If you cook and eat a polymorphed person, does it still count as cannibalism?
If you cook and eat a polymorphed person, does it still count as cannibalism?
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Greek myth says yes.
No, usually killing a target undoes the polymorph.
I'm going to go with "Please don't eat sapient creatures regardless"
What if the evil sorceress turns into a giant snake and we slay her? That's a lot of good meat to just leave laying around, user.
You probably left a lot of good meat on the bandits you slaughtered earlier, too.
This is utterly horrifying to consider.
>No, usually killing a target undoes the polymorph.
This is usually what I see.
If for whatever reason, they remain that animal is upon death, then technically you're eating that animal meat, not human meat.
Now if you eat the heart or brain, then we might get into metaphysical cannibalism.
>You probably left a lot of good meat on the bandits you slaughtered earlier, too
Waste not, want not.
Another point to consider regarding this is that if you are eating polymorphed meat or shapeshifter meat, then it means the meat was harvested, prepared, and cooked while the creature was still alive.
So there's that.
>Your muscles... are they snake meat, or man meat?
>I don't care for man meat.
>Waste not, want not.
Does a human eats a dwarf heart count as cannibalism?
Do you have a problem with my modest proposal?
Cannibalism refers to eating your own species.
It's not cannibalism if it's an elf.
In many settings with multiple intelligent races, they consider the eating of other such races to be on par with cannibalism, if not technically cannibalism.
So, kinda?
If a person who polymorphs doesn't change back on death then you've effectively got a means to change a little bit of meat into a lot of meat. The conservation of mass rule just shat itself.
I know, right?
>evil queen turns into a dragon for climactic fight
>kill her
>dragon BBQ for the whole county to celebrate
Find any issue with this that isn't MUH MORALFAGGOTRY, Veeky Forums
If you slay and then eat a monster that has been eating people, is that cannibalism by proxy?
>Find any issue with this that isn't MUH MORALFAGGOTRY, Veeky Forums
Anachronistic bbq sauce?
No, unless you eat the half-digested meat in its stomach. Post-digestion there's really nothing left to tie in to the identity of the perso nthat got eaten.
Dragons are typically carnivores, and carnivore meat is god-awful. Very little nutrients left in it. Plus, who knows what kind of toxins it has knocking around in its system, magical or otherwise?
That doesn't apply the same way to reptiles as it does to mammals, honestly. Snake meat is still basically like chicken meat. For mammalian carnivores, definitely tho.
Is a dragon really a reptile, though? As far as I'm aware soemthing that enormous is very unlikely to be ectothermic. I guess they do sleep a lot, which would conserve energy, and the internal heat generation is probably related to the fire breath, but still.
The only way to test is to get T-rex meat and eat it.
But first we need to grow a T-Rex. But why stop there?
There is no such thing as cannabism because when God made Jesus come down and was killed by the cross for our sins jesus told us to eat of his body and drink of his blood because thru him u can find eternal life and but god was made the man (us) in his image so him and jesus are hmans - but consider this for a moment how can you be cannonballistic if you are S T R I C T L Y told to Eat Jesus ??
Grow a dragon instead
That is the single shittiest Loss edit I have ever seen. It doesn't even make sense.
Yes, there is absolutely nothing ambiguous about this.
Jesus is god, so he was telling us to eat the gods to gain their properties.
You're thinking about eating Mialee.
Think about tha.
You're about to eat Mialee.
>how can you be cannonballistic if you are S T R I C T L Y told to Eat Jesus ?
Ignoring everything else, cannibalism doesn't stop being cannibalism if you have permission.
Come on guys.
Diseases mostly.
>not getting the joke
>mfw he misses the joke
Also, consider that many mythical dragons had poisonous blood.
What if they're still alive when you swallow?
>technical standpoint
>moral standpoint
debatable, but mostly yes
I've had a similar thought recently: if you polymorph into a giant toad and swallow someone, then revert back to your normal form, do you gib yourself?
>Metaphysical cannibalism
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It depends on the details and limits of the spell involved.
If, say, your transformation would be halted by being in an enclosed space, then the same rules apply.
My searching suggests the most likely result would be regurgitation with a possibility of 1d10 force damage to each person.
If the swallowed person died, the time it takes to go from recently eaten food to food digested enough to be consider part of the water is inconclusive and likely varies wildly enough to be considered GM fiat.
Part of the eater, not water.
Although we are ugly bags of mostly water.
>I don't care for man meat.
I'm pretty sure OP cares about the man meat though, you know.
It's just as much cannibalism as if you skip the cooking step and polymorph them directly to cake or something
>Evil sorceress polymorphs herself into a dragon/snake
>Defeats and eats party
>Dispells polymorph before they're fully digested
What happens?
Well don't eat any bacon then
I tend to assume they're either fleshy elementals or a third option off of where reptiles and mammal branched off
Then enjoy your meal
I tend to assume magic like that won't kill either target or anything so no gibbing, what exactly happens depends on if the target is being polymorphed into something or if a previous transformation is wearing off
If they're being transformed into something larger they grow to the limit, try to burst out with a strength check (and probably dealing damage to their consumer) and if they fail the spell fails
If they're changing back they ALSO make a strength check but if they fail they still change back, but because magic bullshit they're not stuck in a place smaller than they are
Irrelevant point since obviously the question applies to situations where that doesn't happen.
By that logic, you could eat regular people as long as you dont eat the brain. I would say intelligence and genetic similarity are what determine if eating something is taboo. So even polymorphed, an intelligent creature is still intelligent, and eating it would be, if not technically canibalism, unseemly.
I did eat an elf in a game once. Also convinced a priest to eat it, then drove him crazy with guilt.
Assuming you're not relying on "i don't gotta explain shit" magic crap, in order to have high intelligence dragons would almost certainly be warm blooded omnivores. Self regulating temperature and broad diet are almost universal among thr smarter animals.
Nah, she'll just need to go on a diet for a bit
As any dragon can tell you, adventurers are mostly empty calories
>What happens?
Depends on how digested they are
>Depends on how digested they are
List options
Yes, as it fits the spirit of cannibalism
>Mostly whole but with some burns
>Chunky soup w/bones, still mostly in the stomach, though
>Mostly liquid, and moving through the small intestine
If you don't go by the hard RAW for the magic, like did, in the first case the adventurers would probably burst out of her, in the second she might be able to vomit up their remains before she explodes, and in the third her intestines will probably burst from the pressure (or maybe chyme will squirt violently from both ends of her digestive system).
Either way, it won't be pretty, unless you go full magical realm and let her belly stretch to accommodate the meal, same-size vore style.
To answer this question, we must first ask a related question: What is the definition of cannibalism? Obviously it's, simply put, the consumption of the flesh of a member of your own species. So a human is cannibalistic when it eats human flesh. But is something determined to be human flesh when it is chemically similar to other human flesh, or when it is the flesh of a being that was beget from humans? This changes the answer when considering polymorphed meat.
We can move in a different direction to consider the utility of our answer. Why is this question being asked in the first place? Like most questions of "does this count as ____", the query exists to understand the outcomes of a proposed action. So, the question-asker, understanding several properties of cannibalism, wants to know if the act of eating a polymorphed human would still hold those properties. This varies based on the property in question. If it is a question of nutrition or of disease, the answer is obviously no, the meat eaten takes on the properties of the physical properties of the meat, origin ignored. The simplicity of this answer leads to believe the real question asked is in relation to the ethics of the action. The question-poser understands that cannibalism is ethically wrong, and wants to know if polymorph cannibalism shares this property. And to answer that question, we must ask an even more basic one:
Why is cannibalism wrong?
Is it cannibalism if a half-orc eats a half elf?
Again, depends on the actual question being asked. They are not, strictly speaking, the same species, but they share enough genetic material to make one wonder about the properties it shares with good old-fashioned cannibalism.
Depends on what their other halves are.
Which half does he eat?
Then it's at least half cannibalism. Maybe more, depending on how much human ancestry each has.
>If you don't go by the hard RAW for the magic, like (You) did,
It's actually less RAW and more that I feel like the spell wouldn't allow "clever" exploits like that and arbitrarily killing something like that isn't as fun or open to shenanigans in my opinion
>unless you go full magical realm and let her belly stretch to accommodate the meal, same-size vore style.
I'd actually judge it goes into a pocket dimension/same place excess matter goes/comes from in these spells, no balloon bellies but she would look rather bloated and be painfully full
Yup. Sin is in the intent, not the result.
If the excess stomach contents end up someplace else entirely, what happens to adventurers that are still alive? Sent into the Astral Plane (or wherever) for good? Or are they still trapped with the sorceress, even if not directly?
Still trapped within the sorceress, but not directly, very very tightly trapped, but still there
It's why she can still feel full
also why eating a normal amount of food for a polymorphed form and then changing back doesn't kill you, just makes you feel like you overate
If you have a shrinking effect end or a growing effect begin while in an enclosed space, doesn't the person trapped get a strength check to burst out of their container and if they fail, they stop growing with no damage dealt?
Yeah, that's the logic I use for why chestbursting doesn't always happen when someone is swallowed during a polymorph then it's dispelled, the spell's gonna fail, but will happen to keep you from chestbursting your way out if you fail
Ironically it also means getting turned into something small and eaten by a 22 str Amazon is FAR more dangerous than getting eaten by a sorceress polymorphed into a dragon
>>Evil sorceress polymorphs herself into a dragon/snake
>>Defeats and eats party
>>Dispells polymorph before they're fully digested
>I'd actually judge it goes into a pocket dimension/same place excess matter goes/comes from in these spells, no balloon bellies but she would look rather bloated and be painfully full
>Still trapped within the sorceress, but not directly, very very tightly trapped, but still there
>It's why she can still feel full
I'm stealing all of this for nefarious purposes.
>I'm stealing all of this for nefarious purposes.
Glad to be of use, I would love to hear of your ideas
On another note it might make escape attempts MUCH more difficult, if for no other reason than trying to use escape artist/grapple checks to get out now runs into the issue of the sorceress's throat being MUCH smaller requiring a higher DC
If you wanted to be real mean you could also say the smaller/tighter stomach leaves little, if any room to move further increasing the penalties to pretty much everything
That brings back memories of the DC to hide in a concubine's anus
>I would love to hear of your ideas
I don't intend to use it in a game, so no ideas on that front. But I do write fantasy vore stories, and I love creative scenarios like this.
I'm not sure how they would fit into any larger stories, but the two scenes in my head are:
>Another mage has been captured by the baddies, they're going to sacrifice him to a dragon
>Instead of taking on their camp head on, the sorceress transforms into a dragon and flies in, squishes a few mooks, and then eats the "sacrifice" whole
>She flies away to a safe location, and transforms back before she remembers to bring her friend up
>She can't cough him up now, and she's too tired to transform again, so he'll have to wait, but she at least asks him if he's alright
>"I've been eaten by a dragon and I'm not dead, so things could be worse. Where are you? Did it eat you too? And why is it so tight all of a sudden?"
>Sorceress gets ambushed in a large cave, a big throne room or cathedral, basically anywhere that's too small for flight+windwall+disintegrate/fireball cheese
>"Guess it's time to try out that new spell."
>Transforms into a dragon, starts wrecking unsuspecting mooks
>Companions arriving from a different part of the site see this dragon out of nowhere fucking shit up, decide to stay out of it
>Close the huge doors and wait for the winner to come through
>The terrified screaming and ferocious roaring finally falls silent
>Door creaks open, Sorceress walks around it, picking her teeth nonchalantly, with a hand on her engorged stomach
>Companions put two and two together
>"Gods, that was *you*?"
>"I got hungry," she shrugs.
Both are those are great, I do love the idea of one of her companions having to spend the night in her while she recharges though I'd be lying if I didn't say the second was my favorite cause her prey would be spending far more than just a night in there, especially if the mage gets a reputation as a maneater from it
Also, you have a pastebin?
Might not a word with multiple civilized species define cannibalism differently?
Metaphysical cannibalism is more of a zeen
>Also, you have a pastebin?
Yeah. I've posted my stories on Veeky Forums several times before, actually.
I wrote this: pastebin.com
And, more recently, this: pastebin.com
I generally assume "cannibalism" in multispecies settings is anything sapient
Oh, nice, I love your work
>I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
>Metaphysical cannibalism is more of a zeen
I am This made me want to doctor up a faux magazine cover for "Metaphysical Cannibalism"
While searching for source material I found pic related
It seems legit.
Don't know why, but this thread has convinced me to ask my GM if I can skin the Yuan-ti we're currently traveling with when he inevitably betrays us and craft it into gauntlets.
Because of prions.
Your stuff is really good, the Garden was top tier.
That being said, i love the idea of polymorph being combined with this, either by the mage transforming into something huge like a dragon, or by her transforming her enemy (or even an ally) into something she can easier devour, like a prey animal
This thread brings up an important point. Why is polymorph temporary besides for game balance? Shouldn't it logically be a one way thing unless it's used again? It takes energy to turn you into something and to turn you back.
You already said it. Game balance.
Plus if it was permanent, people wouldn't use polymorph on themselves except in extreme cases, so it would essentially be an offensive spell only.
Kuru and CJD. Look 'em up.
The energy is holding you in a form that is not your own.
Your molecules have not been rearranged to a stable position of a different being.
A spell is holding your matter in an unatural state until it wears off.
I believe it's the difference between transformation and transmutation.
I could be wrong there.
The Ungermaw class from Gonzo 2 is pretty good at all of this, but the cannibal archetype sucks. Stick with the Kirby powers and chomping down enemies.
>polymorph is permanent
>but pretty much nobody knows this because the people who change into animals or monsters can't communicate it
I've always figured you should be able to hit it with permanency
Course I'd also like a (very high level) metamagic feat or some bullshit along that line that lets you turn permanency to something that makes spells instantaneous
Spheres of Power is an alternate casting system with a Permanent Alteration talent available starting at CL 10. Also options for turning targets into fully aware objects or reducing their minds to the things you turn them into. And the Shifter class can pick up permanent size increases and Swallow Whole.
Have you ever eaten fish from a lake people drowned in?
Same shit.
Ask Dungeon Meshi
Bear is fantastic, especially coastal brown (all those omega whatevers), dog is weird and makes you feel bad about the process after you find out what you've been eating, but isn't bad by any means, coyote jerky is apparently indistinguishable from venison jerky to the fucks that always bug me for venison jerky even after they've been refused previously, chicken is vastly improved by letting them chase and eat bugs, snakes, and mice, and snake and alligator are good despite being obligate carnivores.