> so many hoops
>minor alterations to already established battle archetypes
See, here's the issue with all the complaints around bound primals. First, there are methods to beat them without outright endangering your PC's because of it. Weaknesses and mass enemies being one. Multiple Bosses at the same time being 2. Aiming down the contractor like a smart person being 3, especially since whether the contractor goes down or the primal eats a full attack, it will have done its job.
Second, The arguments assume the player is in a completely fresh state. While this may certainly be the case, there are times when it will not be. going into a boss fight the worse for wear isn't that uncommon a thing.
Third, those are indeed good deals, but they've petered out at level 5. Past that, they mean nothing.
Fourth, its being treated as a completely destructive campaign destroying force, but at best its a lesser powered player. It is literally just a fifth person, assuming the average 4 man group. And to top it off, the contractor themselves becomes rather useless.
If its that big an issue, balance your crap around an extra person instead of trying to consider the bound primal some game breaking threat, because the best buffs peter out at level 5 and make it, at best, an extra person tagged onto half of a person.
People have been dealing with this kinda shit in every system possible for as long as TTRPGs have existed. Put on your big boy pants, fudge the numbers a bit, and get smart and think outside the box. Unique abilities require unique solutions. They always have and always will. Its not something that throws off game balance, its something thats different and needs to be handled differently.
Also, its only cost effective if there's only 2 seperate battles, or two instances of summoning. Force him to use it more, as it disappears between scenes.