I'll be playing a chaotic neutral character

>I'll be playing a chaotic neutral character

Cool. Don't be a dick about it.

>playing in a system with alignments

Chaotic Neutral is one of the most fun alignments when the player understands what it actually means.

>lol i stab the guard and rape the barwench
is not CN.

Also, in my experience the biggest That Guys always played Lawful Good. For some reason people think that little "LG" on their character sheet means their job is the party's one-man Internal Affairs Office. It's the favorite alignment of wet blanket busybodies who demand everyone play their way.


>playing with anyone who would use that as an excuse to do "lol randumb xD" shit

>playing an edition where players can be a chaotic alignment

>I'll be playing a rocks-fall kind of GM

>Plays Chaotic Neutral
>Is still a fairly upstanding citizen, just casually does 'devious' things like give people cold beverages without ice.

>chaotic neutral

There isn't any reason to play anything other than chaotic good unless you're edgelord or self-righteous faggot. Convince me otherwise.

He said Chaotic Neutral, not Chaotic Evil!


what the fuck are you smoking

>using alignments


>Chaotic Neutral is one of the most fun alignments when the player understands what it actually means
> when the player understands what it actually means
>the player understands

This is the problem right here. Everything thinks it means they can do whatever they hell they want because it's funny, I want to play a jerk, or because they want to be like Deadpool or Jack Sparrow. Fuck, it pisses me off

I personally prefer dropping meteors on PCs

I said anything other than cg would be either edgelordism or foreverpaladin holier than thou that guys.

And yes, I know there is neutral good, but that's just cuck the alignment.

I don't know what chaotic neutral is supposed to be. Please help. I DM most of the time i play, (im the least experienced of my friends but they don't like to make campaigns and i enjoy monsters) and i more or less ignore alignment.

That said, if people started to get murder hoboish then i just set them up with a ship to steal, which conveniently has pirate outfits on it to justify their murderous spree. Eventually they tire of the pillaging and then i put them on more lawful good feeling quest.

don't think about the alignments, just worry about the motivations and interests of the characters

>I don't know what chaotic neutral is supposed to be

Rule 1 is you look out for Number 1. Maybe numbers 2 and 3 if you're feeling generous. No act of villainy or heroism is totally off-limits. You usually measure things in terms of risk-reward instead of good or bad. You don't go looking for a fight, and you don't stick around for one if you think you've got a good chance of losing. Unless the pay is good.

I mostly use chaotic neutral to refer to characters who are morally neutral and follow chaotic philosophy. Behaviorally, my last chaotic neutral character was more true neutral than chaotic neutral, but he was a cleric who was branded a heretic by his church and was now trying to start a cult.

What does CN truly mean then? As far as I can tell it just means the laws of the land don't concern me, and I am equally prone to acts of evil or good depending on how I feel at the time or how much they benefit me.

>implying Han Solo isn't the archetypical chaotic good

ANH Han Solo pre George edits is textbook Chaotic Neutral.

In Empire, he's turned Chaotic Good but he insists he's still Chaotic Neutral.

By Jedi, he accepts his Alignment change.

That description sounds like neutral evil

>letting your players play the alignment of mental illness
This is why I assign alignments after character creation rather than letting players pick them from the get go

Nah, Neutral Evil is all about stepping on anyone you have to get what you want.

CN is about surviving, not thriving.

Shooting bad guys (who want to kill him) first isn't enough to turn him away from good.

>guy tries to introduce d&d alignments into non-d&d game
the biggest red flag I've ever personally experienced at my table

Is it chaotic neutral to be a mercenary that accepts any job even if it means murdering innocents per job requirements?

Han Solo is a good template like says, but another good example, especially for fantasy, is Conan. Conan typically does as he pleases, but has his own moral code and standards. Most of that moral code lies outside the bounds of what other people would call lawful, though. For example, if someone were to say something that pissed him off, he'd likely make them eat their teeth, even if they were a noble. Conan does good, heroic things on occasion, but typically in the pursuit of selfish reasons like money or self preservation. He doesn't typically bully or mistreat women or the weak, unless they do something to him first. He's not above killing or stealing for personal gain either though, as he typically looks out for number one first and foremost.

Basically, CN characters do what they need to survive, without going full evil and burning a village down. Another good example would be captain Reynolds from Firefly.



>Shooting bad guys (who want to kill him) first isn't enough to turn him away from good.

No, but declaring you're just gonna sit and pout when the Hero asks if you want to save the princess certainly is. Han was completely fine with waiting for Obi-wan to free his ship for him, then leave Princess Leia to her execution. Luke had to bribe him to do something heroic.

I only posted the Shot First gif because it's a great moment for the character.

Do you enjoy killing said innocents?
If so probably Evul.
If you're "nuthin personell, kid(s)" and jsut do it as a job, you could argue Neutral maybe.

imo people shouldn't use d&d alignments even in d&d

it's better without them

Ice from a machine has been shown to contain as much e-coli as the heavily contaminated Hudson River

it depends on the context of murdering innocents

say it's wartime and you're killing innocent miners who are harvesting some key metal resource for the enemy faction. they dont' deserve to die, but war is war and people gotta die and you gotta do what you gotta do. it's definitely not good, but i wouldn't call it evil either. you're doing what you can to try and secure victory for your nation, and the friends and family who live there

but if you're just being paid by some guild or merchant to kill innocent miners working for a rival company, I'd say that's evil

I don't know if Mal would be CN, maybe on the border of CG and CN. Take the end of the Train Job for example, a CN would have just shrugged and went through with the deal.

Didn't Inara all but say Mal likes painting himself as some rough, dangerous cowboy when in reality he's as heroic as they come?

you know why he's in that situation to begin with right?

because he dropped his cargo of Spice (highly addictive and illegal drug) when forced to be confronted by an ISD looking for anything illegal on cargo frigates such as his.

normally Jabba would kill a man for this, but because Han was his number one man for smuggling contraband, he agreed to let Han go if he compensated Jabba for the spice lose, even accepting Han haggling over it.

Han in ANH is solidly CN.

>my character is a touhou character knockoff
>my character has an anime portrait
>I'll be playing a little girl
>I'll be playing a little girl
>My character is like X but actually doing Y instead of Z
>My character is me, but taken to 11

I'd argue the stereotypical mercenary is true neutral because they have little motivation other than what their current employer wants done.

>convince me that my black and white view of alignment where every alignment is taken to an extreme and no moderate characters exist is wrong

How about just kill yourself. You'll have no argument against Neutral btw, unless it's more "le epic le cuck XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD" frogposter shit. So just kill yourself. :)

>because they have little motivation other than what their current employer wants done.

That's like saying McDonald's employees motivating feature in life is to make Ronald money


Your 'stereotypical mercenary who only wants what their employer wants' would be an oddball Lawful Neutral dude in my mind

>I'll be playing a little girl
Does it count if it's a Gnome passing off as a little girl to rob people in the city?

Fair enough

That makes sense, the surviving not thriving bit clicks with me. There is something i am interested in that builds on what the following said.

This poster and a couple of others loosely stated that apathetic mercenaries are generally the archetypal Chaotic Neutral. There is however a slight flaw to this in my mind.

The Mercenary ultimately chooses which jobs to take and which to refuse. This is assuming the Mercenary is in a situation that starvation is not a concern if the job is refused, and the Mercenary's hands are not entirely tied on accepting or refusing.

Lets for example say that a Mercenary is presented with the offer of a large sum of gold for the task of murdering children.

Is it truly a neutral act to accept the offer of killing children for money not needed to survive?

Lets modify the hypothetical. A Person sees a child holding a large sum of gold.

Is robbing and murdering the child, thus yielding a large sum of gold, a neutral act?


Chaotic neutral or chaotic stupid?

A Neutral character can reject actions he finds morally repugnant and stay Neutral.

The real test of his Neutrality is if he'd go out of the way to save those children upon hearing some merc is gonna kill them. If he does, that's pretty thoroughly Good. If he doesn't, it's ultimately Neutral. If extremely callous.

chaotic evil with a very low WIS score but shockingly high INT.

Rent ain't gonna pay itself

>I'll be summoning the Elector Counts

Would you consider Bronn from GoT to be Chaotic Neutral or Chaotic Evil?

aye mate it dont matter if youre passing as a little girl if ya aint never gonna be a big one

Found the turbo autist

How else am I supposed to play a good character that isint averse to law breaking and dosent always flow with the milk of human kindness?

Sometimes breaking and entering or extortion is called for and I can't be asked to pity every sob story with bigger or more lucrative things about.

Just say you guys don't like retards.

Yeah. Mal is CG
Jayne is pretty solidly CN, though

>I'll be writing another grudge

>anything other than chaotic evil
He wasn't chaotic neutral until Mal nearly spaced his ass.

>ask for salt
>give them sugar
Who here /ce/?!

Does it count if I do this IRL?

Moms gonna freak!!

What if I did it accidentally?

"A what? We don't have alignments here."

>I'll be playing a lawful good character