MOONKLAN edition.
>old thread:
>General's Handbook pdf!DxRGmTZL!x_L0eobCjr4qrF7enhVlZ2DffTtRa3hdDrc5RctcAbE
>army builder
>custom warscroll maker
MOONKLAN edition.
>old thread:
>General's Handbook pdf!DxRGmTZL!x_L0eobCjr4qrF7enhVlZ2DffTtRa3hdDrc5RctcAbE
>army builder
>custom warscroll maker
Other urls found in this thread:
Boy do I sure hate diggers!
Kindly no End Times or Age of Shitmar. It's not the same universe.
>it's not the same universe
>dat next generation editing
Did NASA let you borrow their computers for making this picture?
I don't know what you're taking about mister FBI agent. I merely took a photo of a typical MOONKLAN grot on the prowl.
what is everyone working on today?
Did anyone convert the epub of khornites to pdf?
Hello Satan. Your birds look pretty.
I am working on calculators
Bow before your masters
Threadly reminder that skinks and diggers need to hang from trees.
So my nerd sperg may have cooled enough for me to give AoS a fair chance but that statue will never not be shit.
I know, it's not even painted.
I hate this. I'm an AoS player myself, but I don't get why they replaced the marine and the Imperial eagle. I don't even play 40k. But those two were so iconic.
which realm do the moonclan live in?
Would totally selfie with and mount on my wall
These are pretty great.
Realm of Daeomons.
We ah' usurping this shit'ole, turbo-diggers!
304 KB
304 KB GIF
What's the best monarch to build (personal feelings on character aside)? I'm planning on using the arkhan torso for a conversion I'm doing for my wight king.
Satan? anyways wanted to tell you those look cool and I'd like to see them when you get more progress!
Nevermind. Looking at what the previous thread's user did, I think he used manfred's boots and sword hand. Not sure what he used for lower torso and sword arm
Okay, so let's see what happens with this setup
>Play Bonesplitterz
>bring 3 Kunnin' Rukks
>3x1 savage big boss
>3x10 savage orruk boys
>3x40 savage orruk arrow boys
This should be
Of those, there's about a 50/50 chance that the new shots will include a boss shot. (Getting no 6s on 4d6 is about 48.22%, so it's about 51.88% of getting at least one 6 on 4d6.) We'll assume one of them is a boss shot. So of the 46 additional shots, 45 are boys shots and 1 is a boss shot.
702 + 45 = 747 boys shots, 5+/4+
+12 + 1 boss shots, 4+/4+
(Note that 747 = 3*249. That's why I have 249 models doing 3 attacks each; it works out identically, and lets you see the correct per-model damage of the arrow boys.)
747 boys shots at 5+ Hit, 4+ Wound means against the following Unmodified saves, you expect to inflict this number of Unsaved Wounds, which I call Damage:
(7+ is a stand-in for no save)
(save | boys + boss = total)
7+| 124.5 + 3.25 = 127.75
6+| 103.75 + 2.708333 = 106.458333
5+| 83 + 2.1667 = 85.1667
4+| 62.25 + 1.625 = 63.875
3+| 41.5 + 1.08333 = 42.58333
2+| 20.75 + 0.541667 = 21.291667
If they reroll 1s on their saves, instead you have:
7+| 124.5 + 3.25 = 127.75
6+| 100.291667 + 2.6180556 = 102.9097222
5+| 76.08333 + 1.986111 = 78.069444
4+| 51.875 + 1.3541667 = 53.2291667
3+| 27.667 + 0.7222 = 28.3889
2+| 3.458333 + 0.0902778 = 3.5486111
And if they reroll any failures on their saves, instead you have:
7+| 124.5 + 3.25 = 127.75
6+| 86.458333 + 2.2569444 = 88.7152778
5+| 55.333 + 1.444 = 56.778
4+| 31.125 + 0.8125 = 31.9375
3+| 13.8333 + 0.36111 = 14.19444
2+| 3.458333 + 0.0902778 = 3.5486111
For example, if you were fighting a unit of Stormcast Eternal Liberators with Sigmarite Shields (2 wounds each, 4+ saves, reroll 1s), leveraging your full shooty power you'd expect to inflict 52 or 53 wounds, sending 26 or 27 back to Azyr in a most embarrassing fashion. You'll probably also send your opponent back home because it took you half an hour to roll 760d6 and count the successes, winning you the game.
When did this get put up? I was last there in December I think, maybe November.
ur chilling at the realmgate and this guy steps out and smacks your Stormcast GF on the ass
what do
unleash the archerboys
Like 2 years ago now
Unleash aetherwing.
I always feel like Veeky Forums is one of the boards further away from /b/ culture than others, it makes shit like this 100* better when it's once a month rather than every hour. More proof that Veeky Forums is comfiest board.
I pick him up, tell him that he ain't no sigmar, and he sure as hell aint no Archaeon, before withering him to dust.
Then, I go home and Bone my gf
>steam punk dwarves when
>These sprues
Literally why
I hope all resin models aren't like this.
Why do people still play bonesplitterz
If your list is hard countered by simple wall units like saurus guard then its a bad list
What's with the Tonka Truck armor on all the orks and Iron Jawz? What are some better paint schemes for IJ?
Thats finecast for you
I don't see anything wrong.
>second game of AoS today
>Cannon shot Drycha in the face and killed her turn 1
>(it doesn't say they don't!)
It most certainly does
Picking up Wanderers, am I fucked? Also, Should I go with primary gold with red, or red primary for cloaks and secondary gold? Going for a summer/autumn theme for them, think Blood Elves from WoW almost.
>think Blood Elves from WoW
You have no idea what youve just done
>Picking up Wanderers, am I fucked?
Only if you care about winning trophies in tournaments. Otherwise if you like the look of them and how they will play, you should be good. The meta changes all the time and they may get a points reduction or some new stuff in the future.
In the meantime, collect and have fun with it. They ally well with sylvaneth if you want some more punch in your force.
>Blood Elves
Oh boy oh boy here it goes
It really isn't though.
For blood elves you may want to go with the high elves, which are eldritch council, lion rangers, order draconis, phoenix temple, and swifthawk agents. None of those listed have any real allegience abilities, so you can mix and match some of that. You really want to just look for keyword synergy between the heroes and units.
The wanderers have more of a night elves theme.
I don't know what I did, I just like red and gold, it's why I play Blood Angels.
Buried deep away in some other book. Thanks for pointing it out.
It's not buried away, nor really deep within anything. It's in the general's handbook, which is considered the essential rulebook especially for matched play.
So many morons just take the GHB and skip to the points section without reading the chapter on playing matched. Don't be those people.
I never would've found it without having it pointed out. Strange that it only applies to matched points games.
You would have found it if you had just read the chapter on playing matched play, you know, one of the 3 modes of play.
>b-but it's tooo much reeeeeeading. i don't want to have to reeeeead. Can someone just spoonfeed me?
What are some good ideas for a spell/s for a Fimir Meargh? They're the only female fimir, lead the clans, are supposed to be really good wizards and can live to be very very old. I've been making custom warscrolls (to go with custom models) that I've been putting together for a fimir army. I have plenty of ideas for abilities, but my brain is just drawing a blank on spells for her right now. Already have a Summon Mist for the Dirach (other spellcasters).
Ok, other than being wizards in their society, how are they treated? are they revered or locked away to use for breeding? What kind of things do they do as magic users? do they just augur future events, or bless the warriors of their tribes?
Calm down now boy, missing a rule doesn't mean we hate your game.
So can someone explain to me what Blood Pact on the Blood Tithe table actually does? It seems poorly explained to me. I played a game today where, after slaying Skarbrand in the previous turn, my opponent spent his 8 points to summon him back in the following turn. Was this legal or not?
It's no big deal, there's one annoying dwarf player here who chimps out whenever blood elves are mentioned, but it looks like he's not here
They lead the fimir and they both augur and "bless" their warriors
They are the rulers of the fimir strongholds, so I would lean towards revered/feared. I know it's mentioned that they can summon daemons and mist.
it's finecast, we hate finecast for a reason.
It's brittle, covered in flash and sprue bits, has holes in it, and is generally a fucking pain to work with.
If it was in matched play: It is legal as long as he had the reinforcement points to pay for him again.
If he did not have the points, it is not legal. When a unit is completely destroyed, regular reinforcement rules apply. You only get free models if you only add to an existing unit, and never go above that units starting number.
If it was NOT matched play: Legal no questions asked.
Did he have the points to summon him?
Then I would go for a blessing type spell other than a damage or debuffing one. Something that buffs a unit of fimir warriors.
If you were playing Matched then he was cheating unless he had reinforcement points for it.
If he did or if you weren't playing Matched then it's perfectly fine.
>Was this legal or not?
Illegal. If you summon something on to the board, you have to have paid the points for it when building your list. Blood Pact is useless.
It's really not. It's thematic and lets Khorne lists summon without wizards.
And Narrative and Open play makes it completely fine.
I am assuming he didn't have the points as his side of the field was quite full and he didn't mention anything about summoning points when we were discussing our lists at the start. It's fine anyway as we were both getting to grips with the new rules and it wasn't explicit in the text. That said, maybe it's my own fault for not being more knowledgeable about summoning to begin with.
He only re summoned him at the end and he did nothing. Though I did concede that due to his presence I would have lost (he had a Mighty Lord of Khorne and a Slaughterpriest whilst I had one and a half units of Blood Warriors). If I take Skarbrand out of the equation once again, then I guess it would have been my victory perhaps, if we had the time to finish the game.
Are the moonclan grots mentioned anywhere or have they appeared at ALL in any art for Age of Sigmar? I feel like they've just disappeared.
I'm looking to get into the bone zone, but I want my bones to be Tomb King themed. Do GW skeletons only have the Vampire style Gothic bits or do they come with any of the old TK stuff? I'm also considering just getting some empire of dust minis from Mantic and putting them on round bases. I'd like to avoid the OoP price gouging for TK minis on eBay if I can, too, but I have no idea where to get recasts for those so I might just have to suck it up and buy them. How would you guys recommend I go about making some Egyptian-themed deathrattle?
>It's thematic
I agree.
>lets Khorne lists summon without wizards.
It does, but it's just not a good method to do so. Your tithe points and other spenders are just too valuable to be sitting on them until you have enough for a summon. Waiting until 8 units die is not a good way to summon. At least normal summoning lets you attempt it right of the bat.
>And Narrative and Open play makes it completely fine.
Agreed. I mostly mean from a matched play perspective though.
makes the maths that much easier
Just finished up this:
Crop it and turn it the right way up.
If you don't give a shit about properly formatting your pictures, then I don't give a shit about the paintjob. Haven't even cliicked on the image.
That's awesome. How'd you get it to stick to the wall like that?
My first model ever. Bought the starter paint set and just went at it. How'd I do?
Way better than the subhuman who didn't even rotate his image, that's for sure.
Working on some Seraphon/Death! First skink and some terrain is done!
Get some washes, throw some all over that, it'll bring out more details. Otherwise pretty good. Maybe thin your paints a little more, too.
Sticky Tak
Seconding this.
You did a good job getting the colors down, adding a simple wash (probably agrax earthshade) will bring out all the details and make it looks x10 better.
I try
Thanks! I'll keep that in mind about the paint.
I just bought Saurus Knights as my first models! They were pretty cheap at 35, are there any other good ones?
Different user but the Start Collecting! kit gives a bunch of nice models at a really good deal. You get more knights, some warriors, and a carnosaur, for essentially the price of the carnosaur.
For a beginner, very good actually. The finer points of miniature paintning will come with time and practice. Lol my first models looked like giant piles of yellow shit.
Saurus Knights are pretty neat, and since they run in packs of five in game, that gives you 3 dudes to mess around with/convert.
Skinks are also really good to test paint schemes out on. You get 24 per pack, and its fun to paint the little buggers.
Really like the others said just thin your paints some more and get a wash paint. There's a lot of Warhammer TV videos on youtube for some really good general tips when painting. Also getting (or making) a wet palette is helpful when thinning paints so there's that. Just enjoy what you do.
t. guy that just started a few weeks ago too and picked Seraphon cause lizards are COOL
Lost 4 games at my "local" GW today though
Selling the fuck out of my goblins to buy beastclaw
What kind of goblins?
>wtb from gw store but still pissed off at them
Go ahead and tell the story, user, it's a slow night.