent on your Renown. It also will have an impact on your interactions with NPCs, and will be visible to other players. Having high positive Renown attracts people looking to praise and admire you, or seek your help with something tragic. Likewise, having severe negative Renown will attract Patrons of a darker nature, will cause people to flee or fear your image, and may even spur people to violence against you.


I've never played a TTRPG. I used to play stuff like Arkham Horror and some shitty zombie survival boardgame (and a single session of CoC which I don't think anyone else liked) with people I used to know every few weekends but my crippling social anxiety had me make excuses to leave early or just not go. They eventually simply stopped contacting me for games, and despite me never wanting to go, I hope they didn't think it was because I didn't like them, most were people I had know for ages, but just...grew apart from. I want to play RPGs really badly and have tons of character and world and story ideas, but they'll never be used because of my anxiety. I can't stand being in the spotlight and it's detrimental to more than wanting to play games. I'm just whining here, but there you go. I browse Veeky Forums for character and worldbuilding stuff, and even then I'm afraid to engage in projects because meeting new people stresses me out. So I post and joke and browse. What might be the worst part is 99% of me doesn't even mind it. I can't believe I even fucking posted this.

>Please do elaborate on what advantages are.
Advantages are powers, techniques, and perks that allow you to perform a specific action tied to one or more Skills. The D&D Feat "Power Attack," for example, would be an Advantage available to purchase for your character that is tied to your "Fighting" Skill and both your "Agility" and "Strength" Traits.

A Static Advantage would be something that requires no activation by the player (though that doesn't mean it's always active). While a Dynamic Advantage requires the player to declare it's use as part of a Skill Check or Attribute Save.

They're currently a work in progress, and will require extensive testing during development.

Would like to know more . . ?
[Y/N] . . .

[Spoiler] My borother and i play 40k he loves crunch and thinks he is amazing (he actually sucks dick) and i have to fudge rolls so I don't fuck him and crush his feelings [Spoiler]

Go to a specialist user.


I love using splats and fluff from systems I hate or never really played. D&D 2e is such a treasure trove, along with oWoD stuff, but I'm not fond of prepping with either system so I just stick the fluff in PbtA games or some point buy system that would trigger another player if their meta isn't followed. I like tweaking fluff to do something that isn't yet another walking meat sack with a stick - really sick of fighting creatures made of feathers and croc teeth but 90% of the time still mechanically do the exact damn same thing as an orc, in or out of a scuffle. I'm just really tired of standard crap and think the older fluff stuff had really good framework.

{spoiler/} My first DnD Character back in middle school was an Agnostic Necromantic, Sentinel of a Cleric that used a 2 handed hammer that I played as both the party tank and healer cause I was playing a rogue and a goblin barbarian. My entire thing was about reaching immortality through neutral means through a mix of having neutral views on holy magic and supportive if wary views on necromancy. Least edgy character as the game went on. We played it for a year. {spoiler}

I haven't played in years and I sometimes feel all the world and campaign building i'm doing is totally fruitless.

Everyone is John here

I've started designing close to half a dozen systems for specific video games or other inspirations. I always get right into the meat of the system and get tired or bored or just forget to keep working on it. Then I start designing something new. Fate/Stay Night is one I've given several failed attempts to. Right now my current phase is for Nier: Automata.

I do this because I hate every single system on the market. Seriously I can't enjoy a single one because they all have flaws that I can figure out with just one or two read-throughs of the core books, and splats always only make things worse. I play games in spite of their rulesets, solely for the fluff alone, but my passion gets sucked out of me little by little just because the system ruins everything sooner or later. I houserule things to hell and back but it still doesn't change the underlying core problems.

I'm part a D&D group that seems to constantly pull great and epic results out of scenarios. Every time I do my best to help keep the others coherent and alive while also trying to make sure my character gets work done on the battlefield. Where everyone else's characters seem to advance and get credit for every victory, my character is always either left in the dust or murdered without proper backup.

I just can't tell if it's bad luck or the other people just don't like me and want to watch my characters fail.