Pet Thread

Post cute pets.


this is worse than snakes with tits

Are you sure it's not just a deformed ferret?

But if we lubricate it with enough Dragon Cum issued lube to straighten it's Coatual tier fur for anal adventure, would it be more comfortable than a regular lubed up snake in the anus? Or is it better for a living toilet paper souche Roman ass-roll snake?

And is it a good present for the snake woman you wish to court, or is it's varaints good for illusions and rugs, door mats used for assination?

And why does everyone have shit taste but me?

Only 3 replies in and this thread is already horrifying lyrics awful.

Good job,guys. Keep up the good work.





Do dogbolds count as pets?

I've got two.


Fucking furries




Owlcats are the best.

Hiss hiss~





Best. Pet. Ever.

Sonyggers, you have five seconds to explain why you didn't get one of the best games in Playstation history.

Xbros, you have my condolences for Dragonbro being cancelled.




>best game
I've played it and I never was more disappointed.

>best game
One of the best games.

Karl Franz has the best pet.


Is this you?

But I already have _____Battleborn.


That line greatly upsets me.

Don't forget about cows.


Apparently there isn't a whole lot of behaviour difference between house cats and big cats.




Those things are adorable but horribly invasive where they aren't native.


not a while lot but lions are much more sociable than for example tigers and panthers.


I have a huge folder of this stuff. About 200 images. I'll post as much as I can.





>Stag beetle





That's actually why they're dangerous even when friendly

what a strange doggo

Sort of related, sorry if it isn't but...

>playing 5e
>playing NG Paladin
>friend is playing CG Wizard
>find mounds of dirt in a field
>turns out they're all connected tunels
>Wizard decides to go down the mounds to explore the tunnels
>he's a fucking gnome, by the way
>messes around for a bit while we deal with the kobolds and a drake popping out of the mounds
>break the drake'si back, killing it
>friend is STILLALIVE in the tunels taking treasure and killing sleeping kobolds
>finds a den of a handful of kobold eggs
>friend takes one and lights the rest on fire
>doesn't bother to discuss this with the party
>I deem it unreasonable and talk him down for it
>says it was justified

A couple of sessions later...
>CE Barbarian in our party manages to steal the egg and decides to try and smash it
>I roll athletics and managed to snatch it out of his hands without damaging it
>remembering how we got the egg, I roll sleight of hand
>hide the egg safely on my person
>no one except me and the DM knows where I hid it

I'm kinda worried, did I do the right thing? It's gonna be weird trying to raise a kobold either way.

It's basically a ferret without legs.

At first I didn't see the appeal, but now I kind of do. I'd rather just have like a ferret familiar though.



... did the right thing, but seriously, LG paladin with CE barbarians , seems a pretty bad mix. Especially as your paladin seems able to do sleight of hand, and apparently keeping the CE barbarian in check doesnt seem your main concern.
this is enough to make me wonder about how truthful is your story.

This is Veeky Forums. Everyone lies.

You're not wonderful.

That webm makes me feel weird.

You lazy bum.

There is some difference.
But lions live in groups, and do so even more naturally than house cats, so they're easier to tame than say, tigers.

>worse than snakes with tits
Compared to the best thing every everything is worse

But those aren't pets!

They are wives!

The good news is they are tasty


ever had a cat scratch you for any reason because it was getting pissy?
Now apply that to a domesticated "big cat"


Serving whatever is willing to give it gold and headpats.

I see no cazzador on this so I see nothing to be concerned about.


Awwww, big'ol baby kit

Sir that is clearly a no-jump bunn.

It's like it was bottle fed as a baby by that man.

Scales have already evolved into feathers once. It's entirely possible that someday some form of snake could find it advantageous to evolve scales that split into a row of hairlike strands, leaving the whole thing looking like it's fur-covered.

Almost started dumping my cutepet folder. Realized in time that this is a blue board and the thread is indeed for cute pets, and not for the /aco/ site.

I had a character with a pet miniature gelatinous cube once. I kept it in a jar and threw food scraps in there every once in a while.


D-don't think forbidden thoughts user

think the forbidden thoughts

See these eyes so green/ I can stare for a thousand years...

Tiny maggy > tiny narg


She knows how to please a man.

w-we're going there aren't we


I sometimes forget how big wolves can be...

Wives are pets tho

M-me too.. (although granted, that one--Dakota I think her name is---is pretty near the larger end of the spectrum)

>ywn have huge, ferocious and loyal woof waifu
>ywn be woken up by wet warm wolfkisses every morning


imma put this in my settings rough and tumble part of the world

You're silly. I like that.

