>wisdom is the primary attribute of the cleric
>wisdom dictates common sense
>common sense
>worship gods
Why is this allowed?
Wisdom is the primary attribute of the cleric
Other urls found in this thread:
Oh shit, the CWC autists have been triggered.
Who could have guessed that people who obsess about an autist would be even more autsitic themselves?
>gods undoubtedly exist in the setting
that's why
is this supposed to be a thread about d&d modern?
>194 lbs
>BMI listed as "morbidly obese"
Why am I not surprised?
In going to hazard a guess that this is the salting from last thread trying to make some sort of point we th pasta.
>He keeps making these fucking threads
Remember to ignore the bait and take the appropriate measures.
>salty buttmad liberals calling for execution of threads on the account that they're similar to something that's been posted before
WEW guess we should just shut down Veeky Forums then.
Faggot, its literally the exact same thread. And its going to cause just as much shitposting.
Do you not know who CWC is? There's an entire wiki about him
What's up with this pic, is it a fresh new meme now
Because in D&D gods really legitimately exist. You can literally talk to your god and get an answer back, or receive actual honest commandments. Hell you can go to the astral plane or to Sigil and shake your gods hand and that of the gods of all your friends.
Believing in that kind of god IS common sense.
>replying to this thread earnestly
You retard.
It's late where I am and work's kept me off Veeky Forums for a while, didn't realise this was some exciting new shitposting campaign until it was too late.
This. Not hard to believe in gods when they show up on a regular basis, grant spells and preform miracles. Of course, you can argue that a god is simply someone who's powerful enough that when they say they're a god, there's no one who can really tell them they aren't, but for the setting they're in, it functionally doesn't make any difference.
>Reading CWC wiki
>Pick up a few CoD books
>Want to create a supernatural NPC based off Chris-chan now
How the fuck should I go about this? Make the "dark" CWC an Urged? A Claimed?
>he's only done it less than 20 times in two years
OP needs to get good.
What *IS* this?
In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god’s blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence.
didnt we just have this thread last week?
well, can you explain, that the mainstat for bows is usually dexterity, and not strength?
You posted this thread last week. Shitposting is not good for this board's health, you know.
Bows require both.
The damage is Strength based, and aiming is Dex based. What is there to explain?
Realistically range should also be strength based, but meh.
Oh, I know. That's why I said I'm not surprised.