So let's talk OC; what have you made/painted/laminated/pimped out on your games? Score sheets, house rules, foamcore inserts, upgraded components? Whose stuff have you copied/stolen/bought because it was too good an idea to pass up? What do you want to upgrade/fix/add-on to your games but don't know how?
I have made all the mini-expansions for Terra Mystica, first on cardboard and later on foamcore.
Besides that I have made foamcore inserts for my complete collection of Dominion, reducing it down to two of the original boxes. Nations also got a foamcore insert (with plenty of space left over) but the thing I'm most proud of is my foamcore insert for Lords of Waterdeep with the Scoundrels of Skullport expansion.
I kinda want to make an insert for TM but the box is so tightly packed I have no idea how to approach it.
Colton James
When you guys store expansions in with their base games, do you throw away the expansion box?
Chase Baker
>foamcore inserts Christ, I need to scratch that creation itch. Any great games that could use a lot of insert creation as well?
Aiden Peterson
Fuck, forgot to contribute. I've made tiny wooden boats for Sail to India's player cubes. It fits just inside the already tiny box so I'm really proud of that one.
Andrew Evans
Fuck no. I keep the useless empty husks stored in a nondescript amazon box hidden in a closet, so I can keep swearing to myself that I will one day display them on a new boardgame shelf despite being completely nonfunctional.
Angel Adams
Is Eldritch Horror actually good?
Hear a lot of mixed things. Don't mind dice chucking.
Chase Torres
What are some good games for solo play?
Kevin Foster
>what have you made/painted/laminated/pimped out on your games? Score sheets, house rules, foamcore inserts, upgraded components?
I've done a ton of laminated 'player guides', etc, to ease people into new games.
>do you throw away the expansion box?
What Heresy is this you speak of?!? Do you want me to report you to the Commissar for a good old fashion 'Blamming'? (I'm with - I keep the expansion boxes.)
Gabriel Gomez
Ghost Fightin' Treasure Hunters user,are you still there?
did you scan it?
Nathaniel Davis
What genre do you like? There are tons of games that include solo play as well as a ton of co-ops that can still be played solo.
Nolan Roberts
Onirim is fun as shit,and its only a deck of cards.
lots of shuffling though.
Isaac Bailey
>It's true. Starting placement is actually the number one make-or-break decision in the game. The second is what faction you pick (they're HORRIBLY unbalanced). After that, you just make the most optimal move every turn for your particular game. You can actually solve the game for all players the moment the game is set up. And since you have to calculate your optimal move every turn anyway, you might as well do it all at once. Game is 80% downtime. That's false. What wins or loses the game is activating the right bonuses, and these are randomized each game. It's no more "solved" than chess is.
>Is this true? I've had my eye on this game but if this is what happens then I don't think I can justify buying it. No, Terra Mystica is great fun. It's a unique mashup of traditional boardgame mechanics (no hidden information, pattern matching and tactical movement) with modern ones (randomized setup, front-loaded strategic choices, many different win conditions).
There's really no other game like it at the moment.
It has some flaws, for sure -- unbalanced factions, wonky scoring mechanisms that poorly interact depending on player count, fiddly overcomplex rules -- but it's still great fun.
You can play it online and see for yourself.
Austin Kelly
Pretty much anything, with a preference for games that are mechanics heavy.
Matthew Lopez
The bonuses are only randomized before the game. So yes, it's completely solvable the moment you do that because they don't change. Also if you don't think TM is 80% won before the game begins then you're proving you know shit about the game.
Logan Stewart
>So yes, it's completely solvable the moment you do that because they don't change. It's completely solvable the same way chess is completely solvable. (That is, solvable in theory but not in practice.)
>Also if you don't think TM is 80% won before the game begins then you're proving you know shit about the game. This is certainly true, but then again the game is deliberately made to be extremely front-loaded.
This doesn't mean you'll start winning once you memorize the good openings, this isn't true for chess and isn't true for Terra Mystica either.
Like I said, it's very much a chesslike game with eurogame victory point scoring, this is exactly what makes it so unique.
Gabriel Flores
Go to BGG, advance search, publisher "GMT Games," set min players to 1. Do the same for publisher "Sierra Madre Games." In addition to that is Mage Knight.
Jaxson Richardson
So, in practical terms, the players will never have any opportunity ever to stop players from winning (which they know since the game is done before starting according to you)?
Chase Cruz
>Those nails PLEASE CUT???
Also why does boardgaming attract people who cant wear deodorant and wash (I promise this wasn't a dig at you nails user)
Adrian Collins
>So, in practical terms, the players will never have any opportunity ever to stop players from winning (which they know since the game is done before starting according to you)? It's just like chess. It's sensitive to player skill and knowing the 'correct' openings. If you have players of roughly equal skill level then it's a different story as they recognize when the opponent is trying for an 'optimal' strategy and they can try ruining it.
Have you ever played chess? Your complaints apply to chess as well.
The main problem with Terra Mystica is the scoring rules which work in wildly different ways (and not in a good way) depending on the number of players, not the fact that it's a perfect information game.
Connor Richardson
Hero Realms user, threadly reminder that I am waiting.
Lucas Edwards
Let's see, I've made inserts for Forbidden Stars, Chaos in the Old World, Fury of Dracula, Eldritch Horror, all my FFG games really. Oh and Lords of Waterdeep so I can keep the game and both expansions in the same box.
Eldritch horror is really the only game I've done more for than laminate/sleeve stuff. I've got some plain blue and red dice with white pips to keep track of health/sanity in that game (the tokens are just silly). I've also got a nice bag for the monster tokens with a subtle green tentacle printed onto it.
It's great if you're at least a bit into the theme and don't mind the odds being against you winning.
Hunter James
>someone uses that joke image I made to start the thread with some interesting questions we haven't talked about a hundred times before. Thanks user, made my day there.
Tyler Evans
Archipelago plus the solo expansion might be something you would like.
Evan James
>what have you made/painted/laminated/pimped out on your games? Score sheets, house rules, foamcore inserts, upgraded components? I haven't done much but I remember slaving away on a shoddily made insert made out of cardboard for Flashpoint. The edges weren't straight, tokens slipped under it to other spaces, the walls were slanted, and you couldn't close it all the way, but I loved the thing. Then I bought a plano box. It was so much better. Sold the game recently too.
>Whose stuff have you copied/stolen/bought because it was too good an idea to pass up? Played Skull and Cockroach Poker using just regular trump cards with friends. I want to hack up a box of Cuckoo Go using sticks, toy eggs, and a pigeon toy, not sure where to get the tin though.
>What do you want to upgrade/fix/add-on to your games but don't know how? No real desire to modify any games at the moment beyond some pimped out card sleeves.
Joseph Brown
The solo expac is brutal to the point that I think they didn't properly playtest it. Getting a gold rank requires both playing perfectly and literally every random process having the least harmful possible outcome.
Isaac King
Since it's just a bunch of cards I don't even feel guilty that I pirated it for all of two scenarios and then chucked that shit in the bin.
Nathan Perry
>Friday Deckbuilding solo-game. Artwork is meh but gameplay checks out. You start with a very weak deck and must face increasing dangers. When you lose against a danger, you lose health but get the opportunity to weed out your shitty cards. When you beat a danger, you can gain its card to keep in your deck. Each deck cycle gives you a penalty card though, because Robinson grows old and in the end you have to face 2 pirates (if the dangers did not kill you beforehand).
Cameron Hill
Space Hulk Death Angel
Joseph Reed
I had a friend of mine 3D print for me a ton of small tank and ship pieces to go with my copy of Diplomacy that I just got in the mail. After I paint them I'm planning on making a foam insert to hold everything in little bags because Avalon Hill just expected you to throw everything into the bottom of the box and fish the pieces out when you want to play.
An user last thread suggested using spray paint to paint the pieces and while that's an excellent idea I'd have to spend ~$28 for the seven cans of paint, which is $8 more than what I paid for the game. So I'm debating between doing that or painting all 280 pieces by hand which would take a lot longer but only cost me about $7 in paint
Kevin Flores
I keep trying to push "Spulk Dangel" and no one bites.
Bentley Hill
Brayden Morgan
Need an opinion on Mission Red Planet 2015. All pros and cons, please.
Daniel Sullivan
Onirim was just released on Android and iOS, fyi. Helps mitigate the shuffling massively.
Blake Garcia
Get Shadow of Brimstone, grab the BGG hexcrawl community stuff and go nuts! It's an amazing solo/duo (using 2 characters) experience.
Aaron Carter
Try Shulk Dangle instead.
Benjamin Nguyen
I played 8-minutes empire and liked it as filler. What about her cousin, 8-min empire legends?
Jace Evans
Super dungeon explore forgotten king or Wiz War?
Joshua Allen
>idea copying/stealing picking up sheets of coin pockets for holding 63 counters per page was the best idea I've ever stolen from BGG for Duel of Ages II, makes characters so much easier to find after team setup
Wiz-War easily, CMoN makes trash games
Nathaniel Hill
Dungeon explore isnt a CMoN game
Does wiz war play well with 2 players btw?
Lucas Davis
oops you're right, I'm thinking of Arcadia Quest
I find that it's fine as a 2P game, you want to use the classic variant rules, side B boards, mash all cards together to form a single deck and maybe you might want to follow the instructions on this thread at BGG to increase the intensity of the game:
if you stick with the standard FFG rules and side At boards then it becomes a game of running around stealing treasure rather than something more combat-oriented
Ryan Hughes
>PLEASE CUT??? How I felt the entire time I watched Ricky Royal's War of the Ring series.
All the talk about the OC charts and how I should fix em had me inspired; and your image was the best OC in my /bgg/ starter folder.
I too know the pain of doing something badly on Flash Point, I don't hate my insert but the tokens were the first set I colored the edged on, and they did not all turn out well, the white especially are bad. Elder Sign turned out better on both, but needs to be redone since I left space for the board I was working on and never finished, now the tokens spill everywhere without something to hold them in.
Mason White
Tiny Epic Western
Matthew Anderson
You might look at the XenoShyft deck builders as they are fun but punishing at times. There's also a variety of other Co-op games that can easily be played solo. (Gears of War is a good example but it is OOP sadly.)
As for true solo play - try Robinson Crusoe, The Hunters (WWII submarine game), Nations, and others. There are a couple of good 'perma-threads' on Board Game Geek that list a vast array of solo games.
Hunter Lewis
Dude I'm a chick, we have long nails.
Justin Gomez
Front-loaded is just a fancy way of saying "mostly downtime"
Evan Cooper
There's really not a way if someone can see your resources and board location. It doesn't take a genius to note who can cut you off from various plays and who would actually be WILLING to forego their own current strategy to cut you off. The guy that keeps comparing it to chess is really overusing the fact that both are relatively abstract games comprised almost entirely of pure calculation and silence. They do have one more thing in common though: people who are good at both concede the game long before it's over.
Angel Williams
Alright user. I'll do you today. Let me just finish de-sleeving all the hero cards.
Caleb Torres
>I am a girl so it's ok to have long nails
Gavin Parker
It's a valid defense. Anyone can have nails as long as they want, she's explained why she wants them.
Dominic Gutierrez
>Front-loaded is just a fancy way of saying "mostly downtime" No, "front-loaded" means that the most important decisions are made early on in the game. Not a bad thing, it comes down to personal preference.
Colton Murphy
Worst part about girls desu. Especially when they're over a cm past the finger. Genuinely grosses me out.
Joshua Cruz
Well I'm a lesbian so your opinion is invalid.
Mason Morgan
how does you being a lesbian invalidate his opinion?
"Long fingernails gross me out" "No they don't, I'm a lesbian"
Christian Bennett
>Well I'm a lesbian Trapped in a man's body?
Samuel Mitchell
Anyone playing games over the weekend? My brothers in law are visiting, going to break out some longer stuff to play with them.
Eli Lopez
Maybe because judging this girl on the internet for her attractiveness based on her fingernails is implied to be heterosexual judgment.
But you really should not be responding to this line of replies. It's only going to get worse.
Ian Taylor
My weekend lineup: >Aeon's End >Suburbia >Race for the Galaxy
Joseph Scott
>Anyone playing games over the weekend? Doesn't look like I'll be able to get any gaming in until the 8th of next Month unfortunately.
Sebastian Torres
Same for me, hanging out at the inlaws with wife's two brothers.Planning to take >Stronghold >ST: Ascendancy >New Angeles >Santorini >Epic >Libertalia >Sheriff Probably a half dozen other things I haven't decided on, suggestions welcome.
Noah Lee
> OC
Oh I do lots of that, I have a nice fancy foamcore insert for Escape curse of the temple I made myself (as well as many other games, shadows of brimstone, castle panic, Lords of Waterdeep...); I made a few player aids for games like Survive, doom, I play Shadows of Brimstone with a few house rules, added plastic brains to my zombie dice tub... I have bought the DnDeeples for lords of waterdeep hecause they really help with the theme.
I'd like to make a perfect insert for a few games with lots of minis like TMNT, Dungeon Saga, but I somehow cant make them work.
Aiden Perez
Who was talking about attractiveness? I just dont like long nails. It's unhygienic.
John Allen
Dibs on a back-scratch! ;) (And this is why women with long finger nails are awesome!)
John Cook
>how does you being a lesbian invalidate his opinion?
Pic related?
Carson Gray
That's incorrect. Bacteria get up under short nails too. With long nails you can more easily wash them. All you have to do is keep your hands washed normally.
Jose Bailey
>/bgg/ - pedicures
Seriously you mongoloids, if we're going to be OCD about something it might as well be tangentially related, like coasters.
Landon Foster
>fancy foamcore insert for Escape curse of the temple Really? I always thought the standard insert on that one was nice enough, would like to see pics if you've got any.
Owen Peterson
>pedicures Manicures.
Landon Hall
Got everything ever released for it in the base game box, the old insert wasnt going to cut it...
Right now, the game is at my workplace (I work with children and just introduced them to the game today, they thought it was stressful but awesome) I'll try to make a few pics of the insert next week
Jayden King
. . .Would I look less dumb if I pretended I thought we were talking about feet?
Wyatt Flores
Ahh, that makes sense, I only have the base game as it doesn't hit the table that often; too stressful for the casual friends, and it's really not as good with 2 as with 5. Appreciate the pics, I don't do foamcore inserts often but I love to steal ideas from other people to build my own. Flash Point came about after seeing a thread on BGG and deciding I liked his display for the role cards.
Christian Hernandez
What tools are required for this?
Lincoln Sanders
How would you rate Santorini overall? I have people saying its over hyped and not as good, while others sing its praises.
I ordered it from CSI but it will only arrive with my cousins in a couple of months.
Justin Cook
One sheet of black foamcore, the cheapest utility knife handle at the store, pack of 5 blades for said knife, bottle of glue that was laying around (normally I'd use white but I had leftover bottle of wood glue I didn't want going bad), couple pins to hold things together while the glue set, couple magazines and a heavy hardback copy of LotR to hold the joints together while the glue set, metal ruler to use as a straight edge, pencil to mark lengths, a couple coins to use as half moon stencils, a scalpal from a stitch removal kit to cut the curved line (an exacto knife would work too), and a cutting mat (or in my case more USPS free flate rate boxes). Think I spent all of like $5 to do inserts for Flash Point and Elder Sign the first time I made any; if I ever get the urge to do new ones I just need a single sheet of foamcore for 1-2 games.
>useful how-to on them >guy I steal ideas from
Benjamin Richardson
I'm pretty happy with it so far. Less than 50 plays in so I can't comment too much on replayability, but there's so many god cards that I think it'll hold up quite well, though there's certainly more than a few poor matchups. I don't think it's as deep as Onitama or Duke/Jarl, but I'm happy to have at least one abstract that isn't strongly related to chess.
Some people around here have gone on about it just being a dressed up X in a row game and those being fundamentally flawed, and I'm not well enough versed in the math involved to back or refute those claims, but I absolutely find the game more compelling than connect 4 and the like. Certainly it's overproduced, but that doesn't bother me. Overall very happy to have it in my collection.
David Sanchez
oh great then I only need the foam! Recommended seller? I have Amazon Prime.
Julian Anderson
Santorini is the only game out of a dozen so far that has been a bust for my wife. she basically just sees it as a glorified Connect 4 that's way more hassle than it's worth. Throw in the different abilities that she feels she has to learn and it's a hard pass. only seen the table 3 times for 2 games each. Trying to offload it at the moment
Jaxon Evans
You could buy like 5-10pks on amazon sure; I just go to the local supermarket for single sheets since I'm there every day at least once for work.
Ian Cook
>Brother only wants to play Memoir'44 >Dad only wants to play Twilight Struggle
What would be a good game to get?
Jayden Flores
COIN games probably.
Owen Brown
Cuba Libre?
Alexander Clark
Quarter Master General.
Jeremiah Roberts
Blake Wood
I played Hero Realms for the 2nd time yesterday, and I can't help but feel the game is 80% luck dependent.
I know there is some strategy involved, I already got a grasp on a couple of game types, but I can't shake the feel that it all comes down to luck of the draw.
I had a game where I swarmed the board with cheap cards, a game where I bought all the cycle I could, bought only expensive cards, bought a lot of card removal from my own deck to get rid of the trash, bought Fire Gems and cycled them for gold boost and keeping my deck thin.
No matter what I tried I never felt like I made a big decision, most of the time I won because I had good draws and my opponent drew gold.
Does it get better the more you go on? or is this the core of the game?
Also how does it play in 1v1v1 and how does it compare to Star Realms Colony Wars?
Josiah Rivera
I and a lot of other people enjoy it, but you either need to really enjoy Burgerspielen and/or really dig the Lovecraft setting. I don't think it's for everyone. It's mostly about mitigating risk and deciding priorities, so the randomness is high.
Zachary Peterson
It is usually recommended for new players but I would rather pick one that has the most interesting theme. I haven't played any COIN game but I have preordered Andean Abyss through GMT's P500.
Austin Taylor
Got in a game of X-Wing on Thursday night, hadn't played in close to a year but managed to squeek out a win.
Hopefully I'll also get in a game day on Monday.
John Johnson
This is a boardgaming forum, so we're used to playing by the rules around here. You know the rules, user.
Austin Murphy
>Throw in the different abilities that she feels she has to learn
She can't read and understand one line of text? I hope she has big tits and can cook because I'm guessing you didn't marry her for the engaging conversations.
Hunter Phillips
Speaking of COIN games, we talked about them a couple threads ago. One of you anons gave me a quick rundown and some recommendations. I ended up buying Labyrinth: The War on Terror 2001-. Just got it in the mail yesterday and read through the rules. Looks good and I can't wait to get it to the table.
Just got anted to say thanks anons.
Ethan Scott
>I played Hero Realms for the 2nd time yesterday, and I can't help but feel the game is 80% luck dependent. This was my biggest complaint when I gave my review here. I'm extremely high level at star realms and by comparison, hero realms is like a toddler trying to kill itself with household items.
>Does it get better the more you go on? or is this the core of the game? No. Hero Realms is fundamentally flawed due to the changed economic structure, lack of proper "scrap" (I think HR calls it trash), and the overall poor balance to the game. Star Realms is completely the opposite in every way and is very very tight until you're high level at the game.
>Also how does it play in 1v1v1 and how does it compare to Star Realms Colony Wars? Hero Realms should come with a disclaimer "Not for competitive play at all. Wait for our co-op campaign". Star Realms is the tightest of the three, with probably the best most balanced implementation of the conveyor belt method of drafting (trade row. vs the bulletin board of Dominion). Colony Wars is the best possible introduction to deckbuilding, as it's more fun than SR and teaches you the higher level strategies organically. CW does drop off faster though, as you grow out of the insane combos. HR is stillborn until they give us co-op. If you're wondering, the hero packs don't fix it, they make it worse.
Mason Campbell
Sigh, you got me there.
technically correct is the best kind of correct
Logan Hernandez
Games with focus on betrayal? not like "there's one guy who is a traitor" more like everyone can easily backstab everyone in the back. I feel like I need to lose some friends.
Mason Harris
Cutthroat Caverns
Jackson Kelly
That's a beautiful set you have there. Majestic, really.
Angel Rodriguez
how does this compares to say so munchkin?
Austin Wood
Similar to say Cosmic, where it's a graduated/advanced version of the same type of negotiation/take that game. They're both quite a bit better than Munchkin because there's more content, and less about the humor selling the game; but both can fall into the same pit where if your group doesn't have that semi-party atmosphere it's not gonna hold up long term. If the people around your table have more fun screwing each other over in say Power Grid, it might not be for you. If say backstabbing/breaking alliances in Dune/not-Dune/AGoT seems appealing, it's a nice lighter option.
Eli Reyes
thanks for the tip. sometimes I wish language weren't a barrier for my play group.
Wyatt Lopez
Sorry to hear that it is, what are the current favorites at your group's table?
Parker Torres
Rex, if you hit six players regularly. Some text on cards means it's not wholly language-independent, though.