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>It's been about a year since my first cyoa (pic related).
Holy shit, time flies.
I'm thinking of creating a C.Y.O.A., wat advice would you give me, Veeky Forums?
In before 'kill yourself'.
Where is the rest, you fucking assmonger?
start off small. They take longer than you probably think. My first one took me like a week of hard work, and it had shit formatting
Write it out in a word doc first, that way you avoid most spelling errors. Also, make sure to fill out at least a page of word doc per day; you'll be surprised how fast you get done.
From there, it's just a matter of getting the image set up, fine tuning the text, and copying and pasting onto the image.
And music thematically fitting for what you're trying to write and play it as you do so.
If you're using photoshop or any image editing software and/or have the intention of adding pics, you should get yourself a database of artists that do stuff. Not only to be able to find usable pictures but also to use them as an inspiration if you intend to draw yourself.
Also, there's no need to start small, but don't expect your first CYOA to be particularly popular. But I digress. Point is, no need to start small. Know what you want to do and how much effort are you willing to put in. Longer stuff'll naturally require more effort. More numbers'll require more attention to balancing. Shit like that.
is super fucking useful as well.
The devil will try to whisper in your and to tell you to use photoshop, don't listen.
Fuck , come and use Paint with me.
I like reading Stardust builds. Then again I took up like 5 posts a few threads ago with one.
>mfw I use paint and sometimes
get on my level fags
Get with it.
Someone post some lewd shit please
You asked for it you naughty boy.
I can't believe I'm posting something like this on a blue board.
I started to listen to Dio because of this CYOA
Oh. I did not anticipate it having such an effect on someone. Huh.
Zodiac Brides when?
Infant Slayer
Andrew Jackson
>Maybe I'll be the one to finally assassinate him
Like three or so weeks from now, dude is playing P5.
Do you need to buy level 5 Magic to get access to Arcane Bonus or what?
Travellers CYOA:
Origin and Background:
>Serval 'The Serval', 2, True Travellers, Kemono Friend
>Race: Friend (Serval), Gender: Female
>The Now: Watcher (+Low Tech Understanding, +5 Traits, +Alien Body, +1 Companion)
Skills, Perks and Traits: (+3 Traits)
>Low Tech Understanding
>Common Ethereal Manipulation
>Basic Ethereal Manipulation
>Advanced Ethereal Manipulation
>Natural Beauty
>Nobel Physique
>Unarmed Combatant
>Friendly Face
>Touched by Fox Fire
Initial Equipment Requisition: (+2000)
>Friend Outfit (Free)
>Travelers Leathers: Upgrade (Free)
>Yuta Brace: Upgrade + Double (Free)
>Natural Weapons (-300)
General Items:
>Pegs (Free)
>Basic Survival Kit (Free)
>Basic Bag (Free)
>ID Card (Free)
>Travelers War Horn (-200)
>Behlit Fragments (-3000)
>BIO Chip (-300)
>Ring of the Wild Gods (Free)
Little Things:
>I Don't Need No Governa's Dalla! (+3 Trait, -1200)
>Fuck Your Glowy Bullshit (+600)
>Brothers of the Bite (+2000)
>Scattered Mind (+100)
>Goldfish Retention (+300)
Factions, Departments and Others:
>The True Travelers: Faction Leader Dusan Duwal the Fifth of the Order (Absent) (+Travelers Leathers Upgrade, +Double Yuta Brace Upgrade, +1 Trait)
The Convents:
>The Temple of the Wild Gods (+Touched by Fox Fire, +Ring of the Wild Gods)
Allies: (+4 Companions)
>Kaban, 3 Months, True Travelers, The Park Guide
Home District:
>Hubworld: Outland is Best
>Terra D561488: The Park of Friends
Panic Button:
>The Unbreakable
Is there a source on the Prof. Lana pic?
Since the above idiot apparently can't finish what he started
This one is pretty fresh
Professor Lana Palandine
Combat Skill 3 (15)
Command 3 (10)
Arcana 3 (5)
Investigation 3 (0)
Lore of Wind 5 (6)
Lore of Fire 3 (1)
Lore of Heavens 1 (0)
Living Metal Symbiote (2500)
Artificer Spear (1100)
Firearms (600)
Academic Pass (500)
Safehouse (0)
Lady Filliah of Shroudsong
Tyhaniel Carmine
Glory of One Song
I look forward to your buttslut coming on here
>tfw hundreds of cyoas but none of them have your fetish
>it's not even a bad fetish
and your fetish is?
Extremely confusing, needlessly complicated love dodecahedrons centered around an oblivious main protagonist.
It gives me an angry kind of erection.
What's the point of these?
> You'll never be as cool as KAGHAN, CHAMPION OF STEEL!
Why even try?
>they will definitely not want to fuck you
I guess I'm not picking that one, then.
Secrets etc.
Anyhow, going over the archive I remembered Harem user actually claimed to have made this as a sort of experiment on how to present triggering waifus in CYOAs. Here's what he said:
>I can't hope this won't anger anyone, but I actually think I might be also surprised by how few it will. A lot of observation went into the smallest details in here, from the pictures chosen to the wording of descriptions, and I'm confident in most. As you know, I'm a firm believer in that "harshness" is integral to the identity of CYOAs - as a medium, few others are better suited to provoking people to consider their choices, which can be an emotionally powerful experience and an avenue to self-realization. With this kind of CYOA, the real question isn't "which girl you picked", but "how would you respond to finding out ____ about her, and what does it mean about you?". I hope that by not shying away from "harshness", but presenting it properly, this issue can be safely addressed.
>This is why I chose to keep the level of harshness (with one exception) flat across the board - what I did change was the treatment. With each option, "harshness" was presented differently. In ascending order of how much anger I think they might provoke, these were:
>1. Replacing expected harshness completely.
>2. Ignoring negatives.
>3. De-emphasizing negatives.
>4. Changing the subject of harshness.
>5. Changing the focus of harshness.
>6. Silver lining harshness.
>7. Distracting from harshness.
>(as a fun exercise, try figuring out which character was which).
Has anyone ever tried doing that? Trying to analyze which was which type of treatment?
IIRC, you need max arcana, as well as to max the spell school you want to get the arcana bonus for.
Does he fuck any of them?
Considering it is centered in a oblivious protagonist making a cyoa from that perspective is weird but what can be done is for you to be one of the integrants of this mess
This gives me an idea. The villain in a setting could be a harem protagonist whose mere presence is keeping everyone cucked and unhappy. It's your job to get him out of the picture so everyone else can pair up nicely, including you.
Any updates on this?
The other three were already posted.
There need not be an update, you tool.
It's already fabulous.
I don't want some villain's disgusting used goods.
Wonder where he went off to, I disagree with his methodology but the reaction to this one wasn't explosively negative so it's not like it should've been enough for him to leave.
Still your vagina, you vagina.
IIRC, the last anyone's heard from him he was swamped with schoolwork.
I guess I can confess the truth already. I murdered him. He shouldn't have included... that girl. It was only natural.
Shut your whore mouth, you whore.
Damn real life.
Okay, replaced rng with a more game like system
How is it so far?
Have fun with all the different settings in Photoshop. Don't worry too much, just try.
How do carrier ships work? Like, do tiny girls live inside the bigger girl?
I know about the fairies in kancolle, they're stupid and poorly explained and gross. The difference here though is that in yours the planes are full on girls of their own, not just retarded chibi sprites with brain damage.
>Plus 3 stat points (Strength X2, Intelligence X1)
>Toughness (19)
>Tempered (18)
>Willpower (17)
>Enhanced (16)
>Overdrive (13)
>One with Nature (12)
>Monster Within (11)
>Fleet Footed (10)
>Killer Instinct (9)
>Hybrid (8)
>Bladed Arms (7)
>Blunt Arms (6)
>Marksmanship (5)
>Stamina (4)
>Indomitable (3)
>Blessed (2)
>Cloaking (1)
>Healing (0)
Are there times that I don't enjoy the stat benefits from skills like one with nature? I put them in the same bracket as those from override anyway.
>Ancient Ruins, Underground Caves (4 skulls, 50 crowns, 3 skulls, 45 crowns)
>Forge (85)
>Alchemy (75)
>Market (65)
>Training (60)
>Map (55)
>Bounty (50)
>Underground (45)
>Upper accomodation (5)
>Servant (0)
Strength: +++ [++++++++]
Defense: ++[+++]
Agility: +++[++++++]
Intelligence: ++
Skill: ++++[+]
I'm going to be one of those annoying people that takes pleasure in lording their power over others during the culling.
My entire build is for PvP. I could probably get someone to pay me in exchange for protection.
Wait a minute. Why does everyone start killing each other on the culling island? What's the incentive?
>Why does everyone start killing each other
Why wouldn't they?
> Wait a minute. Why does everyone start killing each other on the culling island? What's the incentive?
Because the majority of the people who make builds want to. That's about it really. There isn't an incentive, it's just that a large enough chunk of the hunter population wants to kill other hunters simply for the lulz that it then ends up playing to the fears of the more paranoid, who in turn add to the numbers of hunters out to kill other hunters out of a belief that they must kill before they themselves are killed. On top of that, the people who aren't interested in the culling have largely taken exempt, meaning the overwhelming majority who participate in the culling do so because they want to kill people.
Can't we just all agree to sit at the beach and eat berries together without bloodshed and then spend the points left over from not taking exempt on better accomodations? Can we do that?
I can see the master of the hunt offscreen laughing like a retard while watching the culling unfold
Normal people haven't been able to do that for the most part, so I don't see why a subset of the human population that is even less mentally healthy than the average person would be able to do that.
Prisoner's dilemma. If everyone agrees to play it friendly then you can wreak havoc, if nobody agrees to play it friendly then you get slaughtered.
Well, you can have a carrier girl and plane squadmates, but its going to be like sitting on her vehicle parts, or on her shoulders/in her hands .
Fairies will pilot the carrier's non squadmate planes that are kept inside the vehicle parts
There have been people trying to make builds to kill people who take exempt, aimed at ambushing hunters in the wilds and avoiding attention by the guards who might try to stop them. And they're doing it for no reward beyond killing other people. You're not going to get those people to sit down peacefully just by asking them.
Multiple people being peaceful together can protect themselves against a single bad apple.
I have decided my purpose. I will form a mighty clan. A hierarchy of battle prowess ensures that someone always has someone more powerful right above them to keep them in check.
Every year during the culling we will seek each other out and protect ourselves against enemies as a united front. If everything goes well they'll see that if they can't beat us they should join us.
Fuck that
Human organizations naturally gravitate toward corruption and dictatorship. You get much further in terms of rising in group hierarchy by screwing over the vast majority of the group in order to get the resources to secure the loyalty of a few vital power brokers and lieutenants.
Such a clan will quickly turn into a protection racket, and you will go the way of all idealistic revolutionaries. You will be quickly outmaneuvered within the group's internal power structure and ousted by a brutal tyrant who bought the loyalty of key supporters at the expense of both the masses and the movement's ideals and usurped it to serve his own selfish ends.
My only ambition is to avoid mass slaughter.
I have no idealistic political ideals I want to bring to fruition.
I see no reason why I can't be the corrupt tyrant that buys loyalty and uses the threat of force. My build is centered around PvP. I am in a position to bully people into servitude.
>The Palace of Ryujin
I'll just make sure I learn written and spoken Japanese before I take the plunge.
Man, I dunno. You're assuming that ambition wins out here over the desire to keep the status quo and stay conservative. Some people don't want to rock the boat, after all, and go to great lengths to keep everything the same.
>My entire build is for PvP
>Can't deal with mages
> Lyran Farwander
professor lana palandine x2
1 combat skill
1 crafting
2 governance
1 alchemy
2 shadowcraft
3 investigation
1 wild lore
2 charisma
3 tradecraft
1 command
3 arcana
2 lore of fire
3 lore of water
3 lore of heavens
1 lore of the abyss
3 lore of wind
1 lore of earth
+10000 gold
spellweave clothing
- 180 earthforged weapon
- 2100 godstrike
- 15 traveling supplies
- 45 ammo
- 90 potions
- 240 specialized tools
- 30 academic pass
- 150 trading licence
knight bodyguard
- 180 familiar
- 6900 corvette
60 gold remaining
lulu lansvard lelanden
katrana artix
lyra bowsung
wasn't sure if the bonus ranks were before or after the buy, and took a guess. Kind of wish there was an option to add more companions. Kind of like a high fantasy space refuge, this one.
> Lyran wasn't exactly much up for becoming some sort of universal focal point, but traveling sounded pretty fun and a free top tier education wasn't exactly the sort of thing a person could just turn down. After somehow haggling down a top class aircraft, he took off to try and have "anime-style adventures," as he put it. Nobody really understands half of what he says sometimes, and he blames his precognitive perceptions for that. Gets depressed when his so-far failed search for a "waifu" is mentioned.
> My only ambition is to avoid mass slaughter.
That's already enough idealism to get you outmaneuvered and overthrown. Your idea is to actually provide a service to others, which takes resources. Someone who does not provide a service to others can use the resource advantage that this provides to sway your supporters away from you by promising a larger share of the pie to them. Any resources spent on the people, be it money, time, effort, or anything else, are resources not devoted to maintaining the loyalty of key followers, who will be in a position to eliminate you and replace you with a rival who will turn around and give them the resources that you were expending on providing a service. This is why the most horrifying of dictatorships, that do the absolutely least possible for their people, are the ones that endure the longest.
These are people that are going to have to go back to living in the same village as all those who they're in the culling with.
It's not even lord of the flies. It's a few weeks of camping. They're still in the same social structure they always are.
What about things like "trust" and "loyalty" and, heaven forbid, "justice"? The vast majority of people aren't as black-hearted as you make them seem; if you can exterminate the few trouble-makers and clip corruption wherever it seeds, you can avoid those problems entirely.
The only reason that hasn't happened yet in human history is because no-one has had the balls - or the power - to exterminate evil on such a widespread scale before. But this is a world where magic is a thing; some good old-fashioned "Detect Evil" will work wonders.
The people with ambition tend to be the ones who rise high enough to get into key positions that are capable of deciding who is the one in overall command. Such a position is itself a position of power, with its own identical struggle for power one level down, that likewise is won by the most corrupt and brutal of the contenders.
Sounds like a cool dude with a noble goal.
I've always liked the idea of someone who could look a few seconds into the future, and it's hard to talk to them because they start answering before you finished talking.
>if you can exterminate the few trouble-makers and clip corruption wherever it seeds, you can avoid those problems entirely.
Sounds like start of civil war in ranks of those "protectors". The leader going rabid trying to execute trouble-makers will be seen as corrupt leader who tries to kill all those that oppose him(her).
In any way, this Order of Protectors would not be widespread and even then start the infighting
> What about things like "trust" and "loyalty" and, heaven forbid, "justice"?
That breaks down once you get hierarchies that isolate people from what goes on in other branches of the hierarchy. Inter-service rivalries are a thing in pretty much every organization on the planet for exactly this reason. Yes, trust and loyalty and ideals such as justice and fairness are sometimes a factor in individual human interaction, but group dynamics tend to keep these confined to individual relationships. They aren't a reliable glue capable of holding an entire group together.
> The vast majority of people aren't as black-hearted as you make them seem
The majority aren't. But the people who rise to positions of power are not the norm, nor are they a random sampling of the group. They're a particular subset, selected for based on their ability to rise in stature in a group.
The Culling is just a stupid idea from the start.
> Hey, I'm the bitch goddess!
> Here, take these powers on an unpayable loan.
> Now kill monsters endlessly or be punished for not keeping up.
> You want to use the market? Fuck you, pay me for the permission to do so.
> You want to make friends? No. Fuck you. Pay me for club permission.
> You pay up? Good! It's that time of the year, so those people you bought off can just try to fucking kill you without repercussion. Even those healers you bought!
> Why? Because fuck you!
It's just badly planned, man.
People want security. It's a natural instinct. There's nothing idealistic about thinking they'll go for it.
And yeah, it'll be like a corrupt banana republic. You know what you don't see in corrupt banana republics? Anarchists.
Forcing people to be part of the power structure directly serves the purpose the power structure was made for. To have them not kill each other.
I don't need to spend resources on the protection of the "little people", the fact that we're in a shared covenant is good enough. Yeah I force them to work and distribute most of the rewards to my keys to power. What I also give my keys to power is a promise that if anyone is after them I will come to their aid and so will everyone likewise sworn to me. Every one of those keys is going to have the same deal for the people directly under them and so on. A faction like this is build on the promise of coming to each other's aid. That's the main resource you're spending and it's a natural binding agent.
I kinda dislike these kinda offers, where arguably the best choice is the magic waifu who loves you magically and everything else fucks you in the ass. Honestly the actually best choice is picking the ring since that requires you to activate it and throwing it in the sea at the first possible moment.
> You know what you don't see in corrupt banana republics? Anarchists.
You know what you do see in a corrupt banana republic? Plenty of violence and death. The one leading the perpetrators happens to be sitting in a presidential palace instead of a gang hideout, but the result is the same for the victim.