How did we go from this to THAT? How did we fall this far from the light?
How did we go from this to THAT? How did we fall this far from the light?
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Barring the ugly insect hand new Alarielle looks gorgeous
World of Warcraft replaced heavy metal and comic books as the center of gravity for fantasy.
This what Alarielle looked in AoS before she died, turned into a seed, got planted, and then was reborn in her aspect of war.
Not that different from her old self except a little run down by grief and loss. What do you have against women doing a makever and reinventing themselves?
>those thighs
I'd do it.
Warhammer Fantasy players were cheap bastards.
I am still mad that she wasn't reborn as a loli.
Pretty much this. Age of Sigmar mines its aesthetics from overblown MMO video game designs rather than from the classic fantasy of WHFB
Stop talking like either setting has a unified aesthetic when each army has its own and even that is not constant across editions.
No, user. Just no.
GW has always sucked at writing games, but hired pretty good artists for the most part, it just took you a long time to realize it.
GW hired a footfag as a designer
If she can float, then what's the purpose of the beetle?
I don't mind the design but what's with the thunder thighs and lack of shoes? She looks like some kind of nature Amidala up top and then her bottom half looks like it's from a different character design
>what's with the thunder thighs and lack of shoes
To crush your fucking head with her thighs!
They are pretty glorious
Warcraft was based on hair metal arguably even more than Warhammer, but those aesthetics got lost halfway through TBC and are nowhere to be found come Mists of Panderia.
those big muscled feet
Bare feet are a classic druidic aspect representing closeness with nature. It'd be stranger if she wore boots.
This what legs look like if you spend your time walking everywhere, instead of sitting your fat ass in front of a computer screen all day.
To look fucking awesome, of course.
The previous model was also barefoot.
Helmet is awful, but I dig it.
Those legs...mmmm.....hmmmmm
Despite wanting a model similiar to the old queen of wood elves one (butterfly wing and wisp all around) I like it, apart from the beetle.
It's a very realistic body, expecially appropriate to a nature goddess.
She's not thin, and quite strangely not elflike, she's shown as muscular and somewhatbuff.
The "wings" are quite ingeneous, and the felces sprouts as feathers are a very good idea (though I do not know if it was the painter's idea or the original design)
I'm so used to the exaggerated thin of the 80's that this looks wrong.
I miss the style of Manuel Sanjulian.
This generation needs a Vampirela
If you can walk, then what's the purpose of a car?
Fluffwise the beetle is a mass of sprites, when she moves they disperse and then reform where she lands, it's a platform for her to stand on with the added bonus of being able to fuck people up
I wish the new one was a full-on tree person. She already has one dryad arm, go all the way.
Finally a kindred souls.
Those were the times bro..
and its amazing
>Korean MMO Tier designs have fully taken over
>Artworks are at times technically competent, but completely soulless
>Design Studio has fully embraced the Muh Airbruhsh Muh Gradients shitstyle that plagued painting for years
Absolutely grudging.
So we went from "generic looking angry elves" to something that is actually looking like it lives in a symbiosis with the plants and animals of the forest and looks more monstrous and out of this world. It also has colors, that is a bonus.
I don't see the problem?
This generation have the tools to make awesome shit, but they end looking so soulless.
I'm sure there is something good there, but I can't seem to find it. It all feels generic and corporate.
nothing wrong with that
>>I'm so used to the exaggerated thin of the 80's that this looks wrong.
I guess that explains the problem, the problem is not the industry but the fact that you have SHIT TASTE.
To fuck people up?
What kind of question is that?
She's a caster and not really known for her marshal prowess like the other incarnates were. To compensate she just summons a fuck hueg bug so she can continue to do her thang while the bug defends her.
Non user you have bad taste.
The are back then was basically wizards!, manly man and cleavage.
Today we have maybe correct looking art, but with no soul. While also trying to attract the political correctness, when even comic writes are noticing the people bitching about this things are not even buying the products.
Left is a generic mage, right is more fitting to a goddess.
The issue with AoS isn't having "over the top" designs, the issue is that they lack more down to earth designs to contrast with.
Alarielle is fine.
I have only issues with that arm. I know it's supposed to be a weapon, but it just doesn't look good on her. Also think that she would look better without the wings.
>they lack more down to earth designs to contrast with
Tzaangors and Kharadrons are perfectly down to earth designs. They look cool but not over the top.
Even Fyreslayers are, though they look like shit.
>and Kharadrons
The blimp planes and balloon packs aren't particularly down to earth.
skydorf basic infantry are pretty sweet, though
I can agree on Tzaangors and some Kharadrons, less so on Fyreslayers.
But let say point conceded.
You add a dash of colour and the image look completely different.
>from stick to THICC
I fail to see the issue.
You can't walk outside in air conditioning, can you faggot?
That bark arm is why you don't masturbate too much. Alarielle couldn't stop jerking off and now her one arm is a literal giant monster claw-arm.
She became exceedingly lewd.
She's a mature elf, what else would she do.
If we're talking about actual corporate output, there's a reason for that.
I mean, GW is really limited by what they can do - they can't show a drawing of anything they don't have a model for, which feels like it creates a feedback loop of what sort of terrain and figures appear.
Non-corporate, well, if you poke around hard enough, you'll find people doing interesting stuff. But most people just mimic the aesthetics they see most often, just like in all other times. If you like the current aesthetics, this works out okay - yeah, most of the mediocre stuff isn't as good, but you like the style enough to ride it out. If the current style isn't your thing, finding what you like takes more work - though less work in the internet age then in prior times.
I want her to wrap those thighs around me
I think is a gorgeous model for a nature goddess, just not for someone that was an Elf.
>good looking GW female mini
Now I'm really looking forward to Blood Bowl Amazons.
"was" being they key word. shes' not an elf anymore.
Did you miss the time before Kirby? They had art and/or rules for shit they didn't sold.
They even encourage things like deodorant tanks and kitbashing.
The hobby was first.
that time was all but done mid-90's, that's fucking two decades ago.
Not my fault the future is sucking cosmic balls.
are they even going to bother doing those?
with the ten elf teams, the gobbo team, the ogre team, the two undead teams and at least one (but potentially several) chaos teams, I'm not sure they'll ever make it to the lizards and lizard sex toys
Hiker's tights are usually more thin than that, this looks like the tights of a girl spending her time running uphill.
They'll get to them. They're a BB staple, and they need to keep the teams coming to keep selling.
>great design
>highly-detailed sculpt
>great lore around it
>Veeky Forums still hates it
You must have read a different thread.
Left looks as bad as old Battletech "art"
Lol, as if that shitturd of a game even has an aesthetic.
0/4 there redshirt shill.
Trannie who has gotten the hormones, but still has the dick.