Games Workshop is pleased to announce that the sales and profit growth, that was discussed in the January 2017 trading update, continues. Income from royalties receivable is also ahead of expectations. In light of the above, profits for 2016/17 are likely to be materially above market expectations.
Sales and profits have further benefitted from the continuing favourable impact of the weaker pound. However, the Board remains aware that there is some uncertainty in the trading periods ahead for the rest of the 2016/17 financial year. A further update will be given as appropriate.
Is this referring to Eight edition?
Bentley Bennett
First for nids
Wyatt Stewart
Can someone be a babe and help me out?
Jeremiah Martin
6th for Bullgryn a cute
Adam Gonzalez
>Is this referring to Eight edition?
Probably talking about the whole Brexit thing
Mason Miller
Id love to see a brake down to how much each set sold.
Would laugh my ass off if for some reason SoB sold more proportionally than everything else
Tyler King
They don't exist anymore. Every Daemon Prince has to be marked by one of the Gods.
Brody Gutierrez
Juan Cooper
Working on the plans for my custom Manta.
Finding suitable long-barrelled burst cannon parts is proving a little tricky. Either going to use Necron Gauss blasters since they look cool or 32 heavy bolters in sets of 2, which would be a pain to get my hands on. Are Tau, Cron or Marine players likely to have any of those spare? I'm not sure how many spares you get in their kits.
Anyone know any other good guns to replace a S5 AP5 6 shot weapon that doesn't look Xenos as hell or is impossible to get enough of? Necron weapons are OK, because DarkMech, but I doubt I can get away with other Xenos. I do need 16 of them.
Ryan Jones
first for orks
Jordan Long
Grassy ass ah me go. I thought you couldn't take marks of chaos tho?
Samuel Howard
My marine army is roughly 1180 points of marines and 320 points of wargear.
Brody Rivera
Hi, new player here. Does anyone know how many infantry squads, heavy weapon squads, HQ's, ect, ect, we can use in a game?
I've been looking through the book and so far none. I'm playing Imperial Guard.
Cameron Harris
You can't take Marka, but Daemon Princes don't have Marks. They're just daemons of
Dominic Murphy
check the main rulebook. It explains how to build your army.
Kayden Johnson
Where? I can't find it.
Wyatt Reyes
New Killteam league and I'm in with Daemons. Is it a cunt move to take the new Horrors? > Cannot cast powers > Split into Blue Horrors > Which then split into Brimstones
I'm looking at 10 Blue Horrors, 3 Fiends and 5 Furies. For reference, another player is using 9 Tomb Blades.
David Foster
Detachments and force organization
Nicholas Jones
not quite sure what chapter/page this is, because im mobile, but this one
Easton Butler
Mark him as Tzeentch, throw him in some 2+ relic armour, and enjoy your immune-to-small-arms monster.
Lucas Flores
>spoon feeding No wonder these threads attract retards like hungry pigeons.
Joseph Ortiz
Not that guy, but wouldn't people just end up ignoring him since he doesn't have a weapon?
Cameron Allen
In a Combined Arms Detachment you can have 2 HQ, 3 Elite, 6 Troops, 3 Fast Attack, 3 Heavy Support, 1 Lord of War and I think 1 Fortification, but I'm not sure on that one.
For Guard Troops, you have access to Veterans and a Platoon. The Veterans count as 1 troop choice and so does the Platoon, but a Platoon can be huge.
At the minimum, a Platoon must consist of 1 Platoon Command Squad and 2 Infantry Squads, so at the very least it's 130 points. You can have up to 3 more Infantry Squads, 1 Conscript blob, 5 Heavy Weapon Squads and 3 Special Weapon Squads. For the Infantry squads, you can combine them in any fashion.
So for instance, if you took 4 Infantry Squads, you could have 2 squads of 20, 1 squad of 40, 4 squads of 10 or 2 squads of 10 and 1 of 20, etc. If you blob up your Infantry Squads into blobs of 20-50 they are considered 1 squad from there on out, not 2-5 separate ones and also, I would highly recommend adding in a Commissar or Priest to make sure they don't run from getting shot, or swept up in close combat.
Just remember that a Platoon is only 1 Troop choice regardless of the size. However what is nice is that each unit is considered troops once the game is started. So even though it's only 1 choice for making your force organization chart, all the units in the Platoon can act independently as a troops choice, meaning they all have objective secured.
Christopher Jones
/a/utist detected.
Adrian Moore
Telling him the chapter of the book isn't spoonfeeding.
Now this is spoonfeeding
Blake Russell
Why do people like AdMech? They're the lamest faction in the game, every single model loolks exactly the same.
Mason Gutierrez
>Telling him the chapter of the book isn't spoonfeeding. Yes it is.
People who dont know how to read shouldn't buy books.
Landon Wilson
Does anyone have any good urban or forest camo for Orks? I want to paint up some Blood Axes for the new game.
Jose Evans
So wait, where in the rules are the rules referring to charging a unit on top of a building?
Is it just a dangerous terrain charge, subtracting 2 extra inches for every floor of the building?
David Jackson
>missed the first post >i2
Christopher Gomez
Yes it is.
I'm not asking people to have the "use library" skill, but reading the index of a rulebook and then reading the information in said index is kindergarten level of information searching.
Brandon Roberts
I spoon fed him that for clarity because I see people fucking things up all the time in bat reps and in real life, so I want to make sure he understands it. Also, I've had trouble with reading comprehension my whole life, so I feel sympathetic and empathetic towards people who suck at reading. I still have nightmares of all the tutoring and learning centers I've had to put up with.
Grayson Moore
How is not being able to run, then charge, realistic?
Why do we even have to roll for charge distance?
Jack Evans
2k game later today. Vs genestealer cult. He runs the maximum amount of try in his hard lists, 3 flyrants, spore mine troops, 20 units looking for 6s on the infiltrate. His goal is to crush his opponent on turn one. I actually have ALL these models, some converted from junk, but with proper dimensions.
Tell me, Veeky Forums. on a scale of 1 to 10, how unimpressed will my opponent be.
Blake Wright
R8 me senpai
Julian Anderson
Because obviously veterans with 200 years of combat experience still regularly stumble over their feet while their enemies can still shoot them.
Carter Walker
if you have to ask, you already know.
Landon Fisher
Plz senpai
Isaac Scott
Don't his units have Rending? I'm not sure if that list will stomp them or not. Are you saying he will be unimpressed by the list because he's going to get stomped? Or because it will be easy for him?
Logan Reyes
>Owning more than three brushes
Ryan Bell
You might get some sweet kills when your vehicles catch his dudes in the explosion?
Ian Sullivan
Both, but it's best to discuss it with your opponent since some people can be more lenient. My group plays pretty vertical terrain so we just make it like moving through cover on a charge
Kevin Foster
Nolan Russell
If my following is correct he is a daemon prince which have smash and that means AP2 on all melee attacks which means he is a threat to all infantry without an invul or FnP as he just destroys them with a single sweep.
Aiden Nelson
Part of me thinks GW rules writer never play the game or ever done anything more physically intensive than running to the toilet.
Also they think the entire world works like a small UK town.
Hudson Phillips
From the models? If he's not a cocky dick, probably impressed. I would be against so many walkers and the dedication to all these 'Nauts.
From the list itself? It's probably going to be a pretty equal fight. Shooting through that much armor will be difficult if you make sure the Kans and Deff Dreads are set up in a way to cover their backs. Most of his weapons won't be able to pierce 12 or even 11 armor, let alone 13, so destroying you turn 1 seems very unlikely.
Adam Morgan
If he actually knows how to play GSC you're going to get shitwrecked. It won't even be a game.
Julian Bennett
> What is army-wide S4 rending > At I>2
Elijah Nelson
>fantastic GW writing.
Jayden Miller
>It's probably going to be a pretty equal fight. >entire army of Haywire template FMCs and Rending troops with a bajillion attacks, many of which are Strength 6 base You uh, have never played against Flyrants or GSC have you?
Joseph Rivera
I'm more upset that models that fail their charge don't move the distance rolled regardless of whether or not they make it into combat
William Sullivan
>another player is using 9 Tomb Blades. What is the fucking point? Why even play Kill Team if not for narrative games? I can understand competitive 40k, but Kill Team is designed specifically for Your Dudes.
t. salty faggot who had to go against a squad of Peltasts and their Dragoon buttbuddy in KT this weekend
Isaiah Diaz
Why. Fucking why?
Why do people feel the need to waac in that kind of game.
I doubt it was an accident like my sling wielding skaven in Mordheim. Sorry! I did it because I thought it was funny.
Josiah Brown
Fair point. I guess I'm just a bit worried since I didn't have the points to spare for wings.
Joseph Long
Wings and psychic powers mang, use mind bullets and fly towards them
Josiah Davis
If you're using thousand sons, just take Magnus
Sebastian Moore
I think because it's stupid your dudes don't just take an extra step to get into combat when you missed the charge by 1 inch.
Daniel Peterson
I always bring 2 lists. One Your Dudes list and one WAAC-fuckyou list. Peltasts-horde actually gets whooped by Vanguard horde. Both weapon will just rape their opponent and you can have more vanguards.
Zachary Morris
>t. salty faggot who had to go against a squad of Peltasts and their Dragoon buttbuddy in KT this weekend I mean, that is a fluffy Skitarii list. Skits are just godly in Kill Team.
Josiah Ward
>Magnus He doesn't play loyalists user.
Caleb Howard
Is it really that crucial for a Daemon prince to have wings?
Ayden Green
I think this is exaggerating. Ork Dred guy will probably lose, but it could still be a fun game. At least with GSC you get to hit things in combat instead of just removing your guys from the table while a bunch of gravbike faggots drive around the board out of reach with infinite cover saves.
James Perry
>while their enemies can still shoot them Even more nonsense. If a unit is shooting at something they won't magically know they're being charged at by a separate unit because they're supossed to paying attention to the unit they're shooting. Overwatch is a retarded concept, only units that did not shoot in the shooting phase should be able to do it, at full BS.
Wyatt Fisher
Yes. There is basically no reason to ever take one without them.
Daemon princes should just cost 40 more points base and come with the wings.
Xavier Bailey
you want him to get anywhere fast? Then yes, otherwise it won't get to do shit.
Sebastian Perry
It's a game. Adding some randomness is good.
Logan Scott
Alternatively, they could allow it AFTER a charge was made, since you realistically would only be shot while running there.
Josiah Turner
He thought it would be fun. It was not. Must've been self-aware, since his list was named cheese when we exchanged them.
It was just the one guy, and he's usually pretty casual so I had only a casual list on hand. Usually he's the one getting salty about WAACs, so it was a surreal and yet incredibly frustrating experience.
Juan Howard
>some randomness >giant monster can't make the charge distance of 2 meters and gets almost shot to death in the process Some randomness is fine. The difference between 2" and 12" is way too fucking much. If anything, make it 6"+1d6
Daniel Miller
Loyalist chapter name ideas:
Thousand Suns Bird Wearers Whirlwind Eaters Black Legates Sons of Horses Death Gardeners The Emperor's Kids Hydra Dominators Knight Lords Iron War Eaters.
Jackson Rodriguez
You know squads of soldiers do tend to watch their flanks and rear? Also, your method is a bit stupid, because:
>Why not just shoot them in your phase rather than waiting for them to shoot you first THEN charge, given they're almost certainly within weapon range? >Why charge the few units that have Overwatch prepared if the Overwatch would be particularly dangerous in the first place?
Carson Ramirez
>The difference between 2" and 12" is way too fucking much. If anything, make it 6"+1d6
I wouldn't disagree with that.
Thomas Smith
I think you fucked up your greentext because it doesn't make any sense.
The way the other user suggested is pretty much how Overwatch used to work and it was much better.
Adrian Perry
Even if you never go full fly. It doubles your movement. Which is huge. Also a 4+ Jink.
Levi Hernandez
>not Emperor's Sons garbage list/10
we still don't know what to mf do!!!!!
Leo Gonzalez
Necron Command Barges have Gauss weapons that could be what you want. I don't think anyone really uses them anyway, as it's a fancy ride for your Overlord first, weapons platform later.
Nolan Thomas
I'm partial to bird wearers...give them a Maori or Pacific Islander theme.
Charles Sanchez
> GSC > I4 > Orks > I2
Jordan Gray
Forgot one >Bright Angels
Mason Hall
Aquilas. All loyal Marines are bird wearers.
Asher Robinson
Make it 3" +1d6 and call it a day, it's super weird when your normal guys can only walk up 6" but then suddenly run 12" to hit a guy with a stick.
Angel Ross
Why, if you have to give up shooting, would you not just shoot the enemy in your previous shooting phase, rather than preparing Overwatch, then letting your opponent move to block some LoS or something if possible, fire a volley of his own into your guys, THEN only shoot them if they elect to charge? Admittedly I wasn't around when Overwatch worked like that, but I can't see a reason to do it.
Aaron Morris
>we still don't know what to mf do!!!!!
Luke Gomez
Just wrapped up this Tervigon.
Just started picking stuff up to start playing a few weeks ago, this is the most ambitious thing I've painted thus far. Really happy with it for the most part, but basing dynamic desert terrain is more challenging than I expected.
Anyone have any tips there? I was thinking trying to make a paste out of PVA glue and my ballast and use a putty knife to kind of sculpt it on in a more interesting way.
Kevin Moore
>You know squads of soldiers do tend to watch their flanks and rear? After being ordered to fire upon a certain target? Not really, no. At the very least should require an Initiative test.
>Why not just shoot them in your phase rather than waiting for them to shoot you first THEN charge, given they're almost certainly within weapon range? Keep in mind this is meant as a realistic buff to assault units. Also the assaulting unit may be behind cover, or outside the shooter's LOS.
>Why charge the few units that have Overwatch prepared if the Overwatch would be particularly dangerous in the first place? Because that could give you control on which units the enemy wastes their overwatch shots on. Say, forcing a squad of Devastators to waste their shots on Cultists, then charge them with Berzerkers.
Colton Russell
It's called charging for a reason. They make for a sprint to overwhelm and run the opponent over, not jog forward, ready to shoot at any given moment.
David Lopez
Someone needs to edit Alpharius into this image, it's clearly a coded order.
Matthew Moore
So if they were out of LoS or partially out of weapon range or dug into cover, you could wait until they were in the open and then unleash hell.
You also didn't need to use it only against charges, you could Overwatch as an interrupt in the middle of any movement.
Old Overwatch basically would replace the current shit system AND Interceptor, and be more tactical, more interesting, and more fair than both.
Lincoln Foster
>Alpha Legionaire with a baffling rainbow Pokemon back banner >Imperial intelligence spend years trying to decipher it
Benjamin Bailey
I'm brand new to tabletop 40k, been playing the RPGs for a fair time and now me and a friend who's fairly seasoned in real tabletop are playing it on TTS. How's this for a 'Nid army? We're playing at 500 pt limit.
Built as both an attempt at an all-rounder (my second army list I've ever tried to write) and as a counter to my friend, who runs a Leman Russ and a few units of IGs. Thinking of maybe switching out the Horms for Termas. Thoughts?
Carter Adams
Vallejo acrylics maces some cement stuff with varied textures that looks extremely good...if not start with a layer of something like modeling paste to get the texture you want the add glue and sand over that. When it all dries paint, wash and dry brush.
Jayden Gomez
If it feels/looks too flat use wood filler or something, i don't use that since i just don't have any so i layer my sand, I'll post some pics later since I'm not home right now
Wyatt Ward
Fair enough, that makes sense. Didn't know you could use it to intercept movement too, that sounds much better and closer to how I would think it would work, given I came to 40k after playing all the Xcom games.
I'm honestly neutral on whether the ruleset favours shooting or assault, since I enjoy Sicarians and Dragoons too damn much for a shooty army. We play on 4x4 tables, though, which gives melee a huge buff.
That method would also solve the "can't Intercept with a Hydra/Intercept Drop Pods" thing which is annoying as hell.
John Taylor
Oops missed new thread.
Newfag here. Friend and I are staring. He's doing skitarri I'm doing orks. How fucked am i?
Jonathan Murphy
Well...that's somewhat disheartening. I already got a model I was going to convert and use for him. I guess I can tack on some jump packs or something.
Zachary Watson
I'd personally swap the Zoan out for a Venomthrope. I get that you're probably taking it for Anti-Tank / Synapse
Aaron Parker
>They make for a sprint to overwhelm and run the opponent over And then the guy at the front gets shot and suddenly nobody else wants to move
Jeremiah Rogers
Both Zoans for Venoms?
Cameron Butler
Fucking hell thanks for that idea my friend. I'm going a psyker heavy iron warriors army so I'll make him MR3 with flesh metal exoskeleton just to piss people off by giving him IWND. 2 up re roll able save is mad