your move bitch.
Your move bitch
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Knight to e6, checkmate.
Bottom middle.
I play Left Arm of the Forbidden One
Finger guns beat anti-meme
If I lose it's only because I haven't played Circles since third edition.
Tactical drop pod denies your line
Your move
doesn't that move automatically lead to loss?
not unless you double park
You lost. X to bottom right forces O to middle right. X to center allows for a win from either top left or bottom left.
Doubling the park has doubled the board.
No one saw that.
Is this copypasta? If not it needs to be.
But two drop pods enforced the codex Astartes
expanded board
I place 2 cards face down
(am I doing this right?)
Nurgle and Misha's love ride takes up 4 middle squares and negates the effects for finger guns and drop pods
You forced a draw.
The druid reveals himself
It isn't possible to do it wrong, provided you update the most recent entry.
The communist frog forces you to reveal the facedown cards
Controversial move here but I'm going to play a Mornington Crescent
There are no specific rules against this, but It's a poor play.
However, until the means to production are seized, the frog's abilities are nulled. You bought some time.
the mustang fails a dangerous terrain roll, sets fire to three random tiles
A drop pod and one half of double parking is cleared away in order to build the Magnio line. And anything place directly below the Magnio line cannot be destroyed, but it can still be moved
I don't have anything to contribute, except a bump and props.
You anons are good peoples.
Ah-ha! You have activated my trap card!
Your Magnio line now destroys anything placed underneath it!
Not so fast! By using my Tank, I can place it under the Maginot line and still survive as the Tank only can be removed by bullets and/or Molotov cocktails
Clearly the germans must have used the cleared out drop pod to support their assault into france!
A stunning move for the allies/comic alliance.
Clever, but the dreadnought arrives just in time to face the incoming roman legion!
Did you make two moves over existing tiles? I require a judge call here.
I place the Pyro to negate the fire hazard on the tile it is placed on. And before the Pyro is removed from play, the thing that caused it's removal (directly and indirectly) must set ablaze.
/qst/ please go!
It's cool, the roman legions are a neutral force, either player may play them as a free action.
I'm going to enhance the Maginot line, once per turn I may observe my opponent's hand AND model list
The druid fuses with the communist frog!
I summon Godzilla in attack mode to counter the Maginot line
I reveal my trap card to be. TABLE FLIP!
It reverse the effect of all panzers and dreadnoughts.
the dreadnought exits his drop pod to taunt the pyro
shit, the dreadnought doesn't acknowledge magic so he falls into the fire and takes 1 damage.
However, the mustang repaired itself!
I play jetpack on roman legions which allows them to ignore gravity related environmental hazards
Holy shiet big ZAM!
Can the judge clarify if playing things outside of the designated board allowed?
Only if they have stated that the board has expanded.
But we aren't playing on a board, it's clearly a table so I'll allow it.
The really high elf somehow hijacks the giant robot and the druid-frog leaps to engage
The druid-frog is intercepted by Lego tie interceptor and is destroyed.
The druid-frog is intercepted by Lego tie interceptor and is destroyed.
Nurgle and Misha are getting the f out of here in the mustang, leaving behind a chaos spawn
They drive too close to Big Zam and they are crushed flat!
The Really-High-Elf turns out to be a Phoenix Lord in disguise!
If you do that I may be forced to do something worse...
you can try
That is some ugly ass art style where did you find that
The pyro moves toward the phoenix lord, setting the tank, frog and spawn on fire along the way
Include me in the screen cap.
I'm pretty sure that's Lewd-user.
Rolled 9 (1d20)
curses, I roll for a strength check for my move after that
It has to be played on the table or its effects are negated.
Disprove it.
It's over Anakin! I've got
B R I D G E .
Unless you have something better in your hand, you're toast.
I may only have 2 lands, but my dreadnought picks up the dreadnought, ready to throw (but at a penalty to DEX for the clumsy pick up)
>It reverse the effect of all panzers and dreadnoughts.
You must take this into account.
damn, you're right. The other dreadnought accidentally picked up the Imperial dreadnought, and both start sinking into the ocean
With the rules flipped I call in my Electro-Panzer division! Consider all of your units tank shocked.
I call on the power of CHIM to reverse the state of the table.
Gravity is now pulling the other way
Oh shit he reversed time back two turns as well. How do you explain that?
Calm down user, this is just tic tac toe. Not a quest
It's CHIM, I ain't gotta explain shit
Fuck, I thought I updated the image when the new post came up, seems like I used the old file
Oh boy, CHIM really did a doozy here.
Right, the dreadnought carrying dreadnought lands in its original spot, the tesla tanks zap the phoenix lord on their way down and the arm of the Forbidden One bitch-slaps CHIM
Forgive me if I'm wrong but don't you have to roll for damage now?
Rolled 24, 24, 62, 9, 19 = 138 (5d100)
it's time to roll for random encounters! the terrain type is Any
Rolled 1, 6, 6, 2, 4, 5, 4, 5, 3 = 36 (9d6)
so starting with the electrical arcs? - I count 9 of them, don't know the phoenix lord's armor or defense rating
goddamnit, So I guess 2 giant centipedes, a will-o-wisp and 2 giant spiders? Probably neutral faction, unless the hivemind or something is controlling them
Can confirm, neutral faction, anyone who passes a CHR check can control them for a turn.
They are beast type: arthropod phylum so you have to sing the bee song while rolling the CHR check.
Nice move, but I play Senate Investigation Comitee, so you lose your turn, try to think of a better play for the next one (^:
Oh hey I got three in a row, I think that means I win
Sorry pal, the board was expanded so you need to get six in a row, the jetpack roman legion is blocking that from happening.
Anyway, I activate Large Hadron Collider!
(also the maginot line has passively absorbed the other half of the mustang and grown a defensive cannon)
You think to get me with a play like that?
I summon pope Urban II and start to charge up his ultimate ability.
Your collider won't help you now!
The collider transforms into a black hole and instantly sucks up the tie fighter and tesla tanks.
On a separate note, the senate investigation finds the pyro guilty of not declaring his full income from the illegal drug operation
I was the judge in that trial, can confirm.
Play it out. You'll see they're correct.
I was on the jury for that trial, can confirm.
To make the game faster i play Digital Currencies allowing each player an extra action per turn
I play the magic card, Pot of Greed which allows me to draw two more cares from my deck.
You've drawn "Back from the dead" and "Hex Puzzle #1"
Rolled 11 (1d20)
I use my first action to sacrifice the forest and island to upright the giant robot and my for my second action the Phoenix Lord performs th bee song [roll for CHR check] to use the wisp as the base and centipedes and spiders as megazord arms! (if I fail then I guess they will attack the phoenix lord the next turn)