>Frequency: Every Other Week
Roll20 Red Flags
Why is that an issue?
OP just wants to shitpost
>assblasted two-weak detected
>every other player saying "oops haha i thought it was NEXT week!" conveniently when they don't show up
You need to adjust your shit. In have never and will never use roll20.
Keep on projecting though, you kids seem to be good at it
>buttravaged maddie posts on Veeky Forums
why don't you go back to posting youtube comments dummy
Keep proving my point, son.
It's funny watching fat nerds sperg out like tough guys online.
>kitsune DMPC
>all races must be equal in a fantasy setting
>Homebrew allowed.
That's not a Roll20 exclusive. Ive dealt with that in person.
>any DMPC
>furries are allowed
>Language: Any
>Language: English
>GM is from South America
>Language: English
>GM is from South America
I've never had trouble with this.
Text bypasses accents ;^)
Sorry, add:
>Audio / Visual: Voice only
I can't stand to play text only games anymore.
>I can't stand to play text only games anymore.
He's probably just bored with text-only. It gets pretty stale and we're generally in a call anyway.
Just a lack of time and patience. A four to eight hour session, once a week, with a single break and voice chat / cameras is simply a much more efficient means of role-playing, second only to playing in person, 'though even that has its drawbacks.
I saw a game on roll20 that had a shit tonne of houserules, but the one that turned me away was:
>The DM reserves the right to take control of your character and treat them as a DMPC at any time, for any reason.
It may have just been for sessions you miss, but he didn't say that, and I don't trust someone I just met like that
> forgot how to read
user never said he was nigerian
I played dragonrealms online for years. Text based rpg.
Was big fun. then one by one, my buddies dropped out and disappeared. then it wasn't so much fun, it was a grind of screen scroll that became annoying.
>players, 100+
Anything more than 5 players.
Same thing happened to me with Archaea, actually. Twice, in fact. After the second time in my early twenties, I kind'a just gave up on that approach to gaming.
Player Flakes be a strong thing. Afterwards, trim the fat to be left with ideal players
>Looking for GM
>system: pathfinder
I don't have anything against pathfinder, just the people interested in it.
>first time DM here
>application thread - 50+ responses
>group looking for a DM
>one guy looking for a DM & players
>setting is based on anime
>my character likes to joke in battle
>"welcomes new player" (doesn't)
Roll20 is scum.
That sounds fucking horrible
>browsing Roll20 lfg six months ago
>find a SKT game with a good looking description and application
>only house rules are no Dragonborn, Drow or feats
>apply among 30 other people for one spot
>get picked
>group is cool, go through the entire campaign without a problem
>finish campaign today and get invited to the next one
There's gold in there, you just have to keep trying.
>so hard up for a game that he makes up a story about finding one
gotta roleplay somehow I guess, geez
Why no feats though
Feats always were and always will be a terrible idea.
>muh magic power I develop from killin' monsters that lets me do muh mmo build
Those poor, poor great weapon users
It's not my fault they decided to tack something that should have been a core mechanic onto a terrible garbage mmo abilities video game perks system
None of these are unique to roll20. I've had weird as fuck players and GMs in games from Veeky Forums.
It's a hobby that attracts loners, nerds, and the socially awkward.
It was a hell of a game man.
>we played a module with some options disabled
wow so THIS is the power of roll20
And? I had fun. Isn't that the point of even playing these games? Meeting up once a week to blast goblins with buddies?
You can tell this is a quality argument by the amount of buzzwords crammed into one sentence.
The DM's reasoning was that it detracted from roleplaying and caused players to view their characters more as videogame characters rather than living, breathing people. Obviously, feats don't exclude the possibility of actual roleplaying, it was just from his experience running prior games.
>wolf avatar or any mention of anything wolf related anywhere in their name or profile
Roll20 can be pretty good if you don't make a fuss out of all the cringe you find and just move on, and if you have the discipline to keep searching for a good game for months. I had some great times thanks to Roll20, and right now I'm GMing for some excellent people and it's great.
My only advice is that you really should avoid D&D and Pathfinder, which are admittedly roughly 2/3rds of all games going on, but it's incredibly rare to find an actually good game/group there. You can try if you're desperate but I don't recommend it.
If you want to GM, it is wise to give a basic outline of the setting, the kind of game you want to run, and your entry-level expectations. Another good idea is to hold an interview, where you can find out what kind of game they want to play, but more importantly if their English is good enough and if they sound like someone who can manage intelligent sentences for a few hours. The questions you should ask must rely on trust as little as possible. Instead, come up with a small test session of sorts, where you put him in situations to test his response. You can't roleplay if you can't think fast, so if the guy just derps around then he's not going to cut it. It might take a while to find a full team like this, but the quality of players is more than worth it.
You can tell how mad you are by the fact that you addressed the phrasing and not the blatant truth of the statement
>one slot open
>"looking for a DM"
>WARNING: Mature Themes
Only if your game is shit.
I played in a bi-weekly game. We were all looking forward to it and attended the sessions.
>my opinion is truth!
And now you are merely a cunt.
As for OP, I have been in 3 roll20 campaigns with virtually none of the issues commonly talked about here. The only thing that really comes up are people who flake, even long term players, and pick up fucktards who dip in for a game then vanish.
Bad players, it was generally put to a group vote, and they always got kicked.
>making a job out of playing pretend
Next we are going to have sponserships and commercials playing every 15 mins on the board.
My old GM was from Argentina and his English is fine.
>Applications section has 50+ applications but the game has no players
>No description/description is missing key info
>Session is listed as a particular game but is so heavily homebrewed it's basically a different game.
>Be me
>Be noobish/shite GM
>Post one-shot game a couple of hours before start time
>Take the first 6-7 people to apply in order (realizing that 1-2 of them won't show up)
>Players have fun playing and ask for more later
Not sure what the problem is here.
>houserules document is bigger than actual campagin and setting info.
>I don't have anything against pathfinder, just the people interested in it.
This so much. You have no idea how just absolutely horrible most of them are.
>page 1 of the Caught Shitposting Handbook
One-shots are generally the exception. Really bad players don't go into them because they can't do their super cringe roleplay they spent all week daydreaming up and most people don't flake because it's only one session.
came across this recently
I'd call it a yellow or orange flag. I've had games run with a DMPC that was more just a constant npc that filled a niche we didnt have. I've also had DMPCs that were power fantasies. Worst was when there was a DMPC who was shit at everything but the plot was still centered on him. The game was one long escort quest.
I try to justify my feats as much as possible. One character I use is an ice-specialist from Rokugan, and she has the feat where spells take up less pages in your spellbook. I justified this as "You can fit more meaning into a single kanji than in a word"
>Get the cross
I'm going to admit, I actually did this, but it was to make sure I wasn't getting people who were just shitting out applications everywhere. It was a pittance though and the money went to getting more PDFs I shared with the players.
Hey man, Romulus was raised by wolves.
>Romans hanging someone who was raised by wolves
Not an inappropriate response, but the irony is palpable
I'm more speaking about the person who has the delusion that they are an "Energy Healer"
You think he won't zap you with some shaman magic if you say that shit to his face?
I got the impression that the whole of that was soaked in estrogen.
Argentina is a white country
roll20 IS a red flag.
>been roleplaying computergames for 18 years
>DnD 5e for 2 months
>My Drow Warlock
>essentailly a nymphomaniac
And I'm done.
I'm done.
I see no way this will get less shittier.
>those favorite moments
>claims to have real life magical powers
>raised by wolves
Holy shit, I almost want to think this is parody.
>I have become an Energy Healer and Ayahuasca Shaman
that's ironic since you're a fat nerd bitching
Almost literally a red flag.
I had a DM who had a rule that if your character switched to any evil alignment by virtue of his actions, he automatically became a DMPC and you had to reroll. I think that was mostly just because the party was supposed to be nominally good-aligned, and he didn't want any quest-derailing edgy bullshit (which I pushed the limit of with my chaotic neutral character, anyways), and if he did have to take over a character he's probably rocks fall it, or find a reason for the character to fuck off. But saying the DM can take over a PC at any time whatsoever without giving an understandable reason is about the biggest red flag possible that you're dealing with a narcissist DM that can't take anyone putting his power fantasy at risk. Stay well away.
I find it funny that both IRL sessions/campaigns and online games have the same problem of player inconsistencies and missed sessions even though it is much easier and faster to just get online for a couple hours.
I like to think that this happens because each session is actually a commitment and you feel pressured to participate while you might want to do something else instead or you might not feel like playing that one time (in comparison to online gaming in MMOs or FPS where you can hop on and off whenever you want)
I find it hard to believe that these people are not available to play at that time because most of us spend our afternoons/nights/weekends at home on our computers.
>I find it funny that both IRL sessions/campaigns and online games have the same problem of player inconsistencies and missed sessions even though it is much easier and faster to just get online for a couple hours.
I'd argue against that if you live with other people since there's a belief in the US that if you're in front of the computer, you're not busy. Thus, people will bother the shit out of you.
>One character I use is an ice-specialist from Rokugan, and she has the feat where spells take up less pages in your spellbook. I justified this as "You can fit more meaning into a single kanji than in a word"
>I try to justify my feats as much as possible. One character I use is an ice-specialist from Rokugan, and she has the feat where spells take up less pages in your spellbook. I justified this as "You can fit more meaning into a single kanji than in a word"
Had one of those but it was a legacy character of another player, what's that make it?
>I try to justify my feats as much as possible. One character I use is an ice-specialist from Rokugan, and she has the feat where spells take up less pages in your spellbook. I justified this as "You can fit more meaning into a single kanji than in a word"
>Backstories shorter than two sentences
>Backstories longer than two paragraphs
>Character portraits are cropped porn that you recognize
>Very long list of houserules
>Voice Only
>DMPCs advertised
>Unreasonably large group size
>Everyone has a different timezone
>Heterochromia, nymphomania, any fetish stated as such, etc.
I can go on
>voice only
What's wrong with that? Even when I play with friends on r20/google hangouts, most of us end up turning off the camera, having people stare at you while you hang out and try to eat snacks and fart as silently as possible for four+ hours is uncomfortable as fuck.