Why the hate on the term BBEG?
Why the hate on the term BBEG?
It might just be one strange obsessive person. That's the impression I always got, anyway.
/v/tards hate any shared terms that neatly encapsulates a concept in a minimum of characters, because they are the very definition of memes.
/v/tards would have people communicate via farting twice for yes, burping twice for no, and burping then farting to convey that a subject is an ecumenical matter.
It's just a small enclave of persistent trolls. Possibly as small as a single person.
If Quests can be considered any precedent, chances are they will have it declared bannable by 2020.
Originally, it was just one person who tried to force a meme. Then copycats started doing it too, just because it's so easy to rile up Veeky Forums and get (you)s.
I'm one of them.
Oh shut the fuck up.
Because it is a retarded acronym that is completely redundant. Just say boss or villian. It also wreaks of TVTropes and " le wacky nerd culture" in general
It makes my games of elf-pretend sound silly
^This, as far as I can tell.
Most people here are fine with it.
Found the turbo-autist
People have been complaining about "Big Bad Evil Guy" for years. The early complaints seemed to be mostly about the concept itself, with many people disagreeing that a plot needed a character as a central antagonist.
Now, it seems that some of the complaints are about the language. "Big Bad Evil Guy" was coined to sound corny, and is more of an in-joke than a designation like "Central Antagonist." It's also grown to be somewhat vague, with some people using it as the central antagonist, others using it as the final antagonist, and still others using it as simply any antagonist, which can get confusing when trying to communicate about one of these specific ideas.
As far as the shitstorm, I think that comes in part because it takes very little effort to say "BBEG sounds dumb", which is enough to trigger some people who use that phrase. These people then go to say things like "you need to respect this acronym, it's Veeky Forums's acronym, every true fa/tg/uy uses BBEG exclusively," and that gets even people who had no real interest in the matter upset, because it starts to sound like there's people who are actually actively trying to push BBEG.
BBEG is a meme, and like most memes it doesn't have much of a shelf life. The old joke has faded, and now it seems like people are just finding it weird for people to be so fervent in holding onto it.
Found the turbo-autist
I'm pretty sure it's a pasta, because I've seen it before.
Basically, some faggot kept making shitty "This is your BBEG" threads, an even dumber version of the "Stat Me" thread, but complete with some retarded acronym attached.
People started to get ticked off, and eventually enough people got upset about the acronym itself, because it's a really awful one as far as acronyms go. Eventually, however, a few autists, potentially including the guy who had originally been trying to force his "This is your BBEG" meme, started to getbreally upset whenever people called them faggots for saying "big bad evil guy" and trying to pretend anyone other than dumb faggots would ever use that phrase.
So, here we are now, with butthurt BBEG fags trying to perform damage control to pretend their acronym isn't gay as fuck.
Found the turbo-autist
Are those alternative facts a part of the alternate reality you live in?
Ah, there he is, I was wondering how long it'd take your sore ass to show up. Now show me on the doll where BBEG touched you, okay?
>don't be on Veeky Forums for 2 years
>come back to BBEG ultra autism
what the fuck happened
at least the quests are r i p
Because people think of BBWs.
Because it sounds childish and dumb.
Definitely a pasta.
He's posted it in this thread too.
Quests were generally terrible trash that bumped anything that wasn't quick off the board
Rubyquest and company exempted
Look, if this board had an extremely dedicated shitposter making multiple zero-effort off-topic troll threads per day, often with generic weeaboo waifu images, using the word "peanut" every time, we would eventually be conditioned to react negatively to the word "peanut" in any context.
Is it really that hard to understand why people don't like "big bad evil guy"?
Try this experiment out. Try saying it in real life. If that's not enough to convince you that it's a really awkward phrase, try doing it in front of someone, and be sure to watch their reaction.
That's enough for why some people dislike it, without even going into the whole business about it being a confusing term with multiple and at times conflicting definitions, or how it sounds like something the worst kind of geeks would come up with and try to maintain as their personal jargon.
As for the hate, it seems to largely be the fact that there are definitely people here who are obsessed with the phrase, to the point where we can see them in this thread trying to pretend that it's impossible for anyone except for one person to not like their phrase, and similar strange tactics to avoid the simple fact that they are hoping to pretend that no one is ever allowed to not like a phrase.
It's really a phase with no real purpose, and if you choose to use it as part of your personal lexicon, you really should be more accepting that it's not the coolest phrase in the world and it makes your sentence sound childish. If that's the angle you're hoping to achieve, great, but don't try and pretend that people need to respect it or treat what you just said in anyway beyond what they feel, and many people just don't "get" why you'd use a weird pointlessly-long acronym that's largely devoid of humor when you could just go ahead and say "villain" instead.
We lost Decu over the sundering, we lost Dan, we lost Larro, and several others. Drawfags, the people that were producing content even outside of their designated cirlcejerk. And what have we gained? Couple more "excuse me commissar" and "elf slave what do" a week?
It's a meme
Big Bad Evil Guy
Found the turbo-autist
Welp, here we go again
Found the turbo-autist
There was no need to point out the obvious.
Found the turbo-autist
Term's fine.
I dislike the idea of a GM pushing their pet badguy on the players, though. If it must happen, let it happen organically through play, not because you wrote your precious story.
Found the turbo-autist
Found the turbo-autist
Do you really need to trigger him like this?
>Quests were generally terrible trash that bumped anything that wasn't quick off the board
But Generals are just fine!
It looks like this thread is full of Eternally-Triggered Bitch-Anons. Oh shit, that makes me an Eternally-Triggered Bitch-user too.
yes, I'll do it every single thread
Found the turbo-autist
You're getting slow, turbo-autist, try to keep up
Found the turbo-autist
Some people just sperg out against perfectly useful concepts because Autist and then pretend there's a reason. We'd be better off if we just ignored the impotent whining, but if there's one thing Veeky Forums has consistently demonstrated it's a total willingness to raise to any sort of bait whatsoever.
This is a particularly bad example of attempted damage control.
I use the term because it's decent short hand for 'big bad', especially when i want the villain or antagonist to have a smarmy feel.
Aside from the obvious 'people i don't like use it so i must hate it' autism, i don't understand the hate for the term, even the 'it sounds childish' comments are pointless. It only shows that you can more about the look of something, not the actual content, and are dismissing a toll the other person uses to express themselves, a tool that is decent at expressing what it want when you have the general bit down.
at least how i see it.
This is a better attempt at damage control. Still really weak and not at all convincing, but better.
Its genuinely how i feel about it, i'm not really doing damage control, but stating my position.
I think both sides are stupid desu, people can use whatever term they want, but it shouldn't be expected that other HAVE to use it.
I did not type desu, and i do not remember what word that got filtered.
Touche Veeky Forums touche.
"To Be Honest"
Then what you feel is a contradiction and a fallacy, because you want people to express themselves but simultaneously don't want other people to care about how they choose to express themselves. If people are free to use whatever terms they want, people should be free to judge people based on what terms they use, and they should be free to make their own decisions about whether they want to consider the jargon someone uses as 'childish' or otherwise.
If you don't want to be judged by how you choose to express yourself, but still want to express yourself, that's both conceit and a paradox.
I never said don't judge, i just think people are stupid to do so. My self included. I also think it's stupid to insist that things be said your way and only your way. As much as you have the freedom to say whatever you want, and to think what ever you want, I have the same freedom to judge you for judging me.
Reading comprehension.
i like it, its pretty self expanatory
final boss has got to be threatening you know
assholes are satisfying to slay
evil people too
guy has become a gender-neutral term at my table, being used in the same way as "person"
people making a big deal about nothing. it's just an acronym for a campaign's overall antagonist if it has one.
Reading comprehension?
>It only shows that you can more about the look of something, not the actual content, and are dismissing a toll the other person uses to express themselves, a tool that is decent at expressing what it want when you have the general bit down.
If you choose something you describe as "decent" rather than good, it sounds like you're just trying to excuse clumsy language, and then going out of your way to complain about people judging you for your word choices by saying they're not supposed to look beyond anything except only what you want them to see.
That's that conceit coming into play on your part.
You're right, in that this argument is stupid, but at the very least you could not try to conjure up fallacies in order to try to defend one side. Just say you don't think it sounds as stupid as other people do, and call it a day.
>expresses opinion, as asked
>has words put in mouth
>continues to express self\
>is dismissed and told i'm complaining
Gotta love the logic user. If you actually read what i said, you'd know that i i haven't complained a bit, i'm just confused over the nature of the hate. It requires reading comprehension to not see what you want user, something you are lacking in if you think i'm complaining
I feel you are trying to find something wrong with he way I've presented myself, and it's quite an odd behavior, though not unexpected of user.
For the record, i do take pride in not yelling about things i don't like, or making people uncomfortable about the things they like, so i guess i'm conceited in the regard. I'm also bored at work and have nothing important to do, so there is that.
This desu
The further you distance yourself from TV Tropes the better
>you'd know that i i haven't complained a bit,
I can see now that you're really bad at anything remotely resembling earnest discussion. You really just sound like some child caught in some act, but who will continue to evade and backpedal because he knows he can avoid admitting his error forever just by deciding not to.
You could have at least warned me that you were a bored troll when I first called you out, but I guess I should have guessed that from the start.
Some retard sperged out.
It's Reddit/TV Tropes/Nu-Veeky Forums
I think it's actually just one guy, plus some trolls copying him.
(I think BBEG does sound kind of childish, but if I were going to get bothered by nerd jargon for sounding silly, I would be here all day and have done nothing besides pissing people off for completely trivial reasons.)
we should counter it by posting based over and over.
Quests clogged up the board and there is literally nothing stopping you or anyone else from posting on both boards.
The nature of Veeky Forums hobbies means we surround ourselves with books, movies, and vidya filled to the brim with nonsense gobbledygook words.
But for some reason what really dances over the line for this guy is an archaic bit of BuffySpeak which made its way into the board culture.
Really though the only thing we should do is ignore him. I'm sick of seeing threads derailed with people arguing with this guy. Especially when he's just invading threads which never once mention this word which apparently raped him and his parents too.
The sad part is, i was being earnest. You put words into my mouth and decided to focus solely on that.
I'm bored and at work, therefore must bee troll? i mentioned that because i will keep replying, and am enjoying the conversation. Even if it's you willfully misinterpreting and disregarding my positions.
I didn't complain in any of my posts, just expressed confusion over the behavior, much like now, with you, and your insistence on dumbassery.