How do you go from this...
How do you go from this this?
I don't know what you're complaining about, the Masterpiece is clearly fantastic. The design team clearly put a lot of blood, sweat and tears into these masterpieces and It's really hurtful when anonymous people on the internet do nothing but trash our designs.
Maro pls go
I just don't understand how they fucked up so royally. The Kaladesh inventions were great, pic related.
>When the colossus walks by, we bow our face to the ground.
>To show proper respect?
>Nah man, because the thing is wearing no underpants.
These cards are shit.
I feel like Ornithoper was the test case. If people didn't fucking completely hate it, we would get more of the same garbage. Now we have Counterspell and Dark Ritual. What's next? Storm Crow? Zephyr Spirit? Chimney Imp?
>Ornithoper was the test case
Sets are planned years ahead of release. These were likely getting printed and packaged at the time the masterpiece Ornithopter was revealed.
Wow that sucks, I guess they always planned on sellings commons as phony foil mythics.
M8 people are paying for the shininess and uniqueness, if you're not into it, don't buy them, I don't see the problem, the masterpiece Thopter is pretty popular
Holy crap those borders distract so much from the art itself and then on top it most of the art is really generic in a "trying so hard to tell a fully realized story so hard it forgets to be a pretty picture and just smothers it in particle effects" sort of way.
The invocations honestly look shit. The fonts are garbage, the borders and frame are too thick, and the arts are all obviously intended for a larger size and just look bad that small. Only ones so far that aren't 100% shit are daze and dark rit because their arts "fit" the frames ok.
I honestly hope everyone hates the Invocations and not just Veeky Forums autists because stuff like this will be cheap af if so
>got these garbage eye cancer frames
>when they could have just used the classic border
even if they had to throw up some sandrunes and gold, that's still fuck all work.
I just don't understand how they so badly fucked this up. It's like they got everything wrong with these. NO part of it looks goof except except maybe some of the arts (mind twist), and you think by chance they'd at least get some thing right. But no, wing dings font, huge clunky borders crowding out art, retarded centering and formating, they look nothing like magic cards, most of the arts don't even go with the card ability, generally unreadable, etc. Christ.
This is ignoring that literally all the art from this set we've seen has been a cgi cheese fest. It's ok to do for a few cards (the gods, for example, look good) but it seems like magic is just a late 90s computer game now.
It's kind of sad, actually
>Art is Great, doesn't look so bad in person judging from the released video
>The beautiful art is ruined by the ugly, huge border
>The lack of Black or White bordering means it's not even legal to play, yet
>No flavor text
>Trying to decipher the card name/type like it's a fucking puzzle instead of making it easy to read
What the fuck is this?
Bad design is bad.
By wanting to improve on shit borders and making them fancy
Worship invocation art is worse and the lack of flavor text is annoying but the border look much nicer if you don't forget to remove your nostalgia glasses
Why the fuck is the art of all of these so fucking dark? It's not bad, but everything looks underexposed.
This thing is so nasty.
The borders were better, I guess. Kaladesh's aesthetic is atrocious, though. Masterpiece Plat Angel is one of the ugliest pieces of card art of all time.
The border makes more sense when you realise the white bits are white because that's the colour of the card and not just because.
Still a huge mess though.
I like the masterpiece plat angel
Your opinion is shit.
>there are no green invocations
Oh, yea, that does actually look much better in blue now that you mention it.
Theres 54 of them. Odds are good you'll get some green ones. Wizards just has a boner for blue, this isn't news
I actually like the bigger font size for the rules text. The font itself is okay, too.
The Hieroglyphics LULZ are awful though
The border is actually kinda interesting, it just looks like straight ass because of the stupid hieroglyphs
Consodering we have textless cards, and any language cards are playable (see phyrexian Norn judge promo) why these needed any 'real' text at all makes no sense.
not him but too much details on her
but the white cloth looks nice
I'd probably like it a lot more if the head didnt look like the metal liquid terminator when he gets all shot up.