>My character uses fire magic
Why is this always a red flag?
Why firefags are subhuman edgelord lolrandumb scum?
>My character uses fire magic
Why is this always a red flag?
Why firefags are subhuman edgelord lolrandumb scum?
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I never actually made the connection til just now but it's true, every fire fuckhead I've played with has been a cunt
Got one positive and one negative example, both DnD5e:
Tiefling Sorceress with a habit to let herself get surrounded and then blasts everything with quickened and empowered Fireballs centered on herself. Actually has become a staple tactic of the party.
Also otherwise great character and fun RP, so no red flag unless something else is wrong with the character and ties into an obsession with fire
>negative, more likely to be associated with your post though, OP
Half-Elf Monk that isn't even able to cast spells but has this chaotic randumb need to set everything he comes across on fire for no fucking reason. Otherwise has no personality whatsoever except "I'm a monk, I come from a far away place and I punch things"
Nothing like a red-headed hotblooded fire wizard to remind you of your teenage years
Because fire often tends to be reddish in colour? Just look at the image you posted. Yes, there's mostly yellow, but there's a good deal of red towards the edges where the flames are a bit cooler.
It's just something that's pathologically connected to being an attention seeking fuckhead.
Chances are if you're a loud histrionic cunt in real life, whenever you enter the game you're going to want really loud and obvious magic. Because you want your party members and non player characters alike to be fucking staring at you and your le badass magic.
Meanwhile, anyone low key and relaxed enough to want to specialize in, say, water magic, is always bro-tier as fuck.
I pity them really, fire damage is often the most resisted type of damage and that is counting piercing, blunt, and slashing damage. The only time they get to shine is when a troll is rolled for a random encounter.
>subhuman edgelord lolrandumb scum
You look like a huge faggot spouting every buzzword in the book.
t. Water Wizard
>Tiefling Sorceress with a habit to let herself get surrounded and then blasts everything with quickened and empowered Fireballs centered on herself.
Doesn't sound like a good player to me.
Firefag detected.
Fire is overrated. Electricity is the real deal!
>Firefag detected.
How else would you do it? You gotta set those fags on fire if you want to blow them.
Hey, there's... undead, i think? Hydras?
Well, since you were the one to bring it up...
I played a firebender in an Avatar d20 game once, she was a dancer who used fire as part of her act. She was sort of a bard equivalent.
Why does a Japanese have a Spanish name?
>blow them.
Freudian slip?
w-what are icefags usually like?
They're pretty chill.
Fire is the least generally useful elemental specialization. Earth, air, and water all have myriad possible uses, but fire magic is basically just for destroying things. So you've got someone who takes the entire realm of possibilities magic can offer, and decides all they want is the biggest hammer.
And when all you have is a hammer, everything starts to look like a nail.
Was a small running joke in my party that my fighter would much rather just light the problem on fire and go home rather than get stabbed.
Never did though.
They usually do every one handed since the other is constantly being used to push up their glasses from the bridge of their nose.
Personally, I've always liked the idea that at its core, fire is the magic of life. This probably wouldn't work very well in a setting like D&D but I could see fire having everything from basic blaster spells, to aura bonuses derives from some flame on your actual person, to resting bonuses you channel through a campfire, to offensive buffs as you feed the metaphorical flame inside somebody.
People only ever think about fire burning shit, they never think about it sustaining or providing or purifying.
You could use fire magic to burn the illnesses inside people or cauterize wounds.
that's gay and shit.
Explain why though or you're just a salty fag that you didn't think of it first.
A phoenix-based deity of fire and healing might be cool. Rise from the ashes and all that.
>m-muh mystical meaningfulness
If we go into mystical territory, let's give every element mysticism too.
Life magic goes into water since humans are like 70% water.
Whoops, fire once again is left with "i'm just a psychopath who likes to burn things".
>Magic shouldn't be mystical
Oh, so you're retarded, gotcha.
That wasn't what i was saying, retard.
If we go with mysticim all niches that fire could take (like 's gay shit) could be covered by other elements.
>Life magic goes into water since humans are like 70% water
>Life magic goes into water since humans are like 70% water
False equivalence, as that is not based on any sort of mysticism or noticed pattern within the elements, but upon a random trivia fact that would never come up in the creation of folk rituals or superstitions of any kind. Your example is shit and so are you.
Except when you die, you don't dry up in a few hours, you cool down. Fire is life, manipulating water is manipulating the physical form of the body. Sounds like necromancy to me.
Really you're not saying why it shouldn't be, other than "I have no imagination, I'm right for [reasons], muh muh muh." You have yet to actually make a point of any kind.
>water-based necromancers
That sounds cool actually. Is there any setting that does this?
Fire is also the transformative element. It turns clay into pottery, ore into metal, raw food into a meal. I played a fire wizard once who had lucked out stat-wise so his strength and con didn't completely suck, (12 and 13 respectively) so I made him a blacksmith.
Honestly? The closest thing that comes to mind is Game of Thrones where all the undead are associated with cold and ice. If there is, I'm not aware of it, but I'm hardly an authority.
Reinhardt go home. You have detonators and bastions to charge away right now.
I've had the same experience with enchanters/illusionists.
Honestly though whenever I play a Mage character (which sadly is more often in vidya than tabletop) I really like specializing in Fire and Ice. It seems really iconic, you get a lot of utility out of having the slowing effects usually attributed to Ice and the increased damage attributed to fire.
I think I like elemental mages because if we follow the "wizards are scientists whose field of study is magic", trope, it feeds into this idea that they're doing some kind of alchemy - even if they're not using a laboratory to do it, they're converting and creating matter, the base stuff of creation.
You wanna talk histrionic? Look at this pathetic attention-starved faggot.
Not to mention that it's spring and summer, not fall or winter, that are the times of plenty and growth and new life and shit.
I'm playing a firebender in an Avatar the last airbender game. While not the sole voice of reason I'm currently playing the only legitimately "good" PC. I'm trying to focus on the whole hearth and home aspect of fire by concentrating on buffs and debuffs over direct damage.
If anyone can justify some awesome firebending moves that could buff your friends, I'd love to hear it.
Well because water, earth and wind magic are kinda under-represented especially among cantrips.
A fire mage as support sounds dope. Why don't more games do this?
>Water support: healing
>Earth support: +defense
>Air support: +speed
>Fire support: +power
She's not Japanese or Spanish, she's fire nationian.
You hit your head user? You feeling OK?
Once played an elven fire shugenja in a high magic setting that had devoted his life to proving that fire magic could be used for more than just harming others after his shitty, talentless brother accidentally set their entire village ablaze. It was a relatively chill campaign overall, so it was fun playing a guy going around teaching people how to cook and properly warm their homes, among other applications, including the warding of beasts in the night that were eating their livestock.
Otherwise, you're absolutely right, 'though the above character was explicitly made with the intent of turning this expectation on its head.
I picked fire because it provides light and shit while at the same time being used in combat. Seriously the hell am I going to do cast light on their faces and slightly blind them?
A lot of niches could be covered by multiple elements. Life can simultaneously be attributed to Earth, Water, and Fire in different measures, particularly depending on which culture happens to be classifying them. Saying fire can't be the life element in a given culture is patently retarded.
Literally Pyromancy from Dark Souls.
>Makes a post on Veeky Forums REEEing about some type of player or another.
Sorry OP. -You- are That Guy. You know, the player type you hate so much.
To be fair, most of the Pyromancies in Dark Souls is just basic blaster shit.
>Life can simultaneously be attributed to Earth, Water, and Fire
Why leave out air? Breath of life and all...
Old testament have human being earth (dirt) being given the breath of life.
So you can have earth as the body, air as the soul, fire as mind. Because yes, mind and soul are different things in classical thinking. If anything it's water that is left out but I'm probably missing something.
Fire magic can easily be about rising spirit, courage, strength of will...
>fire is for disruptive lolrandom players
>ice is for ruleslawyering munchkins
What is lightning for?
People who like quick and decisive plays while jumping around the battlefield.
Because fireuserss are always depicted as cunts who are interesting to watch but would be shit to be on a team with, and the players just base their characters partly off that stereotype.
It's up there with Elves being archers or dwarves drinking. Fireusers almost by consensus have to assholes.
I remember a CoC session where our GM was the firefag. Early in the session the party had split so the useful characters (a burlesque dancer, lawyer and private investigator) went off and did their own thing, the katana wielding "assassin/bodyguard" got arrested by the cops, and my character (a rich member of the Rockefeller family pretending to be a pirate from insanity) was playing buddy cop with a prohibition smuggler. My character used rum to fight the low insanity level and his character had a nichotine addiction and used it as an excue to dramatically flick his cigarette when trying to make a point. We managed to burn down a bar my character had "rented", a mansion owned by a rich cultist, and an abandoned house filled with deep ones all because the smuggler never specified where he threw his cigarette and the gm took that as aiming it directly at a convenient puddle of spilt rum.
Don't even get me started on the time he told me that a store sold fireworks...
Can we link fire to the idea of mental stability? or even drive or focus? Or could we go the whole Fire=sun=growth rout and do heals over time? (HOT, get it?)
>mental stability
Pyromania is actually a telltale sign that a person is a psychopath.
or a firefighter
Yeah, but you dont need to be a pyromaniac to use fire. There are enough mythological links between fire and domestic stuff to Justify none-asshole pyromaniac magic users.
>none-asshole pyromaniac magic users.
what did he mean by that?
Sienna in Vermintide is legitimately a huge pyromaniac, probably to the point of mental illness, but is also probably the best person, morality-wise, among the heroes.
>VIII.2 (in the basilica); 1882: The one who buggers a fire burns his penis
>from Pompeii
I should have worded it as "None-Asshole none-Pyromaniac Fire users." My bad.
OP is a faggot and not interested in real conversation.
This is now a fire mechanics thread.
Does Fireball set actual fires in your game? How do you handle fire spreading?
Have your players used fire as an easy way out, or dealt with enemies setting an area on fire? What were the consequences?
But not always. Fire is also the tool of creation. You can't forge a sword or run an engine without heat. There's a reason in Avatar the Fire Nation is the most technologically advanced.
Because fire is the "ultimate form of destruction" and people think lighting people on fire is "evul". Now earth magic is the real destructive force. Flinging fuckin boulders and shit.
Well, as the Disaclaimer on the Elemental Evil Player's Compendium of D&D5th says:
>"You can do a lot of things with fire, but almost all of them are bad ideas."
You are correct OP. For once.
To be fair we're not talking about fire being the element of THAT GUY (this is irrefutable truth), but about practical applications of fire magic.
Of course fire set fires. What kind of nonsense are you talking about? Even at fucking D&D where everybody is a superhero fires set fires. Unless you're carrying or using it, because you're a superhero!
Video game morality. If the PC has fire magic, that means "the game" approves of them using their fire magic indiscriminately.
It burns. It burns shit. It set fires to burn shit. It increases the heat, until shit catch fire. If is already burning, it burns again or keep on burning. If it touches explosive shit, it explodes throwing fire everywhere. It is fire, user, there is only one application, the rest is physicis.
And that's why fire is shit.
Fireball in DnD explicitly does not ignite flammables.
It's like speedsters having to be dicks because they're fast, and can get away with shit, because "I'm too fast baby!" and so they must be fucking insufferable cunts.
If the graffiti of Pompeii has taught us anything it's that shitposting is eternal.
In the 5th ed it does. Every fire spell set fires, to everything fmalable in the area, even the firebolt cantrip. The only exception is if a character is wearing or carrying it, which is still dumb, but mechanilly would prevent your character from losing half his equipment in one turn.
Speedsters run the gamut between kind and polite (Jay Garrick, Barry Allen, Jenni Ognats), to Cocky but compassionate (Wally West), to eternally panicking (Velocity) to impatient and mad at the world for being so shit (Quicksilver).
Generally speaking though, most speedsters are pretty nice.
In one campaign, fire is the go-to attack for my class.
In another, I figured it would be funny to learn fire spells after breaking a lantern with a critical hit.
If you want to counter this shit you could make fire a dangerous internal force. Giving into base emotions like anger or desire causes it to consume them completely before others. They will literally combust if they let their desires or emotions get to over the top levels and having to put a fire out that started inside you is rather painful and distracting in combat.
because they don't use holy fire thats why.
>All theses icefags saying how amazing and totally okay in the head icefags are while trying to hide how fucked up in the head they actually are
And yes, I played with people like this before, so I know how they really are like. It was fun.I was the firefag of the party.
We knew how to play music and used to rock out a song called Storm Of Ice and Fire while blasting everything in our path.
Wow. Some shit never changes.
I like fire because Dark Souls. Pyromancy as sort of 'blue collar' magic was unique and fairly appealing to me. All you needed was a glove and some nature. The diversity of it was also interesting.
I think Fire is probably the magic type with the most possible civilian usage in general. Start fires (good for pretty much everything. Fire does a lot of things!), control flame temperatures (ideal for cooking and forging), keeps you warm at night...
But faggots just wanna throw fireballs.
To be fair, I was fresh off a Dark Souls high and I love the pyromancy in that game
Honestly, i like fire firstly because its flashy.
It's loud, obvious, destructive and chaotic. It's perfect for distractions, nothing distracts like a house on fire, ever tried negotiationg a hostage situation with the bad guys while the castle you're in falls to burning pieces around you? It adds a whole new meaning to debating under time constraints.
Also, fire is terrifying. Deep in our primitive monkey hearts we know that fire is a beast we house trained but never fully domesticated. Loose your grip on the tail of that tiger for just one second and it rears right around and kills you.
Which leads me to pain. Fire is painful, and i have the scars to back that claim up. Fire hurts like nothing else. I'd rather be beaten in the ballsack with a chair leg than be set on fire. And in D&D pain is a great motivator or deterrent if you arent too squamish. (And it doesnt merely have the game-impact of a -2 to all rolls.)
But all this is just gravy ontop of the fact that it's a blatant distraction from anything else you do. It's the flashbang of dungeoncrawling, nobody notices illusions in the burnt-wood smoke, pits or other wizardly trickery when the dungeon is on fire, they're on fire, they're terrified (because they're on fire) and in agonizing pain (the reason rhymes with "vampire")
So there you have it, for destroying stuff. nothing quite beats fire.
It's all about the right tool for the job.
Farnese, is that you?
>tfw playing firefag speedster in a FATE Supers gamer
>tfw my PC is the nicest and friendliest person in the group, and constantly useful due to making clever use of fire-contorl
>the group's cunt is actually the metalfag, who acts arrogant and aloof to everyone
>firefag and metalfag are best friends despite this
It's a fun game.
>butthurt betas butthurting at firealphas
Keep crying
>tfw been brainstorming a Dark Sun character for a few days now who is a Cleric of Fire
>she's not edgy or dumb, doesn't want to see the world burn
>wants to be a light in the darkness who burns out evil and uses some awesome onsidian weapons
Because most players see fire as just a "lol burn shit" thing and use it as they see it, which is why they're usually massive faggots. They don't actually explore the possibilities of having a way to manipulate things using the aspects of the fire.
However, this doesn't mean everyone plays like that, and all I suggest is that you don't instantly make a judgement if the player isn't acting like he would be a firefag (aka making rash decisions, usually involving burning or destroying things)
I just wanna spit poison actually. Hiding in your own acid or toxic cloud is the smartest dick move.