1e d&d thread?
>Aka the most quirky edition
>dat Bell of Blasting
Back when d&d had magical bells and you could create a whole adventure around them. Now variant human is *too powerful* for martial classes.
1e d&d thread?
>Martial classes
>Too powerful
>1e d&d thread?
We have one of those, it's called the OSR General, and it covers AD&D 1e/2e, OD&D, and Basic, as well as retroclones thereof. >snotnosed punk detected
High level 2e Fighters are walking ginsu machines who shrug off spells and murderize everything in their path. BECMI fighters with weapon mastery are similar.
Anything that might prove an obstacle for them alone can be handled by calling on their army of fighters and soldiers and maybe a couple siege engines from their castle.
3e was the first D&D edition where fighters sucked.
Yeah I like the osr thread a lot, didn't mean to step on any toes. This is just for 1e ad&d. I should have specified the A part in ad&d.
I blame the people who chanted about fighters being 'mundane' and 'normal' and were opposed to superhuman feats for them, because certainly the most major change in regards to casters, at least in core, was to give them more spells at low (sub 9, I believe) levels.
>We have one of those
This bullshit needs to stop. Not everything needs to be banished to a general. People should be allowed to post independent threads instead of being cordoned off into your isolated little autism hut with its own freakish sub-culture.
I disagree as then the board becomes flooded with closely related topics. Generals provide constructive discussions and resources to learn and use.
Oh no, people would post topics about D&D on the traditional gaming board? What a travesty. That's the point of the entire place. The fuck is a D&D thread going to knock off? A kobold porn thread? Good.
We were definitely better off before this age of generals.
>Constructive discussion
No. They're drama dens for established personalities to chat with their friends, shitpost about their enemies, and develop their own sub-culture anathema to the board at large.
You left out the part where fighters had the best saving throws as well, as well as what the kids would call "improved evasion", at least in my Rules cyclopedia they do.
>people would post topics about D&D on the traditional gaming board
People would post 20 to 30 threads of innocuous questions of the same game and the flavour of the month will flood as well drowning out any actual fucking use this board has.
You're a fucking idiot
I agree with you. What's the point of Veeky Forums, a place where I'm supposed to be able to discuss things with a bunch of random anons, if in the end I'm only really allowed to discuss topics on generals that more or less get the same people in them every day?
Generals are also kind of dangerous in how the discussion seems to disappear if the general does. And if we're stuck posting on generals, that means the random threads get shittier instead of being potentially great discussion starters. Everyone gets stuck in 'tracks' in how they approach topics, and aren't good at accepting anything considered off-topic.
>Freakish subculture
user, we all know /osrg/ is the more tame general on this board. I mean, have you been in a Pathfinder general lately?
What use does this board have except the discussion of traditional gaming?
>He actually enjoys general drama.
>discussion of traditional gaming?
The discussion of more than one traditional game.
>muh drama
Off fuck you
>The discussion of more than one traditional game.
Nothing stopping you from making your thread.
gotta save space for threads about stating samurai jack, whatever /v/ is talking about, waifus, excusemecommisar maimais, myfarogo and 'womanwatdoraeptehe' bait.
Magic-Users were aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaass before WotC rebranded their Fallout RPG.
First they got rid of quest threads because "I don't like quest threads"
Then they get rid of generals because "I don't like generals"
Well, my fighter did once bring down the party's druid from full to zero in a single round of combat, but that was mostly because of the DM's wacky critical failure rules (I wasn't even aiming for the druid, I was trying to save him, but accidents happen).
Hey. Didn't want to start an argument but after seeing a few shit threads on tg YES I did decide to make a thread. For so many reasons but the main one was just a simple want to try my best to improve the board flavor (yes d&d can be crappy but I love fantasy games period so it's my go to system). I started playing a long time ago so I figured I could do a decent job of it ( """1971""" master race, I only say this because I remember so much)
I'm in love with how quirky 1e was and I miss that weirdness. You could play some really strange & broken stuff in it and 2e hardly tried to reign it in.
Also oldfag checking in general change, I guess?? Lol I'm just going to ignore the trolls 'cause honestly I've been here so long idgaf what you think about me, trolls. It's so irrelevant to my life & gaming habits etc. I wonder why some of y'all care so much. If I can help with muh board culture, you should help me.
This could have been a 4e thread! I loved 4e! I could have did it but I didn't so YOU'RE WELCOME.
Shit forgot my topic. This is a good module right here folks and with a little work out could be converted to any edition. The deepspawn encounter was brutal. Carl Sargent is a great adventure writer so he should get some props for his work on this. It's really good.
Oh that's not true. It can function perfectly well as a rpg. You better start behaving before I send some ultraloths to your house!
You're either a liar or too young to have been around when D&D came out.
t. 51 year old
Don't feed the millennial.
Ok going to work, guys. Will meet back with y'all later and regale you with some tales of the elder days. Peace be with you all
it's explicitly, LITERALLY, a wargame, where you control only one miniature instead of a whole army
read the fucking sheets
>1e AD&D is explicitly, LITERALLY, a wargame
>I explicitly, LITERALLY, don't know what I'm talking about
Wargames don't have to be competitive; if D&D were a "wargame" in the sense of modern competitive games like Warhammer or whatever, then the asymmetrical authority of the GM would rob it of any kind of fun. The GM's job is not to "fuck up the PCs," it's to administer the world (the world, it should be noted, usually does have it out for the PCs).