Getting back into it after a few months break. Trying to make a draigostar for my grey knights, and these are the centurions. I know there tons of moldlines and other fixes I need to do though before painting.
Logan Turner
Sorry the thread died before I could respond. I'd say instead of completely covering up the auric highlight, leave some of it showing when you do the silver edge highlight so the transition is less harsh.
Never tried linking to a dead thread so sorry if it doesn't work, it's for Chaos Dwarf user.
Eli Turner
Just finished my Vampire lord, advice and criticisms welcome since I'm still a beginner.
Lucas Perez
Managed to be "productive" today - finished a couple of conversions that were stuck on the workbench for a couple of months. Here's a rhino for my noise marines.
I do like those swords, it's a good start!
Solid paintjob, but the base looks a bit dull.
Gavin Reyes
>8-pointed stars on Grey Knight armour What did they mean by this?
Robert Foster
And some 'zerkers.
Ayden Carter
Bluekrieg guy here, reposting this because i posted it in a dying thread. Working on horses, two on the right are finished except for bases.
Ian Perez
glorious my man
Joshua Fisher
I appreciate your response user, what areas would you think would be sharpest? Like, if you could maybe mspaint circles on bits where you think stormhost silver would best be suited?
Noah Davis
Where do the tracks come from? Love that style.
Lucas Price
>watching rogue one >scene near the start where forest whitaker rescues the kid >man that is some nice weathering
Gavin Foster
Lovely work. Krieg are hard to pull off well imo, the devil is in the details with these guys.
Logan Evans
I kinda want to get one of those 80 euros, big ass poseable clones and spray it dark metallic grey-black, as a precursor of DeathTroopers.
Benjamin Clark
After watching it with mates yesterday I'm glad it didn't spend money on that shit. Awful movie.
Wyatt Barnes
Shush user, let's not start a shitstorm here. I liked the movie, even dith its defaults, and I presume many other people here did as well, so let's leave it at that, to each their own.
Charles Wood
I'm doing this for a thing.
Oh god how did I miss the mould line on his finger.
William Howard
is this the April fool's? Top notch m8.
Mason Garcia
I absolutely love it but how does he see?
Nolan Miller
Obviously through the mouth grill.
Thomas Garcia
>Heat stain on the barrel
Fucking radical
Justin Murphy
It is!
er... what he said! Thanks fella! First time I tried it!
Wyatt Peterson
What said!
Josiah Johnson
My normal stanley knife type thing I use for modelling jammed, so I replaced it with one of those small xacto knives. How the hell do you use these things? It's having a little trouble cutting sprue nubs off of my Knight parts.
Jeremiah Jackson
When the local walmart restocks your favorite spraypaint for models after 3 months
Nicholas Collins
What I did during weekend. My 1st time paiting AoS model (was quite fun, simple, but I challenged myself with cracked stone pattern) and 1st time doing water effect on base.
I really dig that one for my orks - lovely blending on face.
Carter Watson
You've inspired me do one of these guys and put him in a marine squad.
Ryan Morris
You put the sharp bit to the plastic gubbinz
Luis Cruz
Bloody love it. I xould have gone with hastily painted blue trousers, but that's already great!
Isaac Bailey
Those are the Opressor Pattern treads from Blood and Skulls Industry. Usually found on Ebay.
Hudson Flores
Okay, this is a really shitty mockup. In general, just imagine where your light source is and then focus on the highest and sharpest points.
Grayson Wright
The water effects on that base are lovely, how did you get the splash effect?
Blake Moore
Nice, thank you user, I'll go ahead and fix those then, and use this pic as a reference for the rest. When I get to it after chemistry homework I'll be sure to upload the fixes.
Cooper Gutierrez
The lines need to be much thinner. They look more like camo than cracked stone.
I like the water effects but it seems a little overboard given his stance. Did he just jump off something and land in a puddle?
Connor Foster
Back when The Dunc had yet to ascend to godhood.
Jaxon Watson
I've used strips of plastic blister (leftover form character package) as core for waves. Then I've applied first coat of Vallejo Water Texture on it. 6 hours of drying... and I realized that I should have painted base before in blue/teal/black/grey mix before because shit is transparent and I could see my dirty base. So I painted over that soild texture and applied 2 more layers of water texture slowly filling gaps between plastic blister stips to create waves.
How do I get better at doing simple bases that look good without distracting from the model?
For my first army, Necrons, I just pva-ed the base then dipped them in sand, but in retrospect it looks a bit shit and I'll probably have to go back and fix them some day.
Since then I've just been doing texture paint, shade and drybrush. It's fine, but I feel like I'm half assing it to just do that over and over forever.
Brayden Garcia
I know about lines, I've tried to fix them (looks better than before) but I'd have to paint new one to make it look propa. And my idea was Liberator landing form Azyr at coast of island.
Zachary White
Cool, cheers for the links.
Asher Watson
kork and plastic bits are your friends m8
Parker Howard
>Lumps of sprue and those awkward little grass tuft things
Um, no thank you.
Benjamin Collins
Thanks mate.
That base is amazing! Can't wait to see a full army of these
Sweet! "Bruva Kill-e-nidas"
I was half tempted to paint some more blue, but I had in my minds eye, that the Ork would don what he has on in my picture and think to himself he is 100% blended in
2. Do you own Think about your theme for your army? Are they in the mountains? Snow? Grassland?
There are so so many resources online to help you, youtube vides, step by step tutorials for whatever theme you want. Cork for Rocks or cliff faces, real rocks, grass tufts, resin tree bits, real tree bits, slate from your neighbours drive way..
It's such an expansive question because the spark of what you want is in your own noggin
Jack Walker
Shared this yesterday, its a mock up of my grotesques for my ynarri\coven army.
Parker Scott
well, it's simple and not distracting, and not ready-made texture paint so I thought it was something you're lookin for. Be creative, use spare bitz for junk/stand, tufts, balsa for wooden floor, still water for water/waste ponds.
Joseph Clark
So this is why Dunc mourns Bretonnia
Austin Reed
how did you make his Armour/shoulders shine like theyre wet?
Grayson Flores
There is a huge variety of industrial material for model train sets. If you want metal struts, sheets, poles, pipes etc they have them.
Cooper Thompson
Eyes are my bane, any advice? Working through my first wytch squad and learning as I go but can't seem to balance eyes between invisible and over the top. Quite happy with them in general. 3 more and the whole, old battle force is complete
Tyler Wilson
simple coat of gloss varnish (or 'Ardcoat in GW palette).
Ryan Reyes
Still deciding whether to go mostly or full baldo for my inquisitor, I'm leaning towards mostly.
Brayden Lewis
These are fuckin' rad user, you're doin' this whole hobby thing right.
Juan Sanders
the one with sprue in the front just looks like sprue, the rest is fine tho
Eli Clark
I'm afraid we've lost Duncan desu
This drybrushed piece of shit, is his latest offering
This tip of the day faggotry has cost us his old (and really good) painting tutorials.
Remember the Nagash painting guide? Archaon? Etc? They were amazing.
Damn fucking shame if you ask me.
Asher Green
Finished Geigor finally. Not winning any awards but im happy with the finished product.
Missed the moldlines on the broach plate though -_-
Jose Rivera
My fucking dick is pumping blood at super sonic speeds
Robert Rogers
He was responding to a question on how to drybrush space wolves.
All of his tip of the days are responding to people. Blame them for wanting to learn shitty techniques... then neck yourself you cunt.
Connor Morris
I prefer hair but if you go full baldo you should do a rad inquisator symbol tattoo
Carson Miller
Remember that those question ate asked by people on their fb page 99.9% of the time (see the valentine's day one for example of an exception).
A SW fan asked for that. Make that what you will.
Carson Rivera
I'm trying out something new with my Nurgle marines, hoping it'll look good in the end.
Jose Kelly
>He was responding to a question on how to drybrush space wolves.
No shit, I said that.
>All of his tip of the days are responding to people.
No shit, I said that.
>Blame them for wanting to learn shitty techniques...
No shit, I said that.
>then neck yourself
Why? Because I lament the days when we got 1 hour + painting guides of useful tips, techniques over these useless 90 second tip of the day? When we got a beautifully painted model that was almost on par of the Eavy Metal teams offerings?
These idiots aren't even asking for techniques, they're asking for what colours to use. To which Duncan replies
>Base >Layer >Wash >Highlight
>you cunt.
You need to calm down
Adrian Hernandez
>Tldr. Im a soppy wanker
Jackson Cox
also, I was going to have a similar head for my lord-in-progress, but once the greenstuff was on, it ended up looking sillier than expected.
What type of head should I give him? Should I make it some sort of cover all around the head area, like he's encapsulated inside of the armor and simply stuck with it?
Grayson Carter
I think the one on the right looks better.
Ryder Lewis
I like it. Is the face an exhaust from a Space marine power pack?
Gabriel Myers
He makes a really good point that it really is a shame we no longer get the really nice old guides. Even the Triumvirate for the Eldar and Primach got about 5 minutes between them, stop being such a sperg.
Joseph King
>No response, I'll greentext him, I'm so glad we got a 70 second tutorial on how to dry brush a spacewolf, who needs booooring 1 hour plus videos
Bentley Cruz
I'd go with the topknot.
Great head choice by the way.
Carter Jackson
Neither... really doesn't suit the model.
Josiah Robinson
>Crying because people are being taught the basics so people can field a nicely painted army instead of fielding seas of grey or abominations of paint. >Comparing Duncan to Eavy metal
Mate, be happy GW are actually engaging with people and showing them how to paint properly. If you want to paint to an eavy metal standard then go and look at the specific guides you'll need and stop being a fucking autist.
Joshua Young
yes, cut off and glued to a cut-down space marine head.plate.
Evan Smith
how do you paint your horses?
Sebastian Edwards
These videos are marketed towards the newer painters, who actually need the help to stop fucking up the nice shiny new models.
Adrian Long
Nice! When painted up, a bit of the nurgle rot technical paint collected around the bottom of the vent would look pretty swell.
Bentley King
>I'm trying out something new with my Nurgle marines, hoping it'll look good in the end.
Will he have three arms?
Samuel Perez
I'm building the pelvis of an Imperial Knight, and there's these two little side panels that won't lock in straight. Are you meant to leave gaps, or what? Bottom of the torso plate.
Jordan Wright
Are you going for a particular theme with these guys? I get a bit of a nautical vibe the marine. Could you use pic related to create a helemet like those old diving suits?
Asher Rivera
something was that was the idea I had in mind.
he might now!
>Are you going for a particular theme with these guys? only that they're armored instead of the usual "covered in boils". but that is not a bad idea!
Jordan Taylor
Are two belts too much or is it alright looking?
John Myers
i think it works.
Charles Harris
Not enough. Add a third.
Joshua Anderson
That looks unproportional as fuck. Sigmarine legs might work for terminators, but they kinda don't for power armour.
Christian Hughes
>Drybrushing the one Space Marine army with the most details and complex crap on the armor.
Whoever asked this need to hang himself.
Henry Powell
Alright lads my birthday is coming up and as usual everyone is asking me what I want and I'm clueless.
I've got a set of brushes, some brush cleaner and of course paints. Is there anything super useful for painting that I could grab?
Also how's the army painter primer? And the krylon camp spray I keep hearing about
Gabriel Carter
washes and glazes, a lot of them. i pick a desaturared color for shadows ans more saturated color for highlights, and one to go in between. also what helps is kknowledge of anatomy and how muscles worn, im a professional illustrator with years of exoerience in anatomy and painting muscles.
It depends on what you're painting and your particular painting style but I find all of the above very helpful for my work.
Army Painter primer is fine but be sure to read the instructions as they don't work the same as other spray paints and I can't comment on the Krylon as I don't use it.
Matthew Price
Thems fine 'zerkers allright
Brayden Martinez
i shouldnt type on my phone when im blind drunk
Jeremiah Bennett
>Drinking from a horn the wrong way user, fix that
Austin Moore
Not the other user, but the front light on the Dark Vengeance bikers might help with your bigger guy
Josiah White
>He was responding to a question on how to drybrush space wolves. His answe should have been "Don't."
Ayden Parker
I'll probably endevour to do a inquisitor tattoo in either case, either on her forehead or the side of her head if I choose the topknot
Nicholas Lopez
It doesn't look like we have the how to paint Deathwatch PDF in the mediafire, can anyone help a battle brother out?
Connor Gonzalez
Looks interesting. Keep us posted!
Sebastian Clark
Nice! You better be planning some sick OSL from the helmet grate.
Leo Butler
The upper belt looks like armour bling which makes it fine
Dylan Hall
They look perfectly fine. You're used to manlet skipped-leg-day marines.
Joshua Diaz
Cheers mate, I'll look into those wet pallets for sure, they seem like a great way to make paint last longer.
Sebastian Allen
If anything this is how they should look. Peoples legs are bigger than you think. GW have just convinced you otherwise with their manlet marines
Jackson Howard
Looks good awesome pose and I like the grey you used.