Tessagog and the Ou/tg/rounds Thread VIII: Tula the Sky Pirate Edition

Slow moving couple of threads

>popular female characters on Veeky Forums.

The characters she is based on are greentext.

Would Tessagog and the Ou/tg/rounds work better as a quest rather than a Veeky Forums topic every week?

Here we go again


The last thread died without even hitting post limit because there's no interest in this outside of two or three anons who can't keep a thread alive.

Honest question, why don't you guys just make a discord server and do this that way? No thread limits, no 404s, no shitposting.

In the last thread an user had detailed 3 or 4 nations based on famous systems or concepts from Veeky Forums that i thought were pretty cool. maybe we could hammer those into something usable?

I liked that as well. I'd be down for that

I think that there are more than 3 of us discussing the Ou/tg/rounds.