I'm celebrating, Join me!!

a problem player just lost their character in a totally legit way with no GM bullshit because they were arrogant and charged in headfirst against a monster and got fucked.

ive been wanting his character dead for months and finally the stars aligned and struck down the piece of shit, i just didnt want to be a shit GM and drop a rock.

uhm i guess if you wanna shout out what you're celebrating go ahead! or shout a time you celebrated because something good happened!

im gonna go drink!

I'm celebrating a new move to a place closer to work that gives me 2 extra hours a day to stuff around and game and almost having set up all of my miniatures and gaming stuff in an easily accessible manner.

>being passive aggressive
>not just talking to the person like a mature adult

I don't understand idiots like OP.

i dont understand faggots like you. i did talk to him, he told me i should just let him play his character. hes a fucking dickwad, and so are you, suck a dick

so why'd you let him keep playing?

Was it a kitsune?

I second the general direction of this.

What happened? Who was the dude playing?

Or is this just bait.....

Dude, sounds dope. Congrats!

Well, give us the entire story, OP. Can't celebrate if we don't know the entire story and who's a faggot and how.

The hangover after the celebration: Here's my next character, he's the twin brother of my last one!

>He's a dick

So why do you DM for him

>talk to the person like a mature adult
>i did talk to him
>hes a fucking dickwad, and so are you, suck a dick
Do you know what a mature adult talks like OP?

im not going to deny someone from playing just because their character was a piece of shit and they refused to fix it, let them learn from their mistakes when people point out the problem. or let them be immature and walk away saying were all wrong.

do you know how not to be a faggot user?
>implying anyone on Veeky Forums can be considered mature

he was playing in inventor in your basic fantasy setting trying to invent cars, machine guns, plumbing, aqueducts (yes he said i want to invent aqueducts, regardless they already exist) rocket launchers, toasters, and other wonderful things.

then in a party with 3 mages he decided it would be a cool idea to say "my character hates mages because they were wronged by one in the past" and that the setting is high fantasy, hes a fucking dick who always plays what fits the setting least because its "unique" and "wouldn't normally apply"

then count the fact that in game he kept leaving the party to die at crucial moments because he could just fly away (yes, he hates magic but could fly magically)

so I'm just celebrating that this whole headache is over

I mean+ i like making unique characters, but thats just...

Not being a fun player. If this was how he always is, he would not get an invite back i'm sad to say

That's pretty mild actually.

I was expecting something really horrible....but this is fairly minor.

>can't be upset at a legitimate problem

wow, so being upset makes you immature, you must be an emotionless higher being, AKA: Neckbeard Faggotus

I don't know if OP is a bad troll or legitimately a retard.

its alright, i know you're a faggot

But user.

We're all faggots.

you're a faggot

>do you know how not to be a faggot user?
I could not be the OP, for one.

OP, you might be better off staying in /b/ until you are actually old enough to post on this site.

I've been there before too. It's not the worst thing a player can do, but it's beyond annoying. The player constantly whines about how his stuff should just work consequence-free exactly as it does in the modern day. They want to be MacGyver on super steroids because some bullshit character from their favorite anime does this shit. I'm fine if you want to play an inventor somewhat grounded in reality and if you actually show you put thought into things, but 90% of the time they just want to handwave things and be a special snowflake.

dammit, you got me there

have you ever considered just kys? nobody likes you

>didn't deny the CS

You guys are all right.

Hey OP here, can we just bring down the negativity a little. I'm inviting celebrating here! I'm just relived i have one less (even minor) problem.

i got a chuckle from this

>wow, so being upset makes you immature
No, acting like a passive agressive idiot and then when some points out that you're acting like a passive agressive idiot and wonders why you didn't try talking maturely, which you obviously didn't or the problem would have been resolved, you responding to being upset by acting like a crybaby and telling others to "suck a dick" rather than accept a little criticism.

>>can't be upset at a legitimate problem
>legitimate problem
You okayed a fantasy inventor that hates mages, including the party, and abandons the party at crucial moments.
You said he always makes these characters, which one might assume that you have okayed them in the past and will do so again next time.
You are the problem.
It is not okay to let players play disruptive characters.

>im not going to deny someone from playing just because their character was a piece of shit and they refused to fix it
Yes you do, you lazy, passive aggressive shit. That's part of the GM's job.

>let them learn from their mistakes when people point out the problem.
You let him ruin the game for others so you could avoid confronting him

>or let them be immature and walk away saying were all wrong.
This is textbook passive aggression, you lazy piece of shit.

I like them.

I like you.

>OP makes a thread complaining about players
>Veeky Forums calls OP a faggot immediately after it's apparent OP is the problem

These threads never get old.

sounds like you're a shitty player.

you're fucking assuming that a player would outright tell the GM all this shit? you in all your ignorance couldnt possibly think that a shit tier player would hide shit from their GM until its too late? i guess in your mind when you bring in a shitty character its the GM's fault for allowing it.

>bring a shitty character and it gets approved.
>It's the players fault for being approved.


It's my birthday.

Happy B-day user. I hope it's a good one.

It's the players fault for bringing it in the first place.

hey get yourself a cake, you're never too old for cake!

like i said, the player would hide the fact that it was a shitty concept. you can't blame the GM if the player is being a faggot and tricking the GM

Who accepted it and is running the game?

I've never been in a game where you could hide anything about your character from the Gm.

"hey GM heres my character sheet, ive got dual guns and i intend to make gizmos like grenades, my character is gambler who also collects bounties"

now you probably would have guessed that my character was a mass homocidal maniac who rapes the other characters in their sleep and shoots them when they wake up.

but thats your fault i didnt tell you this, youre a lazy GM

who thought it was a good idea to want to play that toon?

(as much as it's the DMS fault for letting it happen, it's the person who chooses to act like a dickhead who bears the responsibility. Don't blame the person being raped just because they were drunk, blame the rapist for choosing to rape them, so to speak)

Man, your Gm must have like pages of notes and a bit of the phycic in order to be able to know everything your toon will do/think/say/be.

That is fair enough.

He does or he atleast says he does.

Thanks user, I'll celebrate it more once the week is over.

I baked two cakes to bring and share at work.

>the player would hide the fact that it was a shitty concept.

First, see:
>hes a fucking dick who always plays what fits the setting least because its "unique" and "wouldn't normally apply"

Second: Inventor in a fantasy world prompts a conversation about the nature of an appropriate character for the game.

Third: When he adds, "Oh and he hates mages!" mid-game, you stop and question him about it.

Fourth: see
>im not going to deny someone from playing just because their character was a piece of shit
He admitted he knew it was a piece of shit character from the beginning and chose to let him play it.

Stop being contrarian when it's this stupid.

A problem player in my group has decided to skip his third session.

So the fighter cut off three of his fingers. I don't know how Warlocks cast spells, but he's not doing it with his right hand anymore.


Man, phycus's are chatty fucks though, how can he get through the noise?