Where is your god now?
Amonketh spoikers
Buy as many as you can, this card is gonna be huge.
Screencap this
Doesn't stop pic related. Better pick up your copies before the price spike.
Tyson, big fan
>dies to any relevant removal in modern
>doesn't stop planeswalkers in standard
>doesn't ping off triggered abilities
It's trash, user
Well no shit it doesn't trigger off of planeswalkers - it'd basically say 'opponents can't play planeswalkers, each opponent sacrifices each planeswalker they control'
Because it does stop planeswalkers. You can redirect that damage to them when they activate something else.
>when they activate something else.
Sure, like what?
Standard? Vehicles, manlands, Walking Ballista, clues, Dyanvolt Tower and anything else that wants you to pay energy.
Modern? Fetches and manlands are big ones, ghost quarter, Affinity has Ravager/Overseer/Cranial/Jar, there's scooze, Mishra's Bauble, Spellskite, Fulminator Mage...fuckloads of shit
Oh yeah Mishra's Bauble, let's give DSJ another four functional copies of Street Wrath for free.
Nignogs? In my trading card game? God forbid!
He can redirect the damage to PW... HUE
>Black guy
>The Hash Mentor
>the Ash Mentor
Card is getting overhyped. It's good, but it's not eidolon of the great revel.
It's a hate-bear. It's not goyf/snap cycle's red card- all of those cards are powerful in that they reward deckbuilding / play order. This card slaps your opponent for playing particular card types, but is literally grizzly bear vs. decks it doesn't effect- your opponent doesn't need to necessarily play around it or use sideboard hate to weaken it- they can simply sit down with a 75 of mono green stompy and have no cards that trigger this guy.
Odd flavoring
>punishes people for using gods
>dies to any relevant removal in modern
You're right, that's also why Eidolon is so bad and nobody plays it
Fetchlands are 3 damage with him...
Kill kiki-jiki combos, melira combos, etc...
Divining top = shock every turn
Can stop lantern control...
Can redirect fetch damage to PW
Deathrite shaman = GG
No one was saying it was the exact same thing. Just pointing out how stupid your "Dies to Doom Blade" argument is, like it always is.
Worst case scenarios
>Play eidolon
>your opponent removes it promptly and takes 2 damage
>Play this
>your opponent removes it promptly and takes 0 damage
One dies to removal and does something, the other is 2 mana wasted.
I don't think the card is terrible, but the 'dies to removal' argument is perfectly sound.
Menace is such a letdown. 2B seems reasonable and 1B is the only "fair" priced of the God abilities.
I really wiah they stuck with enchantment creatures/devotion
"Devotion is too confusing. You can't expect people to keep track of the number of symbols" - Wizards Design
Doesnt make sense in an egyptian plane user. Theros gods lived in Nyx, pretty much space. The amonkhet gods are always corporeal and they walk amongst their people.
This is SHIT.
What happened with these gods, why do the U/R require so much work for so little pay off?
>Grixis Colors still leagues behind GW
Seems to be the pattern in Wizards design,
purification through pain
I love how Enchantment creatures require fluff justifications in order to exist on a plane but nodody bats an eye with the 9999+ artifact creatures waltzing around the multiverse.
>Black father figure
>punishes you for spending time with him
>smack you whenever you do shit
>says it's for your own good
>You know that it's only him wanting to win
sounds about right
Come on Wizards. I know you guys love one upping Grizzly Bears but this is a bit extreme.
Stupid question, I'm kind of new to MtG
It says menace replaced intimidate as a keyword; does that mean cards with intimidate as treated as having menace instead?
It means that, instead of printing cards with intimidate, they're printing cards with menace. The cards printed with Intimidate still have it - they just aren't printing any more.
>an opponent
oh i know EXACTLY why i have this boner
Nope. This means that they aren't printing any more cards with intimidade. Instead, they use Menace when they want to give Black an evasive ability
That makes sense, thanks
I just realized this thing will NEVER get to block unless you are building a deck around it (scion token and the like). Why the hell does it have to be a creature under your control??
Black has been by far the worst one. youre shit at evaluating cards
Yea having to lose a creature BEFORE attacking or blocking makes this god worthless outside EDH.
As usual, only the Green and White creatures are playable.
>3 mana indestructible sac outlet that scrys and life drains
>not playable outside edh
user, you're really lacking imagination here
>Red god that low
>Being hellbent on t4 as monored is hard
>being able to discard your dead draws for damage is bad
I really thought the Veeky Forums was bad at magic thing was just a meme
You don't know how erect I would be if this were real.
Sadly, it is not real.
so this is the actual green vanilla mythic maro talked about
>Standard is a format of 4/4 flying 2 drops and turn 4 infinite wincon
>Modern is about drawing 2-3 Thoughtseize/Inquisition and going first
Maybe it'll see some play in Standard after rotation/bans but until then I wouldn't bother trying to make this work.
>Red God much worse than Blue God
going straight to my Mayael edh deck for that 1/1000 chance to get it along with Mayael's aria
is this real? pls let this be real, itd go great in my xenagod deck
Probably modern-playable and worth replacing Eidolon with depending on the meta.
It's some of the spiciest sideboard tech you can bring against Lantern Control, also decent against Merfolk or Affinity.
I don't think this is bad as the other gods
its a sac outlet, and gives you lifegain/damage to boot. Scrying is just extra
If youre abusing the sac effect, you can attack almost every turn and he is super efficient as a creature
I miss when MTG would actually have like specific color hate in the form of fear/intimidate and landwalk and other such effects
>The point
>You're head
Eh. Landwalk/intimidate/fear I can see the reasoning for getting chucked.
They need more shit that's ACTIVELY anti-color. 'fuck up target blue thing' 'counter target red thing' 'murder target green thing' 'burn those white weenies' that kind of shit. Less randomly hose people for playing colors because you now have an unblockable, more actively fuck their shit up because fuck their color.
Is Amonkhet the most boring set in recent MTG history?
The only cards that seem interesting in any format outside of standard are:
>Harsh Mentor
>"Bicycle lands"
>As Fortold
>Vizier of the Menagerie
>Oracle's Vault
Even out of those, they all seem to be EDH fodder, with the exception of Mentor and the lands which may see sideboard/fringe modern play. Fuck this set
I kinda wonder if the idea is that these gods are different than the Theros ones were because they were made by Nicol Bolas and are thus at some level "fake". Perhaps in Hour of Devastation or some later "Return to Amonkhet" block "real" not!Egyptian gods can be discovered/freed/whatever that will function like the Theros ones
Oh, forgot the white Parallel Lives, which I suppose is fine for W/B or W/R edh
>8 mana
So, RED/Pyroblast, BEB/Hydrblast, Dread of Night/Virtues Ruin? Might as well add in Deathgrip/Lifeforce, Tsunami/Boiling Seas and all the rest.
I approve, make magic great again.
There's nothing even good for standard. This is a format where a 4/4 Vigilant flyer starts beating down on turn 3 and there's a turn 4 infinite combo.
We don't even have Lightning Strike anymore.
that red one drop with prowess
That's not playable outside of standard.
There's no reason for any gods of other planes to behave like Theros gods. The gods of Theros are woven out of the fabric of Nyx, the star-field that swaddles the plane.
so this is fake right?
>R/G Wurmfling
Stop user, I can only get SO erect!
Can't wait to pick up a masterpiece version of this piece of crap for $5
ah scratch that idea then, never knew the lore for Theros, thanks for posting it.
*blocks your path*
It has nothing to do with the enchantment part, it has to do with devotion. Devotion is something completely unique to Theros gods.
It has a place in Burn as extra Swiftspears/ways to deal with Goyf
I disagree. Haste is what makes Guide and Sportswear so good. The wither effect of this guy is pretty pointless when your burn spells should be aiming at your opponent and not a creature. In burn, if a creature doesn't have haste, doesn't do damage to the face, and doesn't draw into more burn, it's not running. There's a reason the standard modern burn creature suite is 4 Guide, 4 Sportswear, 4 Eidolon, and occasionally a Lavamancer or Revealer.
*it's not worth running
The hell is Sportswear?
Anything else with the same effect?
Maybe add some unblockable effects like rogue's passage
And slap your opponent in the face with your giant worm ;)
My complaint is the lack of enchantment creatures compared to artifact creatures. Future Sight is the only other time one was made. The Opaline Cycle doesn't count.
What now, bitch?
It's fake. The 69 in the collectors numbers are off and it's using an "and" instead of "&" in the copyright section.
Some cruel timmy-hating user pulled the wool over our eyes.
Please be real. You're not really good but I love your existence.
>dies to removal
Because there could never possibly be a situation where it's advantage to aim your burn spells at creatures. No sir, not in a meta dominated by Jund and Death's Shadow.
This into RIshkar's Expertise, draw 20 cards, cast Fling or Fateful Showdown for free
> it's using an "and" instead of "&" in the copyright section.
Nice catch
20/20 was too much, I doubt they'll ever make bigger than 15/15 unless the lore is asking for it
U and G ones are the best ones. You'll see.
It's a damn shame too - for the first time in years I was actually excited for a new standard set.
Veeky Forums being bad at evaluating cards again, i see
Fuck this will be spicy in Karador
One can only hope, user. even if the font is godawful
Ever heard of the Twenty-fifth dynasty?
Explain how this is somehow going to make Aristocrats a good deck
Can we talk about the white Parallel Lives?