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Games #526
How do you make a lawful good Paladin interesting or unique?
What is THE most iconic MTG card? For me, serra angel fills me with nostalgia and is the most memorable card...
"Hey, adventurers."
The Main Villain is literally the ultimate force of evil in the world
/tgesg/ - Weekend Elder Scrolls General
Magic system where spells have 100% success rate but magic resources (MP/slots) are very limited
/swg/ Oldschool Inquisitor edition
My character uses fire magic
Flesh To Stone.and Stone To Flesh
How do you do races in your game?
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1441: Final Fantasy Edition
1e d&d thread?
I realized what I hate about the Tau in 40K, Veeky Forums
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Opinions on Harmon Quest. I find it to be much more similar to an actual game of PF/5E than that crap, Critical Role
/hwg/ - Historical Wargames General
What's a good way for a poorfag DM to make/draw dungeon maps in the middle of a session?
Warhammer 40,000 General Thread /40kg/
I need dwarf art. Specifically male dwarven warriors
Exalted General
Board Game General /bgg/
/5eg/ - Fifth Edition General
/cyoag/ - CYOA General
Unless the GM is autistic enough to establish a guide to local dialects in his shitty homebrew setting...
MTG Amonkhet Spoiler Thread
XCOM ideas
I'm celebrating, Join me!!
How do I make a villain that violently embraces the virtues of childhood?
RPG's are awful
/wbg/ - Worldbuilding General
Age of Sigmar General /aosg/
In my setting PCs absorb the energy of those they defeat in combat, in the form of a "soul"...
The last pyromanic, murderhobo, rapist, edgelord...
How would your current character handle this?
Veeky Forums, I pose a simple question to you
Whats would your party be like as little girls?
Unique demihuman stereotypes?
Hey anons what is the most op class or ability i can pick...
Anime-esque campaigns on roll20
Post "dragons"
Norh Korea as a threat to the entire world
NuBlood Bowl General
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Shadow War Armageddon General /swag/
Battlemap Sharing Thread
How does one teach normies to marathon games?
Well actually my character is half human and half-
What does your character do for a living when adventuring isn't paying the bills?
WIP Thread
Your group comes to a minotaur outpost out in the middle of no where
/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
/cyoag/ - CYOA General
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1440: Fast and Bulbous Edition
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/
/osrg/ OSR General - Choice Cut Edition
That girl that bakes cookies for the group
So, how do you guys handle luck vampires?
So I've never played any tabletop games, but I liked Warhammer: End Times- Vermintide and the new Total War warhammer...
Age of Sigmar General /aosg/
Warmachine/Hordes General
Hello, Veeky Forums, outsider here, with a basic but important question: Why are you doing this?
/5eg/ - Fifth Edition General
Pathfinder General /pfg/
So I've been reading
L5R Storytime thread: Stonewall and Little Flower edition
DMs, how do you treat aimed strikes?
Gaming store stories
Stat him fa/tg/uys
Do you agree with del Toro?
Why are different human races never given different stats in rpgs?
Anything Art
40k Chaos Xenos
In my PF game, the party has decided to try to sneak into a Spymaster's House. This is an extremely paranoid man...
Opinion question to all the 40k fans out there:
/MTG/ - Amonkhet Spoilers
Malifaux General
ITT dumb shit you've had GMs say or do
MTG Modern General
Why doesn't WOTC let the community design at least like1 card a set? I think that'd be a really cool idea
WH40K Lasguns is shitty?
I am planning a not!poland campaign. How would you go about this? What features should I add to the world...
Why should a very advanced society use slaves? They could use robots
Cadian conundrum
Is it better to be a GM or a PC? Which do you prefer and why?
Roll20 Redflags
Tap tap tap
Red flags for DM's
What does Veeky Forums think about "if emperor had text to speech device"?
Who works the best as a high-tech race: dwarves, goblins or gnomes?
/cyoag/ - CYOA Gerbil
People who complain about MTGFinance piss me off. Ok, so Modern decks are $1000+. Legacy decks are $2000+...
Skeleton Thread
">BBEG" ">Ugh"
Android: Netrunner General - /anrg/
/5eg/ - Fifth Edition General
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1439: Fan Wankin It Like ASA Edition
Is this card any good?
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Player death
Char. Art Thread: Elf/Drow Edition
This is it
Achievement unlocked: site ban
Realm management RPGs
/swg/ Bilbringi Baggins edition
Red dragon titles?
Rokugan Plot Hooks
/btg/ Battletech General!
When a player types "fey" instead of "fae"
What sort of Weapons would Haflings realistically use? Same for other small races like Kobolds, goblins, gnomes...
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Rate the gods, from most to least playable
/5eg/ - Fifth Edition General
The DM's job is to kill the group. Prove me wrong
Why don't the gods just solve problems themselves instead of having priests do it...
Warhammer 40k General
/cyoag/ - CYOA General
Villain is working to awaken an ancient pantheon of elder gods
/WFG/ Warhammer Fantasy General
Has anyone else noticed that most fantasy races are literally retarded?
Rocks Fall, Everyone's Atheist
Wood dice advantage/disadvantage?
Ok Veeky Forums DMs how do you deal with pc's trying to sleep with npc...
Who was most right? Who was most wrong?
Modern Mardu will never be a real deck, they said
Weird PC choices
What are some good vehicles that can be used in a steam-punk setting set mostly in a city?
The fighter attempts to punch at mach speed
Serious question, Veeky Forums - are mundane things boring to you?
Shadow War Armageddon General /swag/
Has anyone on Veeky Forums read these books...
The left guide says she'll take you to where the best deals are
Age of Sigmar General /aosg/
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
Get Troll
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1438: Jumper's Creepy Waifu Sex Dimension Edition
Meet up for weekly session of RPG
Help in the Face of Danger
That Guy/GM Stories Thread
/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
"We actually had Desert in early design files but it proved to be a little too powerful to bring back."
Mage lover
Name important npc/city/continent/god
What exactly is wrong with D&D 5e...
Are dragons birds, or are they mammals?
Wisdom is the primary attribute of the cleric
Which magic system would be the best for a magic academy game?
Enter into the dungeon
/swg/ Firmus Piett Edition
Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/
What kind of encounters might occur during a journey down an underground river?
Magic Story Thread: Nutty Nubian Edition
/40krpg/ 40k Roleplay General
Amonkhet Spoilers
/5eg/ Fifth Edition General:
I forget, what is his name again?
Pathfinder General /pfg/
ITT we post GOAT magical items from other media
MTG Magic The Gathering Ask A Judge - 「 W E D N E S D A Y W E E K 」
Why do Scientists/Mages/Wizards/Sorcerers ALWAYS
Infinity General: Party-Approved Waifu Edition
Is the DMPC ever a good or even passable idea?
What's your all-time favorite gaming moment?
Be pally
EDH Commander General
FALLOUT d100 Sharethread
So I'm looking to maybe run a Cthulhu-esque game...
/awg/ alternative warganes general
Yo /TG, if you were an elder race who will soon turn extinct trying to trap an ancient immortal evil in your temple...
Drach'nyen aka the End of Empires aka Echo of the First Murder
Character Art part two
/cyoag/ - CYOA General
What's this guy's race? He's like a giant, horned, lion-wolf-bear Frenchperson
I'm in a pickle, folks
Striking Scorpions need more love. They're the most underrated aspect warrior
Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/
Spells you might cast in bed
/STG/ - Star Trek General
How do we solve the "variant human with alert feat' problem?
GM wants to run pic related. I've never played a 2d20 game. What should I expect...
You are being hunted
Stuff Orcs like
Sci-fi setting takes place in the future
Magic Dice
Game Finder Thread
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1437: Move Bitch, Get Out The Way Edition
Behemoth: The Land of Giants
You are conducting an interview to search for players for your new campaign and these fine ladies turn out for it...
Stroke Fulgrim's Ego Thread
Has anyone realised how fucking impractical scythe-blade-bayonets are
/5eg/ - Fifth Edition General
Amonketh spoikers
Human Male Fighter is the master race and y'all know it
What happened to tabletop gaming? Every single new development in the hobby is entirely regressive
7th Annual Paladin court
What's a good name for Fantasy Netherlands?
My firrst game of MTG
Okay, roll 4d6 and drop the lowest die six times, arrange the results as desired between your six stats...
/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
Why do board games bring the worst out of people?
Roll20 Red Flags
Roll 3d6 in order, no dropping lowest die or rerolling, and then pick your class
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Mages Guild: Open Enrolment Edition
Character Art bis
This is a japanese orc
Shadow War Armageddon General /swag/
I want to resolve a large scale battle in a TTRPG in the same way that regular combat works. Any ideas?
WIP thread
Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/
You are now aware the noise marines would be playing this
Urban Horrors
Aftermath of the Barrier Peaks
/swg/ Tarkin Edition
/osrg/ OSR General - Bad Egg Edition
How do you pull off a bittersweet ending?
Is there a limit to how many magic rings I can wear...
Why is it that certain people won't play against an unpainted army
Creative super powers
Murderhobo here
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1436: Denser than a Neutron Star Edition
/cyoag/ - CYOA General
/HHG/ The Horus Heresy General
/5eg/ - Fifth Edition General
In a world where monsters can hide as people, would your character be offended if someone cast 'Detect Evil' on him?
Hi I'm Mike Rowe, and welcome to Dirty Jobs: 40k
So now that we know about the Amonkhet gods (or at least most of them) how do you feel about them compared to their...
Walking down a corridor
The bard and paladin verbally beat the enemy into submission with max charisma
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Roll some dice
Hi, let's play d&d, it's gonna be WILD
/epg/ - Eclipse Phase General
Amonkhet Spoilers
/srg/ - Shadowrun General
"""Balanced""" Desert edition
Astroturfing/"Shills" on Veeky Forums
Kamigakari Thread: "Can i be X" Edition
An adventuring guild sets office in town, what quests and odd jobs can the party find there?
The Dwarves live in mountainous terrain, and arable land is at a premium; they are, however, an industrious folk...
Character Art Thread
AD&D 3rd Edition
Traveller General--Terran Pride Galaxy Wide Edition
Is rolling for stats bullshit?
Have you ever accidentally fucked up your D&D game, Veeky Forums?
Village girl engaged with childhood friend. Completely chaste relationship...
D&D novice looking for help
Could someone please help me interpret what the following means? And how would you translate it into the later editions?
How big is your (physical) collection Veeky Forums? How many rulebooks do you have?
When you cycle Shefet Monitor, you may search your library for a basic land card or a Desert card...
/5eg/: 5th Edition General
DND Races In Terms of How Good Their Average Player Is
Homebrew General /hbg/
/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
What might be a LG-aligned reason for two LG-aligned persons to fight eachother in a serious battle...
Warhammer 40k General
Which do you prefer
How do Space Marines even procreate?
Dawn of War III Trailer - The Exordium
Death Guard leak
/twgg/ TowerGirls CYOA General
Unusual character deaths
Runewars Miniatures Game
Your last 2 characters meet up in a casual setting, what happens?
/cyoag/ - CYOA General
Players' choices have consequences
Are there any official descriptions or art of The Emperor without his armor?
Philosophy: The Enlightenment thread
I legitimately just yelled at my sister for not rolling her dice properly
How do I kill my PCs without it seeming unfair?
How would you rate Abed in Community as a DM ?
/5eg/ Fifth Edition General: Dungeon Master Edition
What is Exalted?
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1435: Age of Jumper Edition
So we have fire, acid, water, ice, and electricity. What are some uncommon breath weapons...
Filename thread?
What are the essential elements of a good space opera?
I need art of attractive female fantasy adventurers. Knights, rogues, mages, what have you. Preference is human...
EDH/Commander General /edhg/
Stat me
/ysg/ - Yog-Sothothery General (Call of Cthulhu, for you noobs)
How important is physical strength in modern warfare?
Which is the biggest red flag, Veeky Forums?
Shadow War Armageddon General /swag/
These three ships are all given the same mission: deliver one deluxe pizza (still warm or it's free) to a designated...
Age of Sigmar General /aosg/
Age of Sigmar General /AoSG/
Tell me about your BBEG, Veeky Forums
Damacles Crusade
Warhammer 40k General
What weapons would you like to see more represented in tabletop and other media?
/5eg/ Fifth Edition General: Downtime edition
I want to paint my space marines purple. What colors go well with purple?
The Roman Empire at its height is dropped into the space between Gondor and Mordor during Frodo's journey. What happens?
I know we all love to say 'have you tried not playing D&D', but what's the alternative?
CYOA thred
MTG Legacy General
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Last night I dreamed I had a kobold girlfriend. I blame you for this Veeky Forums
How do you do a setting that's futuristic and dystopic, but also cute and fun?
Nobledark 40k Part 23: Return of the Thread Numbering edition
Weekly MTG Spoilers thread
Fantasy Equivalents of Scientists
Imperial Guard creation thread
Female monstrous humanoids
What is the best kind of magician and why is it the negromancer?
A quizzical raised eyebrow
Veeky Forums Music Thread
40K Stories. Post your good stuff
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
The average human's intelligence is 10 INT, with 12 INT being an outlier and 14 INT being borderline brilliant
It is only okay to roleplay a little girl character if:
Warhammer 40k General /wh40kg/
As someone who got into D&D in 3rd Edition and currently favors 5th, is it worth going back and giving 2e a try?
Mind helping me fix a plot hole?
/5eg/ Fifth Edition General - Familiar Edition
LotR / Hobbit General
I know this was a dead horse a decade ago, but I feel it's worth revisiting
Fantasy adventure ideas
Modern General
Avatar: The Second Age
ITT we make edgelords into respectable concepts
40k art thread
What are some great systems that Veeky Forums never talks about? Why do you think they're great?
be PC
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1434: Weaponized Love Edition
Transported to Faerun. Wat do?
Is she Veeky Forums's mascot?
How did we go from this to THAT? How did we fall this far from the light?
Can I get a quick rundown on this system?
Song of Swords: You faggots didn't make a new thread Edition
Your move bitch
Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/
/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
/WFG/ Warhammer Fantasy General
Players' choices have consequences
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Want to make dex based fighter who uses a long sword
Cyberpunk 2020 General: Holy shit we need a second thread Edition
WIP - Work in Progress General
Possibility of WHFB coming back?
I need gifs. Gifs of elf ears. Google gives me only dobby and will ferrel
Weekly MTG Spoilers thread
Which would you prefer?
/cyoag/ - CYOA General
Risk legacy setting
Are vikings just memes nowadays?
Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/
How does one become a paladin?
What is the closest MTG has ever gotten to a completely unremovable permanent?
Movies as RPGs writethread
/5eg/ Fifth Edition General:
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1433: This Must Be the Work of a Jumper's Stand Edition
Age of Sigmar or Fantasy?
EDH/Commander General /edhg/
D&D Classic Moral Dillemas
Shadow War Armageddon General /SWAG/
Because legal shit, Warhammer 40k has a show on 4kids
Age of Sigmar General /aosg/
Board Game General /bgg/
Help me Veeky Forums your my only hope
/swg/ Inquisitorius Edition
Pathfinder General /pfg/
What would a culture created by a non-communal, incredibly solitary race look like...
/tgesg/ - Weekend Elder Scrolls General
*blocks your path*
/5eg/ Fifth Edition General:
Who Is Best Chapter Master?
New Egyptian Plainswalker is a Nubian
What character class from Dungeons and Dragons best exemplifies Trump's qualities? Fighter?
PDF Share Thread # 62
Naval Wargames General
All he had to do was to build a small orc outpost next to the entrance of mount doom
/osrg/ OSR General - Hitting Edition
I'm going to play in a space opera homebrew system. I've already agreed to be the rogueish skill monkey type...
Warhammer 40,000 general /40kg/
Is any break in the total global civilization's standards going to push humanity down to Mad Max tribalism levels?
What's Veeky Forums's opinion on 7th sea...
Why would anyone EVER pick a martial over a caster?
How would you run a superhero game in a medieval setting?
Setting has races
Where would 40k be now if they hadn't retconned anything of the original?
BBEW warns party that the king they are trying to have ascended to the throne of godhood is actually a false king
RPG Ideas
Meta Currency
/btg/ Battletech General!
/5eg/: 5th Edition General
/hwg/ - Historical Wargames General
I need ideas for a Beastfolk setting...
/cyoag/ - CYOA General
Are space marines all virgins?
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Why doesn't Veeky Forums ever talk about MTG Standard?
ITT: Tropes that always choke you up
Dice Mechanics
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1432: [...] Edition
/40krpg/ 40k Roleplay General
How do you enjoy your highly infectious space super parasites Veeky Forums?
Character Art Thread
The legendary weapon used by the hero to slay the ancient evil steadily grows more powerful until it becomes a danger...
/HHG/ The Horus Heresy General
40k Funnies/primarch memes
Shadow War Armageddon General /swag/
Modern General
>when I was a kid I used to buy them and play with them like they were action figures instead of using them for...
Why might two good-aligned nations go to war against each other?
Infinity General: Sniper Transmitted Diseases Edition
Corrupting the Custodes
Post your favorite MTG art. I just got a new one with Amonkhet
/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
Why does bottom up world building get no respect?
I've been playing philsophy: the enlightenment, and i just got to say...
ITT: Describe Your Setting In As Few Words As Possible
I want this Hour of My Life Back
Need pics of Genies and those made up of the wind/aether/magic what have you
/srg/ - Shadowrun General
How can we make orcs and goblins more monstrous so that they aren't just sneaky guys and buff guys respectively...
Flames of War: How do we fit that in a list? edition
Bronze Age/Glorantha General
Amonkheti minotaurs are cute!
Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/els
Do you have an Roll20 horror stories?
/5eg/ Fifth Edition General:
"My game setting has an overarching theme of black and brown morality."
Grand Duchy of Lithuania as a fantasy setting
Born into eastern bloc 1991
Age of Sigmar General /aosg/
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Help me Veeky Forums
ITT we write a letter to khorne one word at a time, ill start. Dear khorne
Bitching about 'that guy' thread; Text-RP edition
WIP - Work in Progress General
Kono Suba
What is the most humiliating or awkward villain death you have been involved in?
Stat me Veeky Forums
Warhammer Fantasy General
Character Art
EDH/Commander General /edhg/
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1431: Emergency Glass Edition
Drawthread: Fat Gnome Ass Edition
/dcg/ Dropzone/Dropfleet Commander - Ramming Speed Edition
You guys should be good at this type of thing, right?
MTG Modern General
CCG - Custom Card General
/5eg/ Fifth Edition General:
(Power) Armor/Mechs Thread
/HHG/ -horus heresy general
How do we make super strength, super speed, and flight interesting powers?
Is FATE actually any good? I'm looking at the rules, and it just doesn't look any good
"Ever see a sandwich that could take a bite out of you?"
Why are wizards such exhibitionists...
Is there a name for this sort of pre-steampunk aesthetic?
What's the collest Magic creature of all time?
I need a sexy weapon for my main villain
All the classic bards are using the music to either uplift their teammates, or cast magic via playing the music itself
Why does Khorne love the number 8?
It is a time honored tradition of space opera to have the local race of honorable yet bloodthirsty ultrawarrior aliens...
One of my players attempting to become fastest being in existence
join in on my first sandboxy game ever, run by a friend of a friend
What if Maui was a Primarch? Not necessarily one of the lost primarch, but one of the main ones...
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/els
The Murderhobo
Character Creation Thread
He doesnt know how to do redeemed demon or to solve the orc baby problem right
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games