Are there any lorefags here?

Besides me, are there any Warhammer 40k fans who have never actually played the game, but follow it simply because they enjoy the setting's lore?

Yeah. Havent played a proper match but invested 200€ into models and paint.


Yeah me too.

Dawn of War fags created a lot.

Also its easy to get into it on here since most of the resources are free.

>live in an area where virtually no one plays 40K or has any means to assemble an army

Yup, me. Not worth the money for me to build an army with no one to play against.

I could never decide between Orks with looted shit or IG featuring Inquisition Storm Troopers/Eversor anyways.

At this point I haven't played a game in so long I'm in this party

Yeah that was me until I bought some models a few weeks back, still learning all the rules though.

The lore is basically the only thing I enjoy about 40k at this point, and it seems like they're throwing that to the wind now, too.

Glad I cashed out years ago. If I wanted to spend a month's salary four times a year to lose at a game, I'd play Standard Magic.

Yeah bro pretty much same here. While I have played a few games, nothing proper though and havent played for years. I love the models and painting them and the lore of the universe. Pretty sure i just love the idea of 40k and WHFB but maybe not the mechanics as such now

The game's fucking horrid, so you're probably getting the best possible experience here.

I've played about two games in my life, but I'm constantly reading the lore and looking up other people's models.

I'm obsessed with the lore, and I love the modelling and painting.

I've only played some games of Only War and Black Crusade, so do I count?

I play only the FF RPGs with freinds, and read shit tons of the books. I went into a GW store once, and that was beacuse i heard they had a signed copy of First And Only for sale. I would probably never touch the tabletop with a ten foot pole unless some major changes hapen in several areas

You're describing 90% of the people on Veeky Forums

I think it's closer to 60%, a lot of people are here for the tabletop pen and paper rpgs.

Hello from Huehuehue land. Just checking the dolar/euro exchange rate with my currency shrinks my wallet.

The lore is the only thing I can enjoy. Pic related is the closest I got to a model

I have neither played nor even learned the rules of any 40k-related game, but I watch a bunch of lore videos and I enjoy learning about the setting.

The only Warhammer esque stuff I play is the Vidya for Mordheim and Bloodbowl2. (Also the ck2 mod for whfb).

So yes, I'm a pure lorefag who has never painted or collected minis.

>The lore is basically the only thing I enjoy about 40k at this point, and it seems like they're throwing that to the wind now, too.
>not 8 years ago
The lore died in 5th edition.

Same, though I play DoW.

Brit here in much the same boat. I've got the FFG RPG's though! So there's that...

Haven't played in around ten years. I still enjoy reading lore threads now and then.

Does that count?

I collect, paint, and consume the lore but the game itself I Just find boring and socialising in a GW store looking for a match is somethimes like trying to make a friend in a prison yard.

The simple pleasure of watching my collection grow, keeping up with new releases seeing my painting skills improve is enough for me.



This. The last thing that GW published that I enjoyed reading was the 5'th edition Dark Eldar codex.

I played briefly back in 4th, Tyranid swarm army. Was fun, but I didn't have the funds to continue on account of being a kid.

Now that I have the money I know better.

I've put about £200 into models and paint at the moment, but until all of my models are painted, I refuse to play. I will not field a grey tide.

Never had the money, time, or friends to actually play, but I love the lore for its simplicity. People are probably going to jump up my dick about that.

It how 40k lore is constructed. Even if you Your Dudes it up, it's still a very straightforward setting: giant red army and giant blue army run screaming at each other. That sort of stuff. The lore gives you a really over-the-top and colorful base of info you can use however you want. Broody? Go. Horrific? Go. Zany? Go. Realistic? If you can stand the pauldrons, sure why not?

The lore seems to be jumping the shark right at the moment, and i have officially dropped the fuck out. It took them 7 editions, but they finally killed my joy in their IP. (Ok, I guess they're gearing up for 8th 'shitmar' edition, which is what has killed my interest - imperium trusting xenos? gimped primarchs? new uber-marines??) And the bigga-means-betta power creep has reached levels of cringe I hadn't imagined could exist.
I've dropped back in my mind to 2nd edition, and I'm staying there.

I don't want to start a flame up, but I always wanna ask people who get so angry about new lore: what would you have preferred?

In all seriousness, as opposed to the recent run of releases and all the advancing storylines, what would you have wanted to seen instead? Or would you have preferred no new lore and just new faction sub-dexs and stuff, to just give more depths to the sandbox?

Who's angry? I'm just sad that what could have been good is just circling the toilet bowl of corporate greed and shortsightedness.
But to answer your question: games don't have advancing storylines...

I do enjoy the world back when it was more satirical and tongue in cheek than heroic space darkness and SPESH MAHREENS and when it had a proper gray and black morality looming over all factions.

Played back in 2e. I go down to the basement and push my marines around when my wife is sleeping, once or twice a year.

Other than that I read novels. Want to make a small force of IG after reading Cain and Guant.

They could have expanded the game, gone into every media there is, and just gone hog-wild spreading the setting around. Instead, they focus absolutely exclusively on selling tiny plastic toys for huuuuge markup, quite oblivious to the fact that said market is drying up as fast as the baby boomers are dying. It's a dead end as it is, yet they refuse to see it: just throw more coal in the boiler and full steam ahead for that cliff!!

They've got a ton of books, a ton of video games (and seemingly getting a massive swell there), audio books etc.

They're missing out on TV and movies, but what else would you want?
And no one would ever be happy with whatever TV show or movies they throw out, if they could even find a decent company to make it.

Sorry, I wasn't clear: all that book and vidya crap is pure and utter garbage (ok, maybe Dawn of War 1 was gold). All the crap geedubs shits out is purely advertising for their shitty little toys. None of it is free to stand on its own and be good on its own: it merely serves as advertising for the toys, and is allowed to be godawful garbage - the books are universally bad (a few rough diamonds, perhaps); the vidya games tend towards lacklustre unless the devs have huge lore-boners (and even then geedubs hamstrings them with retardedness).
Oh, as for tv: What if the Emperor had a text to speech device on youtube was decent in its first year or two (kinda sux now, but the early/middle shit is pure gold). Most folks seem to like it.

I'm one also. Got some minis back in the days but have never played 40k. I play some Warhammer fantasy/mordheim however.

I have never bought a single mini for wh40k but I have bought a fuck ton of the black library books
>Andy Chambers
>Sandy Mitchell

So then why do you even like 40k? You hate the game, hobby, all the spin offs, the books, and the fandom creations.

get better bait, troll.


I found a How to Paint book second hand at a bookshop and kinda stumbled into from there, I think I have enough Orkz for a game of Kill Team after collecting them here and there.
Doubt there's much of a local scene around here tho.

I played a couple of games in high school about 15 years ago but that was it.

Still paint the miniatures and have kept up with the lore because it's fun. I tried getting into some of the local wargaming groups but they're completely filled with the worst sorts of autistic, fat man children imaginable. They'll spend more time arguing over fucking rules and talking about Rick and Morty episodes than actually play, so I've just learned to avoid them.

It's just more enjoyable painting my own little models and shit posting on Veeky Forums.