What is the most bullshit/powergamey character that could be created in 5e?
What is the most bullshit/powergamey character that could be created in 5e?
18th level Moon druid.
Besides that, Halfling Wizard with the Lucky Feat in order to get as many re-rolls as possible.
Or Arakokra Warlock. Flying Eldritch Blaster Caster.
I dunno man, 5e doesn't break much. The halfling wizard just kind of munchkins your d20 roll, and then certain spells can be exploited, but there's nothing too crazy that can be done If you have a competent DM.
Your faggot is showing
If Unearthed Arcana counts then Nuclear Druid without a shadow of a doubt.
Going by published material only I dunno. Maybe a Necromancer with 100+ skeletons and a captive Mummy Lord?
>Nuclear Druid
Our dm allows unearthed arcana, so anything from that would work as well.
What the hell is a nuclear druid?
A pretty kickass band name.
An aaracokra barbarian/rogue multiclass. Or if you want actual character in ur min-maxed nightmare, a vengeance paladin/rogue aaracokra. Birdie Batman (robin!)
Simulacrum Wizard Army
Aside from the nuclear druid and simulacrum, ff you consider a level 10 character or above valid for this a Scourge Aasimar Oathbreaker Paladin/Hexblade Warlock multiclass is pretty solid.
Otherwise a Winged Tiefling or Aaracokra or Protector Aasimar with Crossbow Expert+Sharpshooter+Hand Crossbow+lots of bolts is pretty good.
Not including items, either onion druid, open hand monk, or sorclock but none are very far above the norm. Sorclock is more frontloaded damage than anything and onion druid is just really really hard to kill. Open hand monks get the only save-or-die in the game which is pretty wicked but legendary resistance means you won't get a whole lot out of it.
Including items, it's a level 20 champion fighter wielding the sentient trident "Wave", as they can deal arbitrary levels of damage per crit and have an expanded crit range in addition to four attacks per round.
>onion druid
What's a nuclear druid? I've never heard that term. Is it one of the unearthed arcana druids? Cuz it sounds metal as hell
Circle of the Moon transforming into a mammoth over and over and over all day long
The layers keep going and going as you shred them off
Unearthed Arcana Circle of Twilight Druid using their Harvest's Scythe on the Magic Missile spell, allowing them to add Xd10 (X=druid level) damage to every missile in the barrage for an outrageous spike in damage to a spell that can't miss. Kinda one shot but puking out 1d4+20d10 x3 damage that can't miss is hilarious.
At this point, I'm starting to think it should be in the /5eg/ OP template. What's the average damage in the latest version? 1200 or something?
Yeah there's some kinda balance of missile count to scythe count for optimal damage but I don't know it.
Wait, you can apply spell effects to each missile of magic missile in 5th edition? Are there no Warmages?
Wouldn't you have to be lvl40 to add 20 dice to a missile?
It's because of Magic Missile's RAW that you only roll the damage die once, and that applies to every individual missile.
Is it half? Then halve that I guess. I don't have the whole fundament of the build.
nope, it's your full druid level
That's how many die you have in a day, but you can only add up to half on a single spell.
Necromancer a shit, afaik he's limited to using his bonus action to command one skeleton per turn.
>On each of your turns, you can use a bonus action to mentally command any creature you made with this spell if the creature is within 60 feet of you
>(if you control multiple creatures, you can command any or all of them at the same time, issuing the same command to each one).
The build assumes you have 2 levels of fighter for an Action Surge. Cast a 9th level magic missile and action surge an 8th level magic missile. Apply half to both spells, thus expending your entire allowance at once.
Most of it is still pointless.
Moon druids and EB locks are the strongest classes early. They get off the ground at level 5, and remain powerful throughout the game both utility and damage wise.
Most of the "OP" builds assume level 20, which is ridiculous. At this point, if you even get there, the balance is out of the window anyway.
Yeah, a vanilla moon druid and blaster Warnock doesn't sound gamebreaking, but if you just want to stomp the early game, they are your best bet.