>"My game setting has an overarching theme of black and brown morality."
"My game setting has an overarching theme of black and brown morality."
Other urls found in this thread:
..What the fuck is brown morality?
Is that a poop joke?
Are you the creator of 40k?
Ae those with brown morality pessimists? Because they think eveything is shit?
It's an Indian thing.
You know what's black and brown? Shit.
It's where gunpoint robbery is not a sin if you're robbing white people
You should abandon everything and run see a proctologist if your shit is black.
get out of here, /pol/
>If you say you hate 3.P nobody even bats and eye.
>But, if you say you like 4E, everyone loses their minds!
>see a proctologist if your shit is black.
Forget that, call 911. If it's black (like jet black, with the consistency of coffee growns), then there's good chances you've got a GI bleed.
I assume mostly evil but with a silver lining?
Like the mafia funding orphanages or some shit
Mafia and other organized crime rings actually do often run community service projects. Usually so the community doesn't rat them out to law enforcement.
Even really nasty groups like drug cartels often do something to get public support on their side even if it's through really underhanded ways.
The mafia has actually been more efficient at keeping the peace than actual law enforcement at various points throughout recent history.
>black and brown morality
>not blue and orange
>or paisley and ultramarine
>or jale and ulfire
OP confirmed for not even trying.
The mafia as an organization is a cancer on whatever land they have any presence in. They act moral, donate to churches, and pretend to be the guardians of old Itialian virtues while at the same time burying themselves in whores and drugs, killing innocents and priests who speak out against them, and doing their best to spread corruption and vice around them. Their keeping the peace is a synonym for killing people.
Didn't they adopt the classic mafioso look after a bunch of media came out about it? Otherwise they probably looked no different then any other gang.
You either know mafia only from movies, or you are a mafioso.
Mafia is a problem. Mafia is cancer that is killing Italy, creates problems in the whole europe and kills people, indirectly, across the ocean up to mexico.
If mafia has "something good" then Baatezu have too, because is the epitome of Lawful Evil.
Vaffanculo you fuckin fascina
The mob is a fucking virus
The Godfather gave these illiterate knuckle draggers delusions of grandeur
What about the yakuza?
Maybe? All I know is that body tattoos are a thing with them because full body tattoos were used to cover up the markings given to criminals so visible tattoos are generally seen as someone who's involved with criminals.
I had that once, it generally means too much iron in your diet...turns out I was taking a vitamin tablet that was too strong.
>black people doing armed robbery
you don't get out much do you?
Even google has no fucking clue.
We wuz kangs from space an white peple are evil robots created by a kang scientist?
The yakuza's origins come from the lowest rung of the social ladder about 400 years ago. People who ran gambling establishments and fencers (not the swordsmen, I mean people who sell stolen property). They ended up organizing in a union-like way in order to protect each other, and as time grew they took in other social outcasts.
>factual crime statistics are /pol/ now
I wonder what he meant by this.
That wasn't the question you wiki reading autistic fuck.
Well in terms of morality it's kinda sketchy. I mean obviously they do a lot of illegal shit, and the public doesn't really like them and in most cases are scared of them, but for 99% of people in a given area, the Yakuza aren't going to start shit with them. They're not Triads.
Wait wait wait, title of top rape by volume has been contested? Are they at least keeping lead by quality?
Is brown morality where you frag like 10 guys, but then you go and save a puppy?
Daily reminder that African Americans actually believe this.
OP shitposting
I mean, I'm African American and I've never heard of anyone believing things like that. Sounds like some L. Ron Hubbard bullshit.
>fencers (not the swordsmen, I mean people who sell stolen property)
That's 'fences'. One fence, many fences.
Get out of here antifa
>"My game setting has an overarching theme of morality."
Black dick is expensive so naturally when a cheaper alternative appears it affects the market.
Claiming that if there were no black people the crimes wouldn't happen is a pretty huge assumption. There would be other poverty stricken people in the same situation, and the same crimes would likely still be commited, just by someone of whatever race filled that space.
>"You're gonna be able to do whatever you want, but your actions have consequences"
>Kill one NPC the DM is clearly fond of
>"You've called down the apocalypse on top of your heads well done, Mabel the flowerlady has doomed you all"
that chart doesn't say that user. it just says that crime would go DOWN if there were no black people. Which is true, less people equals less crime, no matter which race. This race just happens to have an overarching criminal culture ingrained into it through rap music and thug life or whatever.
the yakuza pretty much only hassle rich people so they're alright in my book
I know, right? So not PC. People should learn not to let statistics get in the way of progress.
This shit again.
Rich blacks commit more crime than poor whites. While socioeconomic status does play a role, race is a far larger factor in criminality
>sources: jontron
Just to elaborate: this is essentially what happens with all over-powerful governance. No accountability, nepotism, corruption, internecine warfare, etc.
The same pattern plays out with African warlords, corrupt US Sherriffs, the Flying Squad going bent in the UK, the NKVD in Russia, pockets of Yakuza in Japan, SA Cartels and revolutionary governments alike...
Power corrupts, and with no opposition you have nothing to check your inner demons against.
>"My game setting has an overarching theme of class warfare."
Honestly it really kind of saddens me. This board was really fun not but 2 years ago, but the /pol/ garbage infested here, too. I don't care about most of the other boards but you used to be able to get constructive opinions and topics here instead of the same "XDDD NIGGER DICKS" you get on /v/ and /pol/. I used to come here to get away from the garbage of /v/, but now this place is just as bad. There is no escape.
May you rest in reeses pieces, my friend.
I mean, technically this isn't wrong. Blacks do commit more crime.
Thing is, it's a matter of correlation between blackness and criminality, not causation. Class is the cause. This shit happens because you've got people living in the ghetto, of course these people commit crimes and build their culture around crime.
If NYC were all white the statistics would be about the same, you'd just have white trash committing all the murder and theft and rape. Meanwhile "Muh rich black criminals" comes from conspiracy theory tier websites with a very poor grasp on statistics.
>inb4 /pol/ and /leftypol/ get out of my thread
Shit thread themes create shit conversations, now THAT's causation, no doubt. I wouldn't respond to polbait on serious threads but here OP wasn't even trying, so who cares.
>my game has an indian thing
>>imagine having been so mindfucked that you get triggered by
>It's where gunpoint robbery is not a sin if you're robbing white people
"Bullshit vs Evil" basically modern US politics
>conspiracy theory
>Everything i don't like is a conspiracy theory - an emotional's child guide to dismissing everything
I wonder if you're still capable of telling the difference between a conspiracy and a conspiracy theory.
>Just ignore it ecks deee
>If you don't give them attention they'll go away
ask /comblr/ how'd that work out.
or /v/ with GDC teaching how great marxism is for game design.
>Thing is, it's a matter of correlation between blackness and criminality,
>not causation.
no. you should have said "not necessarily causation" instead.
>Class is the cause.
>If NYC were all white the statistics would be about the same, you'd just have white trash committing all the murder and theft and rape.
prove it.
Not that user, but as I can't show statistics, I can only offer that as someone who grew up consistently around white trash, they tend to adopt the exact same culture and attitudes as ghetto blacks. Thug behavior, gang mentality, sociopathic behavior glorifying violence and not caring about anyone but yourself, etc.
Not to mention that it's been this way for a very long time in human history. Classism has always been a thing since social classes existed, and the poor have always been considered vicious criminal elements. That includes european nations before blacks, user, and trying to deny that is just ridiculous.
Yakuza is a very mixed bunch. They're really, really fucking good at policing themselves largely because it keeps the heat off them, as well as the public eye, and because like the IRA, they got into politics. There's also a certain HONUH schtick to the upper rank and older generations where respect is a big thing. They're a very conservative organization.
Mostly they run pachinko parlors, gambling house and scam and run racketeering ops against large corporations. Some groups trade in drugs and run prostitution rings, but these groups also have strong and close ties to the Triad, and are STRONGLY disliked and basically do their own thing.
Weird bunch, you don't want to get mixed up with them, far better than the Triad and the Italians, but are no where near as dangerous as the cartels or the Russians, but if you know what you're doing they're the most trustable of the lot if you're doing business with them.
>literally every other NPC is some retired level 20 adventurer that's capable of one-shotting the entire party
>there's still somehow any villains that exist in said setting
Did you read the that guy story too? The one with the Paragon of Life and Virtue?
I did, though that's not the only case of I've read/experienced. The most ridiculous I've ever personally had was when some random ferryman was a level 30 Wizard/Druid Gestalt who the GM used to occasionally railroad us on the plot rails, when the BBEG was some random level 12 Barbarian said ferryman continuously stressed the importance of saving the world from, despite being more than capable of doing it himself and having nothing better to do.
>Meanwhile "Muh rich black criminals" comes from conspiracy theory tier websites with a very poor grasp on statistics.
SAT scores and other IQ-correlating measures for black students from >120k/year income dual-parent families approximate those of ~40-50k/year bracket white students.
>Thing is, it's a matter of correlation between blackness and criminality, not causation. Class is the cause.
If you take a heavily biodeterminist perspective, class is the result. Yeah, in most social systems someone has to be at the top...but the group with a lower average IQ isn't going to fill the spot if there's any competition at all.
Underrated post.
>Yakuza is a very mixed bunch. They're really, really fucking good at policing themselves largely because it keeps the heat off them
Plus when someone does something the police are going to investigate, as long as they aren't clan patriarch or something, they will tell that person to go to jail so that the cops leave them alone. They aren't going to protect a murderer that everyone saw did it.
say, what is the difference between Yakuza and Triad? I'm not familiar with them, so I'd appreciate some help.
Triads are Hong Kong.
>jale and ulfire
... the fuck? Is this supposed to be a reference to something?
I don't know what the expressed difference between them is besides cultural ones but I imagine they both try to keep their fingers on various businesses both legal and illegal. i always imagine every chinese business has some connection to the triads because the boss of the chopstick making factory may be involved and the old lady who runs the message parlor may be involved as well having to pay to operate
How their societies view them, what their ethnic makeup is (you don't have to be Japanese to join the Yakuza, which is why they have shittons of Koreans), how they operate in the context of the law, their brutality, etc. I can go into more detail but not at the moment, I can't type that much right now.
Alright I said I would go into more detail when I had the time, so here we go. Disclaimer: I have never interacted with any Yakuza personally, so everything I'm saying is secondhand coming from written accounts of those that have dealt with them. The Triads on the other hand, I am quite familiar with from my time about a decade back as a gweilo living in Hong Kong. If you lived in HK, you interact with Triads, it's almost unavoidable because of how many of them there are.
The Yakuza operate under a strict hierarchy with a set chain of command. The head of a family is the Patriarch, and a family that is large enough may have many sub-families beneath him. Patriarchs of those families are often ranked at a Captain position in the upper family, or sometimes a Lieutenant. Then it just filters down more and more until it reaches everyday grunts, the people who do things like collection shakedown and turf patrolling. When the Patriarchs of several powerful families unite, that is called a clan, and a leader among the Patriarchs is chosen as clan leader with the title of Chairman.
The Triads have next to no hierarchy except at the very very top. Yes you can be affiliated with a larger group, but every little gang is more or less autonomous. This also means profits aren't funneled to the main group, they're generally kept to the individual gangs. This also means a lack of oversight on activities and a lack of permission needed to do shit.
>Societal place
Yakuza have bought their way into society, plain and simple. Through the operation of many legitimate businesses (and I don't mean that as a euphemism, I mean actual legitimate business like accounting), they have enough clean money coming in that they can have things like family offices. That doesn't mean they are liked by society, most people are more or less afraid of them and avoid them because they do still do shit like extortion, racketeering, and illegal gambling
to be continued
No one likes having the Triads around but unfortunately they have their thumb in everything if you're in HK. Like said, if you run a business in that city, they will find a way to put a protection racket on you or something.
Yakuza used to be a lot worse about this, but these days clan wars are rare because you can gain more power through money. And like I said , if someone has done something that has put heat on them, the higher ups will generally demand that they go eat the government's shitty food for a few years so that the case is closed and the police won't do anymore office raids of a while. As one oyabun said about the Yakuza game series (which for the most part is extremely accurate to yakuza culture), if someone went around starting as many fights as Kiryu did, his own family would've whacked him just so he was no longer a problem.
The Triads are a hell of a lot more violent, and the main reason is because like I said before, lack of oversight. I'm not saying they go around shooting people, because that could draw the attention of the mainland government (and the last time that happened, Mao had them violently purged), but they sure break a lot of fingers. They're also more openly confrontational with the police on the lower rungs of the ladder.
>Ethnic makeup
You do not have to be ethnically Japanese to be yakuza, that never was the case. The yakuza were formed by the lowest rungs of society, and one group in that rung was ethnic Koreans and Chinese living in Japan. It's estimated that Zainichi Koreans make up 30% of all yakuza members. Hell there are even some blacks, mostly Nigerians that they use as bouncers for the hostess clubs they own.
To be a Triad, to have to be at least in some way Chinese, no two ways around it. You can be a hyphenated Chinese-whatever, but you gotta have their blood in you. The Italian Mafia are much the same way I'm told.
That's the big differences I can think of
>extremely accurate to yakuza culture
What does the yakuza game series get wrong then?
The two big things that were mentioned in this article was the constant street fighting and that Kiryu has terrible, TERRIBLE fashion you'd never see a former chairman wearing
>"My game setting has an overarching theme."
So if you had to deal with an organized crime organization, the yakuza would be the best option?
i guess, I mean you don't hear about Yakuza goons cutting people's heads off with a chainsaw and hanging your body over an overpass.
Underrated post.
You can at least communicate with them.
All of this "muh grey morality" shit has been way too overdone. Every game feels like the DM trying to preach his shitty philosophy.
Can't I just have one game where we kill some evil orcs and save a princess from a dragon?
Ding ding ding. We have a winner.
fictional colors from A Voyage to Arcturus
You mean black and grey, idiot.
Blue and orange morality is a Trope too, though.
Back to your containment website
Found the Newfag.
Rate my setting's overarching theme's & symbols/phrases:
The Twisting Path
Lost Beauty
Petty Gods
The Inescapable March of Progress
Strange Times, Strange Lives
The Stranger In Red
Madman's Triumph
There and Back Again
The Den of Voices
A King With Many Faces
>implying I can't remember something I read several years ago
Found the cancer.
This happens at all levels really. Even low level people in organizations take bribes/accept gifts, try to take advantage of perks, give their friends and family benefits/discounts/free stuff, use organizational time and resources for personal stuff.
It's just human nature and all organizations try to fight it at one level or another.