>Hello everyone, and welcome back. Now we've got something really special here,
"Hi, I'm Mike Rowe. Today we are on Armageddonusing promethium and elbow grease to clean Ork spores off of the legs of a Warlord Titan and later we'll get the chance at being the boil burster of the great Chaos God himself for the day."
Hi I'm Mike Rowe, and welcome to Dirty Jobs: 40k
Oh shit I'm not sure how this is supposed to continue but this is looking good.
"Um, Inquisitor, I know you're not used to television, but...I usually detect all the heresy in this format, okay?"
>Hello everyone, and welcome back. Now we've got something really special here, we're going to be scrubbing out one of the multitude of orgy pits in the abode of Slaanesh. My friend here says that each pit must be scrubbed and rebuttered anywhere from once a day to every half hour..
Then, later in the show, we'll be going deep within the Temple of the Augmenticists on Holy Mars to take a gander at Cherub construction."
>Cleaning traitorous viscera from the treads of a Baneblade
>Cleaning martyred faithful viscera from the treads of the same Baneblade
>Hi, I'm Mike Rowe. Today we're going to have the esteemed honour of seeing the creation of domestic servitors, later on in the show I'll get to personally undergo mechanicum rites to be converted into one of these machines. This will involve most of my frontal cortex being removed to make space for a cogitator, my eyes substituted with pict sensors, a vox inserted into my mouth and my legs being replaced with treads
Unrelated, but I actually got to work out with Mike Rowe in 2009. My cousin lived near him in SF.
Did u shower with him after
> Hi I'm Mike Rowe and today our job is to clean out the underhive collector system occupied by [REDACTED] cultists. We're going to need theze hazmat suits, sanctified mops and we will be accompanied by these lovely sisters Hospitalier on the task.
I like this.
He is a classically trained opera singer. Amazing.
>Hello, I am Ma'ek Roh and today we're in the dark depths of Comorragh with the Ebon Sting Coven, and we're going to be using paralytic acid, the mouthes of Tau slave girls, and a bit of determination to clean out these torture chambers.
>and then we're going to have to skin alive and castrate our soon to be Pain Engines. Coming up next, on Dirty Jobs.
Oy ya Gits, dis be Mak Row an tuday we'ze gunna get da Squig pens all noice an cleen like wit da humie slaves.
Den wez gunna do da rounds wit a Pain Dok an find out how da Big Mek getz deem Gargantz ded killy.
Today on how it's made.
>Ork bolters.
>Virus bombs.
>Servo skulls.
>Tau nutrient pastes.
>last time on Rogue Dynasty...
10/10 would watch
>Jan is a company commander in the Imperial Guard, and his wife works in the Adminstratum
>Can their budget of 250,000 credits find them their dream home on the planet Reth, or will they have to make sacrifices?
>Find out, on today's episode of House Hunters: Intersegmenta
>Welcome to the Gods Den, where you can promote your heresy ideas to four chaos gods! Which one of them will invest in your heresy?
>The best I can give for that STC is five credits.
>Tonight, on Adeptus Arbites, we will visit nearby Underhive!
>Junkyard wars starring Admech, Meks, Tau and Necron
A Female Archon decides to try out this "wedding" ceremony she learned from slave who's husband she was torturing.
Inquisition insignia
*Bad Boys starts playing*
>What u going to do
>What u going to do when the Inquisitors come for you?
>Junkyard wars starring Admech, Meks, Tau and Necron
I'd watch it
Look. I gotta make a profit here so I'll give you 1 credit for those bolt shells
Dude, I swear to you these are genuine angelus bolt shells used by blessed Astartes. SPACE MARINES!
Marcus Rowius, come on OP, shape up!
And the show will be cancelled early because he got execute (murdered) over some dumb grimderp reason.
On the next episode of Little People, Big Galaxy. [REDACTED] None of you saw anything!
So 40K's Pawn Star's run by Rouge Traders, right?
>"I'll give you three thousand thrones for it."
I'm Bear Grills and today I'm going to show you how to survive in the deadly jungles of catachan
>One thing I've learned after 210 years, you never know WHAT is gonna come through that door
>*proceeds to get torn apart by Hrud*
You know how with old history channel how documentaries about Nazi Germany would come on seemingly non stop? I imagine that's what it would be like watching re-runs of the Fall of the Eldar made by Harlequinns.
with commentary of people who were there like asdrubael vect or eldrad ulthran
>WHAT is gonna come through that door
I was hoping for a land raider, but Hrud is fine
>today warpsmith Exzibitus will show you how to get custom flame color on your helldrake
So who has the funniest youtube channels in 40k?
The first thing you want to do is THIN YOUR FUCKING PAINTS
Yo dawg, I head you like the warp, so we sent your car to the eye of terror, good luck wit dat
>how its made
>ork bolters
Its just stock footage of factory work while the announcer just repeats "it shouldn't work" over and over again
>'Roight, sorry bout dat folks, 'ad a bit ova mixup at da studio 'ere
>*choppy sounds in background*
>Roight so 'eres where we see the dakka bits get stuck to the boolit box fing.
>Next we take da boolit box an fill it with boolits
>*footage of bullets literally being dumped into a box and slapped onto a shoota
>'ere comes da tricky part. Ya see, for maximum E-FISH-UN-SY we gotta make da dakka bits as loud as possible
>every shoota goes thru our loudenin chamba, where da finest deff grots in da biz make the final set of adjustments to ensure maximum dakka
>*footage of a bunch of grots with bleeding eardrums randomly firing guns into the air*
>And dats 'ow it's made.
>Join us next week where we'll show ya 'ow ta make da fastest red paint in da bizz
I'd watch the shit out of this
>TONIGHT ON STORAGE WAAAGH! Nob LootLocka finds the dakkaload!
>"Oi di'nt fink dat much dakka ex-exis-...dat allotta dakka!"