/l5r/ - Legends of the 5 Rings General
Lets talk about how you reward your players beyond experience. Have any of them been given land, or a priceless piece of poetry
/l5r/ - Legends of the 5 Rings General
Lets talk about how you reward your players beyond experience. Have any of them been given land, or a priceless piece of poetry
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Once my Scorpion clan group discovered a planned assassination of their local lord by some mantis, ended up using the information to get the Mantis to donate an obscene amount of wealth to the daimyo. Lord gave them all fancy new masks.
>beyond experience
>Have any of them been given land
Gentry advantage costs experience.
>a priceless piece of poetry
Most examples that convey a direct benefit cost experience, or the advantage effect you gain from leveraging them for favours costs experience.
Man, simpler and better times. I wonder what the upcoming reboot is going to be like. Or has it already happened?
What's the point in wearing armor like that when your nipples are rubbing up against cold metal, and everyone can see them when you're standing sideface?
They're not even doing previews until gencon. August iirc.
You answered your own question, if you know anything about who that is.
Crab clan a best!
Only if you can keep up.
How does the Crab reward their bushi, duty on or away from the wall? How does the clan feel about Bushi who go to war with other clans as opposed to serving on the wall?
Duty on the wall is a number of days on and a number of days off (Typically more on than off, but it depends on the era and source). When off duty, they're completely and totally off duty and can do whatever the fuck they want (Usually drink heavily and party). When they're on duty, the level of discipline is as high as humans can make it.
The Crab use an entirely different Army on their inner border, but there's no notable difference in the level of respect they earn (Aside from the fact that they're less proven than the wallers).
I would speculate no reboot, though who knows really.
On another note, i plan on running a l5r game for my group in the coming months, do people think working as a second city guards unit (ala shinsengumi to a degree) would be a good idea to bring characters from multiple clans together? I am planning on a gempukku tournament to start off with, and then sending them to the colonies after a Seppun from the second city is impressed (or angry) with them
That's been my assumption since they mentioned the colonies in the original press statement.
>posting Akodo Gary Sinise
I was a Hida Bushi, met and fell in love with a Phoenix water tensai doing the whole Emerald Magistrate party thing.
My reward was being able to successfully mary for love, have a big ass family, and die of old age before any of my children.
Dude, she is obviously a model. I bet whole thing is made of paper or wood and then dyed in metallic colors.
>being able to marry for love
For some reason (maybe it's the setting?) this is a really nice reward for a PC. I managed to secure it for myself in one game, playing a very odd Scorpion character (military tactician) who managed to be a complete badass near the end. Opened his own Tactician school in Scorpion lands and married Doji Shizue (ironic, given her parentage).
The biggest obstical to marrying her was actually convincing HER to go for it. Her dad made Gendo Ikari seem well adjusted. Didn't matter that she was a tensai, she was never going to good enough to win his aproval, and the fact that she was ill from birth (had the bad health disadvantage) spoiled the best marriage prospects for her because there were doubts she'd be be able to even carry a child to term.
My Crab saw a picture perfect woman, (since she strove so hard to be a perfect Rokugani woman, as well as a perfect priestess of the kami) enduring a lifetime of abuse at the hands of a father she would never please and just fucking melted.
He was real old school Crab. But he understood, in ways a lot of people just do not get, the deepest meaning of Strength, and what it means to respect strength. There are all kinds of Strength. Farmer gets up every day, works the fields all day, endures drought, huricanes, plauge, bandits, wandering shadowlands beasities, then gives up his rice to the samurai. If the farmer can't pay his taxes becuase bandits made off with his rice, you DO NOT take the rice he needs to eat until next harvest. You don't do that because it's YOUR fault that happened. He was born to till the land; YOU were born to fight, and in so doing, keep him safe so he can till the land. I suppose it's that understanding that got him selected as an emerald magistrate despite the fact that he always slept in his armor with a powdered wakizashi in his hand.
So even though she might have keeled over in a stiff breeze, she still shone as a beacon of Strength to him, a shining paragon of what it means to Endure.
A true Crab-bro if I ever heard of one. The pragmatism of the Crab and Scorpion is what made me like them so much when I first read the game books. They are just so much less silly than the other clans on the whole.
Alright, /l5rg/, redpill me on:
>"They [Crab Clan] could no more survive without us [Crane Clan] than we could without them, but they fail to see it."
Because I really don't get it. How would not being political deft destroy the Crab Clan or how does the Crane's existence ensure the Crab's survival? It seems to me from where I stand, the Crab is a lot more important when it really comes down on it.
Now, if you please excuse me, I must commit Sudoku for using 'redpill' unironically.
It's not a matter of political deftness. The Crane are the main enforcers and promoters of Rokugani culture. Without them, the Crab would gradually lose their roots entirely. They're already far from the clan Hida founded - that can be seen by comparing the Badger against the Crab, as stated by authorial word.
>Crab would gradually lose their roots entirely
I don't really see the problem there. Cultures evolve and change.
Then again, I've never been one to stand on tradition because 'muh traditions' or whatever.
If you haven't read enough to pick up a bit more than that from magical fantasy samurai land, I'm not the guy to burst your "whatever".
Lol, epic facial expressions. Crane is like "how dare you ruin my beautiful sleeve!" And Dragon is like "I was told that dueling was what you do. Step up your game, homie."
I love when they show samurai who are actually ripped and not waifs
The Crane govern own the most fertile lands in the Empire. The Crab are a food defecient clan. The Crab need other clans to feed them, or their Samurai would start to starve.
The Crane made sure it was tradition for the Hantei to take a Crane bride. The first Emerald Champion was a Crane, and he set up the system of deuling as it's known in the modern day. You know, the one that the Kakita bushi school is custom tailored to dominate at? Lady Doji, founder of the Crane clan, laid the groundwork for Rokugani culture.
So the Crane clan fails uterlly to put any real effort into living up to the expectations placed on the Samurai caste, (spend your life learning how to fight so you can protect the farmers who spend their lives making sure you don't starve to death) while forcing everyone to come trade with them for all the excess shit they have during the Winter Court because they make the most Koku every year. And when the Empror is strong, the "wars" between the Clans always boil down to One clan takes another clans city, then gives it back during Winter Court in leiu of trading some other commodity. As the Crab have a fairly kickass army, the Crane will keep them fed just enough to keep goblins from eating all those perfumed geisha the Crane clan calls samurai, while not fed well enough to take a city or two in a summer war, so they can keep getting lots and lots of Kaiu steel (Kaiu steel is the only steel used in the construction of Kakita Blades)
And of course the Otomo smile because that's just as kaikakku.
is just Crane propaganda.
Dragon dude looks like Toshiro Mifune.
My first L5R game, in my ignorance, was about a group of young samurai made into shikari, and during the course of a mission then ended up slaying a lesser oni who had made its dwelling in a forest. Naturally, because of kegare, the deer that it hadn't been able to kill had started to suffer with the Taint, and had to be put down, which one character, being a hunter, did. Because the character did her duty and piously and compassionately performed her duty, she received a honest whisper of thanks from the local deer kami; this was not a blessing, but rather a simple expression of thanks. The player loved it, thought it was the best thing the whole campaign.
Does anybody know the formula to calculate outcomes in the rpg? I know there are tools and calculators online, but I'm curious how it's done.
It's roll and keep. You roll as many dice as your stat and skill allow, then keep as many as your stat allows. Other variables affect this, but that's the system for it.
I know how it works, but I'm curious about calculating the probabilities of beating a certain number.
That Crab dude used some pretty interesting reasoning to waifu the chick. Let me guess, the chick didn't give a flying fuck about her dad being displeased about her and hated his guts for being an insufferable asshole.
It is like "Honor is Stronger Than Steel" - people in Rokugan like to say stupid shit and take it super seriously.
I just gustimate it. Every kept die is another 5 to the total I'm going to get. Then I run my combat rolls through a calculator and memorize what I'm likely to get so I know how many raises I can get away with. Due to exploding tens and emphasis allowing for rerolls I would have no idea how to go about calculating more specifcally than that.
No. Like I said, SHE was the hardest person to convince. And then the fucker would show up from time to time being an insuferable ass and I'd have to put up with it because he was her father and you simply must respect your parents. She had a high ass Honor, so respecting your superiors/parents even when they're shitheads is just what you do, until you ARE Honor itself. Then it's okay to shake your head when their about to do something disgraceful.
Hell, because of her MY Honor score went up to 3 at one point (this was first ed, when Honor was a 1-5 scale.)
Put my fucking foot down when he tried to take our one magically talented kid though. No fucking way he was going to sensei my boy.
Reminder of the sad son of a bitch from this weekend who's GM made everyone insight 11 and gave legendary artifacts for free
I remember that thread. Their party had zero actual humans, but it had one oni and one penguin. That was some weird shit.