What if Maui was a Primarch? Not necessarily one of the lost primarch, but one of the main ones? I imagine he would still be the biggest and widest one, with his armor notoriously bulky, and extremely strong. Would he stay loyal or traitor? What would his legion and subsequent successor chapters be like?
What if Maui was a Primarch? Not necessarily one of the lost primarch, but one of the main ones...
Meet his main conflict during the Horus Heresy. Does this make him traitor, or does he stay loyal? Does he survive?
Maui was a trickster and a shape shifter. Sorry user, he was likely a demon.
Shark Tooth chainsword
are we talking about Polynesian mythology maui, or disney maui?
I just want to know what a Power Hook would be like
Polynesian mythology Maui was a trickster and a shape shifter.
Disney Maui was a trickster and a shapeshifter
They were also Hercules/Samson-esque figures who were superhumanly strong, yes. Maui and his dad pushing up the sky, Maui beating the shit out of the sun, etc. More or less all the stuff in the song is actual Maui myth. He usually did these with a mixture of strength and cleverness though.
>Maui was a trickster and a shape shifter
Because there are no Space Marines like that, right?
But can he shapeshift into anything but potentially a wulfen?
They are all demons.
>Lost Primarch was a shapeshifter and trickster
>Members of his legion have been known to have an uncanny knack for minor inherent shapeshifter capabilities and deception, like a more charismatic and less complex Alpha Legion theme
>Got offed by the Emperor for overstepping his boundaries all the time with these uncanny shifter and manipulation abilities
I don't know, it kinda fits, user.
Considering the NZ version of Maui was a physically excelling individual, who was also impressively clever and radical in problem solving, he would probably make a great primarch. He would probebly side with chaos, due to his radical and frankly primal nature. It was probably just to help others. For the Horus heresy their legion probably withdraws, defending the civilian populations from harm, but don't do much more. Maui then disappears, supposedly wandering off and becoming one with the earth (what he actually does myth wise) aka turns into a daemon prince of either Khorne (trials he overcame and such) or possibly Tzeentch (causes a lot of change).
BTW I am basing this purely of the NZ mythology of Maui that I know.
In terms of wargear. Power hook, made out of the jawbone of a slain monster (later revealed to be greater daemon of khorne) could be thrown. Chain halbard, made of shark teeth. A uniquely styled power combat knife, roughly oval in shape and made of a strange green stone. Artificer armour, covered in elaborate etchings, resembling traditional tattoos.
Notable legion traits.
The legion is surprisingly well versed in the arts and songs, dances and artworks are common, and an exchange of such are a ritual greeting between each other.
The unique green power knives are seen as symbols of authority in the legion.
Chain halberds are highly common and are passed down from one astartes to another. They are intricately decorated with their "lineage" and they are greatly prized by the legion. Post-heresy, the legion developed a tendency to consume the flesh of their enemies to mock their weakness and failure.
Splinter faction of legion probably became the catacharons.
That's my basic idea, thoughts?
Back to /co/, D*sney shill.
I'd also make them a fleet based chapter, to reflect the sea faring culture of Polynesia.
Polynesian SM chapter would actually be pretty great. Good brainstorming user
I'm imagining a bunch of space marines doing the Haka and it's pretty glorious.
I disagree on Maui turning chaos though, but I'm looking at it from a Hawaiian perspective and not a NV one, though I suspect it's pretty similar.
Polynesian culture is very superstitious and distrustful of the super natural. Many of the teachings are about balance, and duality. I would imagine a Polynesian chapter to be one of those chapters that toe the line in the inquisitions eyes on what they consider chaos, but ultimately being more resistant to it. Maybe more White-Scarish.
I like the point you made of them eating their enemies to disrespect them though.
Maui was all about tricking the gods though, so I don't see him as very chaotic in nature.
Yeah, could have a customised main battleship called "Te Waka." or something (my Maori is quite rusty.)
Good point about the chaos, I would imagine that Maui himself would become a Daemon prince, (NZ stuff says he was kinda odd, and also his mortal death/apotheosis in the myth suggests this a bit), but it does make a fair bit of sense if his legion does not. Maybe, since he wanders off beforehand, it fragments, with some becoming chaos, most staying loyal. Loyalties divided between their life code (taken from the planet where Maui grew up), and their primarch, who is speculated to have broken this. However, since he kinda wandered off, no one knows what really happened to him.
Aha, but that was all JUST...AS...PLANNED!
Yes but is tricking not chaotic, that was why I thought he could possibly fall to Tzeentch.
>Taking the teeth of deamons as sword components
>Expecting nothing to go wrong because Imperial Truth
>Everything goes exactly as wrong as expected.
Polynesian Mythology is about a Demi-god rising up to uplift Humanity from being underfoot from Cruel and Uncaring gods.
That's loyaltist stuff right there. Maui wandering off sounds very much like Russ too.
Did he seriously cut off his own damn braid and tie it to his belt? He knows that doesn't count as a trophy, right? God damnit Moon Moon