>Born a nobody, joins the army.
>Commander finds a Tome, and goes crazy
>Rebellion happens, he's dragged into it
>Finds golden armor locked away
>Puts it on, accepting a pact with the Fey Queen
>Kills all the monsters, but loses most of the soldiers.
>Now he's happy because... he can take revenge?
A kid caught up in events far beyond his control, who makes a deal with the devil to get out alive.
Strong connections to the lore on multiple fronts, makes this an easy character to pull into various subplots.
The lore bit at the ended is neat and adds a lot of flavor to the armor. Reverse image search comes up with nothing, so... kudos.
The first usage of "tormented Ex-Something, but still inexplicably 20" that's actually believable. Kudos.
>"And he learned how to smile again, even as revenge lay burning in his heart."
Huh? When was his degrading mental state established? You *could* infer that he's sad due to the mutiny and generally shitty situation, but if it's one of the lines you end the app on, you need to actually establish it.
Other than the guilt and brashness (and *maybe* the importance of family), nothing from his personality is reflected in the backstory. Hell, the line I brought up in my previous point actually implies he's *not* cheerful, he just likes the idea of taking revenge.
Kinda hard to slot into a party, considering all he does is damage and face skills.
How is the Fey-Pact affecting him? He's had time to go meet with his family and travel south, that's more than enough time to formulate some thoughts on it.